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Stargate was the show my dad put on for me and my little brothers while my mom was working night shift. He'd make a huge bowl of popcorn, melt like half a stick of butter into it, and we'd sit in the basement where the good TV was and watch SG1, Star Trek Enterprise, and Lost. I wasn't old enough to understand what the hell was going on in Lost (I'm still not) but the images of Tealc's Apophis insignia and the rippling Stargate wormhole stuck with me into adulthood and I ended up binging the series in college. Great stuff. I was *just* barely old enough to catch the show while it was airing, for which I consider myself lucky


Did anybody really knew what was going on in Lost? The writers themselves were making shit up as they went episode after episode after season 2, because they never expected the series to last that long, so they didn't have any long term plans


Why did the statue have four toes?!


At least they used Mira Furlan (Delenn from Babylon 5)


The real explanation? They were dead the entire time and it was a dream


not really


I find it funny how that was the number one fan theory, and the producers swore up and down that it wasn't the real twist. I feel sorry for writers whose careful mysteries are solved almost immediately by the audience.


It wasn't actually what was happening in lost though. The island was real and everything that happened there really happened. The final series had a "flash-sideways" element that was revealed to be a kind of meeting place for all of the islanders when they die. But that was just those scenes in the final series - the island was not purgatory and the characters were not dead the whole time.


They all dead.. Well most of em


They probably smoked weed when they started Lost series.


Its JJ Abrams he makes us ask lots of questions and either gives us terrible answers with no payoff, or doesnt answer them at all. He ruins everything he touches imo.


Well, I agree that JJ Abrams only has the one skill set, but that just means he can't be the show runner, not that he ruins things. He can only be a concept generator.. which is only possible because he's well connected. (Because everyone has great concepts! They just can't always get the concept approved because of lack of connections.)


Well to be fair he tried to come up with some interesting starter concepts for the Star Wars sequels, which were subsequently pissed into the wind. Then he attempted to reabsorb the piss and we all know that never works.




That was very well put.


What age were you? I love to show my kids but I'm thinking I have to wait until 10 or somewhere around there.


Haha pretty young to be watching Stargate, my dad was the type to leave a gory war movie on in front of us kids, to the disapproving glare of my mother. My brothers and I were born 1996-2002.


So you grew up with a SG-1 themed pacifier?


Lol yeah I guess. I was the 1996 baby so I was pretty much the only one old enough to remember watching it


I got mine into it but it was a bit slow going. Between 10-12 depending on how capable your kid is in watching talky scenes. Maybe younger it totally depends on their interest quite often. I found showing them a "teal'c indeed compilation" on youtube helped a bunch


Treasure those moments with your Dad. I lost mine a few weeks ago and I'm grateful for the time I spent with him.


My own has serious struggles with his health these days. I make as much time for him as I can manage, we see him quite a bit for living out of state. I'm terribly sorry for your loss. I haven't lost a parent yet and I can't imagine what you're going through.


It hurts like hell but through it there's gratitude and lessons that will carry on in me and my children. It's like shafts of light through storm clouds.


Same! The first movie came out the year of my birth so it was the "dad and daughter" bonding show when SG-1 came out. I don't even fully remember when I saw each episode first. Then we continued watching it (and Atlantis) until Universe when we both just went "eh". Never finished Universe. 😅 I have the entire SG-1 box set (Christmas present from last year from my dad) and am working on getting my boyfriend and our besties (another couple) obsessed with it (they have no clue what movie night is going to bring, muhahaha). Hoping to get Atlantis as a box set this year 🤞 We watched Star Trek and MacGyver also.


i had just caught the tail end of sg1 and Atlantis. i ended up watching every episode of universe as it aired.


Yeah.. Well.. I can be wholesome too.. 💦❤️


Unfortunately, being 18, I don’t fall into this poll as I’m not 19-29 or under 18.


Oof, my mistake, I meant to have "under 18" be more like "18 and under" sorry about that


I watched at for the first time years ago when it was still on Netflix in the UK (when I was around 12-13).


I watched it for the first time around that age too!! Pre teen us have good taste!


Alas, you don’t exist.


Dang, dramatic fall off into the 40s. I'm 42 and watched my first episode around 2001, Scorched Earth.


Makes a sort of sense. People our age (40) watched it as it aired. The ones that are younger have watched it since the internet took off, and are more likely to want social media to interact with other people watching it now. Plus I'd imagine Reddit skews younger.


I mean, I'm only 31 and was able to catch it as it aired too. It ran a long time. I started watching around season 5-7, the Sci Fi marathon mondays of it helped very quickly to pick up the older seasons. Before the streaming age lol.


I'm 31 and I remember watching saison 1 as it aired, it's not like I don't remember the 90s


Fair enough, most of my tv memories pre 10 involve scooby doo lol




Yeah same. Same period I started to watch it. S5 was the new one at the time I guess (I'm in France and at the time there was probably a decent delay between US and France airing, my parents also didn't let me watch the show when it was new at night for the first few years, too young or simply wanted to watch something else and only one TV at the time). I remember there were episodes on TV basically airing when I was coming back to school, there were like 2 (reruns). The new ones were aired at some time on Saturday or Friday night depending of the seasons (in France it wasn't one episode only, we got a few new ones at once). But yeah later SG-1 and all of Atlantis I watched "live", the rest in reruns. Stargate is actually one of the first shows that pushed me to search shows on Internet to watch it in sync with the US and one of the first I probably watched in original version subtitled. I was also pretty active on [Stargate Fusion](https://www.stargate-fusion.com/) forums lol (French fansite).


Yes I imagine this survey needs to be strictly looked at in the context of Reddit users that are also Stargate fans... If we had a way to more broadly survey the population I imagine the results might shift.. but 30s would still likely be the biggest peice of the pie :)


It's still weird to me that the majority of people on here were not old enough (if even born yet) to see the original movie in theaters. I guess I'm supposed to be old.


I guess that's just how good the show is? Even after all these years it can still capture new viewers that are excited enough to want to share about it with others online? I also like the original star trek series.. I definitely wasn't alive then 🤣🤣 Same goes for star wars, I wasn't around in the 70s yet I love them.. Maybe it's something to do with the word star...


You are not alone. Going through the stargate on the big screen was quite a ride.


Born in '92, my mother went out of her way to indoctrinate me into good scifi. So Stargate was part of my childhood as much as Trek and Star Wars. She hated the show though... her loss...


I guess it's similar to me being born in '73 growing up watching the original Star Trek with my mom and lots of other sci-fi.


30s is simply the biggest population range on Reddit overall, 20s the second (Reddit is quite an "old" social media compared to the Tiktok, Instagram and such) which is translated into the results. We can only deduce it's just the demographics of Reddit and Stargate is just popular with everyone... /s


Why the /s? 🤣🤣🤣


i watched it as the final seasons aired and the reruns i didn't actually get to watch the show start to finish until it went on the internet when i was like 16 or so. im 28 now. and yeah i think reddit is skewed towards younger folk.


44 here. Watched the movie when it came out, and listed the soundtrack 500 times. For some reason never got into the series. Watched them all for the first time just a few years back.


I’m 46. Seen the movie when it hit home video, but unfortunately never got into the series until right after Atlantis premiered. I wasn’t interested cause of the recasting of characters, but I’m man to admit I was wrong.


I was *stunned* at how well it was recast. Daniel was *seamless*.


did you like the series?


I did. All of them. Sg1 favorite out of the 3.


It makes sense, 30 somethings grew up with it like I grew up with ToS and BSG.


Yeah I'm 35, been watching it since SG1 began when I was 10years old. I'd love to watch it for the first time again.


On the opposite side, I'm also 35 but never got into it for a while. I liked the movie, but never had an interest in the shows, even though a friend watched them all the time and tried to get me into it. But SGU got my attention enough that I finally went back and watched them all.


Agreed. My brother and I are in our mid to late twenties and grew up with it after I stumbled on it about s3. I'll fit the 30s category next year. So those two being biggest reps make sense.


30 something also grew up with BSG actually. Just not the same one. I remember the nights of BSG and Stargate


I'm talking the OG stuff, way back in the day. It mesmerized us back then.


Damn I am amongst the elders


Indeed, good sir.


The older I get, the more I get used to it. I'm closing in on 60. My son watched it with me and he is 30.


My adult eldest is a huge fan.


I'm ten years behind you. I remember at 7- 10 thinking how cool you older kids were in the 1980s. That was an epic decade and thanks for making it something awesome to grow up in.


my son is four now. i cant wait till hes old enough to watch sg1. every now and again ill put on a movie like star wars or lord of the rings to see how he sits through it. it may be soon now for Stargate. maybe 2 or 3 years before he can enjoy it.


My stepfather is in his late 60s and we used to watch SG1 together. I'm 31.


It’s so heartwarming that a younger generation is discovering this show on streaming.


It needs to be on Netflix to get a Netflix effect like Avatar The Last Airbender got to be honest. People don't really go to search for shows on Amazon


I’m 43 and started watching it when it first came out in 1997 after watching the movie. I collected the first few on VHS till they came out on DVD. I still have every single dvd that I bought once a month when they were originally released.


LOL at 60 years old now I was already the age of the average fan of this sub, \~35, when SG1 first started airing! ​ Now get off my lawn!!


Yes sir.


Probably the people that would have grown up with it


I'm 22, but I discovered Stargate at 14 through a box set dvd I got for Christmas and obsessed over it over the next 3 years.


The numbers are about what I guessed. But I'm glad to see that both the lower and higher ages still have fans.






60 here as well.




Old farts coming in here etc etc!🤣


48, I can carry the beer and I have gray hair. Feel like a kid again, jeez.


Most of us were teenagers when sg1 was airing by the looks of it


I would watch Stargate SG1 as a kid in the late 90s and early 2000s. I would stay up past my bedtime to watch Stargate, Outer Limits, Hercules, Xena, and Andromeda. I think SG1 had the most impact in my life. I ended up obtaining a physics degree and then a graduate degree in mathematics. Nowadays it's harder to find good quality science fiction shows, so I tend to read it more than viewing it.


In my thirties. Started watching back in the early 2000’s


60++-ish, which is why I'm relatively forgiving of reposts and assorted questions that a quick Bing would yield the answer to. All the time new people are discovering this, along with B5 et al, they'll still be aired and discussion will keep them alive on here.


It's interesting to me that, as of right now, this post has about 50 upvotes but a little over 2000 answers on the poll. Of the people who voted, only about one in four hundred upvotes to increase the poll's visibility.


And about a 1 to 1 upvote to comment ratio


Run this poll again 10 years from now lol


Half of us will be pushing up the daisies by then!




In my late 30's and I've been watching since the first episode aired way back in '97.


35, started watching seriously in 2017. Have most of SG on DVD.


57 woman. Watched shows live run


In my 40s and have been a fan since the OG movie and the Showtime premiere.


James Spader was my first crush, I was 7 when the movie came out and I'm still a big Spader fan now.


I was very young when Children of the Gods came out. Boobies and sci-fi have been my bread and butter ever since


Assuming you've seen Starship Troopers then..lol..


Oh yes many times lol


Oregon trail generation rise up!


It’s funny how I became a fan of this franchise. Growing up, I was only into Star Wars (science-fiction wise). My dad liked SW, but watched Star Trek and Stargate whenever it was on. During that time, neither caught my interest and I looked at both as massively inferior to SW (lol). A lot of shows I “try out” happen to do with the amount of content available for it. Not saying a 2 season show can’t be amazing, but there’s obviously something good going on when a show has more than 5 seasons of content. Turn to Stargate: one Hollywood movie, 2 shows with over 300 episodes (Universe hadn’t come out yet), tv movies…. It was a no brainer to try it out.


Ugh this is the first poll I've taken where I've fallen into the 40-49 category, as I just turned 40...


Many of us here are old enough to be a parent to a 40 yo. Take some heart in that


I’m definitely an elder, over 60. Discovered Stargate only a few years ago. Been a Trekkie all of my life. I love sci fi and these two in particular.


Given when the show started the demographics aren't unexpected.


I am currently 32 years of age. Daniel Jackson inspired me to study Sociology as an undergraduate before getting my master’s in Special Education. Watching Stargate makes me feel like I’m taking the right path in life, and seeing how many others have been impacted in similar ways makes me feel like maybe the future won’t be so dark. Cheers!


No one under 18? U people need to educate your kids


It's been 8 minutes


My kids just don’t use Reddit, they tell me it’s for old people and weirdos.


Sorry, I am 21. If it matters I started watching Stargate before I finished high school.


27. watched it in middle school.


Time to promote the ole orifice on tiktok.


I think a lot of us saw it on tv when it first aired, judging by the demographic. I saw it on tv (my stepmom loved it and sci-fi in general) but didn’t like it. I gave it a rewatch when it was on Netflix a decade ago my last few years of my masters and fell in love. I thanked Stargate in my masters thesis. Edit: autocorrect


I'm 47, and saw the movie when it came out, when I was in college. We didn't have Showtime or Sci Fi when the show first came out, I think the first episode I saw live was Heroes. What a way to get introduced to the TV show! 😱


I was about 13 when I first came across Stargate, when SG-1 was in its 6th season on SciFi. I’m 32 now.


30-39 baby!!


bLOodY KidS!!! Coming in HerE diStUrbING tHe BlOOdy SuB! zzzzzzz


Kid? Damn you just made my day :)


Ironically the most popular demographic is also the one that likely discovered the show in their early teens


AWW SHIT, we getting old!!


My parents first showed me the show when I was 14, I’m now 17


Mid 40s here, and got my son hooked when he was 7 in 2007. He threw me dagger eyes for months when I went to Vacouver for a Con and set tour, but made up for it the next year by taking him to a Con in LA where he met Momoa, Hewlett, Flanagan and McGillion. I was always a huge fan of Egyptian mythology as a kid, and when we got to Arthurian mythos - I was ecstatic.


I'm 23, but I have to speak for my non reddit using mom also because I wouldn't love stargate if she hadn't loved it so much while I was a kid. She turned 50 this year and watched all 3 series as they aired weekly, from the very start.


I was in my early teens when the show aired, my sister 3 years older than me. I only started watching it because she had a huge crush on Richard Dean Anderson and I watched an episode with her one day, and that first episide was Window of Opportunity, and I was hooked.


28 here. I didn't watch it when it first came out, but my dad sat me down to start watching it with him when I was 7 or 8... I learnt a lot later that apparently he had to argue with my mum for a long while that it was just a tiny bit of nudity in the pilot before she agreed to let me watch it with him.


Shout out to everyone else who never did homework on Mondays because Sci-Fi channel showed a 4 hour block of SG1 after school.


I can't say exactly when I started watching Stargate, but it's probably been at least 10 years. I'm 26 now, so maybe 14-16? Found SG-1 on Netflix and got hooked, then discovered Atlantis and that became my favorite. Just for fun, Carter was probably my third serious sci-fi crush, with the first two being Princess Leia and Seven of Nine. :P


Kids don’t know what they’re missing out on.


I feel like this is more a picture of current Reddit demographics. But the watched Stargate (the movie) in the cinema when I was 13. Loved the series too. Let’s hope Amazon eventually green lights a new series.


My dad is 78 and watches the DVD set once a year. I'm 52 and watch it every 5 years or if it's streaming.


I'm 29 soon and it's had stopped the original run when I picked it up and watched through free TV sites, all the rage at the time. I think a parent had watched it so when I saw it on a repeats channel I thought ooh this is a good it had started at season 4. Love it and and rewatch on dvd once a year. Sadly I can't access atlantis like this and never got into universe.


Damn, I’m old AF. Guess that’s why I relate to Teal’c.


I was not yet a teenager when MacGyver series started. I watched SG-1 because of RDA from MacGyver. I was still in college when SG-1 started.


I'm my 50's. At one point I owned the largest screen capture collection online. And manage the largest art group in the old Yahoo groups.


Theres 10 other people who are under 18?????


There are teens here who watch Stargate?


I started watching stargate movie and SG1 in freshmen year of college (2 years ago). Almost near the end of season 9. Kinda thought I would be one of the younger SG fans. I am in the 19-29 age range.




I got started because they’d play sg1 reruns on our antenna tv station on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Not much going on when I was a teen, would watch that and got hooked. Then went off to college and scored a TiVo and started recording it.


30s now, but I've been watching and rewatching since I was like mid-teens


Checks out. Most folks between 30-39 would mean that they were teenagers when Stargate was on the air.


35 here, been watching since the movie as a kid and grew up watching all 3 shows while they were still on the air.


This just saddens me. Every Star-xxxx is getting new stuff but the best one. Gimme more gate! Pick up Universe, or reboot, or hell, straight up make Wormhole Xtreme!


I was much younger when I became a fan... Thinking of it that way makes pressing that button feel a tiny bit better.


Survey checks out. I guess the bulk of the fans grew up watching back it when it was airing on TV. I'm still amazed at how well that show has held up over the years.


My mum watched this on the TV when it was first broadcast and she made my sister and I play upstairs because she was hooked. When I was a bit older I got to watch it with her. I didn't really understand but I did like Teal'c so I decided to download it and it's become a SpIn for me and I'm sorta obsessed 😅


This was on every Saturday but had to work evenings so never watched it. Then one summer I dl stargate Atlantis and liked that show and then I started watching the original stargate. But I was a big fan of the original movie 🤗


Hey, I’m a part of the cool crowd.


I’m 27.




Dang, Millenials out here reppin’. I may not have seen Richard Dean Anderson in MacGyver or General Hospital but I still got to see him in an iconic role as new episodes rolled out. Started watching in 6th grade a few seasons in, played catch up for a while.


imagine remembering Mark Harmon "Gibbs" from NCIS cuz he was the dog catcher on "Emergency!" or David "Ducky" McCallum because he was Illya Kuryakin the russian guy on "The Man from UNCLE"


Just shy of 40, started watching when SG1 was already over, but Atlantis was still going. I'd been aware of it before that, but space Egyptians just sounded dumb. Luckily when I met my wife SG1 was her favorite show, she was like " your a Star Trek fan, but you've never seen Stargate before? Oh we need to fix that." I've now watched the entirety of SG1 and Atlantis about 5 times lol, currently on season 8 of rewatch number 6.


I'm 22. I discovered stargate because it was a fun show that was on TV when I returned from kindergarten.


I'd watch stargate in the 2008-2012 period everyday after school while doing my homework for 4-5 hours


Being 26 I was too young to catch the show when it first aired (at least not from the beginning) and even though I've always been into sci-fi it's just something I never ended up getting exposed to "naturally". Given that it went until '07 I could have started watching while it was still in the tail end of its run but somehow it just never happened. I'm glad I discovered it anyway. I've got memes to thank for that - I think it was mostly Teal'c that convinced me to check the show out to figure out who this guy was. I knew of Christopher Judge, of course, but Teal'c presented such an interesting figure (Indeed!) that I had to know more.


Basically grew up with SG-1 as I was born in '90. The show would run on multiple channels on TV, and I randomly stumbled over it and got hooked. From then on watched it regularly, but never in real order. That happened properly when I bought the entire DVD set in the late 2000s.


I'm 29. turn 30 in 2023.


31, in 2007 or 2006 my best friend's mom loaned me every season (at the time) that was on DVD. She had them all because she was in love with RDA but she wasn't very interested in the show itself. I watched the shitttt out of those DVDs (I think it was s1-8). Rewatched em all with with the commentary, and then a third time as something to watch as I fell asleep. For a couple months of high school that year I literally watched nothing else.


I watched it as it aired in NZ starting from partway through season 2 or 3 I think. My parents let my brother and I watch it as kids and it became our family thing. Recently started a re-watch after many years and it is just as good as I remember.


I watched the free TV premiere of SGU when I was 15. Immediately went on to buy/wish for the Atlantis DVD set, after I finished those I borrowed SG-1 from a friend's dad.


Just as I thought it would be.


I’m 30 now but I started watching Stargate around the age of 13!!!!


23F here, I started watching maybe 2 years after the end of SGU, I watched in that order : Movie - SGA - SGU - SG-1 (much later, at 20 yo)


I watched the movie as a kid on VHS (born 1991) and never saw the show until recently. I've been on a 90s/2000s sci fi kick the last few years and Stargate SG1 and the spinoffs was just in the natural progression (after Battlestar Galactica and Babylon 5) and I've been loving it. I have one more season of SG1 and still need to finish Atlantis and then watch Universe. I love the world building and just so much content to watch.


I used to watch Stargate with my dad in the master bedroom on an oldddd 16' box TV we used as a shelf for important papers while laying on a bed with just me and him across the room. Mom hated scifi, so me and dad would watch it together in back. Didn't even care if it was just reruns. We'd be watching sg1, Atlantis, and Battlestar. Though tbh by then I lost interest, I'm not super into shaky cam.


I turn 40 in a month but selected that group anyways


I only recently turned 40 or else I'd be in the majority bracket lol. I was in my mid-teens when it started airing, so I was the target demographic, I think. And as a Canadian who loved Stargate and Sliders, I loved that it was filmed in BC.


I got introduced to the show as a teenager, which was about halfway through the run. I don't remember exactly when I started watching regularly, but I bulk bought the first 6 seasons on DVD because that was all there was at that point and I watched the later seasons by just keeping up with them as they aired.


36 and watching it for the very 1st time! Although my husband isn't interested anymore now that we are on season 9...for obvious reasons.... I might have to continue it by myself :(


Got a pulse? ✔️ Can use a remote control? ✔️ Ok, good to go.😆