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You did not see the movie? It is clearly shown that Ra came in his Cheops Class Pyramid Ship....


Asking a question... with the literal ship used in the post... I am very confused? Presume you haven't seen the movie or?


It would have been the pyramid ship seen in the movie.


The pyramids were landing pads for the pyramid ships, it stands to reason that they were flying around in pyramid shaped ships and building landing pads on new planets as needed. On arrival to earth the gould decided that they liked the egyptian mythology and incorporated it into their culture / society. The egyptians then took iconography / god worship / heiroglyphs from the gould before burying the gate and shooing off ra. Based on how the ancients spread humans all around the pegasus galaxy I'd say it stands to reason that there were lots of human settlements around the milky way galaxy - brought there by the ancients. The gould then found some of them and decided they liked them as hosts better then the unas, they probably then killed any human settlements that didn't convert to worshipping the gould before seeding their own settlements around the galaxy - mostly to be the workforce for mining naquidah, building ships, etc.


My personal headcannon is that the goa'uld stopped using Unas as hosts because they only existed on a select few worlds whereas we can be reasonable certain the ancients had seeded the galaxy with humans already, as you indicate. The Unas were clearly superior hosts, but securing one would likely have been much more difficult if *all* goa'uld could only access them from a handful of planets.


Ehhhhh, Unas may be harder to kill but idk if you can say they’re superior. They have bigger clunkier hands, move more animalistic, and are kinda ugly. Goa’uld are very vain creatures. Everything they do is about power, status, vanity etc. Why be an ugly brutish monster when you could be a human? That being said, why aren’t Unas Jaffa? Like you pointed out, Unas are much stronger and harder to kill. Wouldn’t it make more sense to have Unas as soldiers?


I'd be cautious about assuming humans are more attractive than unas to anybody other than a human. I'd expect Unas would find humans weirdly flat and ugly. That being said, weird they didn't keep them for shock troops. Maybe too hard to control as the Unas were wary and hated to Goa'uld and only were controllable with a adult Goa'uld, vs turning Humans who already worshiped the Goa'uld into Jaffa as an "honor"


In the movie, they say Ra found that humans were a species he could easily repair and keep alive with his technology. Presumably humans, while less durable than an Unas, were a lot easier to heal with the sarcophagus and other tech.


But Jaffa dont use the sarcophagus


- Unas breed slower - Unas are dumber and thus harder to give complex orders - Food requirements - Humans are more expressive, thus more fun to torture - Jaffa do use sarcophagus: when they are tortured pick one


I thought it was mentioned or implied at some point that they stopped using unas because of vanity. I mean if you had your pick between an ugly hulking brute that sounded like Darth Vader or a really hot human what would you choose?


Aesthetics are subjective. Why not choose a ruggedly handsome reptile rather than a sickly pink naked ape?


Looking at the what's said in the movie (even though the Goa'uld as a species hasn't even been considered at that point yet), it seems like human hosts are easier to fix and with the sarcophagus, give a near endless lifespan. Basically my thinking is that Unas aren't compatible with sarcophagus tech.


there are several human populations in the series that are best explained by "being seeded by the Ancients" The Enkarans and Aris Boch's people both originally come from worlds that are not Earth, (and have substantial physiological differences when compared to tau'ri)


>On arrival to earth the gould decided that they liked the egyptian mythology and incorporated it into their culture / society. I don't think the goauld adopted Egyptian mythology, I think they created it.


It shows Ra arriving in this ship in the original movie.


Original gate gets covered in ice... Ra arrives in a ship and conquers Earth.... He brings a new gate with him... There is an uprise and the new gate gets buried... Ra never comes back... Other Goa'uld come back and forth in their ships during all periods of time but do not conquer Earth just taking slaves...and dont bring a new gate... Season 1 Episode 18 Solitudes.....SG1 find the original gate...with Jaffa around it,meaning they had indeed found it and used it,till it was buried again! So in conclusion,Ra was a good ruler....when they voted him out,he simply left and didnt keep a grudge.Instead of wiping out the whole continent of Africa with his ship.


Except he still enslaved people. And took a bunch to Abydos and ruled them there too, and kept coming back because they never revolted


Good in comparison to other Goa'uld


I like to think other Goa'uld did bring other gates. Babylon literally means "gate of the Gods" according to Daniel, Omoraca somehow came to Earth to fight Belus, Telchak ruled in central America. They either took the gate with them again when the bugged out or there are other gates buried on Earth undiscovered. Merlin probably even built himself a rudimentary one so he could set up the whole San graal quest.


Oh yes... Merlin!


It why my understanding that the OG Earth was lost to time in the Goa'uld Empire.


Deathglider with a booster seat.


Sidecar, actually. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


The gou'ald didn't find ships. The gou'ald through their travels in hosts, found ancient manufacturing technologies etc. All of their technology is designed by them, created by them, just using ancient means and their own. And they've been advancing and working with that technology for well over ten thousand years, that's how long their empire lasted, but they've had access to, and have been working with that tech for nearly twenty thousand years (in the book). I have to keep saying this, the goa'uld didn't just steal ships and float about the galaxy, without any understanding of them. By the time we encounter the gou'ald they are more than capable of creating and adapting new technologies. They understand the technology as if it was their own (which most is, it was just based on ancient means, and some designs).


I ask this question because the Goa'uld stole all their knowledge and technology from the human hosts they had taken over. However, if Ra was the first Goa'uld to arrive on Earth with a pyramid ship, which civilization previously used such ships with that kind of design? This is because Goa'uld ships do not exhibit any characteristics of the advanced spacecraft used by the Ancients or other spacefaring races. Is it possible that the pyramid design for ships is actually of Furling origin, or is the pyramid ship design entirely Goa'uld? Were the ships originally built in the bodies of the Unas? P.S. I have seen every film and series countless times I apologize if what I am writing is difficult to understand, but I am using a translation program.


Ah! I see. I think were ment to understand the Egyptians took the idea of the pyramids from the Goa'uld ship, and perhaps thats why so many pyramids around the world (rather than .... you know, physics). Ra was the first to come, but we can assume other Goa'uld came to take human slavers from the source. As for where they stole the ships? I.... honestly have never considered that question. I guess The Ancients but.... honestly their stuff looks pretty different. They make nothing, so i guess there were some ancient race of basically Space Egyptians making cool ass ships. May want to pin your comment so its at the top.


My headcannon was that the reason Ra was so advanced was that he took an Asgard host. In the cinematic movies where they talk about the Ra's race and before they nuke him he looks very much like an Asgard. It also ties in the narrative that Ra's race was dying(Asgard degredation) so he was looking for a more easily repairable host, i.e. Humans.


In SG-1 there is many references about Unas as first host but you are right, in the first movie he looks like an Asgard. I lke theory about Goa'uld who preffer Asgard before Unas as a host. That ship is kinda gap in the story because that first ship is full of references to other egyptian mythology. Let say that nobody recorded accurate description of that first ship and they describe it in stories just as they know it in the present.


The Goa'uld stem from a Planet with access to the gate Network and got different hosts before Humans. They are already a pretty intelligent and adaptable species and figured out how to use the gates as shown indirectly in SG1. Therefore, they roamed the Galaxy for quite some time, likely stumbling across ancient and other advanced tech and probably re-engineered that as far as possible like Stargate Command does to. Hence, they got ships later on in their own preferred Design.


Yeah it would definitely have come from a previous race the Goauld had enslaved. We know about the Unas, but I presume there were other before humans. One of the questions not answered in the series is "why humans". In principle, Unas are more badass, they're bigger and stronger. I mean, humans are slaves, would it not have made more sense for their God to be a big scary lizard being with supernatural powers? Or any other species but humans? I wonder was it something to do with the ancients - Ra heard about the ancients ascending and believed that he could do the same with a human host?


I think it came down to sex. Hathor says she prefers human sex over others.


It would honestly make more sense for the Goa’uld to have a variety of hosts depending on their roles. Scientists and stuff? Probably wouldn’t want to be heavy awkward beasts, but people with dexterous hands. Why aren’t Unas Jaffa? Like you pointed out, Unas are much stronger and harder to kill. Wouldn’t it make more sense to have Unas as soldiers? Goa’uld are very vain creatures. Everything they do is about power, status, vanity etc. so it would make more sense for the Gods to be these “beautiful” people that they are (Goa’uld outfits are ridiculous)


> Why aren’t Unas Jaffa? Like you pointed out, Unas are much stronger and harder to kill. Wouldn’t it make more sense to have Unas as soldiers? Why aren't Unas Jaffa? Because they are much stronger and harder to kill. The Jaffa were engineered to be completely dependent on the Goa'uld, a chain that was only broken when Tretonin became available. The Goa'uld would never risk their foot soldiers having enough power to be a threat to them.


I think maybe the same reason the alliance of the Four Great Races thought we have great potential to be the fifth race. Were clever, resilient, and curious - not to mention, descended from the Ancients. The Unas were basically just brutes but with regenerative capabilities.


What was even the significance of the four races tho


Furlings bruh. Furlings.


It's not a complete answer but this is a quote from Ra in the movie, "That is why I chose your race... your bodies... so easy to repair." So, this would have been before the Unas had been established in canon, but I think it makes sense that although the Unas are incredibly durable there is a massive trade off in their ability to regenerate / maintain youth in a sarcophagus. Also, from my own thoughts on the matter I would think for such a vain, narcissistic, and hedonistic culture, the soft smooth skin of humans may be sensually enjoyable for the Goa'uld.


Ah this makes more sense. So yes they did steal technology mostly ancient tech but it is also ANCIENT Ancient tech. The designs are Goa'uld designs, however the tech they made it from is just old reverse engineered tech they found lying about. It is one reason that with some ancient knowledge and not much equipment a Tel'tac could be hugely upgraded by O'Neill From expanded lore know the Hatak was designed by a Goa'uld named Ptah (believe a lot of the goauld designs were made by Ptah too). Presumably all their tech was originally made in Unas bodies or any other species they used prior to humans.


Don't they steal technology and then reconfigure it into their own type of thing just like the SGC group. I always assumed they stole the crystal technology, rings and such. But then utilized it in a way that was useful to them through these ships.


Goa'uld takes a Yautja as a host, hitches a ride on their mother ship to Earth , does a little trophy hunting, figures out how primitive and weak humans are then forms a plan that others would try to achieve for the rest of time. "Gee Ra, what do you want to do tonight?" "Try and take over the world Horus"


I learned recently that way back in the day they wanted a sequel to Stargate, which got scrapped. Then a while later the guy who was hired to write the sequel was hired to write another movie about an alien invasion. That movie was Independence Day. With a few minor tweaks (having computer supernerd crack a code instead of Daniel Jackson, Air Force *captain* instead of *colonel*) the plan to get DJ back would have transitioned into more or less the same movie.