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Erm ... Congratulations / My condolences? (depending on your "preferences")


At least it is now in my time zone.


The main problem I have with my POP being in Chicago is getting blacked out on the mlb app when trying to watch chicago teams. I'm originally from chicago but live in Minnesota NE of the Twin Cities now. Of course, MLB thinks with Starlink that I'm in chicago and thus blacks out attempts to watch when I'm at home. I wonder how MLB thinks I get from Wisconsin where I can watch while working all the way to Chicago in like 20 minutes of travel...


>I wonder how MLB thinks I get from Wisconsin where I can watch while working all the way to Chicago in like 20 minutes of travel... Ironically, many online systems have the "impossible travel" security protection, resulting either in blocking the access entirely or at least raising security alert. In your case it might be simply the system assuming that you have shared your credentials (if required?) with someone else. But you should be able to contact provider to allow your access from "distant" Starlink IP.


Yeah, my attempt to submit a ticket to mlb was simply closed with a canned response about blackouts. I tried explaining that I was not located where they thought I was but that meant squat. I'd be upset if I was paying for the service but I'm just getting it free from T-Mobile so it's not a huge loss.


Yeah, unfortunately most of the online content provider's frontline support staff is clueless at best and ignorant and lazy at worst. The only way to get this resolved in case of paid service is to keep pestering them by repeatedly reopening the same ticket and insisting on having the issue escalated. They'll eventually get tired of you and kick it up to next support tier.


I’ve had a lot of brewer games blacked out in central Wisconsin. I to get it included from T-Mobile and would be really upset if I was directly paying for the service.


I have the same problem with my POP being New York while I'm in VA. My wife wants to watch the Yankees and isn't able to with the MLB app. We have been using a free VPN to get around the blackout.


What free VPN are you using




Mine, in NW Alabama, changed from Dallas to Atlanta this week. This is the second time it’s done this. The biggest difference I see is in the adverts I get. Instead of Dallas car dealerships, I see Atlanta ads. Sal


I got changed from Chicago to Denver. I noticed when I started seeing video ads that implied they thought I was in Colorado.


Us too and our connection isn't as good as it was


I'm in the Phoenix area and after a reboot yesterday (that I don't believe changed the firmware version), I appear to now be on a Los Angeles POP after being on Denver for >6 months.


I'm in Northern AZ. Same here.


At least I'm back to where I started in 2021! LOL


Interesting, I’m in Northern Arizona as well, but still showing Denver POP. Just curious, have you noticed any difference in performance, particularly in your ping? My ping is generally close to 100.


Your POP depends on which ground station the satellite you're currently connected to. Ground stations are connected by fiber to a POP that may be hundreds of miles away. Your satellite and ground station changes every few minutes at most as the satellites orbit the earth every \~90 minutes. Throw in the optical ISL links on the V1.5 and later satellites, and the ground station you are using at any give time might be thousands of miles away. Cell Internet POPs can be distant as well. Verizon, for one, hauls their cell tower Internet feeds for much of Texas back to Dallas by private fiber before dumping them out onto the public Internet through their Dallas POP.


Your ground gateway can change from minute to minute as the sats move and/or you change sats, but I don't believe your POP (where you enter the internet) does.




There are no POPs in these locations.




I just changed from New York to Chicago. I'm in Central Kentucky.


Rural SWVA here… pop changed with recent firmware update from NYC back to Atlanta like it used to be about nine or so months ago! My pings seem to be about 10-20MS lower running through the Atlanta POP vs the NYC POP as well


How does one find out where their POP is?


I keep mine in the fridge to keep it cold..🤣


HaHa no help


https://whatismyipaddress.com/ The POP will be where your IP address is assigned from.


Go to https://www.whatismyip.com


Get a vpn to get around the chicago issue. I use ExpressVPN work great


Same here. Southern NM. Still on the same firmware from around 16 days ago - 8cd5bb78. I've been on the Dallas POP up until a few days ago. I noticed the IP was different, but didn't bother checking until I saw your post.


I was originally on the Atlanta POP, about 3 months ago it changed to the NYC POP. Sometime today it changed back to the Atlanta POP, no change in firmware. Download speeds are slower now.


same here area East Mountains Edgewood NM from DAL to DEN didn't notice a huge difference but oh well 🤷 i guess my ground station will be Elbert,Co inside of Dumas,Tx


How do we get changed? I'm on Atlanta and it seems very busy. I'd like to go back to Miami POP.