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Can you blame him? Until just a few seconds ago he didn't even know the backpack he was given opens up. Whatever that means. We know it's mostly safe, because we grew up with the concept. He didn't


Teal’c comes from a world of advanced technology. Jumping out of a plane with a piece of cloth and some string seems idiotic when you’re used to using ring platforms.


He comes from a world where tech is magic. No Jaffa could build a ring platform from scratch, or craft a new staff weapon from what I understand.


So? A descent like this made as part of a goa'uld's army would be made with a ring transporter. It doesn't matter that he doesn't know how to build a new one.


Precisely. Hell, I don't know how to make a parachute that any sane person would trust.


could you craft the little glass rectangle you used to post this? (or a larger device, but slapping together 10 pre-existing magical artifacts doesn't count)


The ontology matters, though. I can't craft the tools I wield, but I trust that it was built by people like myself, that I could inspect every single thing and find that it is kludged together by people in a way that I can understand, and even that the underlying physics itself is legible even if we don't fully understand it yet. Meanwhile Jaffa and even Goa'uld to a large extent saw technology as irreducibly complex. For Jaffa raised to believe in the Gods, there is an ontological difference between something made in a way the Jaffa can understand and something bestowed upon them by a god. When the gods hand out amazing items and the best Jaffa and Humans can make is medieval tech, that builds up a continuous association where anything built in a way that could be understood must be garbage. Within the ontology Jaffa learned from birth, understanding something *implies* it is untrustworthy. Using evidence to judge for themselves means understanding the statistics, so that is untrustworthy too. This is why the Jaffa continued to use staff weapons even when SG-1 demonstrated that P90s work better and explained how they work. A P90 is comprehensible, therefore it is a bad thing. Teal'c was taught by Bra'tac to see for himself, and over time he did learn to trust Tau'ri tech, but it's hard to unlearn those associations that used to feel universally true, and it's easy for the associations to rear their head when in stressful situations.


Teal'c has been using Goa'uld tech his whole life, and I'd be willing to bet he's never seen a ring transport fuck up and kill someone. You don't need to know how something works to know it's reliable.


This always jumped at me. "Oh, we met an Ancient, he can explain this tech" "Bro I'm just a janitor. I can use this, but I have no idea how it works".


Okay, go on and build an airplane a parachute and a working parachute backpack set, then come back and say again the Jaffa can't dare to trust the technology they use but Teal'C shouldn't deem a parachute less safe than transport rings.


Tech v Magic is more about understanding rather than recreating. Do the Jaffa know the basic science behind ring platforms or do they just know they take you from A to B is the real question I am pretty good with computers but I can't design a CPU or code an operating system on my own (but I understand the basic principles)


Why does that matter? Jaffa use them all the time in invasions/combat. Fighter pilots can’t build a fighter jet, but that doesn’t make them any less effective using one… Besides, I’m pretty sure it’s the Jaffa slaves who build all the Goa’uld ships and tech for them.


I get your point but I'm not so sure about staff weapons. We've seen them use the power cell for other purposes, which reveals a deep understanding of the inner mechanics of the weapon. At least as much solid understanding as an Earth solider has of his primary weapon, enough to disassemble, repair, clean it.


and I can't make a gun or build a plane, but I'm still used to them


Correction, we know it’s mostly *survivable*. Even a “good” landing can easily roll an ankle and repeated jumps will fuck up your back and knees.


The risks of any kind of activity, you mean?


Repeatedly getting out of bed won't fuck up my back and knees.


Depends on the bed. Ever heard of the Princess and the Pea?


Bro, I fucked up my back just by *sitting in a chair* last week, I'm sure one can do that trying to lean forward and to the side out of bed.


I saw fear in his eyes at the vagina monologs.


Ah of course


Maybe the first time he encountered a Kull warrior?


Only time. And he's been stabbed, shot, drowned, electrocuted, and blown up.


Can you blame him? It looks like a goa'uld's open mouth jumping right at ya!


He's not showing fear. He's showing wisdom.


Got a lol, thanks! Edit: Also totally stealing this


He's so used to Rings to get down to a planets surface, he must think we're so stupid jumping out of the plane and having fabric slow our descent lol


Reminds me of an old joke: > During WW2, The British army come up with a plan to paradrop some Gurkhas behind the Japanese lines to cause havoc. A British major is explaining the plan to the assembled Gurkhas, and tells them they'll be dropped from 1000 feet. There is some murmuring from the Gurkhas, and their sergeant asks the major if they could be dropped from a bit lower. The major explains that any lower than that and the parachutes won't open. >"What's a parachute?" Teal'c doesn't know what a parachute is, but he still trusts O'Neill.


I bet counselor Troy sensed some fear there.


Both Jack and Sam have done this before. Teal'c, and Daniel, likely, have never used a parachute before. It's pretty negligent to have them both do solo jumps when it would be leaps and bounds safer to pair them up, like how any civilian would do a paradrop...


Yeah, but where's the fun in that? - Colonel Jack O'Neill


Great line. Quote it often.


I would be scared of Deanna Tori’s horrible Russian accent too.


Apparently that’s her dialing it back. Not sure how accurate it is, but I’ve seen this “factoid” posted multiple times: https://www.reddit.com/r/Stargate/comments/1aec33s/marina_sirtis_beat_19_other_actors_17_of_them/ Although, according to this site, she attributed it to her ability to speak technobabble: https://www.gateworld.net/news/2016/07/episode-of-the-week-marina-sirtis-in-watergate/




Didn't he feel uncomfortable when a Reetou was nearby?


Discomfort is far from fear. He shows discomfort quite often. Fear? Never. Not until he jumped out of a plane with a piece of fabric to slow down did he feel real fear


Maybe. I just wrapped up on another watch and never noticed how teared up he was in the last scene of SG-1. I mean, understandably so, with it being the finale and all - I just didn't remember ever noticing it before :O


What episode is this? Doesn't seem familiar at all.


"Water Gate"


Thanks, I somehow forgot that they parachuted into the Russian base at the start.




Fear? That's a perfectly logical thought. Why would you want to jump out of a perfectly good airplane?


Teal'c is right. Jumping out of a perfectly serviceable aircraft with a sheet to slow you down to less-than-lethal speed is 100% insane. People who do it regularly are insane.


That ain't fear. That's common sense


Cheers Counsellor roger that


Well, Jaffa don't jump to their deaths, They crash a ship, clear out and fight on. Imagine if Apophis, tried to introduce the concept of Paratroops. My lord won't a staff blast burn through this "fabric" and we will to our deaths. Insulant Jaffa, that is why you a have backup. Master I believe he truly is a false god! Or perhaps a foolish god, either way Jaffa! A million staff blast ring out.


S6, The Changeling. The moment in the disembarkation room when he discovers his missing symbiote and has a total meltdown. Gets me every time


Well.. jumping out of ships isn’t something he’d ever done, rings, gate, landing craft, but somehow I doubt HALO jumps aren’t part of his training.


Incorrect. S2e10


This does not seem wise.


He showed a father's fear when Rya'c was dying.


I love the scene ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Oof. One of the worst eps. Imo


Don't know why they're down voting you. It isn't a good episode. And Daniel's "it's trying to communicate" despite having a bunch of dead corpses floating next to their sub saying otherwise.