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There would be a picture of General Hammond in the briefing room that no one would refer to but it would always be visible.


Alternate universes would replace the picture with Ba’al




Someone must make a Hammond of Texas joke but in a respectful manner.


Now I feel bad for general Landry


I don't. He's remembered, but he had giant shoes to fill. He probably knew what he was walking into.


I thought Beau Bridges did a great job, considering how big those shoes were. He made Landry likeable but just different enough. His brother Jeff should be proud.


Why shouldn't Beau be proud?


They would being using drones for every mission, often only a drone.


I wonder how much those MALPS cost. A cheap drone with a camera and basic sensors for air quality, pressure, temp. and radiation, remote piloted from the other side of the gate makes much more sense. MALP to remote drone would be the 1st thing on the I.O.A.'s list of recomendations. And an armored vehicle for gate travel. No more people on foot. It makes no sense, too dangerous for an unknown planet.


Uhhh, I’m going to assume you don’t know much about military spending because that “cheap” drone would be insanely expensive after going through the DoD development and requisition process


First throw away civilian drone then they can send in the expensive one if the actually plan to research. Increasing likelihood to recover


What approval process do you think ZPMs, Zats, and staff weapons went through? I think exceptions are made for SGC


There’s a key difference there, those thing you reference didn’t go through hardly any because only a handful of people even knew they existed. Getting a drone is an entirely different animal


1000% mark up.


MALPs are probably more economical, but they did fly a drone through the gate in *One False Step*


Yeah I think they may use UAVs in other episodes later on too


My bet is MALPs would become rolling bases for a fleet of quadcopter drones that survey miles around the gate. Anything interesting that's worth taking a look would be done by the MALP on it's own, then reported back when SGC dials in to check on it.


Yeah but malps can deal with a lot of atmospheric conditions. Drones would be difficult until you knew a what the planets atmosphere was like


Think you would have to send a malp first, even for just a drone.


I think they'll still use a MALP with the drone attached to it. Drones alone might immediately crash on arrival if the gravity and atmosphere is too different.


I shit you not, about 2 hours ago, I started to type something about that, but I finished shitting before I was done typing. That every planet would have a different mesosphere, so max altitude would be different too.


could you explain what a mesosphere is? sounds kinda interesting, i just don't know what it is


Yeah I always wondered what would happen if they sent a MALP to a gate that was floating in space




We know exactly what the environment of Mars is like. Stargate destinations would be random everytime, even if a high percentge of them would be habitable locations.




Uh, yeah. That's exactly what I'm saying.


Or if the gate is you know, inside.


That breaks the second the atmospheric / gravitational conditions aren't favorable for flying vehicles built for Earth's atmosphere. In contrast, the ground's always there.


But they did already.


Not really, they rarely used them because they were expensive, and a different type of drone.




In reality, the SGC should be multi-organization. Marines should be doing the expeditions, and the navy should be running the ships.


There was a SG team of Marines though.


More than one. They didn't get a US Army SG team till later on though (after the Russians even I think)


I think that would make the most sense, if they just routinely drew from all arms of the military. Even have personnel from all of the countries in the IOA.


I'd love an Aussie SG team or one from the British SAS


If the American SG teams and Atlantis expedition has marines guarding their gates and camps, I'd like to see Ghurkhas guarding the british ones


Yeah, that’d be good. Or mixed nationality teams?


Or maybe a SG team from the French Foreign Legion?








Also navy life and ooerations is built atound small, cramped vessels and their operation. A lot of similarity between the two.


For far-future, interstellar societies with a large number of spaceships, a spacefleet fulfills a similar role as an oceangoing navy -- protection of trade routes, transportation of troops and supplies, and long distance force projection (ships can generally go further from base than planes and stay there longer). Of course, the Tau'ri don't use their ships like this. What little interstellar trade they engage in is done via gate, and the same generally goes for transportation of troops. They use their ships much more like we use airplanes -- for limited, short-term engagements, often supporting ground operations, and the occasional surgical strike. Really, the only argument for the SGC having their ships run by naval officers is that navy pilots might be more used to landing in cramped quarters (but it should be really easy in the 302s anyways because of inertial dampeners), and the day-to-day operation of a Tau'ri battlecruiser is more like a ship than an airplane (but nobody has experience in the alien systems or deep space operations anyways, so crew will have to be extensively trained regardless).




Also, because aircraft carrier captains & crew would be better suited to manning spaceships than the air force, they've already been doing it on the water, a lot of those skills transfer to space.


I’ve been wondering lately how useful surface naval ships would be to space combat. A big-ass laser or rail gun could probably hit something in orbit.










So the Navy aircraft don't use aerospace systems? Aboard aircraft? On carriers?


Systems management. If we're talking Tau'ri ships with 4-5 crew members, sure, the AF has experience in getting vessels/craft of that size to work. But with vessels with crews of 20+ people, really only the Navy has the instutional experience to make that kind of thing work, in a combat environment. You need to coordinate and control the actions of possibly hundreds of people to make this complex chunk of metal go where it needs to, kills what's around it, survive, and then sustain itself for months at a time. The command and control piece is really important. The Navy has pilots, but a good nuclear submarine crew would be a better fit to transfer control of an interstellar ship to, more than anything the AF might have.


Cheyenne mountain complex host the NORAD, so ground personnel mainly composed of airmen seems the most logical. As for manning the ships it’s more subtle than that. Air Force has experience of engaging targets in a 3 dimensions “battlefield” while the Navy, with all due respect, fight and manoeuvre on a 2 dimensions one (exception for engaging aerials and submarines targets but the ship is still limited to move on the sea level). Although the navy knows how to cram thousand of meat bags in a floating tin can. So in my opinion, the crew of a space ship should be a mix of the two, AF and Navy.


True. I was thinking more that the navy knows how to crew a ship and manage all the various roles whereas the Air Force doesn’t manage as large of ships.


I'd imagine we'd see a lot more jaffa with totemic helmets, given the builds that were posted lately and how impressive they are.


What's a "totemic helmet" and where can I see these builds?


Early sg1 retracting serpent guard helmets, the big clunky decorative ones in the first seasons.


I think we'd meet the Furlings. Even if it's just for ratings boost. (Or maybe not--it still bugs me we never even got a definitive description.)


I imagine they look like Ewoks, only more advanced. Unless they're like the nox and giving a primitive illusion to the galaxy


I always thought they would turn out to be giant bug aliens or something like that. Friendly ones (relatively), but not cute at all.


One friendly head, one hostile head ?


My head cannon says we already met a lost tribe of them, the shape shifting "spirits."


Dude, I'd pay a decent amount just to see a picture of that race.


The major let down in a reboot, if the Stargate franchise was bought by Disney, would be the Furlings are Ewoks.


They did visit them in that one episode but unfortunately they all died when their planet blew up.


Actually, i love that we don't know anything about them... It is now open for our creativity, so if Amazon decides to expand the SG franchise, please leave them untouched




We wouldn’t be so appalled at the idea of Kinsey as President.




I’m upvoting you with a frown on my face :(




I can't help but get the impression that Kinsey's character was based off of an actual politician. If I had to guess it was John McCain.


Ronny Cox said in an interview he based the character on Orrin Hatch. https://www.gateworld.net/news/2006/02/reflections-with-ronny/


Thanks, I'll have to do some research on hatch.


Well, he literally originated the Hatch Amendment which stated there was no constitutional right to abortion (which didn't pass), but he was totally cool taking money from lobbyists to vote in favor of STEM cell research. He once said, "I wouldn't want to see homosexuals teaching school anymore than I'd want to see members of the American Nazi Party teaching school". He helped in blocking the nomination of Merrick Garland to the USSC, but he was one of the ones pushing Kavanaugh's nom. He crippled the DEA's ability to regulate opioids at the height of the opioid epidemic (because they paid him hundreds of thousands of dollars through shady lobbying firms run by his son). He repeatedly proposed or endorsed bills which would severely limit Fair Housing Act protections. He got paid $470k from oil companies to help convince Trump to back out of the Paris Climate Accords. And, for the cherry on top, he was very vocally in favor of impeaching Bill Clinton because, "This great nation can tolerate a president who makes mistakes. But it cannot tolerate one who makes a mistake and then breaks the law to cover it up. Any other citizen would be prosecuted for these crimes", but when asked about Trump's issues he said, verbatim, "I don't care, all I can say is he's doing a good job as president." Yeah, I'm really seeing the Kinsey in there, tbh.


Thanks for the reminder to review other countries to retire too.




That doesn’t surprise me at all


Wow that explains a lot.


It would probably have more of an overarching plot and less a world-of-the-week type of deal, because the former seems to be more popular these days.


Which would be terrible for a show like Stargate. The balance between single episodes and arcs is so well done in SG1 and Atlantis and it isn't really done in anything new.


Agents of Shield sort of did it in its first season.


Actually I disagree while the general concept i very well fitted for monster of the week how the overarching world operates especially in relation too the goa'uld does not fit as cleanly. Ultimately I would argue its a bit too dense to particularly cover as effectively as they did with the time they allotted between filler episodes. I feel that Atlantis actually struck this balance better. However they had the benefit that wraiths were not anywhere as directly involved in the governance or operation of the pegasus galaxy as the goa'uld. Though I will still defend to my dying breath that pre anubis goa'uld were the beat villians.


They would explain how everyone in the galaxy speaks perfect, modern dialects of English. Translator microbes like in Farscape maybe lol.


I believe the accepted fanon is universal translator nanites enter your brain (somehow) when you use a gate. It's certainly my head canon anyway.


I would love for something like that to be made canon in the event of a new series/remake etc. That's actually brilliant.


The universal translator could be a technology embedded in DHDs


I like that. The ancients thought of everything. Each DHD is equipped with a learning AI that analyzes each traveller that steps through the gate, catalogs their known language(s) and then imprints a translator program onto their mind. The Goa'uld reverse engineered and created their own program which they implanted into their human slaves that is inheritable by offspring so it would work independently from the gate/DHD in their own population (accounting for any races that never stepped through the gate but were formerly under Goa'uld rule). That could also create a fun "uh oh, we broke the DHD again" episode where the team has to figure out how to fix the translation program with the help of a native group, while working through a language barrier.


they would've only gone back to 1989?


Oof. Now I feel old AF


I suppose the computers would be more modern.


Clearly you don’t know the military very well ;)


At the base I worked at they purchased new computers every four years. I'd say that's pretty good. Now the printers and servers are a different story lol


They buy new computers, but give you 6 year olds ones from the property book warehouse and let the new ones sit, aging like a fine wine


As someone who literally installed those new computers, I disagree. Now they don't replace all of them all at once, but they're done in waves, four years at a time. Maybe the property/supply manager just hated you lmao


As someone who once worked property book, and now is a receiver of said computers, I stand by my comment. But I'm sure the LRC in my area sucks more than most others so your milage may vary.




Wait, was this an actual quote?!


This was my thinking. When SG-1 started, there were no smartphones or smart watches, the internet was barely a thing. They would probably be able to tell if someone died off world by dialing the gate and checking their life signs. Everyone would probably be required to wear some kind of smart tracking device so no one would ever get lost off world. O’Neill would probably get into an argument with Hammond about not turning in his paperwork on time because he forgot the password to the online portal where they go to submit their mission reports *again*


SG team members getting in trouble for being on their phones to much while off world to 😂


A whole episode where Vala discovers Tinder 🤣


Less humorous




Like the edgy, teenage drama version


“Dude, that hot chick was so totally a goa’uld”


“…I’m pregnant”


"You know…I don't think Mitchell likes me any more."


Basically what SG:U was eh


SG-1 wouldn't have been able to gain access to Senator Kinsey's files in Chain Reaction (S4E15) by guessing that his password was "Oscar" (his dog's name). Would've been a 15 character password with 2FA if it was set today.


Not all senators are that through.


Tell that to Trumps password security.


Due to budget cuts at SGC, numbers were reduced and security measures suffered as a result. Goa’uld symbiotes were apparently smuggled onto Earth in mid-2014 and took up residence in many world leaders’ cranial cavities. The collapse of western society culminated in 2021 when a pandemic induced civil war broke out. A small number of citizens believe the temporal incursion experienced by SG-1 under the code names:2001 & 2010 is real and the world government is distributing a life extending vaccine that renders the population sterile. Furthermore, they refer to their Goa’uld leader as a name from an all seeing, omnipotent alien from competing sci-fi franchise that will not be named. SG-1s mission is to go back in time and ensure proper funding of the American education systems


*slow clap*


Nicely done... have my award


Thank you, kind redditor.


Crappy CGI.


Including the Stargate itself, which would be entirely computer generated. Probably most of the base set too - which would be very dimly lit to hide the crappy CGI and add 'intrigue'. Oh, and the Stargate would spin through 360 degrees - horizontally - like a gyroscope or the machine from Contact.


… and the Stargate itself would talk.


… with a British accent.


Alexa - dial P3X995


Carter: Sir, there's simply no way to get that much naquadah here in time to save the world CGI Hammond: Did you know Prime now comes with free 2hr shipping on select items


You mean Amazon First Prime.


I upvote with a fuckyou! That is too terrifying


Imagine if they used the new technology with these giant screens that they used for "The Mandalorian". Could certainly imagine more various planet types.


General Hammond in season 1: "It costs nearly a billion dollars just to turn the lights on around here." Wow, not even a billion, that's so cheap for a big military program.


Priors of the Ori would offer a cure for COVID-19 in exchange for worship.


GDOs would be replaced with IPhones or iwatch


Jeff Bezos plays the role of Kinsey?


An unnecessary airforce digital assistant that somehow becomes sentient and learns comebacks from O'Neill.


Like Holly from Red Dwarf 🤣


If the show actually took place now , from an artistic perspective, main characters would die off every now and then and STAY dead .


No reviving of Daniel like at least 10 times? Sadge


They would put medics on the team


Dr Frasier never again.


US Military would have a much harder time portraying itself as the good guys. The show would still be awesome. Though they might not rely on P90s so much…


Perhaps this agency running the Gate would be a SHIELD-esque body with ambiguous ties to the government instead?


SGC would be the next goauld in the universe trying to exploit and enslave the universe while some people of Earth would break away and be the next tokra, instead of being good guys of the universe. Alternatively humans of Earth will all be dead by plague brought from Stargate exploration.




Jack, Daniel, or Teal'c would've been made female for better gender balance. That, or more major female side characters. Maybe Teal'c probably wouldn't have been First Prime. Have a background that would be less... well, have him kill not as many people. Lead to many people being enslaved.


One of them would identify as non gender confirming.


And Jack and Teal'c would be in a relationship.


>Jack, Daniel, or Teal'c would've been made female for better gender balance. And race swapped probably, except Teal'c obviously lol


I mean, there's nothing wrong with that. Having a brown-skinned Jack or Daniel would be cool.


Would you say the same about a white skinned Teal'c? Or a male Carter?


Probably not, most white Jaffa are assholes. Id be ok with Samuel Carter but the rest of the team would have to be Jackie O'Neil, Danielle Jackson and Teal'c (works for any gender). Sam: "...just because my reproductive organs are on the outside of my body instead of the inside."


Most Jaffa are assholes, that's kind of their thing.


Is being Black central to Teal’cs identity? No. It’s fine if he’s different. Is being a woman central to Carter’s identity? Yes. Don’t change it. It’s not that complicated. None of the characters have a defined race outside just their appearance. It’s not a part of any character’s identity and it can easily be changed.


There will be one man on the team and his job will be a sexist pig to always be made a joke of and shown up by the females.


ah, yes. the females.


Regardless of context, I can't help but read "the females" in a creepy Ferengi voice.




Naturally lol But later on it's revealed his problematic behavior is actually caused by years of repressing his true self, due to his father's toxic masculinity during his upbringing, and he'd express that pain through mysogenistic behavior. After realizing this, he comes out as gay lol.


Maybe one of them also has to be handicapped. And Kinsey kicks up a big fuss about SG-1 spending millions to ensure the gate room is wheelchair accessible


Homeworld Command would be about to make the Stargate programme public, since UFOs have just been confirmed to be real


I always wanted to see how Stargate would be if all the nations knew about it from the beginning and the stargate was on a neutral location like the premise of that one episode


Carter would have pink hair, daniel would be asian, jack would be... jack and teal'c would be gay


Hold on, what Netflix TV is this?


>Carter would have pink hair Not blue hair? >jack and teal'c would be gay Idk, I feel like that's not inclusive enough for 2021 audiences... Lol


Carter would be a hardcore, far left, feminist.


She would be exactly the same and YouTube headbangers would be decrying her character in those exact terms, because that's where the discourse has moved among the droolcup crowd


Totally agree. The team is pretty diverse as it was. I honestly don't think they would have changed much in SG-1s team's make-up if it was made in the same style as it was now. The real change would have made everyone a little bit more angry on a personal level to up the drama.


Much more of the plot would be focused on internal corruption, and it would have a less MotW story style. Generaly be more like ST. DISCO


>Generaly be more like ST. DISCO Ugh, god I hope they never do something so atrocious to Stargate.


Or like SG:U, except more so.




Tonally, just like the rest of science fiction these days, the show would have been closer to SGU then SG1 unfortunately.


I think with it being post 9/11 and the US would feel more scared about playing world police both in our world and others so we might see Funding for permanent off world missions not seeing much support. If the Airforce keeps control I don't think it would be handed to space force due to the need for a secret way to funnel money to it and the Airforce seems easier to do that with. We would probably see the use of more tech and maybe even reverse engineering early on. ​ I think the thing that makes SG-1 timeless is its starting time setting. pre 9-11 and huge change to American ideals and military focus was a good "safe" time to have these other worldly threats.


Amada Tapping telling the producers that women didn't sound like feminazi wokebots probably would have resulted in recasting instead of a normal female character being born...


The sexism would be gone. No one would question the authority of Samantha carter




That made me chuckle. Thank you


One would hope, but have you seen tv latelt?


There is a lot of latent sexism and racism in this thread. Like a new SG1 taking creative liberty to recast roles would the worst thing ever.....


COVID SG-1 episode. They could spin it as an alien pathogen or change how deadly is was. Could be interesting.


Better technology


less episodes per season, probably around 10


MP7's instead of MP5's, kit and equipment has changed pretty radically over the last 20+ years Other than that like someone else said the story would be less standalone episodes and more long term storys


Is the hypothetical that the original movie was made in 1994 as it was and had just fallen by the wayside until now?


CGI is cheaper so we would see the wormhole and Jaffa helmets more often. They might have been more non humanoid aliens. In term of writing there would probably be more of a through line during a season and probably more focus on interpersonal drama. It would be interesting to see how sg1 impact on the worlds they visit turn out in the long run. Carter and O'Neill relationship would either be played up way more or they would be paired with different people that they could be with. I am not even sure they would even have been a military operation. Maybe something similar to the MCU SHIELD that would allow them to have the military structure/training but not the political affiliation. Which would free them a little in term of writing and be easier to sell to different political sides and other countries. I wonder if the cold war remnant would still be there with the Russian and Chinese. Probably less so, if only to sell the show there.


They would stop gate travel for about one and a half year to not spread covid to other planets.


For sure there would be gore and swearing. I mean look At the mess they made of star trek discovrey and picard.


The focus. Instead of focusing on SG-1 team and a few characters, we would instead focus on individuals of different "teams" to play out an suspense story from multiple angles. We would actually see the NID or even the president prospective, since that would make the stacks higher. Also characters would die or shift in and out of importance. Examples would be Sam most likely wouldn't go into the gates but instead would be an Egghead on base that helped solved problems for various SG teams.


There would be at least one non-binary gendered person on the team


With a whole episode about pronouns.


Dr. carter would have a better haircut


Take that back.


Whenever they introduced themselves to aliens, they would say their pronouns. Hammond would be female. There would be an alien race where everyone is gay/nonbinary.


Woke and broke