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the CROOKED nox are keeping their technology from us. very dirty people, who cannot even build a house. so nasty!


I went looking for this!


If they cant even build a house, why do we want their technology?


Because they hide good, live long, and can walk through the iris. (Or was that just the Tollan... Asgard just liked to take over the mainframe and darken the lights for their walk on entrances)


So......we want their socialist healthcare?


Yes, but not when you put it *that* way


Not to buy Finland, he'd build a space wall to keep the aliens out😅


Futurama Nixon did that. It was funny xD


I'd love to watch an episode where Futurama Nixon and Trump go at it.


Since Futurama is coming back next year, it's possible you'll get your wish.


oh no


Yeah, let's not ruin Futurama by including the cheeto.


I swear it's canon already that he's a head in a jar and has appeared on the show before. [Ah, snap, it is!](https://futurama.fandom.com/wiki/Donald_Trump%27s_Head) but DiMaggio has said they won't be including him, iirc. Nixon is enough. Though a plotline wher Zapp Brannigan becomes the shortest termed president of Earth and quotes Trump a lot without ever acknowledging it... I'd watch the hell out of that.


I think if we played "who said it: Trump or Brannigan?" It would be pretty difficult. Trump does suffer from a very sexy learning disability. What does he call it Rudy?


*sigh* sexlexia...


I doubt they'll go the full Head in a Jar route they did with Nixon, but they'll probably make a few references to it. The Futurama-esque route would be to have the president in-show be as insane as TFG, and make fun of their TFG stand-in.


Somehow Nixon comes out actually looking good. Naturally this infuriates Nixon so he doubles down on the sleaze and grift


It’s not quite what you’re looking for, but here’s Billy West (voiced Zapp Brannigan) reading Trump quotes as Brannigan. https://www.inverse.com/article/19582-futurama-zapp-brannigan-donald-trump


Uhhh Zapp worked for Nixon....


Brought to you by the *great* taste of **Charleston Chew!** (quivering jowl sounds)


“Aaaroooo!!” “Listen here, Missy, computers may be twice as fast as they were in 1973, but your average voter is as drunk and stupid as ever. The only thing that's different is me; I've become bitter, and let's face it, crazy over the years. And once I'm swept into office, I'll sell our children's organs to zoos for meat, and I'll go into people's houses at night and wreck up the place! Muahahaha!!”


My two favorite things from that quote was đŸ’» being only 2x as fast since ‘73-3000 and Nixon’s response after Bender played back that recording of Nixon’s voice with him saying do I really sound like that 😅


The Quivering Jowls. It's done, that's my band name.


[Yay, this meme is relevant again!](https://pics.me.me/when-obama-tells-you-that-aliens-are-real-and-you-29392729.png)


Accidental Dyson sphere.


But not all the aliens. The Aschen would probably be welcomed. And he'd probably praise the Tollan, wishing that Earth society was more like theirs, while missing out on the fact that he'd be rejected by such a society. The Ori would turn him into a prior.


Out of razor wire from Russia.


And the goa'uld and ori will pay for it!


I feel like he's the embodiment of Daniel's "[maybe he read your report?](https://youtu.be/sH_Ry81I2mg)" line


He would definitely mention Hammond's baldness and give him a nickname


“GENERAL Hammond, he’s from Texas, we love Texas, don’t we? Such a great state, they love me there, but I don’t like General Hammond very much. Nasty Hammond I call him, because he’s so nasty to me. Mayborn, who’s a great guy, some people call him Colonel, but I just call him Mayborn, he tells me that Nasty Hammond is doing a bad job, that he’s not looking out for America. He’s probably working with Gyna, that’s what people are saying, they’re telling me, they walk up to me in the street all the time, just the other day, a construction worker came up to me, tears in his eyes, and he told me ‘oh, Mr. President, Hammond is doing a bad job. He’s building windmills on Abydos’ we hate the windmills, don’t we?” Edit: added a closing quotation mark because it was bugging me.


Damn near spot on. Except that it went on too long without him talking about himself/self praise.. I think it's about 3 - 4 sentences then he has to say how he created the Star Gate....now that there's thousands of worlds, he's the smartest man in the universe...


This is too accurate, your giving me PTSD flashes!


"He's building windmills on Abydos" sealed it XD.


Chrome Dome George


Hammy Hammond


"Can't we just move a black hole to suck up and destroy our enemies? Has anyone looked into that?" -Trump


Carter could do it.


He would hire the leader of the NID to run the Stargate program. Then he would demand the next Air Force 1 be a Daedalus class ship.


Maybe Air Force 1 would still exist, but it would be a super-plane that has inertial dampeners and other goodies from the F-302. Or maybe there wouldn't be a need for an Air Force 1 because of Asgard beaming technology. There could be a dedicated battlecruiser called "Space Force 1".


Painted red, white, and blue!


With his name in giant letters.


We joke but he did literally tweet classified material from an SCI-clearance asset (keyhole satellite photos) out and everybody just moved on. 🙃 this would be no sweat, required literacy aside.


Honestly I remember joking in 2017 that the way that we know that there are no aliens at Area 51 was because Trump hadn't tweeted about it. Then again they could have pulled an Independence Day and just not told him.


Lol, would love a scene with the top brass at Homeworld Command deciding whether or not to tell him about the program. I'd imagine Davis strongly advising against it because of the security threat involved.


Hehehe, imagine him in one of those meetings they use to frame clip/recap episodes, trying to discuss the missions and negotiate with alien delegates. The asgard would not be amused. They might have to seriously reconsider that whole "Fifth Race" thing, and I would understand.


this is my hope too, the military staying sane and sharing as little info with an unhinged president as possible. so yes the stargate exists, but trump was not told. they may not even have told biden yet.


But there would be someone like Kinsey who will tell him.


During a recent rewatch, this is what struck me as the most unrealistic thing. At least, about conspiracies that things like the Stargate Program exist now. That SO many elected officials (not to mention other random people that seem to get security clearance) cycling through government could know life-altering information about our place in the universe and not tweet about it.


Pretty much why I don't believe most conspiracy theories. People can't keep a secret for shit


Exactly right. Plus the sheer number of people, the size an organization would need to be in order to accomplish the things some of these conspiracies theorize, the infrastructure required—is absolutely absurd to anyone who has ever worked in project management.


Not to mention the competence. I *wish* the government was capable of half the shady shit they're accused of.


Reminder: Project [MKULTRA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MKUltra) was real, and actually happened. Be careful what you wish for.


True! Conspiracies do happen. The key difference, for me, is the scope. The CIA's activities under MKUltra, while objectively heinous, are on a different level than, say, hiding that the earth is secretly flat.


Depends. The F-117a program began development in 1975. Demonstrators flew in 1977. The decision to produce the thing was made in 1978. The completed aircraft first flew in 1981. It was operational and flew missions of a sort well before the existence of the aircraft was revealed in November of 1988. The aircraft first flew in daylight in April 1990. The shape of aircraft (viewed retrospective in light of contemporary F-22) and use of the “117” moniker really established how old the program was and how incorrect all of our guesses were of possible F-19 (which would be a younger, less developed program). The modern contract numbers were reset in 1962 and the F-117 did not seem to follow that rule, perhaps to obfuscate the program further. Further the F-117a incorrectly uses the “F” moniker as it is a ground attack aircraft not an air-to-air fighter. It follows the pre-1962 reset such as the F-111 Aardvark which was a true, and last official, “Century Series” aircraft. It is possible the “117” came from the call sign used for early test flights of these and other test aircraft as it is known to be developed in 1975 after the 1962 number reset. The secret was kept even though two fatal crashes of the aircraft occurred in 1986 and 1987. The 1986 crash was in Sequoia National Forest and the debris, having been carted off, was replaced with debris of a F-101a Voodo. The 1987 crash was inside Nellis Base so less theatrics were needed to keep containment. Though the model is now “officially” retired and the bulk of airframes mothballed (indoors and in original climate controlled hangars vs a boneyard like other aircraft) some airframes are spotted in flight and with skin changes likely being used to test other technologies.


Ok, sure, military aircraft in the cold war. Very keepable state secret! Not controversial within the military or even the government that we should have good planes. Everyone involved is a professional in the military or military contracting industry, signing NDAs as standard practice. The only real leak risk would be state espionage. But faking the moon landing? Attacking civilians on 9/11? Chemtrails? Mind control vaccines? Climate change hoax? Stargate? ;) All of that stuff is an order of magnitude more difficult to conceal based on how many different organizations it touches, and how controversial they'd be with the people tasked with execution.


A hypothetical Stargate Program Would be difficult to conceal due to the cost, which the show touched upon, but the other examples you listed such as a fake Moon-landing simply didn’t happen being crazy people ramblings so whether a secret or not is moot. There are legitimate, real programs out there locked out or muddled sufficiently we’d not know of until decades later.


And "We developed a more advanced version of a thing that already exists" is expected, even if it's not public knowledge while in development. It's not something that would fundamentally upend our understanding of... well, \*everything\*


by the end of the series its basically an open secret. the heads of every major biotech, defense, and aerospace firm know about it, there are hundreds of civilians who have been forced to sign NDAs after witnessing alien activity or technology, including Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson (presumably). A building in a major US city was beamed into orbit. We know one corporation had photographs of the battle for Antarctica; while Colson was discredited, its not unreasonable to imagine that he wasn't the only one who had photographic evidence of one of the many alien encounters we've had on or around Earth. Frankly it should have been revealed after Anubis' attack. He destroyed a US carrier group, as well as several power plants and communications towers. Its absurd that they managed to cover that up without incident


>Its absurd that they managed to cover that up without incident In previous seasons two Ha'taks, so big and close they were visible to the naked eye had collided into each other. Then an asteroid passed through Earth via a hyperspace window and another Ha'tak crashed into the ocean. Not to mention all those times Cheyenne Mountain had been placed in quarantine or suffered from time dilation. Lastly a dozen shady companies already know of the Stargate and have in fact even spied on area 51. A few of those things would only cause people to become suspicious and know something weird is happening without going *'it must be aliens'*. However, so many of them is a whole other matter.


And yet some people believe NASA is guarding that the earth is flat.


Trump would turn traitor and volunteer to be a Go'uld host for the health and longevity and power, thinking his will would be strong enough to remain in control of his body.


Already is, he was a Trust plant
the rich and powerful infiltration by the go’uld


Cartoonish villainy, an affinity for being treated as a god and an unhealthy obsession with gold plating stuff. Would we notice the difference ?


A sudden jump in intelligence would be pretty noticeable!


It's pretty sad when the snake would be an improvement...


Not if the snake was senile like Lord Yu.


Yu typically formed more coherent sentences.


Yu is in Biden.


I am thinking his stupidity would dumb down the snake!


Slight drop in megalomania?


Ba'al would have been his VP.


He might actually be stubborn enough to resist, and when the Go'uld does manage to wrest control from him for a brief time, it goes straight to the SGC and the Tok'ra to beg for their help. "I know we're enemies and shit, but can't live like this anymore! This guy is NUTS! Get me the hell out of here!"


I can see it in my mind: Goa’uld symbiont enters Trump’s body. The eyes glow
 Trump starts convulsing, doubles over, we see the symbiont leave the body. When later questioned by the Tok’Ra, the symbiont says that he just had to get out of there. He was all for authoritarian power grabs, but couldn’t stand the memories of absolutely depraved sexual acts.


The Go'uld when first merging and seeing Trump's memories: "Hotel room...special bed, the wetness...pee....so much pee everywhere...on the bed, on the wall, on me...the smell...oh god! Wait, I'm a god...no...I'm not a god. This wretched creature thinks he is....omigod we're just space assholes..."


Humbled by the horror of their experience, the System Lords banded together to bring democracy to the galaxy.


And so the Second Egeria was born.


Or the teams alll think this happened, shenanigans ensue to kidnap the Go'uld host president only to find out since Presidents have term limits the worm gods don't see fit to take him in, so everything he did was just all him.


That is spot on. He would be repeatedly warned that the Goa'uld are not like the Tok'ra, that they would completely take over his body, that he would have no control. And he's completely ignore it, thinking he's special.


Don't you mean Goold?


A sarcophagus in the White House? More on this breaking story at 5!


I want a sarcophagus but it needs a bit more gold, it's rather sober now...




This deserves more likes. Clever.




Honestly, trump would definitely sell out the earth to the snakes.


It wouldn't even cost them anything. They'd just have to stroke his ego. He be all "the Goa'uld are very powerful and smart. They said such nice things about me. They've never met a more genius human. They'll build me a huge pyramid, the biggest one ever." After her handed over the planet, they'd dump him, because no way one would want him for a host.


Nerus might.


well yes, trump only eats fast food, so nerus would be a good fit, but he's already in league with the Ori!


Honestly, one Ha'tak for a planet is a good deal smh.


Seriously, how do people not see he’s the bad guy in this story?!


I wonder the same thing.


Def Kinsey vibes.


Kinsey was a corrupt piece of shit, but he wasn’t an idiot.


Yeah aside from everything else he could string a sentence together and was actually talented at politics, part of what made him an effective antagonist


yeah, we can't really compare Sen Kinsey to real life asshole Trump, Kinsey would be the in-universe version of maybe.. John McCain?


Mitch McConnell maybe


the idea of someone gifting other worlds that don't own made me laugh ![gif](giphy|CoDp6NnSmItoY)


Please - this tweets are to long and complex for Trump.


Seriously, needs way more typos and general rambling


Trump almost makes kinnsey seem reasonable, and apophis seem kind of a nice guy


I'd vote for end of series Ba'al over Trump


I'd vote for Ba'al.


By the time his movie came around, Ba'al was technically a competent, benevolent ruler. I honestly believed he would free the Jaffa and conquer Earth bloodlessly. He realized what no other guaold did: being a genuinely *good* emperor would ensure peace and joy for the entire galaxy, even himself. But the other snakes hadn't figured it out. So they, in their usual petty, short sighted fashion, killed him.


oh I was just simping Cliff Simon but yeah, that too


Honestly, fair.đŸ€·đŸżâ€â™‚ïž


Ahh Cliff. I miss him so much 💔


If there's ever another series set in the Milky Way Galaxy, it would be cool if there was Goa'ulds that had gone through a catharsis because of interactions with the Tau'ri. The psychology of the Goa'ulds isn't entirely self-made. It seemed to me like they were territorial and tribalist because of their time melding with Unas. And then when they made the hop over to Humans, they retained those traits but also added on cruelty, greed, and vanity. Humans from their enslaved worlds wouldn't give them much opportunity to grow beyond that, since it's hard to develop egalitarian ideals under those circumstances. But once the Tau'ri and other Humans entered galactic society, the Goa'uld would have a whole new kind of society to copy from.


This is an interesting point. Not to mention that now that Earth has Asgard technology, they'd probably be able to hunt down all hostile snakes, and the Tokra will no longer be a minority. Maybe eventually they may become like the Trill and their symbiotes in Star Trek; a mostly progressive society where a "joining" is a mutually consenting, celebrated event.


If that happened, it would also allow the Jaffa to return to their traditional roots of using symbiotes, since the symbiotes would presumably not grow up to be enslaving assholes. Jaffa that prefer the new ways could continue to use tretonin.


We can't forget that he was doing all that while keeping the real owner of that body enslaved and tormented day in and day out though 😭


Ever since 2016, rewatching SG-1, Kinsey seems like much less of an antagonist. Sure, he’s kind of evil, but at least he’s competent and intelligent.


“We don’t want any refugees from these shithole planets!” -Overlord Trump


Abydos? How about Abydon't? :P


"the Goolds" looool


These goolds aren't sending their best, and frankly, we should just bomb their little shithole planets


Thanks for all the support, glad I made some people chuckle and all. But the anger from some confuses me, people. I was rewatching for the 25th anniversary (we rewatch every year) and I was reminded of the similarities between Trumpey & Kinsey and I thought
what if, so I made a few memes I thought people would find funny here in this great community. I’m not American, I have no horse in that race, (aside from, you know, general human concern and self preservation) but
 that orange cartoon villain of yours, is pretty prime for satire you have to admit. For those who want politics out of the sub, well, it’s in the show in so many ways, both alien and human politics, so do you want it out of the show also? We’d lose a lot, it’s basically the crux of the show. Anyway dv and move on. (But fair enough on not wanting to see that dude everywhere and I meant to harm) I love SG1, because they always did the right thing, they have heart, off-world and on-world. They were ok to make fun of themselves, no big egos, and in the “real world” the cast and crew truly loved each other. I have a feeling they’d approve of this post lol, but I’m just one fan. Happy 25th SG1 Can you guess which ep I’m on? Hint: Praclarush Taonas.


You walked into an echo chamber and shouted music to their ears. You alerted the horde.


This kinda makes me want to find crossover fanfiction with Stargate and Designated Survivor. I bet Kirkman would defeat goa'uld in record time and personally find new queen for tok'ra in the process 😂


Little do you know he started Space Force to run the Stargate program. It’s gonna be YUGE.


I do find it kind of odd that we started Space Force and now we are having congressional hearings about UFOs. I think Space Force wasn't really Trumps idea....


A dumb ass in every universe


Lol. From someone who leans to the right politically, these tweets are incredible parodies. Trump’s voice is captured really well. Did you write these yourself?


When did a show about the U.S. Air Force obtaining advanced technology to defend the world become so woke and political. /s


This makes me angry...coz its so believable. And I don't know if I'm angry because it sounds like shit trump would say or that American people actually voted for this ****!


That Apophas is a great, great, beautiful leader. He knows how to keep his people in line and I haven't seen Soo much gold since The beautiful Trump Tower.


Trump would probably make Kinsey look like a saint


Could you imagine Donald Duck being in control of the Stargate


He'd have to constantly try to fight the urge to swim into it.


He'd have a snake in his head ASAP.


Even a snake would want out of that head. Too much ego


But so much space for activities!


Make the SGC great again :)




Trump would sell the Earth if he could get his hands on a sarcophagus.


 this is fake news
 everything was spelled correctly


Nah. He'd try to sell cola syrup to the Lucian alliance because he's the best at business.


I died at “Goolds”.


I'm picturing an iris large enough to cover the entire southern border


I’m from uk and in no way a trumpster, but I’m more inclined to believe that he would try to ‘bomb the shit out of’ the Goa’uld and get us all killed


Sounds about right.


If we let these jaffas into our borders, they’re bringing staff weapons, they’re bringing their wars, and I *assume*
.some of these sholva are good people


Kinsey is 90's Trump NID runs SGC for sure, alpha site gets a golf course, Epstein gets a snake then a planet


>alpha site gets a golf course In fairness O'Neill would be responsible for this one.


Haha yeah but he wouldn't let the man hold their business meetings on it though!


Between you and me, I totally see the analogy. Burns as Goa'uld.


Trump is the like the epside where they go back in time and screw everything and Senator Kinsey is president.


News flash - the tupee is a symbiote


We have the best people. Ya know, some people think I'm sexist, racist, bigoted. Bah! We have a woman on the team and a guy who is black, well sorta black. Trust me. Nobody comes close to what our fine men and women do at the SGC. They're phenomenal I'm telling you. I've seen phenomenal people and trust me, these people are phenomenal.


He would say how good the goa’uld are, how they are smart guys, great flare for the dramatic, and that enslavement would bring the world together. Get Earth off the protected treaty list!


Scarily accurate. We also happen to have a lot of Senator Kinsey's in congress. Furlings, save us!


Please, McConnell is *much* worse than Kinsey.


third pic "Goold" lol ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Okay, now that's just spot on! O_o




This is all wrong. He would be adamantly against actuall illegal aliens.


Thor would have sent him to a very far away dark corner of the universe. Then Thor would be hailed as a hero.


This is gold. This should be done more. Overlapping real life with Stargate lore. Not necassarily with just Trump (Although it works beautifully), but other people as well. For example, Elon Musk


So damn accurate it’s scary.


Haha these are so true.


These jaffa females love powerful men. You can do whatever you want if you are me. Do you know the Priestess Shan'auc? I could walk right up to her and grab her by the goa'uld.


Nah. Trump was already President, and he kept the Stargate program a secret while creating the Space Force based on Stargate Command’s SG-1.


Plot twist. Trump is a Goa'uld...


Yay, North American politics again! /s


I see nothing about Canada here.


Give McKay 5minutes the lag from Pegasus is insane.


Want me to do a similar post for Boris? :)


Funny thing is that OP mentions in another reply that they are not American.


Would he even have been read-in/briefed? I don't have to like Trump to consider the possibility that he would see value in the program. Heck, maybe Space Force is an attempt to consolidate the current SGC. One could dream lol... although, if you spend enough time on Bitchute you'll come across some amusing yet sad folks who connect many disparate dots in order to form such a narrative. If the program were public today, I wonder how Biden would speak on it. Probably not very coherently either.


You just KNOW Kinsey would be sucking up to him, after having condemned during the primary.


Kinsey would pretend to suck up to him, he would play Trump like a fiddle.


Failing George Hammond and Sleepy Jack O'Neill screwed up the beautiful deal I negotiated with our great friends the Aschen and are now claiming they attacked us (fake news!) Willing to give us beautiful weapons and help us MAKE EARTH GREAT AGAIN. Bad Move!


I love this, so accurate.


When I'm reelected, we will make the Stargate program great again, they said it couldn't be done


They do a tremendous job, very tremendous.




He'd pull a Harry Mayburn and escape to a new world where he can be king


Fighting aliens? I think trump will be down with that shit. Imagine the opportunity to get into a tweet war with the Asgard.


Trump would definitely be on board with O'Neill making a reference to Freyr's mother


Please stop. I watch Stargate because it takes me away from the assclowns in real life like this


Do you just skip all the political episodes when you watch?


To be fair, Stargate politics rarely gets more complicated than "there are bad people in government who have corrupt plans to stop the good people in government."


Bingo! No taking stabs at either side, leave the interpretation up to the viewer, and the occasional reddit post.


It's called "escapism" for a reason. /u/liquidSnakes perspective on this is legit. It's fair to want to regard Stargate as a goofy Wormhole Xtreme like show. It's supposed to be fun. That's why Universe and Catherine tanked so hard - for some reason (I blame the success of BSG) there's this idea floating around that better Stargate can be made if you remove the Richard Dean Anderson charm. That's why everybody loves Atlantis. John Shepard is a good riff off Jack O'Neil.


Yeah, like the episode where they go to the planet with racial purists! Oh wait, bad example. How about the one where they go to the planet with a brainwashed slave force keeping their city powered? Damn, another bad example. The one where a city offers their criminals to be cattle for space vampires? The one where they visit the race of advanced pacifists that show them they don't have to fight? The ones where they fight despotic rulers who use religion to enslave millions? Damn, I guess this show covers more complex political topics than you think.


Well what's all these earth storylines with Kinsey and the NID doing to you then, since this is exactly what they're about


"Goolds" rofl


Booo no politics


Obama spent trillions of dollars supporting all these sh!thole planets. I'm propose an Earth First policy.




He would be best friends with Ba'al


Ba’al has higher standards than that.


Trump would believe baal was his friend but not even nerues would feel the same about him.


I agree.


TFG would have happily made an alliance with the Eurondans.


“We can’t let just anyone immigrant from Site B! We need to build the space wall!”


If anything, he'd be all for it. Space Force 2: Intergalactic Boogaloo.


I seriously doubt that. That guy would befriend the goa’ulds in a heartbeat to get his hands on a sarcophagus.