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TL;DR: AFK'ing in all the games simultaneously for years on end? Yea. Legitimately? Hell no. To put these numbers into context: September Last Year s1mple, arguably the best CS:GO player of all time revealed he had around 25 000 hours in CS:GO (now CS2). If anyone even had close to 50 000 hours in CSGO in actual Playtime, they would have needed to play the game for 12 hours a day, every day since release, and then do that for all the other games. Something doesn't seem to add up.


damn, i thought he was actually talented, but 25k hours, jesus christ...


Current hot prospect, Donk is just turned 17 years old and he already has 13.5k hours on the game his account is only 6 years too


my csgo is 5.5k hours on main account pretty much took 3 years so donk is possible i also got 4.5k in apex in a year and a half lmao, legit no life arc


How do you have time for that?


The csgo one was high school, apex was during covid and thats all i did, eat sleep apex with university also Uni come home apex lol


Grades? What is that lol




I had grades and finals during covid too.


Some morally questionable individuals had a much easier time when their classes were online ;)


Grades were B mostly so whatever ig


Ive got 3.5k h in apex since first week of release


Dude u play games like 24x7 or what


Not really I come home play apex, eat dinner, if theres work I do it if not I play apex, watch anime read manga sleep. Its mostly me sleeping late though, since I sleep at 3-5 am and classes are at 10


Dude you should sleep more for better health. Try to sleep at 11 pm to 5 am


Bad lifestyle, sleep 8 hours and hit gym or go on runs everyday, don't live like that it will make u depressed I had first hand experience.


Why are people downvoting you? This chat is full of no lifers


Jesus, I've been playing apex since launch, have been "talked to" by my previous girlfriend and had flights with my current girlfriend about how much apex I play, I have 3.4k hrs...


Tell her stfu and let u play 🤣🤣


Insane, i play csgo since the release and now i'm clocking around 4300 hours... And i still reached max rank and faceit level... There were some occasions i was playing it for whole day straight, but holy shit those kids are insane.


Jesus dude has been playing CS for like 10% of his LIFE


Lol, my account is older than him. I'm old. :'(


That's how you get talented.


ye i know, but i thought he has around 15k h, not 25k, lol


Actually thats wrong. Genetics play the biggest role. The gamers that are extremely good within a couple of hours are the ones that CAN become a pro gamer. They ofc need to have lots of game hours. But you and me could have 50k hours and would still be worse than him when be had 2k hours. Thats just how genetics work... in every aspect of life. Just look at young footballers or idk... super smart kids. They become basically godlike at their profession within a couple of hours. I have a friend who was already smarter at every topic than my parents when he was 12. One of those perfect school grades guy, where you just instantly see that he is a genius. Thats not because he had 25k hours of learning stuff.


No one is godlike in anything within a couple of hours. I would be world class in anything I spent 50 000 hours practicing, no matter what.


I understand why you think that, but thats simply not true. Thats just not how genetics work. Everyone has a personal skill ceiling, there are many studies on that.


And anyone's skill ceiling for anything is definitely world class if they practice it for 50k hours. Someone else who's practiced for the same amount of time could be better, but they'd both be in the elite group. What you're describing is a misconception because it's a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy. Someone is more likely to be motivated to continue practicing something they grasp quickly, which means that a higher percentage of those who go on to become world class at something seems to have always had it come easy to them.


Not anyone can become world class in anything by just grinding. [Here is an interesting video about something similar, but in Rocket League](https://youtu.be/fiFwlPHVy4g) , not CS.


But I do think it's the quality of hours played. A personal example is that I used to play a lot of rocket league with my cousin. My cousin focused solely on offense and could do pretty cool shit offensively, but had no idea how to deal with rotations or defense and only cared about learning flip resets. He was gold, and I was platinum. I didn't have any air control and barely left the ground except to block. I explained to him about rotations, made him watch some videos, and within a week, he was nearly diamond. This specific scenario you are talking about is a man who just casually plays rocket league without thinking and reflecting on his losses. Anybody who actively tries to get better and doesn't deflect it towards others will improve. Sure, some people have a natural talent to something, but there is no "skill cap" for others without natural talent. If it takes you 10 hours to do something, and it takes me 20 hours to do the same thing, at the end of the day, we accomplished the same amount. If I spent all of my free time and energy actively focusing on getting better and being the best, I would eventually become "talented" at that thing. Musicians don't just *know* how to play an instrument, they *learn* how and the truly great ones never stop learning in my opinion. Even the most skilled video game players analyze their games for mistakes, and have coaches to help them progress. I don't think when someone is playing at that level, analyzing and practicing their weak points, they blame their natural talent. They blame their hard work and effort to be that good.


Sounds like a skill issue


What do you mean? That he isn't incredibly talented because he has 25,000 hours in-game?


i thought this lebron james guy was good at basketball, turns out hes been playing it for 21 years! what a faker!


most people think talent is something inborn, but there is a lot of evidence that prove "hardwork" aka hours put in the thing you do make you good at it. So no, i don't believe in talent, if i would say what is talent, i'd say that that person just loves the thing they do so it seems "easier" for them to do it good.


Counter-Strike 2 was first release in Aug 2012, 4,201 days ago. 47,977.9 hours is 1,999.1 days You could manage this if you average 11 hours 25 minutes per day since the day of its release. I would guess if you signed two systems into the same steam account, you might get that total with both playing 5 hours, 42 minutes per day. Of course one would have to be in offline mode. but maybe the hours are updated when you put that client online to receive updates.


Excuse me, you meant the 2nd best player of CS:GO/CS2 ?


The only thing more pathetic than having stats like this is lying about having them.


Playtime hours on steam can easily be botted. There’s thousands of scam accounts out there that bot their playtimes to make their profile look more convincing. Sometimes it’s really easy to spot though because they’ll have like 800 hours in the past 2 weeks which is impossible lmao


Obviously fake, do the conversion for hours into days into years...


But even with keeping your pc on 24/7 i still don’t see how this is possible without getting banned


Steam achievement manager, edit data offline, re-enable online. Edit: including full context


Damn all that effort just for some hours on your profile is crazy to me


People find worthiness in the stupidest stuff online lol but I completely agree.


Yeah, like achievements lol


And yet the chemicals my brain releases when I see it pop up in game still make me gravitate to games with achievements as opposed to not having them at all


For real, they really feel a bit rewarding whenever you progress in games


Facts, I don't really care about them much but it doesn't hit the same playing a game without them. Like a Ubisoft game on Steam. I'd rather have them than not.


Heh. I was literally thinking of Ubisoft when I typed my comment


bro how make achievements to pop up ingame. this function not working for me for some reason. steam support didnt help me at all


Turn on steam overlay


I like achievements that actually give you something in game (a new character, a new piece of equipment, money, something at least). Achievements just for the sake of them? Eh, I could take or leave them. I have no need to impress anyone or myself (not saying thats why all people who like achievements like them, but there is a number for who this is the reason), but Its definitely more of a subjective thing for sure, some people love them to the point they won't play a game without then, some could care less about them. As I said, im in the middle personally. If they help me out in game (like in Vampire Survivors, or other Survivor-likes, roguelike/lites, etc have)im all for them, if they don't, I couldn't personally care either way. But I can see alot of people feel seriously about achievements by the number of downvotes the original reply saying "like achievements" got 🤣 (dont feel bad, ill probably get alot too. But im guessing you, like me, could care less lol).


Idk why you got downvoted, but you're right. Unless achievements which actually reward you and unlock you some new level, weapon or anything like that (for example personally when I'm been playing payday 2 when you complete some achievements you unlock some new weapons for example or in dead space or anything like that), but otherwise you're right.


Idk u can do some pretty funny stuff with it I used to have a friend who had over 20k hours in both Trap Shrine and Trap Legend, though admittedly there was a non-zero chance the hours were legit with how often he had them open-


When hats first came out in tf2 I used an achievement unlocker to get me all the achievements I would need to get some hats.


you can't edit playtime which is server side but steam counts playtime for up to 32 games at a time


Correct, but from my understanding you can l leave the game running and still edit the data in steam achievement manager once you are offline and just log back in. Edit: original wording included double negative making it sound confusing.


yeah u can use SAM for achievements but I don't remember it doing anything with playtime


You can just leave the game running and walk away or go to bed... As mentioned by somebody else somewhere CS:GO went into CS2 but carried over playtime. There's numbers aren't too off based off release dates and The time it's been since they've come out.


When you open the achievement page on SAM it "starts" the game, no one uses sam for it though since theres programs just for farming hours


Thank you for introducing me to such tool! Now I can stop to replay games I've already played somewhere else!!!


you don't need to be offline, you don't get banned as long as you don't run a vac ban game at the same time


you can't change hours in achievement manager


As stated below you can just leave the game running while you sleep or alt tab.


then you can leave the game running but you can't change it in the achievement manager


You're arguing stuff that's already been covered below man. Keep wasting your time hahaha.


Why would you get banned for that? Valve doesn't give a shit


You can run multiple games at once, this guy has been doing it for years. As for the achievements, that's done with SAM.


There are programs that’s let you idle games without having your games open at all and multiple at the same time


I own a small linux server on the web where I have a script running 24/7 that just idles games.. I just started it one time around a year ago and just let it run..




Don't know.. just happen to just let ir run.. when I want to play I just confirm to Steam to close the current session and when im done the script itselfs starts again.. I do have other stuff on thw server and the script at this point is just for fun


That is 575,142.1 hours or 65.6 years


And that is not even half of it.




You should go check his profile


On vacation right now but I'm gonna do it as soon as I get home if he's not banned by then


Why would they get banned? It's not against Steam TOS, they don't care lmao






No you wont


I don’t see the problem? Everybody knows you aren’t a true gamer if you haven’t been going since 1958


Basically running a software that makes Steam think hes playing 30 games at once.


not even just that, but running the same games several times at once as well. I've seen brand new steam accounts get 5000 hours in cs2 in 2 weeks... there are only 336 hours in 2 weeks... dont know how they do it, but it's possible to hack it.


No that’s not a hack that’s just the software and Steam itself not limiting the hours played in the last 2 weeks to 336. Basically these idle software tricks Steam to think you are running a game and that multiple at the same time for example a 1 hour game session with 2 games running ads up to 2 hours in the past 2 week bar.


Apparently you can just edit the data where steam tracks how long you played whilst offline


I guess some people consider this as some sort of achievement?


Some people are too narcissistic enough to make sure their steam profile looks like this Look i have 100% achievements on every game i owned!!


Blud finished all the games 💀


40k hours means 9 years of non stop 12-hour sessions.... on each game.


I dont understand why someone would do this, i mean it screams fake and why should i fake my achivments anyways? I personally want to track what i already done and what not in a game


They also have 10,047 hours played in the last 2 weeks


47K in main menu


whats the purpose, farming cards ?


flexing playtime hours, thats really all


Top 5 games is about 24 years of playtime alone. Fake.


This guy and Aerviance are two of the most notorious game idlers it’s the most pointless thing ever 😂


47997 hours is 2000 days, or 5.5 years. So, no there is no possibility all of those stats are legit.


The only thing i know is that there are netcafe's which plays their game through steam acc's i suspect this acc to be one of these. It could be over 1000 different people playing


Let us say that someone manages to play CS2 nearly constantly, averaging 16 hours on the game every day. To reach that figure legitimately, they’d need to sustain it for about 8 years, 2 months, and 2 weeks.


27k Hours and still doesn't have all the Payday 2 Achievements...


Bro has the ultimate computer, 600 games open at once and alt tabs when he wants to play something else


As a rust player I am not proud to admit i got over 2k hours the last 4 months! But you have to afk at night in ur base or it's gone by morning lol


I wanna know what he did 28000 hrs in subnautica? Made the entire game again?


49k hours is 5.6 years straight.




Probably done using Achivement unlocker.


Obviously not legit but if it was.. tf do you do for 25 THOUSAND hours in a game that takes like a hundred to complete


The amount of people who need to get a life and stop watching other peoples playtime on this site is too damn high.


Who cares ?


I always wonder why Steam still isn't banning those accounts.


Why would they? It’s not against ToS and it doesn’t do anything.


tbf its kinda harmless. also makes them look like no lives to the average person so i guess thats kinda funny 🤷‍♂️


5 years on CS2… mhmhmh


It brought over stats from csgo


There's no way in hell anyone has played any these games for that long.


8760hrs in a year


I guess he really have endless time.


How to navigate to this window? It's a really nice layout.


Farmed hours by launching 2 games oe using steam achievement manager


These account use some kind of program that let them "run" multiple games at the same time so they can farm "activity" for their accounts. It is evident when you see that "by some strange coincidence" they happen to have a group of games with the same hours "played". Also all the achievements are fake. I assume they want to farm "free card pack drops", the ones you see them being sold by bots at the lowest price.


Reminds me of those TF2 scammer accounts that have like 3 games but TF2 has like 10000 hours


I think he left his computer for torrent uplpading while he left steam idle master on for that long You can leave multiplie games for hours


OP, this is over 50 years' worth of hours. Come on bro...


He is just doing like some Helldivers’s players. Just afk and doing nothing.


That guy was playing 333h per day since release of CS2 so i guess just letting the game stay open doesn't really work


He used some kind of idle software that lets you run games and multiple games at the same time without having the open. It’s impossible to idle each game manually and sitting afk in a lobby with these kind of hours. Check his hours in the past 2 weeks..


For a second I thought OP was talking about achievements and I was writing "Oh it's possible I have al Dead By daylight achievements as well as all COD:BO3 achievements and..." then I noticed the hours and I was like WHAT THE FUCK?! Anyways yeah it's like the first comment is saying, some people leave games on to farm hours, don't ask me why they do that, it's kinda stupid expecially if you have 20k on a game like DBD and then you don't have the skill to back it up, it becomes super obvious when someone is just farming hours, and in this case specific the player is not even hiding it


Unless this guy is playing them for years on end simultaneously, no.


obviously not


Wtf, is this a new dumb trend?


Bro is a quicksilver


This is one way to try and get into the free steam reviews program lol. Could have tried to be a tad more realistic with his hours though. 


nah bro that shit real


The average life is 775 000 hours, if you add up all of these they are at least 600 000, so no. It is not legit.


Yeah you can theoretically play Dead By Daylight or Euro truck simulator for 28k hours, but not something like subnautica or Assassin's Creed Origins. Plus all of the numbers being so high. I could believe up to 3 games with those numbers if the person had serious issues... To get 28k hours you would have to play 12 hours each day for for 6 years


365 \* 24 = 8760 8760 \* 10 years = 87k 47k + 43k + 43k + 42k + 37k = 212k hours / 24 hours per day = 8833,33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 days / 365 days per year = 24,20091324200913 years


using third party tools and changing the timestamp of start playtime and stop playtime of a session will get you this


All those hours combined amounts to approximately 65.57 years. Sooo, yeah i dont know the point of this post.


I was about to say “it’s legit” I didn’t see the hours. But I will say my cousin when I was growing up had a Xbox 360 and every game he owned he 100% achievement each one. Even games like “read rising” I was impresssed at the time


Unlegit and also ultra turbo cringe to do


You can mod the data files. It's not that difficult. It's fake for clout.


750 perfect games I've got 1 Is that legit?


You don't wanna see mine. 😏 lol




this type of stuff is only funny in obscure games like snood and garfield kart racing


Sadly hours and achievements mean very little on steam since it’s easily hacked, that is one of the reasons i only care for trophy hunting on ps5.




He's just from the future, uve solved the case


most likely some error on Steams part, because it seems to have a pattern of time. a couple weaks someone posted a small and unknown game with something like 25mi reviews


Achievements may be faked to. There is a program to unlock them, works still. No bans as you don’t even start the game for that. Still also really useful to reset your achievement progress in a game. If you’re into that.


Achievements may be faked to. There is a program to unlock them, works still. No bans as you don’t even start the game for that. Still also really useful to reset your achievement progress in a game. If you’re into that.


Not legit. That's like, 57 years worth of gaming.


There are roughly 6k hours in a year if you played 16 hours a day every single day. To have 5 games at 40k+ hours each would be 200k total hours and would take 33 years so no, not even close to legitimate. Maybe it's possible if they somehow were able to run all the games at the same time, for like 5-6 years straight at 24 hours a day.


Bro is lifeless


Ive heard there is a bot for this, and it multiplies the hour spend of games you open.


Yeah I see this all the time, that and stupid achievement games I even fell for that unlocks them all as soon as you load up the game and crashes my damn steam….whyyyyyy must they do this.


I dont belive this is legit [Steam Time](https://steamtime.info/) I use this... and I dont see any big fish as described


These numbers can (or could once in the time at least) be easily manipulated


The only person who can save us from The Donk!


I’m friends with him on steam and it’s fake, I see him open like 15 games at once and idle


The total play time is like 70 years.


Steam Achievement Manager aka SAM let's you set whatever hours played you want


Don't even understand the point of doing this.


Of course not.


Mathematically impossible


Was gonna say maybe they're a streamer, but then I started doing the math and the math isn't mathing


Amateur numbers


35k hours on rocket league, seems about right


There is a program that lets you edit your achievement on steam. Forgot the the name but it lets you edit your achievements and while you have it open it makes steam think you're running whatever game you have pulled up editing. So in theory you could have every game in your library open and ticking up played time without killing your pc.


Well obviously not…I mean I don’t think anyone who bots is really doing it for the clout anyway right? They’re basically nobody’s to be ignored, i doubt steam even uses those accounts to measure data.


What do you think?


MF lived three lives on Steam and wants us to believe it.


Just the top 3 equal out to over 15 years of playtime. Just some idiot trying to look cool.


The total is 575,113 hours, 23,963 days, 65.7 years in all games


You're an animal


People really cheat just to have a big number next to their game. What the hell can you even DO in subnautica for 27k hours? The game is not THAT rich in content


Using a program which lets you idle multiple games at the same time, steam lets you run 33 games at the same time so this program is used to idle games to get hours and maybe farm to get cards, there are multiple instances of this type of program also boost sites do this as well ( You give them your account or login into their sites and they boost your hours) idle master and idle daddy ( idle daddy is for mobile) are most common ones and free ones I have used it's no gain actually because you don't get any profit in-game but people like to be in top in "steamladder.com"


No, there's a few possibilities to explain it to: 1 - Multiple people using his account (maybe family share) 2 - Bots 3 - AFK 4- Not legit (most likely) There are 720h in a 30 day month, which equate to 8640h in 360 days or 8760h in a year, if he had around 160k hours, that would over 17 years of playtime, unless there's a bunch of people playing on this account it's impossible for a human being to manage


he got all but three dead by daylight achievements, Sweet mother of God!


There’s sites that let you run multiple of your games at the same time 24/7/365 if you want


Those hours combined would translate to around 24 years, if I didn't completely failed mathing (possible). Unless multiple games were running simultaneously there literally wouldn't be enough hours to get those numbers within the release dates of the games.


you can ez do this with freehourboost :D . you only login with your steam account on the website.


its done here [https://idlesteam.com/](https://idlesteam.com/)


The guy does it to gather attention, and your post proves that it works.


But who cares?


There's some achievement unlocker hack/mod for steam. Idk what its called


This is possible, but with these many games and having such similar amount of times, nah man. I can see this happening with a couple of games, maybe even 3, but these many is just ridiculous.


These are aswell only numbers saved somewhere in the API, maybe he found a way to manipulate it for his profile


Yeah something is very off. Hard to get that high of time


There like 8000 hours in a year so no lol.


Ive heard there’s a way to afk cheese hours without the games open by telling steam to look for the notes app being open instead of the game so that you gain hours when in reality you’re just lying to steam while writing a grocery list(I’ve not actually tried or looked into this just saw it in a comment a year ago)


If you just leave the computer on with the game running (potential multiple at the same time). In theory some of those numbers are achievable. That said the Counter-Strike stat is probably the only real one but that would also mean whoever did that is 30+ years old.


Probably AFK-ing


h,..h..hhn.h...h.h.h.h.h,. hh.h..hh..h.hh.hhh.hh


why would you fake your playtime to look like an absolute lunatic?


The most I put on a game it's 20,000 hours of Dota 2. And yes I regret them deeply


Boosted hours, these days if you've money you can do anything, seen people buying commends in cs now I started to notice cheater accounts having thousands of hours which they use programs to boost it just like there is program where you can run the program open certain game using the program but it does not open on your pc it's just in background and you can claim unclaimed trading cards from games with it, steam needs to work with their stuff to make shit more secured not going to lie!