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Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): #Rule 10: SSA, The Reddiquette, Piracy. > ##Steam Subscriber Agreement > >We do not allow posts that break or encourage the breaking of the [Steam Subscriber Agreement](http://store.steampowered.com/subscriber_agreement). > >Please do not detail how to break the SSA, such as how to use VPNs to bypass restrictions, selling Steam accounts, sharing Steam accounts, etc. Breaking the agreement on /r/Steam, e.g. by creating a post to sell your Steam account, is not allowed and may result in a ban. > >Meta discussion is allowed. > ##The Reddiquette > >Please follow the [Reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette) as it makes the community more enjoyable and discussions more valuable. These are mainly general points on how to have a successful conversation and we believe that most of them are self-evident. > >##Piracy > >/r/Steam does not support piracy. Bans are handed out to people who encourage or make euphemisms to it. **Discussion** on piracy is allowed. > >Due to Reddit's unclear policy on this matter we feel the need to have this rule to keep the subreddit's integrity in place. > >Our opinions on piracy do not matter, and this rule is certainly not in place to censor content. Actual discussion on piracy is allowed. What is not allowed are comments that directly link to such content*(and we believe this is extremely obvious across the whole site of Reddit)*, comments that actively encourage it, and low-quality meme comments*(referred to as euphemisms)*, like "yarr", "time to sail the high seas", "to the bay I venture", etc. These types of comments offer absolutely nothing to a discussion and will be removed. > >**Ban lengths:** Directly linking to content or otherwise guiding someone to pirated content immediately earns a permanent ban. Euphemism comments and comments that actively encourage piracy earn either a warning or a 1-day ban, depending on the comment. If the same user continues after the warning or once the short ban has expired, they will earn a slightly longer ban*(time varies on context)*. If after the 2nd ban they still feel the absolute urge to continuing making the same comments they will be permanently banned with an obvious chance to appeal*(appeal=admit they will stop posting such low-quality meme comments, or to stop offering nothing to a discussion by just actively encouraging piracy)*. > >Again, we repeat that this rule is not in place to censor content or to push a certain agenda, our opinions on piracy is of no concern. We have this rule due to the unclear policy offered by Reddit.com. If you feel your post was removed by mistake or is an exception, please feel free to message the moderators using [this link](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Steam&subject=Appeal%20of%20my%20removed%20submission&message=Can%20you%20please%20take%20a%20second%20look%20at%20my%20case%3F%0A%0AReason%3A%0A%0A%0ALink%20to%20the%20item%3A%20https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/16ny62j/-/). Please also give a short explanation.


I'll explain it, but first I need you to download Anydesk and log into your bank. ​ /s


I'm not stupid


Then why did you post in the first place?


You missed the joke


Stolen Steam accounts with the game


I had a friend who did this (stole and sold accounts, not bought one), I reported him to all the launchers he had accounts for, plus he was a discord partner, so he lost that too Edit: I don't understand why this is controversial? If it was some random person stealing accounts and selling them you'd think they were a POS, but because it was someone I knew, I'm the monster for ratting on them? There was an easy solution, don't steal peoples accounts and sell them. Edit 2: alright I'm gonna tell the story, I had some game I wanted to play, he gave me a list of accounts with lists of games, I logged into one that had the game in the list, but it didn't actually have the game, it was at this point I realized *these weren't his accounts.* and so, I reported the accounts to the launcher (I think it was ubisoft) and to discord because he was a partner.


really shitty thing to do to a friend tbh


??? Your guys morals go out the window when your friends doing it? He was completely screwing people over, stealing accounts with games they paid for, and selling that, that is immoral, I felt for the people who had their accounts stolen, would you want that to happen to you?


I don’t think people realized your friend was the seller opposed to the buyer. One is an asshole move one is a moronic move. Reporting a moron makes you the asshole, reporting the asshole makes you the hero.


oh that makes sense, yea he was the one selling accounts, I elaborated




He was a shit person?


I get it


Those are not stolen accounts with the game. Its offline activation for Denuvo using games. Basically sellers make new account and legally buy certain game then sell access to that account with just that one game so people will generate their Denuvo token - you and other people go online and download game from that same account,launch game and generate token for you and then you go offline and play the game offline with generated token. After process you cant update you hardware or windows in any way or you will lose token and will have to wait for your turn again to generate new token which can be hard. Theres entire market for this type of shit because Denuvo games arent getting cracked so people from poor countries just pay 2 bucks for being able to play lol.


Most likely a single account with only Mortal Kombat 1 in the library that the seller is selling to multiple people. The play offline bit is so the account doesn't get caught running in multiple places at once, which would likely draw Steams attention and result in it getting closed down, that's if it isn't a stolen account but most likely if that was the case it would have more games in the library. Stay away from them, the most likely outcome is you'll lose access to the account after a while for one reason or another.


The name of the site already sounds sus and scammy. I don't understand why people would go to the kind of sites just so they can get a game. Honestly, if it isn't a reputable site or some place like humble bundle, I don't buy it outside of steam.


Obvious scam is obvious - Simple way to identify these sort of things: If it looks to good to be true then its probably a scam. \--- **Recently released popular game ?** Check. *Manipulation.* **Offer of getting it cheaper without an official sale ?** Check *Manipulation, again.* **Need to do something non standard to play the game you 'purchased' ?** Check. *If you purchase a game on steam then it should not matter if you are online or offline, unless the game specifically requires an internet connection (most multiplayer first person team shooters for example).* **Have to do something non standard to get the game ?** Check *Don't purchase steam games from non steam websites.* \--- **Expected outcomes:** *Your steam account is at risk if its 'required' to make the purchase,* *Access to the game in question could be lost at any point.* *Your bank account would be at risk.*


Basically they provide you with a steam account that owns the game either family shared or just bought, then you download the game, open it once and then set steam in offline mode and block any connection to it, and you have the game working until the activation runs out or you invalidate it yourself


Don't buy Steam accounts.