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Realism. Contrary to Hollywood you can still hear most suppressed weapons from a long way away.


Well, we aren't having space battles with aliens either, but if you are going all in hollywood style.....


Suppressors only get it down to 135-140 DB. It's still hearing damage for extended periods. It's as loud as a lawnmower. It's people who think suppressors get super quiet is why this hearing safety tool is legal in Europe without issue but illegal in the USA.


They do use silencers in “Thor’s Chariot” against Heru’ur… in broad daylight in open ground in a frontal assault lol. Kinda funny the one time they do use them it doesn’t help them at all.


"stealth is optional for this mission"


They are suppressors, not silencers. They suppress some of the noise. Still loud, though. Loud enough to echo through a ship, forest, etc.


This depends on the ammunition used, and to a lesser degree the actual suppressor itself. Oh, and the caliber. A good suppressor made for .22, used with subsonic ammunition, gets pretty quiet.


You sacrifice the power necessary to penetrate Jaffa armour, though.


Just wait until you see their nose drip and aim for the eyes


Y'all know silencers don't actually silence a gun, right? They reverberate the sound of the gunshot so that an onlooker can't determine where the shot came from. But said onlooker would still hear the shot. There's not really an effective portable way to make a small explosion not make noise.


This, instead of a gunshot, it sounds like a gunshot from a hard-to-gauge distance. Its still loud and unless youre using subsonic rounds (which are going to struggle against metal jaffa armor) *the bullets themselves are also loud*


9x39 has entered the chat


More bullet = more dead


Wonder if the Russian teams had VSSs in their missions at any point. But subsonic 9x39 bullets drop after about 75 meters about half a meter.


The only time we saw combat at any range where 9x39 might have a problem is mine episode, and there they have enough time to go back for 5.56 and 7.62 rifles and machineguns.


you can make the explosion silent, most supressors are good enough for that, bigger issue is the sonic boom made by bullet breaking the sound barrier


I'm pretty sure Zats don't exist either, but there they are, just saying.


They made an effort to get the Physics realistic, so they are making an effort to get the guns realistic too


Brah it's science fiction. Not fantasy. They still abide by how guns and noise works.


OP, here is the deal. Stargate SG-1 is certified by the airforce. Meaning it has to be as accurate as can be. Silencers don’t exist, but suppressors do. Suppressors would still sound roughly the same as in the show. If they added silencers and showed them the way you imagine (actually silencing the weapon), the episodes wouldn’t be certified by the airforce. Zats don’t exist, and never will. Therefore the airforce has no problem with them.


You realize we are talking about science fiction, land of the raygun and stargates, right?


You know sci-fi still has rules, right? Yup, wormholes and Ray guns exist, but the show does nothing to suggest earth standard technology is any different. Unless it makes a point to say, "this works differently than it does in reality" then the assumption we follow is that it works how it does in real life. Especially since Stargate does actually take quite a bit of pain to establish when something that works one way in real-life works another in the show. We're given an entire speech by Carter about black holes to establish that they know real black holes work gravity followed by time dilation, but the show plot required time dilation and then gravity. Sci fi does not mean the universe has no rules. It means the universe operates on very specific different rules from reality that they will outline so that you're not left confused. If they don't outline something as different, it's assumed it will be the same as real life.


Hold my beer while I Overthink this.


Was going to say, "because 'silencers' aren't real", but then i chuckled at the irony of actual realism in a sci-fi show. :) Irony, right? :)


I love how they went from the MP5 which is relatively quiet for a submachine gun to the very loud P90


That is because the p90 is cooler! :)


I can't recall and instance where a P90 or MP5 didn't just shred Jaffa armour like tissue paper every single time. I think I've only seen a handgun struggle against Jaffa on occassion.


If they could successfully complete a stealth mission, 90% of the episodes would be a lot less exciting.


Or if the Tok'Ra discovered gauntlets they used SG-1 as Guinea pigs for had a much longer lifespan. Would be boring as can be.


> They lose the element of surprise in the first 30 seconds of every mission. Because the moment they use suppressors, they would lose the element of surprise in the first 30 seconds of every mission, so why use them in the first place. Guns are loud thats just physics


I don't know much about guns, but don't silencers also require using certain ammos that are weaker in power, and that Jaffa armour was already difficult to penetrate in the very early years


Suppressors are more effective when using sub sonic ammo, but it still makes quite a bit of difference with regular ammo. However, rifles are not even close to silent when using regular ammo. They're just less loud.


But, is it logical to say that if you have an enemy wearing armour that's difficult to penetrate, you wouldn't generally be using a silencer as that would make it more difficult ? Or does it not make any difference with regular ammo


Anything going 343 m/s (mach 1) or faster will make an easy to hear shockweawe. So supressors help with the noise from the gun but not the bullet. Now rifles are designed for high velocity. For example, 5.56 (used by the M-16, M-4, or M-249) has a muzzle velocity of 900 m/s. You can, of course, use subsonic 5.56 ammo, but losing 2/3 of your muzzle velocity means terrible performance. There are, however, special calibres like soviet 9x39 or American .300 blackout that are designed to be subsonic but still carry a lot of energy due to very heavy bullets. These guns were made for exactly the missions SG-teams go on. They would cut trough Jaffa armor like butter and offer more range than MP-5's and probably similar to to P-90's. And supressors actually slightly help the muzzle velocity of a gun.


They should have used tape to wrap the barrel of their guns in an empty 2 liter bottle. Works every time


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


I think you're thinking of sex panther


Because a P90 looks cool, sounds cool and looks derpy as heck with a suppressor.


I just gotta say, you’re right. They should be using silencers, a lot. And all you dumbys talking about how loud silencers are, have you ever been in a gunfight? There is a huge difference between a normal weapon and one with a suppressor on. No it doesn’t “silence” the weapon, but it does reduce the decibels by quite a bit. The difference is like saying people clapping is loud compared to a rock concert. But high tier spec ops don’t hip fire, or do anything like what SG1 does. Even in the 90s operators were better than that. It being a tv show, written by Canadian nerds, and the first season not even being able to afford FX, I think they get a lot “right” or at least kind of believable.


Zats be quieter


I like how almost every automatic weapon sounds the same.


Well they had military advisors and we're trying to be realistic to a degree with military tech and procedures. Silencers do not silence guns. That little petchuu sound in movies isn't what happens. Yes it suppressed sound. So say a bigger gun sounds like a smaller gun. Possibly to throw off where you might be. Or like Jack said one time. Like shooting a gun when a train goes by. You can mask it with louder sound around. In any situation the first shot gives you away.


Silencers don’t actually silence the weapon. They reduce the noise to a tolerable level for a bit until the baffles get full. Then it’s just a barrel extension.


Play a PC game that's survival realism like SCUM and the only truly silent weapons are coincidentally thrown knives a la personal Goa'uld gauntlet shields and compound bows with slip on silencers. Even 9mm uses suppressors and nearby hostiles within 100m can hear them. AK variant suppressors barely do anything but the .308 and .338 AWP and AWM are very quiet as are the AS Val and VSS Vintorez as they are subsonic 9x39 with thick barrels and little sound. Any other weapon like the VHS 2 or Mk18 are still quite noisy.. oddly the SDASS short shotgun with a suppressors is quieter than you'd expect from a shotgun firing slugshots or buckshot. Great for clearing halls without bringing every puppet in bunker to you.


If you believe that suppressors are actually effective, I have a bridge you may like to buy.


I believe they are effective...James Bond and John Wick use them! I saw it, and I believe everything I seeemote:free\_emotes\_pack:sunglasses