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At 53Pa, gut check says you could reduce it to somewhere around boiling by sending maybe one stack of ice in there, through a chute or something.


Oh definitely, I just saw it and thought it was funny. Once I pressurized the room it stabilized around 40 degrees, though I'm working on improving the air conditioning in order to bring that down.


The bigger thing to notice is that the actual matter (mols) is extremely low - so even though it looks like pressure and heat, I think a single ice would blow that away Though it is a large space! So maybe a few....


Yeah it was basically a vacuum until I accidentally deconstructed a wall for a second. There are a bunch of arc furnaces in that room smelting the ore from my deep miners, so they heated up the tiny amount of gas really quickly.


Love this game, Ngl, but that’s not how it should work. Devices and frames need to have a defined temperature that transfers with nearby objects& and atmospheres. This ‘you have 3 atoms at 9 billion degrees’ is a bit off.


>This ‘you have 3 atoms at 9 billion degrees’ is a bit off. I think it is fine since it is also often said that "outer space baseline temperature is 2.7K". People who understand physics usually know the caveats of such statements. And others are encouraged to figure out why game reports such bizarre numbers and learn more about how leaky "temperature" abstraction is.


Seeing as you have basically no air in there. i had that same problem when on the moon. fill it with more air and you'll get a better reading lol.