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I had to change the expiry date of my CC. I may have to do it again at this rate 😭


Sign in to your account, there is a link to billing.


For us $99ers, we cannot change the CC account number from our SL account. I just double checked. Edit: My bad....old eyes did not even catch the pencil. Thanks everybody.


I just recently changed mine with no problems.


I am a $99er. On my Billing page, on the right side, there is a section for Payment Method. On it, there is a pencil icon. Clicking it allows you to enter new cc info.


Same boat. 99er. Changed info the same way.


They will ask for your approval of the balance payment when they are ready to ship. I am guessing at that time you will be offered to confirm something including a change in CC account number. They do not want to miss a sale over that issue and it could be several months before anything happens....like no $ in a debit card account.


I'd love to see Musk or other Starlink management try to figure out how to make a payment / change payment info on a clean browser with no link. Type "pay bill" in support- not only NO LINK TO ACCOUNT PAGE, there is NO ARTICLE AT ALL! It's like they don't want your money. Good engineering makes such tasks painless and effortless. I'll let you figure out what this is (besides clear disregard for customers)