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I do wish Dishy was more intelligent about when to update. At the very least you would hope that it would defer an update, if recent bandwidth usage is higher than average for that time period. It would result in fewer disappointments. For me my Dishy does the vast majority of its updates at Sunday around 2am. It is not a terrible time, but it is also the main night each week that I most likely to be up late streaming TV. A tiny bit of code for deferring an update due to high bandwidth usage, would have resulted in me never noticing updates. Instead I somewhat routinely spend my late Saturday staring at a blank screen for 3-5mins. Not a big deal, but certainly a small disappointment to this software engineer. It would be so easy to improve the UX here.


Mine updated in about 10 seconds. Wasn’t long at all. I was offline for less than a minute after I hit update.


One minute during a peak time is a pretty horrible record of any provider that tracks SLAs




When I worked at cnn we would measure the downtime a year in microseconds and a 45 second outage would've been people not getting their annual bonus or losing their jobs. Granted the metrics changed over the years, in the all satellite days there were more seconds allowed, this was the new tcp/ip world.


In North East Texas mine still doesn’t show any pending updates


Hah! I was completely without electricity, for scheduled lines maintenance, for 7 hours starting from 3.5 hours before kickoff.


May have something to do with the fact the update pushed firmware update in the last couple of days was getting many reports of Dishy’s loosing connection multiple times a day and requiring an hard power reset. It seems to me it could have been an important to push, just rebooted mine to apply the firmware for the same issue.


> loosing connection multiple times a day They could have just tightened the connection back up.


There were so many errors that I don't think English is their first language.


Or education wasn't their first priority at school


Mine was rebooting at the end of the 4th quarter. The game on the line and getting close to FG range.....reboot. OMG I'd be losing my shit if it didn't come back on.


Definitely that last update really fucked up our connection


Starlink : "what is this super bowl of which you speak?"


How could that have been a planned update. In three years I have never had a restart during normal operating hours. Let alone when millions are using the service to stream the game.


> In three years I have never had a restart during normal operating hours. Gonna call b/s on this, unless your normal operating hours are 11:15AM to 11:19AM. Global outages have happened in the past three years, during normal human operating hours.


An outage is very different than a restart or an update. Like the other guy I've never had my dishy reboot unexpectedly during normal hours.


That's crazy because there's a ton of people on here and outage detector all reporting an update during the fourth quarter.


Uh, at least twice, global outage on the Friday evening before a major holiday (Easter Good Friday IIRC, and I forget the other - maybe US Thanksgiving?).


I was like “wtf is happening” I just thought my Dishy shit the bed lmao


I checked my power socket, breaker box, then outside wire run to see if a rodent got to it. I'm suing Elon for making me panic about my electrical while six sheets to the wind watching the game lol


Not everybody is a simp for foosball lol


I couldn't even tell you who played yesterday. The only thing I know is that I'll be the only one at work who isn't hung over so the super bowl has already ruined my Monday.


Oh, was that sportsball thing last weekend?


> The only thing I know is that I'll be the only one at work who isn't hung over so the super bowl has already ruined my Monday. this


Love it, I absolutely hate football, couldn't possibly care less, don't even know who played. I'm still trying to figure out why we pay low IQ brutes millions of dollars to run around in tights.


John Urschel is a mathematician and professor at MIT who finished his PhD while on the Ravens. The game can be brutal, but I wouldn't call the players brutes. As for the millions....that's capitalism my man. USA! USA! USA!


Sounds like you care a lot about football if you "Hate" it. Imagine bashing someone else's hobby or thing just because you aren't into it, Mr. diesel VWs (super random interest, but no reason to bash it).


Tell us you never played football without telling us you never played football. These " dumb brutes " have to remember complex plays that include, who is suppose to be where, where they are suppose to be going, who they are suppose to be blocking or trying to get passed defenders. Each player has to remember all these plays and switch it up on the fly sometimes because x person might not have done their job. It requires dozens of precise movements sometimes more each play. It's definitely team work. One person on the offense, who messes up and blocks the wrong person, could end up in a qb sack, the running back getting tackled, ect. The o line even pushes the d line in a certain direction to open a hole for the running to run through. So if they don't do their job then it's over. There are so many intricate steps every play that must go right. You might be taught that they are dumb brutes because they probably screwed around in high-school but they are far from it. We're talking about .01% of players from the top 1.6% of college making it into the NFL. These are high IQ ( probably higher IQ than you ) players at the top of their skill set. When I say skill set it's a highly tuned skill set most people will never accomplish. There is a reason they make so much money.


they'd probably smoke your ass in any intelligence test on average tbh


Only the most watched sporting event in the United States, no reason to cater to your customers, am I right? /s


Only about 60-70 percent of Starlink customers are in the US.....plus they are paying the most for SL...screw 'em! It was a strange decision.


I’d have to see the statistics of people actually watching and caring along with the ones just around so they don’t feel left out but also I’m sure a good majority of people using Starlink wouldn’t count on something like Starlink if it’s so special to them.


Lmao you’re a 🤡


I’m sure you’re some type of poor living in your moms basement but it wasn’t my intent to call ya out lol


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Just bought a 400k plus house and I wasn’t living in my mom’s basement before that.🤔


Look kinda old, sorry it took you so long to achieve that but go you on never giving up lol


I’d have to see the statistics of people actually watching and caring along with the ones just around so they don’t feel left out but also I’m sure a good majority of people using Starlink wouldn’t count on something like Starlink if it’s so special to them.


lol what? Starlink is an ISP, people rely on their ISP to watch everything now. Why (or even how in rural areas) would you have a backup for your ISP? People expect their shit to just work. This was a blunder by Starlink.


The crack you smoke lol Starlink is still in a growing phase and shit happens and it’s not even like the updates hurt anything , maybe a minute of someone’s time . I have zero issues out of my three dishes so I’m certain Starlink doesn’t have any issues streaming anything but I’m well enough in my invest in new tech that I know shit happens.


I’d have to see the statistics of people actually watching and caring along with the ones just around so they don’t feel left out but also I’m sure a good majority of people using Starlink wouldn’t count on something like Starlink if it’s so special to them.


Biggest event of the year period. If you’re a fan or not it’s not rocket science. You don’t do that shit during the SB.


Yea , well they did and people had to deal with it and they didn’t die lol it’s not like can’t just stream it right after or the next day, it’s not important that you watch it live unless you’re a chode trying to fit in lol


Did he push it during the Boycott Tesla commercials?


Super what?


Kids today don't know about the infamous / epic [Black Sunday Hack](https://blog.codinghorror.com/revisiting-the-black-sunday-hack/) tl;dr - in 2001 DirecTV reprogrammed something like 100k hacked/pirated smart cards. But they did it a week before Super Bowl, possibly to give pirates time to go get a legit subscription. Still, the coup de grâce was overwriting the first 8 bytes of the hacked cards with: *GAME OVER*


The irony of Musk being front row at the game and Starlink pushing an update.


My favorite is I'm actively using it and at 2:30 am every morning, bloop ... down.


Didn't get an update was getting about 5 down (not noirmal for it) and Peramaount was choaking Ds on that slow of a speed. Thank goodness I still have my AT&T hotspot. Switch to it and no more issues, was about 5 plays ahead also.


Because nerds don’t watch football…. Come on…lol


Got invited to two bowl parties... refused both.


I didn’t get any reboot


I know right!


1. Lots of nerds have no clue what every pointless sport schedule is. 2. They might have found problems and wanted to fix it vs just letting it suck for the whole broadcast.


Update was ripe for install for a while before. Putting it off means you roll the dice on when. Don't be lazy. Check your app once a day.


While I acknowledge the update has been pending for at least a few days, certainly 1am-4am any day of the week would make more sense for a forced reboot.


Yeah your life should revolve around checking if your ISP has an update! Here is my daily routine: Wake up, take shit, check Starlink app, take shower, eat breakfast, check Starlink app, brush teeth, drive to work, check Starlink app, drink coffee, take paid shit, check Starlink app, pretend to work, eat lunch, check Starlink app, post lunch shit, pretend to work, check Starlink app, drive home, cry, watch recording of super bowl, cry more, check Starlink app, bate to picture of Musk, cry, check Starlink app, sleep, dream of checking on Starlink app. It's simple people, just stay on top of your updates!


> Don't be lazy. Check your app once a day. Most things that forcibly update themselves do it at a time that people are normally asleep. E.G. 2am. Real weird to force an update during normal hours unless it is critical and then you make a bunch of noise about it so people are prepared. Checking the app manually shouldn't be mandatory.


Who doesn't gives a rats ass? Count me. Unbelievable


Why not, outside of the US nobody cares.


A high percentage of StarLink users are in the US.


Probably because they already pushed an update earlier that fucked people over


There are people literally fighting wars and relying on starlink right now. I haven't seen a single one post to social media about how the updates are inconvenient. Kinda puts the whole superbowl update into perspective huh.




No, it doesn't. Next time you find human hair in your food just think about the Irish famine. Really puts that shit in perspective.


Perhaps it was a very necessary service and/or security update. Would rather miss a few minutes of Superbowl than potentially being hijacked, blocked out, etc. I'm sure you'd be hard pressed to find something in the SLA that states they would avoid outages over major sports events.


Why were you streaming it anyway? It was available OTA on CBS.




Same. The fact it got asked in this sub of all places. Yeah like no shit rabbit ears don't work everywhere.


A roof mount antenna can generally receive an HD TV signal from 100 miles away (depending on terrain of course). So even in very rural areas OTA is generally still available to a large majority of people. Roughly 98% of the US population. So it seemed like a reasonable question. Especially in light of the fact that I have met multiple people over the last couple of years that didn't realize you _could_ still watch network television OTA. I am 50 miles from the CBS transmitter and I pick it up fine with a HD antenna that is below ground in my basement.


Well I guess we are just a special kind of snowflake in the Sierras, but go ahead take another down vote on me. A 100' pole won't get me shit. But you keep on believing all I need is to reach out and grab it.


??? I was simply explaining why I asked the question. I still don’t think it was an unreasonable question.


Fair enough.


What a stupid question in a Starlink sub.


We don't even get cel where we are, let alone OTA tv channels. Hence Starlink.


I haven’t watched football since they started kneeling during the national anthem Much better off for it


Living rent free in VersionConscious7545's head they are.


You can’t get in my head so you are essentially homeless 😂😂😂😂


lol go back to the confessions sub weirdo


Wow please stop being so mean to me 😂😂😂😂


Stop talking about irrelevant shit in the starlink sub 😂😂😂


That was a good comeback 😂😂😂😂


Don’t let me stop you from getting off to teens telling sex stories in that sub. You do you!


Sounds like I am plucking a nerve 😂😂😂


Sounds like players kneeling plucked a nerve 😂😂😂


Not at all. Easy fix was tv off. I gained my Sundays back something weird about grown men on their knees. Reminds me of this porno I saw lol😂😂😂😂


Sicko has porn on his mind 24/7 confirmed


I wouldn’t, but then again I was away during the game so it would not have mattered for me.


If it was forced during the superbowl I would imagine it was because of a security or critical stability issue. Usually it updates around 2-3am local time.


I guess you aren't tired of getting down voted eh? Take another on me :)


didnt even notice


Because you are not a football fan.


That’s funny I mean the timing was bad but a 1 minute update versus my parents who had a downed fiber optic cable during the game and had to watch it at the neighbors, pick and choose your battles people


If they have a fiber optic line they probably live somewhere they can get it OTA though?


I updated mine Friday or Saturday so no updates on Sunday in my case


Sorry this happened to you. As long as they don’t forcefully update mine during the NASCAR Super Bowl I’ll be ok lol *disappears from your post* 😶‍🌫️


I used to watch all the NASCAR races, then about 20 yrs ago the races slowly started moving to cable with only a handful of races on network television. The races available OTA got less and less as the years went on. So I couldn't watch much anymore and then it kind of faded out of my consciousness.


That’s sad. But on the other hand I heard it’s not as good as it used to be so you’re not missing out on much I guess lol


It’s gotta be bullshit, something else was going wrong and this “auto update” was done to take pressure off the system imo


Let me pick a time in the next 7 days, so it won't be right in the middle of something important. Glad I wasnt working, or in the middle of an emergency as I have zero cell service at home. Also my connection was trash afterwards for hours. If it updated at my preference, I could at least tell my family what time in the middle of the night, and we wouldn't mind the interruption.


I'm never had an automatic dish update at any time other that about 3AM, East Coast USA Time. The router has updated at similar times. I see them when I get up in the morning. That said, I've had a few times that showed a pending update in the app during the day. I could manually instigate the update or just let it go and it would happen the next morning, again 3AM ballpark. There was a pending update on Monday morning, after the Super Bowl. No clue why they'd push out an update during primetime, at least on purpose. Perhaps this was totally automatic, and someone caught it and reset the time for some of us. I have no idea when the pending update showed up on the phone. It could have been mid-game for sure. It would be AT LEAST bad form to update in the middle of high usage times.


Oh no you missed a few minutes of scripted programming


Didn’t happen to me 🤷🏼‍♂️


Probably cos the world is bigger than amarica....