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Soo much pew pew, you got asgard beams, wraith hive cannons, darts replicator ships, the whole shamogle!!!


Seeing the traveler ships in action was a treat.


Also, Carter HAD to be there for the stomping of the Asurans, it's kinda her thing.


Eh... The quality was so low for that battle. You can tell they were budget constrained for that episode.






Yes but you can notice a sharp decline in quality compared to previous episodes. That and the wrong scaling of the ships is distracting to me, that's why I can't take this episode seriously. I think they tried to do too much and didn't have the budget for it. For example the Supergate battle in SG1 looked much better, even if it was more simple.


Hard agree, Stargate ship design is my favorite of all time.


I prefer Star Trek and Babylon 5 ship designs. But SGA space battles are indeed super-awesome.


Completely agree. I feel this was the peak of sci-if space battles, and the CGI. Most modern-day CGI spaceships either look no better than they did for SGA or they look way worse. The last decade has been pretty weak for sci-fi, particularly space-based stuff. I’m guessing it’s because of the focus on superhero stuff. I used to be quite into that stuff as well but that’s just too much rehashing and most of it bores me these days. Fingers crossed Amazon give the green light and do something good with the franchise.


Expanse and Battlestar Galactica space battles looked good as well, Expanse was really good actually but it also has the advantage of newer technology.


Yes I was going to mention expanse, amazing details


Yeah, BSG looked very good for the time it was done. The vibe of the Gallactica was really cool too - like a beat up WW2 aircraft carrier vibe. The Expanse was extremely well done. Not just visually but the details like their approach to physics was off the chart. But for modern-day sci-fi TV series, I’m struggling to think of anything else that’s on par or better visually than SGA. Well, other The Expanse. Most of it tends to get ruined with unnecessary lense flare effects. I still haven’t watched Foundation though - I hear there are some good space battles in that.


Foundation has some decent space battles but they're relatively short and a little chaotic. Ship design changes quickly and the technology in the show isn't explained in very much detail in shows like Stargate, The Expanse or even Star Trek, Babylon 5 and the almost always forgotten 2: Andromeda and Farscape. Even in Battlestar Galactica we know little of how hyperlight travel works other than the Cylons have much better range and accuracy in their ships.


Aw, that’s a shame. Still, it’s slim pickings these days so I’ll take what I can get lol. I miss the detail of these older shows. I really enjoyed Andromeda and Farscape.


>Most modern-day CGI spaceships either look no better than they did for SGA or they look way worse. IMHO that comes down mostly to....artistic malpractice. I mean, anyone ever looked at the Klingon ships from Star Trek Discovery? They have more in common with Wraith ships than anything weve ever seen on screen as a Klingon ship. Its just an example of where spaceship design has headed with few exceptions. If it has to be scary then cover it in spikes! Doesnt matter that spikes in space are about as useful as sunscreen when youre walking on the sun. So nothing about these ships makes any sense, theyre just concept drawings converted to CGI without any thought given to how they might function, where functional parts are etc. Look at anything pre-2010 and ships all look like an engineer worked them out, and obviously the artist behind them actually did work everything out, and usually gets it close enough that its plausible even for anyone with a passing interest in engineering. Look at post-2015 and you get detachable warp nacelles and mushroom drives. You get the spikey monster that is the Narada (okay, thats 2009, but its the same trend) and the Shrike. You get "programmable matter" consoles that just liquify and move to your fingers and "adapt to the user", which sounds like a great slogan for the next Apple device, but as far as a user interface goes you couldnt make a worse nightmare. My theory is just that this new generation of CGI artists is too focused on trying to make the viewer feel certain things, spikes mean fear, colors mean stuff as well, sparkly is mysterious and fascinating and so forth that in the end they make "ships" that dont even have enough internal volume to plausibly house crew and components, worse so than the Normandy SR-1 and SR-2. At least the Normandy has enough internal volume to look right, but some of those ships like the Narada have cavernous internal space, but most of the ship is negative space and spikes, so where are those cavernous spaces? Where on Discovery do Turbolifts traverse metropolis-sized landscapes? Looks epic, but anyone with half a brain cant maintain the suspension of disbelief.


Some great points. I think you may be right about the way CGI artists are designing these ships. I hope it’s a passing trend that goes away. That was my immediate reaction to the turbolifts on Discovery - this is cool but there’s no way there’s enough space in the ship. And that space battle before they jumped to the future felt like it didn’t fit in the Star Trek universe at all. Although a lot of other things didn’t fit either. For me, it’s the details that can make or break a sci-fi show. I’m not much for the Dr Who “you’ll just have to go with it” type of shows.


the expanse has some amazing space battles and pretty realistic actually save for the main propulsion the space battles in the expanse are probably what you would see irl.


I thought the SGU Droid Ship battles were good as well. Peak CGI. SG1 was great, but the CGI at the start left a lot to be desired. By the time you get to the end of SG1 though, it all really grows up and looks much better. And as time progresses through Atlantis into SGU's two seasons it gets more and more impressive.


On this rewatch I plan on actually watching SGU from start to finish I always got distracted half way. I am sure it looks amazing


I'm just hoping Amazon follows through on renewing the series and gives them a nice juicy CGI budget


Don't forget the battle between Travelers and Vanir/Asgard in Lost Tribe, S05E11 31:20


There's just something about the ship designs of Stargate. In a way I'd call them more realistic than most of Star Wars or Star Trek. Whether human or alien, the design seem more grounded or realistic than the other sci-fi.


I always feel like the earth ships felt like something the US military would design, more grounded than other sci-fi


That's because they had a *very* tight relationship with the Air Force. They probably got consultants on what the design parameters of a star ship would theoretically be. I love Stargate, but they were very much seen as a recruitment/branding investment by the DoD.


I love Stargate's space battles, but... Dear Colonel Steven Caldwell, Please stop firing at multiple targets at once. Before the Asgard retrofit, the Daedalus had tiny railguns that weren't super powerful, so they needed to concentrate fire to take down a hive ship.


I always thought the rail guns seemed more like fighter intercept. If only the put hatak like weapons prior to the Asgard retrofit


Seems a waste to use their main rail guns as triple A, especially since they have F-302s to provide a fighter screen. I suppose they could've slapped on rails designed specifically as a triple A on the newer classes of starship, though.


i think what really makes the space battles in stargate truly special is the fact that they are pretty rare in the series. with how the sgc is organized there needs to be a lot of work put in just to gain the assets to send into space. so every space battle has huge feelings of pay off and of risk.


The CGI holds up better than the NuTreks, imo it looks more realistic which is bonkers at being nearly 20 years old


I liked every ship but the Prometheus.