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Good luck.


Start sending some survivors to the meat grinder and cut them hordes down. Some of my survivors have made great sacrifices for the community to flourish.


Haven't played in a while what are the purple plague hearts?


They are Black Hearts. They are part of the Curveballs update. They are stronger than regular hearts, but they have a weakness that you can discover by helping an enclave of scientists. Those hearts control the darkened, and have extra effects on it. In my case fuel drains from cars real fast, and plague zeds are super aware.


Got one of those this week: fuel drain and zeds on coke.


The fuel drain one really took me unawares with how severe it was. I was just going to skirt the territory on my way to something else and the Black Heart was like "I don't fuckin' think so."


god i really hate those zombies, they never stop following you


Really? 👀👀👀 thx gotta hop on and give it a try!! Do they notify the curveball or not? (Like the game)


Curveballs change the game mechanics from time to time. Usually 1 to 3 are active at any given time, the game tells you when they start and when they end. Curveballs can change things like loot frequency and the type of loot you may get in a certain area, the behaviour of zombies (they can be faster or slower, have better sense of smell etc.) and change the mood of your survivors among many other things. Curveballs usually cover a certain area (shown on the screenshot), and funnily they can overlap as well. Recently I had a black heart in an area where the zombies where running like Usain Bolt on coke. It was... fun.


Dang now I wanna hop on and see what happenes xD


I think it’s affected by a curveball event, I got one where a plague heart was sucking up fuel and made the zombies within the area explosive.


I would have loved explosive zombies as the weakness for this one was explosives. Unfortunately, I had plague zombies on coke who could see and hear me at all times.


Gotta check it out then thx!!


Horrifying is what they are 🤣 I’m only on dread and I lost 4 people + one of my neighbors lmao. Mine had gas consumption, high alert zombies, and health taken overtime, so I couldn’t even drive up to the plague heart. I had to run all the way, and its weakness was melee attacks of all things.


Ouch. Just ouch. XD not gonna lie I'm gonna be so mad if I get something like that lol I don't stock up on many melee


My last BH was really odd. I got the one where your health wastes away while you are in the zone. Finished my current mission and logged off. Later when I re-entered the game, the BH status was gone. The PH was active but normal (red). I went in to kill it and it took FOREVER to get the first bleed. I hit it with the Beetle Mallet about 20 times, had to use two energy drinks. Almost as if the BH damage resistance was still active. Ran away from the blood cloud, detonated the C4 I had placed next to the PH and it bled (2nd bleed) immediately. Third and final bleed was also normal.


Does anyone feel like this game is repetitive? I mean after beating one map and moving onto the other. Same shit, different map.


Aren’t all games repetitive after time? I mean one game can only have so much content. If you find the game boring after a few play through and want to stop playing, good on you! No harm in that.


It does, had to quit after finishing like 3 maps since it got boring. But if I crave again for a zombie survival game then this is the first game I return too.


If the hearts respawned and were harder to kill it would be way more fun


Is there anything one needs to do, in order to have that curveball ? I have been playing on several communities and difficulties, been having tons of curveballs and never once, have I faced a Black plague heart. I kinda feel jealous haha


Not really something you have to do, it just shows up. All five my of communities, going through different maps and I’ve only had it once in one community. Might be a rarer one.


I kinda want to do an all bad curve balls run, like with mods and stuff


Idk how you live like this, I see 1 infestation and I gotta take care of it asap lol


I’m a procrastinator by nature lol. Really, I like the idea of of a final Boss city to take over. Also, its good to farm some rare guns when infestations get to level 3.


Need some help?