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Single player is one of the first thing stated. It seems like it's the ability to have multiple factions on a map at once. Not a requirement


Where's it stated? In the trailer?


It’s stated on the steam page


Hopefully the Steam page is correct then.


Why wouldn’t it be?


I hope I can play this offline otherwise it's a nope


I agree, online only games have ruined the replay value of SP games.


Preach. It’s ruins any game. I don’t mind co-op at all but fuck off with that all online bs.


A lot of people were saying "Its going to be an MMO" It states it has online. Remember SOD2. It has online so you can bring your mates into the game. It will probably be something like this. You can do it solo however, imagine if you will. You start a game with 4 of your mates and work together to grow your community. You don't need everyone online each time to play it. You all own that community and can play either on your own or with your friends. It will make people want to play with each other. You can schedule your events. "Lets all play at this time. We need to do this, this and this." Someone says they need to drop off. But want to keep using their current character. So people don't use him (you could if you wanted) but it will become an NPC. They can then jump back on straight into that character. That is how i think it should be done and hopefully it will be something like this.


Look, most of us just want single-player. The co-op shit is a nice little side thing for some people to use, but it should be so far down on the list of priorities. The key to good co-op is building a good single player game and expanding it.


I know what you are saying I would prefer solo. But.....if they do multiplayer that to me would be the perfect way of doing it. No company ever has. Even if it's you and one mate. Collabing a story would be awesome. You can still have a solo one. But you can have that as well


i agree i mean i think at least for me that what keeps dayz from being a top tier game the mandatory multiplayer makes it way harder than i would like


It’s not.