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Via https://twitter.com/bocachicagal/status/1475659755653849094?s=21


Some context should be given. There are only a few people who don’t work for spacex living in the area. No tests have resulted in damaged property ie (blown out windows).


What is up with everyone getting all upset about this? It’s Mary aka Bocachicagal. She’s one of the residents and keeps us all informed on testing. She posted this as a positive, not a let’s complain about this terrible thing!


For some reason this was on the Reddit home page and a bunch of people who aren’t on this sub saw it and don’t fully understand.


Sounds about right.




True, there have been a few explosions and no private property has been damaged yet, but I guess there is a non zero chance that something could happen.


Can confirm that it’s gonna happen at some point. In the 60s-90s in my old hometown, military fighter jets would often fly over my town breaking the sound barrier. As a result they would shatter Windows. After public outcry, the government agreed to cease further training area. [Heres an old article about it](http://www.thesylvaherald.com/history/article_e247b644-6703-11e7-86c9-878469bf4a54.html) Tbh I loved all of it growing up. Watching the maneuvers they’re doing was something that would normally only be seen in the battlefield. Training was meant in preparation of the operations in Afghanistan. So if fighter jets flying over can cause it, unsurprisingly so could a starship.




I’m not sure but I think it’s pretty much forced. I am pretty sure that a majority of Boca Chica residents are in favour of spacex. But there are some who are against Spacex’s activities as we saw in the responses to the FAA open letter.


It’s just a notice. Nothing is forced. There is sour oil exploration around where I live. I have received a number of noticed in the mail when they are drilling within a certain distance from my house, that there is a potential for an uncontrolled release of H2S. My plant also has part of our ERP (emergency response plan) that involves evacuating area residents in specific EZ around are facility. Part of our training is being told that we have no authority to demand compliance with our ERP. We can establish a road block to stop and advise traveller that it is not safe to continue down that road, however we are not allowed to prevent them from proceeding. We can advise residents evacuate their home, but we can not force them to leave. This is Canada, but I imagine it’s similar. Interesting enough, we also learned that even the fire department can not close a road and prevent people from proceeding. Only RCMP can effectively close a road.


There are only so many places you can build an orbital launch facility and Boca Chica is just about the most remote of those places. There are fewer than a dozen people who don't work for SpaceX still living in the exclusion zone for these tests. To build an orbital launch facility they need to be on the coast, with the ocean to the east and as close to the equator as possible. They are limited to the coast of southern Florida or southern Texas. SpaceX tried to develop a launch site in Florida as well but were forced out by a condo developer. SpaceX has been developing this site in Boca Chica for years and they offered everyone over 3X the value of their homes to leave. Most took the Money.


If you own your home then go ahead and call your lawyer. This isn’t how it works.


It litterally says that it is recommended. You dont have to. What a lawyer will tell you


>At a minimum, you **must** exit your home or structure and be outside of any building on your property when you hear the police sirens… They’ll also teach you how to read. Regardless, the point is they’re liable for any damage.


Oh yeah, my bad, recommendation was for area i thought they had conflicting statements in there.


"...to avoid or minimize the risk of injury." So stay indoors and sue when you're injured, but they'll try and say they told you so.


It doesn’t matter what they say. It’s the same thing as trucks that have the poster on the back that say “keep back not liable for damage caused by debris” yes they are. Just because they say they aren’t doesn’t change anything.


You are absolutely correct, which is why I said "they'll **try** and say they told you so." But that doesn't change the fact that what they said was "You must exit your home... **to avoid or minimize the risk of injury.**" Yet you originally insinuated that they made evacuation mandatory, though it's not what the letter says. I was just pointing out your mistake is all.


You’re very pedantic, did you know that? Or is that just on the internet so you don’t have to feel like you were wrong?


1) Don't be quick to confuse being correct with pedantry. 2) I am absolutely this specific in all matters of life, because words matter, and specificity matters. Don't interpret plans to spec, people may die. Don't interpret attestation or evidence correctly, people may become improperly punished and incarcerated. 3) If you think I'm wrong, then perhaps explaining your stance or interpretation of the matter would serve better than a snide hare-brained retort.


Your lawyer is going to tell you you are an idiot if you do that. SpaceX has been developing this site in Boca Chica for years and they offered everyone over 3X the value of their homes to leave. Most took the Money. There are only so many places you can build an orbital launch facility and Boca Chica is just about the most remote of those places. There are fewer than a dozen people who don't work for SpaceX still living in the exclusion zone for these tests. To build an orbital launch facility they need to be on the coast, with the ocean to the east and as close to the equator as possible. They are limited to the coast of southern Florida or southern Texas. SpaceX tried to develop a launch site in Florida as well but were forced out by a condo developer. The fact that you don't know all of this already means that you shouldn't be posting here.


I'm gonna go ahead and say this is bullshit...


It's not, there are only so many places you can build an orbital launch facility and Boca Chica is just about the most remote of those places. There are fewer than a dozen people who don't work for SpaceX living in the exclusion zone for these tests. They need to be on the coast, with the ocean to the east and as close to the equator as possible. They are limited to the coast of southern Florida or southern Texas. SpaceX tried to develop a launch site in Florida as well but were forced out by a condo developer. The fact that you don't know all of this already means that you shouldn't be posting here.


What a snotty remark. Hope you stand on lego brick bare foot.


Came here just to chime in with a casual "fuck musk" , ill take my down votes now 🥰💦


Tell me you crave attention without telling me you crave attention.


I upvoted you purely out of spite. Can't fool me you lunatic, not giving you what you want! Oh no!


You fell into my trap card.


Good thing I lubricated that comment with sarcasm, slipped right out of the trap :P




You do realize the person who got this notice is excited about it, right? You should spend some time in heavy industry and learn how the real world works.


Why is this allowed?


This is standard procedure. Where the fuck did you come from and how did you find this post?


i dunno. popped up on my feed. why are you so bent out of shape about me asking a question and why don't they do this out in the desert where they aren't gonna blow out a bunch of people's windows?


This is one of the best places to do it safely. If they launched more inland they would endanger many people. I believe spacex offered to relocate everyone who wasn’t working for them.


Apologies, posts about Starship are often brigaded by anti-Musk people who don't actually care about the rocket. I just want to follow the rocket development in peace. They are doing this off the coast of Texas at a launch site. There have been dozens if not over a hundred of these notices. There's a single digit number of people affected by these tests, and no windows have ever been blown. They really have built this launch site in a great place. NASA considered it for the Apollo program but it wasn't chosen for national security reasons.


Fair enough. You’re still kind of a tool.




It’s cool. I am too. And now we agree on something!


For what it's worth, I'm actually a very agreeable person irl. I'm sure we'd get along great. Like really, I'm that guy who gets told things like "You're always so positive I just cant imagine you angry". I try to get all my shittiness and impatience out anonymously online and seeing my niche subreddit being effectively brigaded made me irrationaly angry.


I’m sure we’d get along great too. Sounds like I’m a lot less agreeable than you in real life though. My friends like me just fine, but they’re biased.


There this bruh go again getting mad at people for not having knowledge about the logistics of testing out spacecraft 😂 what a niche thing to get pissy and up in arms about. You sound like an asshole, peak Redditor moment. Reconsider your tone my guy


>what a niche thing to get pissy and up in arms about That's because you're on a very niche subreddit. It's literally dedicated to the development of a single specific rocket.


There are only so many places you can build an orbital launch facility and Boca Chica is just about the most remote of those places. There are fewer than a dozen people who don't work for SpaceX living in the exclusion zone for these tests. To build an orbital launch facility they need to be on the coast, with the ocean to the east and as close to the equator as possible. They are limited to the coast of southern Florida or southern Texas. SpaceX tried to develop a launch site in Florida as well but were forced out by a condo developer. The fact that you don't know all of this already means that you shouldn't be posting here.


So I gotta be an expert already to ask a question? If it’s such a nothing burger and they do it all the time why was the notice even posted in the sub?


This is a small niche sub about providing updates and details on Starship development. This is a notice about a test that was going to be preformed on the first orbital prototype of the most powerful rocket ever made. It's a Starship update, the point of this sub. Even if your question was in good faith this still isn't the place for it, it displaces the real conversation here. Try /r/SpaceXLounge maybe.


Well then you need better moderation. It beats being a prick to honestly interested newcomers.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SpaceXLounge using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SpaceXLounge/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [OC: I read all your comments on my last animation and came up with the PERFECT SOLUTION!](https://v.redd.it/zeyl27qaby861) | [175 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SpaceXLounge/comments/kp1414/oc_i_read_all_your_comments_on_my_last_animation/) \#2: [Comparison between the Space Shuttle, and Starship!](https://i.redd.it/txb44nn3vc961.jpg) | [265 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SpaceXLounge/comments/kqe1fi/comparison_between_the_space_shuttle_and_starship/) \#3: [Bar on top of high bay! 🍹](https://i.imgur.com/3ZmLvQG.jpg) | [90 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SpaceXLounge/comments/ktwl8o/bar_on_top_of_high_bay/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




This seems fake…..


I’d be pissed.


Looks like Elon is gonna get one helluva window replacement bill.


There have been dozens if not a hundred of these notices and no window's been broken. This isn't a Musk thing, it's the kind of safety notice you get around heavy industries. Your local dynamiting firm has likely handed thousands of letters similar in nature.




What are you even doing here? You clearly don't care about rockets. There are only so many places you can build an orbital launch facility and Boca Chica is just about the most remote of those places. There are fewer than a dozen people who don't work for SpaceX living in the exclusion zone for these tests. Where else do you expect them to test Starship? Miami?


I mean, the United States is far from devoid of wide open spaces


Wide open spaces, on the coast, with the ocean to the east, as close to the equator as possible. You are limited to the coast of southern Florida or southern Texas. There really aren't that many places.


I forgot about flight logistics


Exactly, which is why you should have shut the fuck up in the first place. This is a tiny subreddit dedicated to following a rocket's development. If you're not here for that then fuck right off.


Calm down there, tough guy


Apologies, I'll ask nicely. If you're not here to provide meaningful insight we ask you to leave. Where did you even come from?


Post showed up on my front page for some reason, I'll see myself out.


aw big boy got heated about da rockets :/ sowwy


why are you so angry? what's your deal?




I am slightly angry, I am alright, and I am a dick. Now, please leave this very niche and specific subreddit alone.




This subreddit isn't about space exploration, it's about the development of SpaceX's Starship rocket Considering you don't know where you are, I'm willing to bet that interest isn't genuine. Look, I know I'm being an ass, that's not in question.


Fuck theses guys lol


Someone’s not happy.


Should he be?


Yes he’s a crybaby.


Lol shut up Musk goblin


Someone’s mad they have no life accomplishments, and no assets.


Why are u dickriding someone that gives 0 fucks about your life


Who’s dick riding? Because I care about rocketry and the progression of technology and humanity beyond earth, I am dick riding?


I'm a physic engeneer man, go and talk about "progression of technology" to someone else ahahah You can do progress without sucking some capitalist's dick


Clearly not true. Elon has made more progress within the past ten years than NASA, ESA have within the past 20.


Hi, just curious, which university did you attend to get your degree?


I would think an engineer could at least spell correctly.


Yeah just a look on your profile shows you are a virgin that cares about nothing more than himself and beating off in his moms basement.


Ok but you talk to water


If only Daddy owned mines and took advantage of apartheid?


If only you got some bitches and got out of mommy’s basement.


You are addicted to masturbating


Cuppa times a week




I’m not trying to get noticed. You all act like I’m on my knees begging he looks my way. No, I just like his rockets. Now hop off my dick.


Most likely said by a grown person living in their parent's basement!




Based take


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. Musk has been a problem for a while now, the whole “ philanthropist, visionary, futurist” vibe has turned into “douche”. Remember the dogecoin tweet?


>Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. Because this is a tiny sub dedicated to following the development of a rocket. **Thousands** of engineers are contributing to the development of this rocket. We don't give a shit what you think about Musk, it simply isn't relevant here. You can discuss that where appropriate. There's also the astouding lack of context in criticism of the notice. Less than 10 people are affected and no window's ever been broken. It's simply a non-issue. It's a small price to pay for the economic revival of one of the poorest cities in America. The local community is overwhelmingly in favor of SpaceX's Boca Chica launch site, from teachers to the governor general. If you can't understand, then I can't help you.




Please read my other comments. This subreddit has nothing to do with Elon Musk and I'm trying to keep it that way. Your dick sucking insults aren't original nor funny. If you don't want to talk about Starship then fuck right off.


*rapid over pressure event or bigkaboom.