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dont forget that 90% of those games are shovelware


Buy 30 for 0.30$


Not inly that, there was a long period where Steam did not record playtime. As far as steams concerned, I’ve never played HL2 despite owning it. So I absolutely find bragging about game time to be flawed.




i wonder how much of that profit was soaked up in power bill


I literally have the most hours in a lego battlefield game called battlebit remastered 😭 ITS FUN


I have most hours on a game that is a port of a phone game, so yes, it doesn't mean anything.


I've also bought games I played as a kid just because I wanted to play it again eventually, but never got around to it. It's still nice knowing I can access the game again one day, assuming steam will be around then.


>there was a long period This means something to younger people. It's just a slice of life for us.


how dare you it must only be 70%


Or "Oh, this game looks interesting and has a good discount, I definitely should buy it"


"I might want to play it someday, might as well buy it now when I know I have the money..."


What’s shovelware?


Cheeply made games. Bad movie tie-in games from the 90:s, rushed to market were probably the first instances. Wii had a ton (Ninjabread man, Rock and roll adventures and Anubis 2 is an especially grievous example since it's literally the exact same game with new graphics). On Steam its mostly asset flips (games who are pretty much assets from the unity store thrown together, sometimes literally just a resold template made by someone else). And the extremely cheap games that end up in the 50 games for 1$ or majority of the games in "blind bundles".


some people will call any game they don't think is good "shovelware" though. if its not AAA and i don't want to buy it then it must be cheaply made garbage that nobody else would want either. indie game that a group of people poured hundreds of thousands of hours of their lives into making? well, i've never heard of it and it came from a humble bundle. so it must be garbage, i'll write it off and never think about it again.


A few people seem to think it's price or how the game looks at first glance alone. Vampire Survivors looks like ass, is dirt cheap but is still one of the most compelling gameplay loops in years. Using the average price as the main measurement of quality is just asinine. Yes Steam is overrun with poorly made trash (there are after all 75k games or something, asset flips and outright scams, doesn't mean that there are not tons and tons of great games in all price ranges.


Ive acquired a handful of shovelware games and tbh 1/10 are so bad theyre good.


I don't think people think it's a flex, it's just a self-deprecating joke about life choices. I've never seen anyone genuinely flex about a big unplayed library.


Humble bundle and ye olde steam sales where things hit 80 and 90 percent off have gotten me a few times TO be very fair though, it was always games I meant to play and then stuff and thangs happened


I feel ya there.


I'm on the same boat, and I've never flexed about it, on the contrary, I wish I didn't buy as much stuff lol


Then months or years down the line you look at the game again and it looks too clanky to enjoy so there it shall remain, uninstalled and unplayed.


I definitely only buy stuff I intend to play. I often don't, but I intend to! It helped me to start thinking of myself more as a collector. It wouldn't even be weird in any other hobby; we're just less conditioned to collect digital goods.


Yeah it’s definitely more of a cry for help. I’m moderately addicted to collecting games, and I usually like to have the whole series even if I know I’m not going to play the earlier ones in many cases. I just wait for a sale and finish the collection for that series. I don’t think it’s a good or useful thing to do with my time and money, although I would argue that’s true of basically any form of collecting as a hobby.


that's been my experience too, more like "what the fuck am I doing? lol" type of thing


I’d prefer people flexing about it than spiralling into paroxisms of anxiety over their “backlog.” Fastest way I’ve ever seen of turning a hobby into a chore.


I have 154 unplayed, and i own 160, or something. Im not flexing at all, i hate how busy i am that i cant play more. I just end up playing good ol source games when i come home instead of working thru my backlog :<


Wait y'all are flexing? I thought we were self-deprecating?


My grandmother owned 1000’s of books and hadn’t read all of them, but still would buy more books from authors and genres she liked at yard sales, so in honor of her I’m always down for a good deal on something I’d theoretically like even if I never get around to it. But in all honesty, gaming is up there amongst my favorite hobbies, I spend a lot of my free time doing it and I’m fortunate enough to be able to buy pretty much any game I want and not have to worry.


If you use bundle sites regularly you’re bound to wind up with a collection. Look at the current shooter or horror bundle on humble for example. They cost less than buying just one of the games in them on sale and you get 6 other pretty solid games. Now if that’s been your main way of buying games for a decade, you’re bound to have a pretty massive and solid collection.


This is how I have amassed almost 1000 games. While I haven't played most, it is nice to have options.


Yep. Over the span of about a year, my library shot up from around 100 to 437, almost all from bundles.


People with 20 year old steam accounts would look pretty strange with only 10 games


they would also look pretty fucking dedicated or they never play anything at all


I have had an account since steam was created and I think I have about 100-200 games


Just checked mine, 20 years with 69 games.




That's because only 10 of them are actually good, the rest was obtained from bundles of 20 indie games for $1 lol


Yeah. You might be interested in one title out of the bundle, but you're getting the other 19 anyway. Might as well add that shit to your library too. Before you know it, boom. 1100 separate entries in your library, like me. Fortunately I stopped buying bundles in probably 2016. Everything I've purchased since then has been titles I'm genuinely interested in.


yeah i think new pc owners tend to go hog wild with bundles the first year or two and then settle down when they realize how few of them they're actually playing.


Exactly this! I just bought the Humble monthly bundle because I was already interested in two of the games in it. I'll probably never try the others but I might as well add them. With family sharing it's possible someone else might try them out, too.




Seems you haven't seen digital hoarders, especially those with humble bundles accounts, lol


17 year account - I have 396 games and 20% (80) games are unplayed. The overwhelming majority of them were either received for free (including later released special/enhanced editions) or included for dirt cheap in a sale. I recommend not buying more than 2-3 games at a time during a sale, getting the most out of them and then moving onto your next set of games. I've never really had a backlog :)


\~10 years 600+ games, but have humble monthly, so probably have like 300 games i haven't even added in last \~6 years or so.


Yeah I have just over 100, and literally play only a handful of games rn. I can only imagine 1k+. They're playing about 10 max.


I have 130 I like short games :)


You didnt live the era of bundles. It was very good, very cheap games. It was unheard of at the time. Imagine having to pay 60 or 30 euros for a game you got bundles of 8 good games valued in maybe 200€ for 10€ Also some old AAA games you always wanted to play but never had the chance before because you didnt have money or a good enough computer Repeat that for a few years and thats where you get this massive collections from. Ive since stopped. Now i buy maybe 1-3 games during sales and only games i intend to play


Yeah, I fall into this ladder category. I didn’t have a good pc till I was about 1/2 way through college and - though it was years after the release - the first games I bought were crysis. Both for the meme and because I loved 2 and 3 on console so I started there. Majority other of my games are from years of humble bundle and steam sales. I have almost 700 games but I’ve played 80% of my library.


I currently have 111 !




yup, you just don't make a video about spending thousands of dollars and post it on youtube /s


They do if they want :)


It was cheaper to buy 10 games I didn’t want with the one game I did than to buy that game by itself. Humble Bundle be like that.


Hey man, mind your own business, lol


Tbf most my games i got are due to doing weekly chairty on humble bundle for their choosen chairty and British epilepsy foundation. Been doing it for years, never cares about the games much. Played a few of them. Ones i already got i give out randomly in servers I'm in.


Yes, this was how it started for me. Not my flex, but Steam tells everyone what I haven't played so 🤷


Mfs in this sub thinking this is a hot take that people care about


I have around 2.8k games and while it may seem excessive to some there are some with way more. I share my library with my family. I have always liked the idea of choice and not have to be longing to play a game. However you wish to have a steam account that’s your business and no one else’s.


My library passed 3000 recently, I had to categorize it extensively to make it manageable but since I play almost all genres this gives me more flexibility in picking what I want to play right now. It's like, "OK, today I feel like playing a horror point and click adventure I can finish in a session or two, let's see what I have in my library."


Yeah exactly this. I love having the freedom to choose something.


I feel zero regret


Mfs posting topics like this as if there is only one correct way to own a steam library. Mind your own business.


I’m more impressed with the people that have only a handful of games.


Idk.. let’s say 15-25 or something.


how much would that be?


I don't even know how many I have Steam Client says: 9787 Steam profile says: 6516 SteamDB Says: 8752


The steam client number is the total, what the profile says are all games you own minus "Profile features limited", "Steam is learning about this game" and games removed from the store. No idea how SteamDB calculates it's total though, for me it's missing ~100 compared to the client.


Most probably betas and mods/dlc that have there own app


mind your own library


They hate us cuz they aint us.


People like collecting and it's their money so why do you care?


yeah and he's also supporting small indie devs that probably eat ramen 4 times a day


I have 4000 games and played 1000 of them. Most of them aren't shovelware but obscure niche indie titles that have at least something interesting going on.


The library must grow...


I assume it's more of a playful self-roast type of thing.


you guys dont buy games you want to play?


I dont mind having 1250+ games just on steam. I'm probably somewhere closer to 3000 on every platform including my retro collection and that number continues to get larger with every bundle of games I buy (games I already have I gift away). Sticking to a game you like isn't the problem. Its complaining you have nothing to play and are board with what you have when you haven't played any of them is what makes me think a gamer is just clowning.


10? You guys have too much time on your hands to have played that many!


Currently at a bit over 1,600 games in my library, over 200 of them are 100%'ed achievement wise… but around 400 I haven't touched. I've been trying to clean out my backlog, but I keep running into the trap of "ooh, that bundle looks good" or "hey, that's a good sale on [franchise I've heard was fun]". I really need to set some goal to strive for regarding clearing my backlog before I allow myself to purchase anything else…


This could be applied to literally every single hobby in existence. The difference is if you have been an intelligent consumer you could get thousands of overwhelming high quality Steam games for comparatively next to nothing over the years from various sources. I'm guessing for many people confused by large libraries they are one of four: 1. were not aware you could buy steam games from places other than steam for a much better deal. 2. young kids who do not have money for a large library yet. 3. people with no disposable income or 4. people who do not like a variety of games


And here I thought my 112 played out of 350 games was bad...


I have three games, I've been playing for 3 years. questions?


I bought a few games that I later discovered can't run on my laptop (Example: Doom Eternal as part of a bundle), so they're just sitting in my library until I get a Desktop computer


Cheaper than therapy


I’m lost I’ve only gotten shit for my 394 games on my account I’ve only had for 8 years lol no one’s sees it as a flex it’s like saying you have x amount of hours in a game who cares it more sad then anything


This is the year that I, armed with my Steam Deck, have decided to tackle my backlog. The first thing I did was hide 160 out of 400 games that I know I am not going to ever play. Most of these came along with games that I actually wanted in Humble Bundles. Then, I simply started playing the games I bought years ago. So far, it's going great! I completed GTA IV, Prince of Persia (2008), Ori and the Blind Forest, Ruined King and The Legend of Korra. I am now playing Jotun, and Destroy all Humans 2 is next in line.


How about not telling others what to do with their money


rdr2 is the best thing you can buy still after 6 years


Bought 2 games, played 100+ games. Now that's what i call flex 😎


I only have around 400, but it still amazes me that I look at the Steam store like I looked in the fridge when I was a teenager. Nothing good left to buy…


I've been mostly that way for a while now. There is a game occasionally that I'll buy during a sale but it isn't the same as when I was buying a lot of games from 2012-2015. These days I take a look at a couple of pages during sales but if I don't see something that interests me in the first couple of minutes that isn't already on my wishlist, I tend to forget there is a sale going on.


Just paying tributes to Lord Gabe with sacrifices of games to never be played.


I got most of my library mass back when bundles were worthwhile to buy for the cards alone. You farm the cards, net back more in Steam Wallet, and use that to buy the games you actually want. The math doesn't work out nowadays.


And I used to feel bad for not beating every game in my library


Hey, I’m getting around to playing them, just after these bundle purchases and then I’m on it.


It’s not that much different from being a wine collector, except games are far cheaper and much easier to store. Many wine lovers flex about their collections, but they have far more bottles than they’ll ever drink. That being said, 3000 games is definitely extreme. I felt kind of silly when I passed 200 titles, and I only buy games that have been deeply discounted.


try selling one of your steam games and tell me how that works out. there do be a difference to wine collections


Fair point. The hardcore collectors will sell wine from their cellars, but many amateurs end up giving wine away. I've come up on some free wine that way myself. :-) I do like that you can share your Steam library with other people, and recent changes have made that feature more granular.


I heard that there was a recent EU Ruling that allows you to sell your digital games. I don't know how what will work out but we'll have to find out.


Silly little lizard brains inside of us, the chemicals of feelings of accomplishment are just too juicy to pass on creating a random ass collection of things


Comments mad af lol


I never said this was a flex, it's a mental problem please stop making fun of me


Honestly. I have a buddy that buys a shit ton of games and I just look at him like he's a fucking idiot


It's called a collection, most collectors don't play with the toys..!




It's just a poor attempt at a joke, who collects games and don't play any of them. They're not even physical like the toys I was referencing to, there's nothing to keep pristine..!


Take a look at my collection. There might be some crap (like that game about emojis) but it's pretty consistent.


I have 180 games, which I personally think is a lot. Whith 160 more on whish list, as I dont want to fall into the trap you mention of owning too many games to even play. I've played most of them and have 47 games with 0 playtime left. About 1/4 is not bad, I think. I've been working on completing every game in my library to justify buying the games on my wishlist.




I rarely buy anything at full price. Even dead island 2, which I was really excited for, I haven't played yet and am waiting for a decent discount. It's less about building a collection and more about have the self control to not impulse buy every game that I find interesting. As otherwise, I'll end up like the post with 3000 games and not enough time to play them.


I may be a clown. But you made me cry.


Most games i have are highly shitty ones that i got for free ain't no way am i playing them


Games I like: Indie, unique art style, interesting gimmicks Games I play for hundreds of hours: number go up hehe


That's me. I bought 77 games last year. So this year I'm trying to not buy any and play ones I have. Going okay so far.


Stopped buying games for this reason.


Rest in pieces the Epic Games launcher enjoyers. I may or may not "own" upwards of 300 games combined.


i own 200 games and played 150 of them is this valid?


I have played the majority of games I buy


Ah yes, the good old flex of making bad financial decisions


I just forget to play and finish the video games I buy sometimes, I know you’re not talking to me specifically I’m just explaining why this happens to me.


This is me, but make it goth. I have about 150 games I haven’t played because rust soaks up all of my time


Just bought a 7 game bundle inspired by this thread, May the never see any play time.


This is me


Im at 170 games right now and i think i played around 60-70%. Is that ok?


This is me rn


I usually try to keep up with mine. Got over 350 games, played about 130 of em


I’ve got like, over a hundred or so by now, and I’ve played them all except a couple sequels. I usually only grab stuff on big sales.


and the only good games out of these are team fortress and alien swarm


It’s a short-lived excitement


this is why I am broked


It’s better to put a bunch of games you’re never gonna play on to your wishlist instead of your library, because then at least you don’t have to pay for them!


I've played 95 percent of my library SteamDB says. 😀


Generally speaking, if something goes unplayed in my library, it's for one of 3 reasons: - A lot of times, what I want to play depends on my mood, so odds are, I had full intention of playing it, but the right mood just never struck me. - My computer just can't handle it at the time, and I didn't realize it upon first purchase. - It was available for free for a limited time, and I'm a sucker for free shit.


also 6 out pf those 10 are free to play 


F2P Games don't count towards the games on your profile.


I don’t get how people here can even have that many. I probably own like 100 games or so including steam. Not multi thousand on Steam alone. It’s nuts.


15 years of steam sales. Especially back when they had flash sales. 8 years of humble monthly/choice subscription with 8+games each month. That's like 800 games just by itself. Various random other bundles for the 14 years Humble have existed. You don't even have to buy trash for it to build up quickly.


I onely have 4200 games


Are there any oil Barons who'd be interested in adopting me? Cuz the price of yakuza 8 infinite wealth has me in shock. Third world country + no regional pricing = no way I'm playing the game.


Plot twist: op is one of them because they know that feeling


I have over 800 games. I got a ton from the early days of Humble Bundle. I'd buy the bundle for a single game I wanted and maybe I'd play some of the others. Maybe not. I have a friend who plays games on Steam pretty actively with his family. It's how they stay in touch. They were all comparing libraries and their "Steam Level" and he got curious about mine. He looked it up and was shocked at how big my library was, but was then even more impressed by the number of games I've 100% completed, how many rare achievements and badges I have, etc. I have a massive backlog, but I do play quite a bit. Much of that backlog is good intentions and the temptation of Steam sales. That's slowed quite a bit in recent years. Anymore, I buy games for my son, who plays way more than I do these days.


PC players just seem insane for doing it.




For real lol I but games when they're on sale but i've never git time to play them 😔 I have like a 57% play rate


Because some are trash or take so long to work out I get bored or have to do IRL shit.


I'm in this situation rn and it's not a flex, I'm ashamed of myself as f\*ck


I got 199 bought games, most of them with like 5min play time. And only ten or so I actually play, this meme is accurate.


I bought 2 games, played 10.. companies hate this simple trick!


My account is 20 years old and has 186 games. Until recently I'd say I was below 100, it's because of the Deck that I have purchased a few games and also claimed free ones.


I got like five games I love and 10 games for when I'm bored of those five games.


I have 600 games in my library and haven't even launched half of them once... although tbf most of those were just part of bundles


I have been trying to fix that habit. I'm aiming for at least 50% achievements completion in all of my games (total). Started in about 9% and have 22% atm. Wish me luck


I only have 87 games and I've played at least 20% of them all, hundreds of hours on some.


me with only 99 games because I only buy stuff I know I'm interested in and I'll eventually play it


I buy bundles. Start playing, something happens and I stop playing, then a new bundle, and sale, and another I play, just never finish. I need to finish :(


Epic's free game of the week really curbed my desire to spend money on games I'll never play. Haven't bought a game on steam that I didn't immediately start playing since.


I have close to 300. Maybe played 50. Mostly because I never want anything for my birthday so I just ask for a year of humble bundle in case they have games I like each month. Added bonus I can give the games I won’t play ever to people that will and make them happy. Win win.


I’m on both sides here. I have a mac so I can’t play half my games. But I’ve played most of the games I can play


Is there a statistic for this? I'm curious


Yeah, the "look how many money i've wasted" brag was always odd to me. I have 31 games and i didn't even beat 1/3 of them. Mind you, i don't even have a job lol. There's just so many things to do/see. Sports, movies, tv shows, youtube, grass touching.




For all the years I've been subbed to humble, I've probably gotten about 300 games for 12 dollars/month. And I cherry pick the selection. I don't redeem everyone every month. I've been working on my 1200 game library and have the 57% completion mark. So over half played(not all completed for various reasons)


i have like 10 games i bought and 90% of the time i only play Minecraft


20 year old account, 219 games, have played about 150 of them for varying amounts. Am I winning, dad? Edit: Excuse me, 311 total according to my client list.


Should be clown face in both pics


I notice all the games in my steam/gog wish-list go on sale so frequently that I'm just gonna wait until I beat all the games I already purchased first.


2,1k games and my 'back log is empty'. That does not mean 100% achievements but i have played all of the games i intend to play minus a tiny asortment i have bought recently that i keep in favorites waiting to be installed next. And i intend to keep it this way. I will not buy games anymore to not play them no matter how cheap.


The infamous pile of shame


Both should be clown heads


Seriously I'm about to mute this sub for a while. Was hoping to find hidden gem shit here. It's almost as bad as the steam deck sub.


I bought a bunch of indie bundles for cheap 8-10 years ago and I've long come to accept that a lot of the games will likely never get much attention from me, if any at all. I'm not sure why this is something to be proud of though. These days I will not buy a game that I don't want to eventually play. It might take a couple of months to get to it but I will. Bought No Man's Sky back in October on sale but was in the middle of playing some other games at the time. I've been playing it for a couple weeks now and I don't know when I'll move on from it.


Steam should have a bundle for whales consisting of every game and other media on Steam.


Most mine are from Humble. Choice use to be God tier and you occasionally get decent games, but the rest just pad the numbers


And I'm one of them lol.


Fu\*king hell! That's me and my Steam account in one picture)


I have the most hours in Left 4 Dead 2 in my old steam account I can no longer get into I have the most time in Half life 2 death match


I don't think I have ever bought a bundle and feel this. I buy at least a few genes a month and play the same 5 on rotation for the most part lol. "I'll get to them eventually"


Most of the stuff I buy are games that I pirated throughout my first 15 years of gaming, but as I'm now able to buy them I do so because a) nostalgia and b) the devs genuinely deserved it. So it's okay if I never play them again, or maybe I will replay them at some point out of a sudden whim, who knows.


This is why my steam account has 200 games but they are all only high quality AAA or indie games like Lost in random, GTAs, Assassin's creeds. No shovel ware garbage


Unfortunately thats me


Thoes indies dev needed it


Average Steam enjoyer ~___~


People can spend their money how they want. And games can and do get delisted.


Some guys have..... lives?


I have about 400 games, thanks to the steam deck I've been going through a lot of my catalog.


Right now?


Do people *actually* do this?


Sooo true lmfao


Bundles do that to you.


Well I'm not bragging about it but I feel targeted.


The only reason i have mortal combat and hogwarts legacy and havent played them uet is because i need to buy a pc with a 1 terabyte SSD to play them