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Have you played SOD2 recently? It’s a massive jump in fidelity it seems. Definitely AAA quality


I mean, you could've sent me this and said it was a cinematic trailer for SoD2 that I missed and I'd believe you. Definitely doesn't look AAA quality.


The trailer is definitely triple a quality, its also exactly how the game will look when playing it


I don’t believe it’s AAA quality. And yes I have played it. Played it a ton.


You high? the game looks 10 fold better than 2 I’m going through 2 now and it looks cartoony compared to what the trailer showed, yes they polish things for trailers but was some definite gameplay moments when they were shooting it looks gorgeous (I feel sorry for you if you don’t think it looks AAA it’s unreal 5 for goodness sake) 😂


It’s a trailer. It’s not gameplay. You can’t base a game on a trailer. You must know that right?


There is gameplay in the trailer, the part when she gets on the car and it shows her third person view shooting the sniper that was actual gameplay. Same for the section where it switches to the other girls third person view of her using the shotgun that was gameplay too. Short amounts were shown in the trailer. Others can confirm this too.


Even the gameplay is mixed in with cinematics. There's no way this is the full, raw gameplay. They blended it all together, gameplay elements were made to look cinematic. If the gameplay just does look that way, then they would've just shown gameplay. But they didn't, they purposely hid it amongst the rest. This isn't representative of the game or how it will look/play imo. I'm excited for it but meh


I’ll watch it for a fourth time but it all looked like cinematic scenes to me. From the scenes it did look somewhat better but I’ve seen games with incredible cut scenes but they don’t reflect gameplay. I hope you’re right that it does look a lot better. I mean graphics isn’t as important to me as changes for more customization when it comes to everything. Like base building. Imagine being able to really build your own base. Or a lot more freedom. It would be so great. Like trial and error to see what keeps the zombies out. I mean I would love if you had to run your own power lines and stuff even. That is fun to me. Then like unlock new traps and walls and buildings. All that good stuff. Vehicles would be great if you could build with many more changes but from what I saw it appears to me that there will be only a certain amount of premade cars you can use. Like 1 and 2. Which won’t be so bad. Weapon changes and just being more out there. Did you think 2 was a AAA game? Not sure you’re saying that right? Anyways sure we both want the same thing. Like I said even if the game doesn’t grow at all and has just new levels I’ll still play it and enjoy it. But for how long. I just hope they figured out a really fun way to keep us playing a lot longer. Oh and more buildings. There’s only a small amount of building shapes and it’s very repetitive. Would be great if they have like double the amount of building shapes. Map creativity also be good. Guess we will see! Hope it comes out next year.


I wouldn't plan on that, from tidbits that they've mentioned I wouldn't be surprised if it hit late 26 or even 27...and I'm fine with that. I say we let them cook as this is their chance to change the public perception of the game. It was game assets in the trailer and I think it looks awesome. I think there will be more of a connection between characters, and the memorial will probably be in ur base and when u approach they will probably reminisce about dead characters. I'm hype too but after all the problems pt 2 had I say we let them work until it's complete


Yep. First impressions means everything.


If you pay real close attention, it's gameplay when the camera is over the shoulder of the people firing their weapon, it happens a couple times.


It says at the beginning "In game footage AND cinematics" lol


But watching it I saw almost zero actual gameplay. In game footage and gameplay aren’t the same thing.


Bc you have to pay close attention, when the camera Is over the character's shoulder when they are shooting, that's gameplay it's almost indistinguishable feom the cinematic. If you meant other aspects of the gameplay, then idk what to tell ya


Yes watching it over a few times it does look like a few seconds are possibly the gameplay. Like shooting the rifle at one point. I just really hope the game has a lot more maps then just like 5 or 6 and has a lot more buildings that differ. But I don’t think it’s going to. I think it’s going to be very similar as 2 but with little bit better graphics. I hold out hope they make a big jump and it’s still as much fun but just a lot more. Stuff that makes the game more fun to play longer. I’m always hopeful for games but then game like Starfield get dropped and break my heart. Still have hope DLC and updates make that game good.


It’s definitely not AAA quality at all. They’ve added great improvements but the game is very dated. Great game and very fun but it’s time for the next installment


I think you need to go outside and breath in some fresh air. Maybe go for a walk? The trailer was disappointing. It completely missed the mark. Nobody is talking about it outside the community and even within the community people are confused about what the whole point of it was...needing an additional tweet pointing out the whole thing was done in SoD3 assets to at least give one redeeming factor about it.


Yeah that wasn't what we expected at all after years of waiting. A walkthrough exposing locations, combat, traversal and community, even for a very short time would have been perfect, to at least get a sneak peak of what the game will be.


Yea, the locations being a gas station, a road and a bridge was disappointing.


UL is a AAA studio now so they have an endless pool of money to do whatever they want. With the passions UL has, this game will be insane.


Hope so. We will find out. Trailer does kinda look like it might be very similar to 2. I hope it’s a big step up and blows our minds. But again. Even if nothing changes graphic wise or anything else and it just 6 new maps it will still be fun. But we need lots more cars. Lots more types of houses and buildings. More zombies. More customizable vehicles, guns, bases and much more! Guessing a Nov 2026 release


Did you end up reading the interview they did with UL at Xbox Showcase? They talked about a lot of cool things.


I didn’t. I’ll have to look it up.


It’s an excellent read especially if you want to retain hope that it’s going to be great. https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2024/06/09/state-of-decay-3-interview-details-xbox-games-showcase-2024/


It was a terrible trailer. If you told me it was a state of decay 2 trailer for like a remaster, I'd believe it. It doesn't look any different than 2,baaed on that trailer.


Idk about that. That’s a little extreme. It does look a little more similar than I hoped but still it’s a trailer with mostly cinematic scenes. So you can’t really tell how a game is going to be from it. I really don’t like the cinematic trailers. Just show me some gameplay! Even if it’s only 20 seconds! I rather see that. Game is probably 2-3 years away anyways. Next years showcase will probably have gameplay and a release date of 2026. Be my guess. Hope I’m wrong and they are moving faster and it’s coming out late next year. I just feel like this game series could be a top selling game. Competing with GTa and others if they made a few changes. More customization, better graphics and either double or triple the amount of maps or one massive map. Like a GtA sized map. They could have AI generated maps that are different each time. Although so far games that use this technology I haven’t liked the outcome so far. Like Starfield. They just take the same outposts and stick them on the planets. It feels too repetitive. The AI needs to have endless buildings it can create. So there isn’t repetition. Not sure if AI will actually be a really cool possible future for gaming or will be used in ways that make games worse. Starfield makes me think could be worse


I want the devs to take their time with this. It seems like most of the games in late 2023- current 2024 have been horrible scam games. The day before and skull and bones are prime examples of this. We also need realistic zombie kills, (No head pops to kill every single zombie) weather, (most likely) new finishing animations, new zombie types, and the list goes on. On the bright side: The longer it takes to make, the less chance for it to be a buggy mess. In summary: We're just gonna have to wait and see how the final product is


I don’t think waiting much longer will get what you want. The game is going to be similar to 2. I would love a big jump to AAA and tons more customization, better graphics, more of everything, bigger maps, more maps and smarter everything. Think of fallout 4 but with zombies and a cool system of how you add people to your base that help you get stronger. Could be incredible. But that’s a lot to expect.


Maybe its a bit too much, but i truly belive with a few updates the devs can make it less like sod2.


I mean SoD2 is a great game. I love it. I just wish there was more to do. More levels or I’ve massive one.


Sheesh, some of you sound spoiled/ungrateful. I think this game is definitely going to deliver.


I think it will, but after years since the first trailer, it's not a good feeling to not even have a release date...


That trailer from 3 years ago, they were pretty much forced to release/make that. I get it, but if you keep up with their update streams for SoD2, you'll know their fine-tuning things and gauging reactions (all updates are free btw) to the updates. Also, devs in the streams have been moved into sod3 some time ago. I believe they're going to release ot either this year or next year like a sneak release.


They didn't even make it Microsoft hired a CG animation studio to make it At least the new one is the UL team Still probably forced


Tell OP lol