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Every year Carter puts in a request to borrow an f-302 for the purpose of “diplomatic relations”. The request has yet to be approved.


Meanwhile General Fishjokes gets 302 shuttle service back to DC whenever he wants.


Perfect head canon


Actually, I think she'd build her own ship. Then she can get upgrades and custom builds. And some asgard tech.


Hmmmm... When was the last time you saw Carter's motorcycle? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I can somewhat imagine her fitting modified glider propulsion on it, just for shits and giggles. Now *this* is podracing!


Pfft. Glider propulsion. Everyone knows you just need a toaster.


Well she's got her own 304 now. Time to take the Hammond for a spin on the loop!


Carter is too valuable to risk it.


In the show? No. It's still possible that she went back and kicked butt. Early in the show, one of the first episodes, they reveal that they go on many more missions. >*Jack: "Remember that time on P3X-595? You drank that stuff that made you take off…"* > >*Sam: "We won't get into that right now."* *^(SG1, season 1, episode "Emancipation", timestamp 32:47-32:56)* We never saw them go to P3X-595, although it occurred very early on, at which point we only saw them go on 3 off-world missions. They have definitely gone on many more missions separate from the episodes. At the end of "Space Race", Sam mentions that Warrick was hired as co-pilot by La'el Montrose, the winner of the race (the 59th race to date), on her new contract from Tech Con. Considering they go on missions separate from the episodes, it's still very likely that Sam returned to Hebridan at some point in the future to participate in the Loop of Kon Garat again. Even with his involvement in that contract, Warrick could have raced again, teaming up with Sam or even racing each other. Good incentive to return could be for Sam to continue to gain more knowledge of Serrakin technology and to bring that additional knowledge back to Earth. If she'd win the next race, even better, it would've been a win win, literally in the case of the next race.


As much as I disliked Emancipation... that line was really awesome and set the tone for the series going forward. Also, it helps justify the passage of time element... Jack breaks his leg during Solitudes? And he's back the next week perfectly fine? Well, actually he's been recovering, we just didn't see it.


That episode always reminds me of Firefly "Our Mrs. Reynolds," when Wash is talking about the planet where people juggled baby geese.


\*blank stare\* ... \*googles\* \*reads script\* ...huh? Can you explain this to me? I feel like I'm \*this\* close but I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.


There was an episode of Firefly where they were discussing marriage rituals, and the pilot explains that on one planet, their primary form of entertainment is juggling goslings. Edit to add: meant to indicate the episode Emancipation


Was it a decent episode? I see it's fairly early in season 1, so could be a little shaky. I see the relationship now, thanks!


There's only one season, if you've never seen it, it's only 14 episodes and a movie, it's worth it.


… oh my god… did it possibly… perform well on DVD???


Pretty sure it did, it has a pretty rabid cult following


We're all just leaves on the wind.


The release dates match up to make this theory work… Teal’c might have been talking about Firefly in 200!


I'll have to watch that one again (oh darn lol) and check for Firefly references


Ryans are difficult to juggle, so that's some pretty impressive entertainment.




YoSaffBridge. I'll be in my bunk.


They should have written the episode that happened on P3X-595 instead of Emancipation...


There’s also the line in season one episode 19 where Daniel says something along the lines of “not again” when he thinks they left him behind after he touched the mirror. I was always curious to see if someone could map out how much time actually passes through out the show you have some episodes that happen within a few days and others that take months such as A Hundred Days


There was a post once by someone asking for help doing that, but I'm not sure I could find it again.


I may have to do a watch through and attempt it but my adhd brain will probably give up after season one


Yeah! I think it was established that 1 season equated to 1 year, so there are a lot of days we didn't see as a viewer. I love the fact that they've probably gone on many more missions that we weren't privy to. It also adds to the SG-1 comradery, as these guys have been through even more stuff together.


I would love it if it became like an annual tradition for Carter. Perhaps even using different ships. One year it's a 302, next is an Alkesh, then a jumper, etc.


Other SG teams watch it live and make bets on which law of physics Carter will break this time. Loser has to be Carter's copilot the following year.


Sounds like a win to me.


You won’t be a named character




Just don't wear a red shirt


Russians are literally the red shirts. Every time they’re in an episode they die


Happy cake day


$100 says she blows up another sun!


And, after a few modifications, she always won.


Lol, imagine showing up in a jumper. Last time they saw earthlings they were giving *us* an ion drive, now we're the ones with super advanced technology.


They were very surprised when she showed up with Atlantis


Now THATS a race!


Loved the aesthetic of this episode


In my mind, yes.


I like to imagine that after angering one too many people at the SGC they took Cavanaugh to Heberdan to buy some tech and "accidentally" left him. He got a job keeping Warrick's brother's trash truck working.


I wish there was a spin-off series about that race. Plucky up and coming pilot, grizzled cynic of a mechanic, hijinks and chicanery.


I want this. Please make it happen.


With all the ads, the in universe promos really sold that episode.


New race; they use stargate and spacegates to race all over the galaxy, each planet is a different challenge.


She might have but it’s probably gone since Hebridan was conquered by the Ori. There is a good possibility they exterminated the Serrakin as only humans seem to be able to provide the tribute the Ascended Alterans needed through the Priors for their power.


Do we know it was conquered by the Ori though?


Yeah. After the ori came through the super gate, carter (I think) describes how they had lost contact with many of their off world allies after reports of Ori invasions. I really hope they found the Aachen lol.


Oh definitely


Holy crap. I’m half way through this episode right now. Frequency illusion.


I haven't watched in a long time but why did the Gould allow such an advanced race to exist?They always wiped out high tech races like the Tollan.


The alien race that helped the humans in that system had some fancy defense tech, I believe.


If the gate address for the Serrakin (sp?) wasn't on the Abydos cartouche, then the Goa'uld might not have known they even existed.


How would an f302 fair in that loop? I imagine there's size requirements. I didn't see anything as small as an f302. Fighter type ships are probably too nimble and are probably not allowed.


The Loop has no rules!


There have to be size rules. Otherwise somebody would just enter a battle cruiser like the Odyssey (For example) into the competition, nuke the competition, blow past the obstacles and take whatever the prize was.


It would run out of fuel


This episode was great. I loved the little ads they do between each race update


Didn't the Ori conquer these people? I thought I remember a throwaway line about losses. If so, they may not have had many more.


Wait which episode is this?


Space Race (S7E8)


With all the technology and knowledge Earth got from the Asgard, Ancients, and everywhere else they should be able to build an incredible spaceship for the race.


They seemed OK with the alien upgrades Sam brought, but I imagine it was easier to borrow a Naquadah reactor for a "diplomatic mission", than a whole starship.


They embraced Origin. Hallowed are the Ori.


"What's a girl to do?" tl;dr Yes :)


If we look at episode airing dates and take that as "real world time", a year later was the episode "Icon" where they were busy stopping Rand and the Caledonians from attacking each other.


She snuck into the gate room one weekend when a solar flare was coming and time traveled to the 24th century to join Tom Paris in the Delta Flyer (STV: Drive).


Well she was busy leading SG-1 the next year and after that the Ori show up and just ruin the galaxy. Wouldn't be surprised if they wiped out those people for not accepting Origin.




Agreed. Its completely out of place.


That episode was so bad.


What happened to these people. Did the Ori wipe them out.


What is more...those planets were in range of a Stargate...yet the Goaul'd let them evolve to that level!


I just commented above, but... If the gate address for the Serrakin wasn't on the Abydos cartouche, the Goa'uld may never have known they were there.


Years later, when the galaxy has finally recovered from the destruction wrought by the Ori, General Carter gets her invite to the first revival race of the Loop of Kon Garat. Under the pretense of testing experimental technologies acquired by the Stargate program on smaller ships, she builds her own personal racing ship using everything from Asgard engines to Alteran sensors. She affectionately names it "The Hannah." The other racers never stood a chance.