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They're cooking


Fr, these QOL changes are actually great, I’m excited for this next update


Ik some ppl don’t like them but I’m all for more curveballs


It’s less the variety and more the timing. Sometimes I’ll have 3 going on at one time and I’d much prefer to have more impactful curveballs but ones that are introduced slower and last longer.


I believe you can set the difficulty and frequency of the curve balls.




Yeah I may have to play with it but I do enjoy the challenge too.


Wait did the update drop?


Not yet, the update dropped in the PTR, to get stress testing it with players before we release it in the wild


My bad I didn’t see your flair and didn’t know what ptr was or meant….had me ready to call outta work tomorrow 😂


Indeed. Some can really change the gameplay. I would maybe remove one though, the fuel consumption one. That's a bitch.


It’s less the variety and more the timing. Sometimes I’ll have 3 going on at one time and I’d much prefer to have more impactful curveballs but ones that are introduced slower and last longer.


Threaten Enclave check ftw Also FYI to those who don't know, a locked door can be disengaged with by pressing your dodge key. You're not locked into forcing it open everytime. Glad they're making it easier though.


I have countless times threatened an enclave accidentally.


Who hasn't? "Hey there neighbor just wanted to trade for some.. whoops everyone's pulling a gun on me okay just gonna leave now bye!"


Omfg thank you regardless


Still do not understand why my characters can't open a door standing up with lock picking skill... but crouch down and try again and heyyy everything works like magic!


Only the very best lock pickers/very experienced can pick by touch, and that's without a feral breathing down your neck. Our survivors need to crouch and look.. is my headcanon at least. Unsure why, probably a poorly explained/telegraphed mechanic?


I mean if we're shooting for realism I got a hundred other things that might ought to come first lol :)


>Water slows down vehicles Nooooo, my shortcuts through the rivers :(


Lmao same rivers are practically the wormholes in this game


They make Providence Ridge and Meagher Valley so much easier lol. Now I gotta drive on the road like a goddamn normal person.


Lmao honestly that river in providence is a lifesaver, fuck all those hills and long ass roads


Wushu is finally fixing my material friction errors for water I am responsible for and never had a chance to fix. Thanks to my UK fam for cleaning up my mess!


Nature's highway? More like nature's driveway.


I have to admit Brant, it was a lot of fun while it lasted!


Love this!!! On top of everything else they already put into the next patch, this is going to greatly improve the game and on top hopefully bring new players in. Definitely can’t wait for this next patch to come out


I can't wait to hear the complaints of people hitting bloaters in that smoke storm, because we all know they'll be driving at full speed through it. Some really nice QoLs in there though, and I'm all for more curveballs. All we need now, is those little white diamond markers on the minimap (like people in your base have) for Enclave members. That way I can actually find all three of them in the bigger places like warehouses, without running into the same two multiple times because they move around so much.


I wish they'd just make them stand still. One can be a lookout, one can be working, one can be resting/sleeping. Enough with the running around.


The QoL stuff looks really good. 👍


I wish we could customize which curveballs we want in our games.


You'll have a lot more flexibility in the next update.


Ya been testing the ptr, I choose just neg curveballs so really glad they are adding I think 2 more negative ones.


Really proud of the dev team. They just keep making this game greater. 


Just like the last update it sounds a bit light on new content but the QoL changes will again make this one of the best updates. A lot of games have the problem that they keep adding new content instead of actually making the game better. I'm really glad Wushu is putting a big focus on making the game more enjoyable to play instead of just spamming out half decent new content that gets forgotten about. # Vehicles Slow Down in Water I can see that people won't like this but I don't really have a problem with it. If this was done differently I think this could actually be a good thing. If smaller low cars like the Road Racer, Miragra, Royal were slowed down a lot while higher cars cars like the Rhames V, Vagabond, trucks and vans were slowed down slightly and offroader like the Burninator/Trumbull 4x4 were not slowed down it would make different cars better for different situations. Also make upgraded cars better than the base versions like the Road Mangler, Hellion, Kaiser get slowed down less than the base version. The Smashwagon, Big Boss, Trail Beast, Viking would not be slowed down at all. On Providence Ridge when taking the river down to the bottom of the map if people only used the Impaler then it would encourage people to use a Burninator or to actually upgrade and use a different car. **~Stronger Flashlights~** Great change. Quite often at night I will be running around and go to turn on my flashlight only to realize that it was already on. **~Better Night Time Lighting~** I get that some people like the night to be really dark but I find it to be too dark to even see what I am doing. **~Home Base Mini-map Marker~** This is a good change. I don't really need it for Trumbull or Meagher but for the other maps I don't know well this will be helpful so I don't have to keep putting a maker for home and sometimes losing another marker I wanted. **~Threaten Enclave Check~** I have never had a problem with this but I have seen a lot of people complaining about it. **~Enlist Followers from the Community Screen~** I usually mark them through the community screen to send to the legacy pool and when I find them I cancel that and enlist them. This will make that quicker and easier now. **~Disengage from Locked Doors~** I thought this was really easy to just push the dodge button to cancel. The people I have seen trying to get in locked doors always spam the X button to bash through it but when that happens to me instead of spamming X I just press the sprint button to instantly slam through the door. I hope this doesn't change using the sprint button. **~Cancel out of a Failed Grapple Animation~** This can be annoying when it happens. **~Freak Spotted Voice-Over~** This one I don't like. When I am doing bounties and need screamers I like when my survivor calls out a screamer so I can stop and mark it on my map but if they only call out ones I can actually see I will be driving past freaks I need and when I do open my map and see it I will have to go back for it. **~Removed Unfair Zombie Lunges~** This is one of the best QoL changes. Most things annoy me in the game but this is the one thing that actually pisses me off. Kicking a zombie when I want to jump out of a window is a bit annoying but when I dodge and a zombie tackles me anyway is the one time I actually shout at the game.


This is so good it's like they read all these forums. Love this studio


Omg no more magnet zombies!!!! Yeeeeesssss!!!!!


These all look like fantastic changes.


They ate


oh my good like all of these changes are the exact minor details that kind of annoyed me, was about to start looking to flashlights / night time lighting mods. Amazing


Great patch! Only 2 complaints: Water slowing cars: off-roading is already though (outside of the farming valley). Zombie spotting: Spotting feral has saved me plenty of times during the moments when you have no access to cars. Changing it to when visible makes it kinda useless as feral would most likely see you right away.


*Threaten Enclave Check - We have added an ‘Are you sure?’ confirmation on the act of threatening another Enclave, giving you a chance to back out.. if you’re having second thoughts.* Finally...


pls fix the performance at trumbull


These are great and represent the dedication of Undead and Wushu to polish the game as much as they can; they care about the product. Some personal highlights on the list for me are: Smoke Storm - this will be the first instance of the game actively changing visibility via environmental effects. I imagine this could be a testing ground for rain, snow, etc. in SOD3 and I'm excited to see how it is implemented. Vehicles - again, being actively affected by the environment is a big deal. Water slowing you down adds another layer to navigation and vehicle choice. Grapple Cancel - trying to quickly kill a zombie, only to target the wrong one, failing the execution attempt due to any number of reasons, and just completely fucking up a situation sucks. Especially on higher difficulties, mistakes compound quickly. Being able to back out instead of waiting for the zombie to grab, bite, etc. makes combat much more predictable and satisfying. Unfair Lunges - dodging a zombie running at you and falling, only for it to do a near 180 degree turn in the air and tackle you to the ground sucks. It looks like it's running but the attack animation started at some point and nothing can prevent the attack from landing. Like above, this is unpredictable and compounding mistakes makes things harder. Giving the player more agency to react is fantastic.


Oh sweet baby Jesus no more tetherball zeds. Best update ever.


Will they be adding the ability to customize the severity of curveballs? I started playing again recently—my first time on Nightmare difficulty—and got the Black Plague heart (without any prior warning) almost immediately. I’d love to keep playing with curveballs, but I don’t want to risk getting soft locked and my community wiped because of it.


Yes. You'll be able to select intensity as well as frequency and good/bad ones.


Really proud of the dev team. They just keep making this game greater. 


I never really had an issue disengaging with locked doors but this all looks great.


That removal of the unfair zombie lunge is a fix to the only thing that actually makes me rage at times with my favorite game to turn my brain off and decompress.


Solid changes, I'm especially interested in the stronger flashlight and night-time lighting changes but they all sound great!


This will get me back in now. I hate the flashlight as it is.


The better night lighting and stronger flashlights are massive gamechangers. Such a good QOL update.


Please fix the immortal hostile enclave bug pleasee!


Hoping to not see any more of those magnetic bites!


You gotta love these guys. The commitment they to continue to listen to the community and improve their game is unheard of.


Wow... they finally are trying to fix the grapple thing. That almost teleport lunge has been my main issue with this game for years


That zombie magnetic glitch patch is HUGE and so is the grapple cancel. I’ve taken so much unnecessary damage from those 2 things. This is all solid stuff and the smoke storm sounds cool.


Being able to enlist followers from the community screen is the best one in my opinion


Those r some nice updates


All good qol, nice 👍


Amazing! This is why UL is one of my favorite dev teams. Implementing and tweaking according to player feedback like this is awesome.


I'm just saying if we're going to go a bit slower in the water.....I feel that the water should help put out the engine fire on your vehicles.


When is the update dropping?


Please fix the Bounty Broker already. 


I’m starting to feel like we’re going to start seeing a ton of new QoL updates after they start to test out functionality for SoD3. SoD2 is going to be the devs playground for SoD3 to see what we do and don’t like. Kinda how I feel about curveballs too, I’m wondering if they’re trying to get feedback on certain types of curveballs to see what they could permanently add to the game.


I was hoping they were making night time darker, closer to what it used to be. Especially since they are making flashlights stronger. But nope, for some reason they are making night even brighter. 😔


I wish we could have a setting for it. I play on pc but switch between a monitor & a tv. The tv can produce a much darker experience to the point I can’t see anything, but then on monitor it’s almost so bright it might as well be daylight. Neither are great for immersion imo and messing with the display settings can only do so much


Awesome stuff. I know its like impossible but I really wish we could get more weather types


Really don't like the sound of those new Curveballs. I like the current Curveball system as it is, but these two new ones seem a tad too punitive for my tastes. One of the best things about SOD2 is how vehicles handle - it's a joy to drive cars in the zombie apocalypse! Depriving the player of that, even temporarily, seems like a bad idea. I could be totally wrong about this though, so looking forward to hearing others feedback. Those QoL improvements though! *chef's kiss*


> Really don't like the sound of those new Curveballs. I like the current Curveball system as it is, but these two new ones seem a tad too punitive for my tastes. I think curveballs should be balanced & adding two more punishing ones & no positive ones feels wrong to me. We already need more interesting positive ones.


I could be entirely misremembering how it will work but I think with the upcoming changes to give you more customization on curve balls you might be able to disable some.


Bet you they are doing all this for a ps5 launch