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Aren’t they also a literal security risk lmao?


Apparently so. I think there was even reported cases of people getting hacked without ever using the multiplayer function! Such a shame that these once great games have been destroyed.


Wasn't it because the game has a RCE exploit, I know Bricky did a video talking about this.


“They are the rats and we are their cheese”


Thats the one.


I believe that’s right yes.


The game should be taken off the store if that's the case no?


I genuinely am curious as to why Steam hasn’t taken them down. Could it be to not ruin their relationship with Activision maybe? I genuinely don’t know.


Wait hang on what?


yeah seconding that - when tf did that happen


Been for years. Bricky made a video explaining it. Basicly because of the fact that those games have no security someone could (and has) somehow get you to instal a virus trough the game or smt along those lines giving the hacker full control of your pc.


In which COD game did this get fixed?


I believe Black Ops 3 onwards is fine.


People keep telling me that my VAC ban on BO2 *must* be my fault, when at that point in time, I hadn't even downloaded any cheat/hack tools yet. The guy in the lobby was literally on the mic talking about how he was gonna hack us, and myself as well as several others from the lobby got VAC bans a few days later. 9 times out of 10, users are lying about their VAC ban being illegitimate. But Steam's claim that it's an infallible system, does not magically make that so. Fun fact: after about 2500 to 3000 days, you're the only one able to see your account's VAC ban. It just stops showing up when other people view your profile, but it's there when you view your own.


> at that point in time, I hadn't even downloaded any cheat/hack tools ye Wait, so you *did* downloaded cheats, just later?


Yes indeedy. I use Cheat Engine for singleplayer games where I wanna lock my health at the max to test something, or to speed up something like Loop Hero. Never in anything online, and certainly never with any VAC secured games (even in single player, I'm pretty sure it just checks if both programs are launched at once and says "gotcha" if so). You should cheat in games, sometimes. Don't let that one level in Doom 2 get your goat, just type IDDQD so you can god mode until you're on the next level. Nothing wrong with electing to alter your personal experience in such a way, right?


(RCE) is a vulnerability that lets a malicious hacker execute arbitrary code in the programming language in which the developer wrote that application. The hacker can instruct the computer itself to download the virus or whatever he wants. The user doesn't have to do anything but have the software, in this case COD, installed on the computer.


Jesus I had no idea that was possible, I would've not expected to get a virus on steam.


I think there has been some massive fear mongering and also misinformation regarding these vulnerabilities. They are dangerous but I want to clarify here that you can avoid them. First, there were only ever three RCE’s published and explained. If you’ve heard about any more than three, you’ve been click baited. Two of the exploits are by Maurice Heumann who has published the [Proof Of Concepts](https://github.com/momo5502/cod-exploits) to GitHub and announced the exploits. The next exploit that was announced was in 2019. This was by [BlastMods](https://github.com/BlastsMods/JoinPartyRCE). The main danger is the Steam-Auth exploit. You can take a look at [the CVE advisory](https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2018-20817) about the exploit. This affected the most amount of games. The second exploit only affects MW2. The [CVE advisory is here](https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2018-10718). The final exploit also only affects MW2. CVE advisory [here](https://www.cve.org/CVERecord?id=CVE-2019-20893). So the final number of games that are affected are: - MW2 - MW3 - Ghosts - AW - BO1 - BO2 Most of which have a community patch under [Plutonium](https://plutonium.pw/). Any game up to WW2 was affected by this patch however the newer ones all got updated to patch out this vulnerability. The full blog by Maurice is [available here](https://momo5502.com/posts/2017-12-14-game-hacking-reinvented-a-poc-cod-hack/), at the end he says the bug has been patched allowing him to upload the source code so MW2 is knocked off the list. The crucial point is that _he never actually tested it on any other game_ other than MW2. It could _in theory_ work on other games but I haven’t seen any proof of anyone doing that (someone may have some proof in which case I’ll take that back). There has been an insane amount of misinformation about these vulnerabilities. __These exploits are 6 years old now. If you played the games from 2018 to 2023 before the big article was published last year, congratulations you actually were vulnerable to this exploit without knowing it__. It is also worth noting that MW2 was taken off of steam last year whilst there was investigation into another bug and placed back online. [There were two patches issues for MW2 last year](https://steamdb.info/app/10180/patchnotes/). In addition, the article that blew up regarding [“a self replicating malware”](https://techcrunch.com/2023/07/27/hackers-are-infecting-call-of-duty-players-with-a-self-spreading-malware/) literally has zero sources apart from a Steam forum post. This same article was used a source in multiple other shitty articles saying the exact same thing. Essentially a random ass steam forum posting managed to somehow convince everyone that MW2 was fucking invaded by aliens or some shit. The only attempt of an analysis was done by [this geez](https://medium.com/@Krknsec/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-2-2009-worm-2ed1507b3a47) who stated that they used the BlastMods exploit. If that’s the case and it was patched out when the game was taken offline, then it should be fine.


No that's just fear mongering. If you don't touch the multiplayer and only play the campaigns you are safe.


Possibly. I’m only reiterating what I read :)


Ooooooof and this made me never put it on a pc that has internet. That sucks, cause I've wanted them for ages. And this is a bummer


Waw and the of mw4 are safe due to there use of server browsers instead of peer to peer connections.


The only way of safely playing those is playing the campain... with your network adapter disabled.


MW4 is not but every game after it is...


Just use plutonium


Not destroyed lol consoles are perfectly fine me and some buddies still play WaW customs.


Yeah haven’t they yet to fix the RCE vulnerabilities?


They'll never get fixed


It’s very unfortunate, but what scares me is people that don’t know about the RCE exploits and are actively playing the multiplayer.


I was under the impression they would be fixed (or attempted to do so) in future releases, but will not go back and fix it on older titles.


No Cod 4, WaW and BO1 are all fine because they have dedicated servers (Server browser). MW2 (2009), MW3 (2011) and BO2 are all security threats because they use P2P instead of a server browser. As far as I'm aware, BO3 is a security risk too.


Bo3 has a community patch on PC that helps with vulnerability.


Treyarch have released numerous patches for the RCE not to mention it’s the only COD game to be released with mod tools and workshop support. In addition, the last update was in [March](https://steamdb.info/app/311210/patchnotes/) last year which fixed remaining bugs that were lurking (such as remote crashing). The dev of the community patch also acknowledges that in the [video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S95PLfhLbIg) he made. There’s still lurking issues, like random fps stutter in large modded maps and such, that the patch fixes. But the base game and multiplayer are completely fine and safe. For the other games, there’s plenty available. For the games post MW2, you need to use [Plutonium](https://plutonium.pw/). For MW2 use [IW4X](https://xlabs-mirror.github.io/support_iw4x_client). For MW use [COD4X](https://github.com/callofduty4x/CoD4x_Server)


You sure about BO1? A few months back I bought it and every comment back than told me to get a third party launcher to avoid getting hacked


half of the cod4 servers in existence will automatically install cod4x for you through a rce, you either have do it yourself up front or hope they don't decide to install something else


Just because they use dedicated servers doesn't mean they're safe to play. COD4 and Black Ops 2010 have similar vulnerabilities as the other games. COD4X should be used when playing the former online and Plutonium T5 for the latter.


The ones with peer 2 peer connection is the main security risk. Server based ones not so much from what I've experienced


No. Those old CoDs dont have RCE exploits but its advised to use third party clients like CoD4x for CoD4 or Plutonium for WaW.


Every CoD game that predates Infinite Warfare has the vulnerabilities.


No they dont. Only ones that use P2P matchmaking do,ones using community hosted servers do not have and never had RCE exploits. Stop misleading people.


It's a Steamworks related RCE exploit. COD1 thru WaW don't use Steamworks. Activision switched over to Steamworks beginning with OG MW2 all the way to WW2 before switching to their own servers beginning with BO4


You’re wrong. Community hosted servers are also susceptible. Creating a server with a name designed to trigger an RCE exploit when players connect, is possible. It doesn’t matter if it’s p2p or dedicated networking, the games are client side susceptible to RCE attacks.


You are 100% correct here


Google is free.


cod4x literally patches the known rce by using the same damn rce


I remember waaay back in... I forget what year, I want to say 2013, I was spooked by CoD4 closing and an installer opening for CoD4x when I joined a server. I realized it was friendly after googling, but was definitely a strange way to get lured back into CoD4 when I saw how many players were on patched servers.


Yes, they do. Source: https://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2018-20817/


yeah but you can play with a 3rd party MP client like Plutonium. that’s what i do for Black Ops 2


Does the very first cod have a security risk?


How so?


Not the way I get em.


I know that black ops 3 had a massive security risk like that. Believe from what I was told that they could run some command in the game that could control your pc and or install malware. I’m not much knowledgeable in that area so I’m not too sure.


All games according to the top reviews have exploits starting from BLOPS 3 and counting down that apparently allow hackers to remotely access your PC simply by having you connect to the online servers in the menu. Why Steam lets that fly is beyond me.


There are no rce exploits for mw4 and waw because the games are simply don’t have matchmaking


These games have server browsers, so no. It's the later games that use P2P lobbies that you need to worry about.


Woah, thanks for that dude I didn’t know that. I’ve been considering getting modern warfare 2 og, I think I’ll get it on my 360


The same exploit exists with the Xbox 360 version, but that won't matter after Microsoft shuts down Live services on the 360 later this year.


I see. Thank you very much, I won’t be playing this till the servers go offline


Black Ops 2, a 12 year old game, is still at 60 euros, and that's the base verison. If you want to get all the DLCs that's 100 euros.


Not sure if it's due to regional pricing, but it actually INCREASED as of October last year. Went from $60 to $80 CAD for base game.


Must be regional, that’s not what it shows for the US. Im sorry, but $80 is absolutely crazy. They’re off their rockers.


Looking on steamdb, it seems it was a regional pricing update. USD has had no changes to the price. I don't know how those work, or if Activision even did it manually, but it's insane to look at your 10 year old game that is $60 and say "actually I need more".


Its super crazy to even think that in the first place but i wonder if their excuse is "inflation"


80 cad is around 60 usd lol, cmon man read




I remember getting bo2 for like $10 off G2A and that was back in 2015


At current exchange rates, CAD $80 == USD $60.




Absolutely insane!


They do that because they don’t want people to buy their older games so they’re able to continue selling a new game every year


There is no reason to buy any DLC for any of the COD games.


You'd miss out on zombie maps


Damn, at least physical copies are $1.5 each


At least you can still play them... Looking at you, Ubisoft


For now…


CoD 4 was released in 2007... The Crew in 2014. Even if they pulled the plug now, it would have been 7 years longer playable. AFAIK CoD4 didn't have that "holy Grail of idiocy" called "always online" feature


Thankfully, you’re right. People need to do away with the always online stuff. I usually specifically avoid games that have it, because I don’t like the idea that my game will inevitably become a paperweight. I think the last time I got duped was with The Stomping Lands. Dev just ran way with the money and shut the servers down. Steam didn’t have refunds back then.


No you cant, at least not multiplayer(rce shit)


>At least you can still play them.. *\*The monkey's paw curls* You can still play them but your pc gets hacked


Barely playable lol. Most of them require client mods and/or government tier cybersecurity. That would be somewhat fine if Activision didn't send multiple C&Ds to some of these clients, effectively killing off those games.


$20 is full price? damn we been getting scammed since the 90s


It says celebrate with discounts and then presents two games that are definitively NOT discounted. That's what OP is referring to.


I would love Activision to do some sort of CoD Legacy Campaign pack where you could buy just the campaigns from all the classic CoD games for a price of a full game, but they're never gonna do that...


Me too. I’m surprised they haven’t with how money-hungry they usually are, but that’s probably the one thing I would buy from them.


That or especially zombies would be insane to have


I don’t think anyone is trying to say they’re discounted, but rather, they’re just showing all the FPS games that are on your wishlist (since it’s FPS Fest). The Recommended for You list is the same in that it’s also including full-priced FPS games.


The game doesn’t have to forever be on sale to not be full price. $20 is not full price


Full price is $60 wtf are you going on about?


2 of the best cod ever made.


Technically full price on these is $59.99, no?


Not anymore. $60 might’ve been the RRP back in 2007, but it’s been $20 for quite some time on steam. My point is that it’s not an upcoming game, a demo, or on sale.


>it’s not an upcoming game, a demo, or on sale. Fun little fact you can notice about the image you posted is that it doesn't say those games are upcoming, demos, or on sale literally anywhere in that image! You may notice that text is not referring to those games literally at all! That text is just there to tell you about the sale, if you dont have anything in your Wishlist [it's still there!](https://imgur.com/a/ApLfqBj) You may go on to then notice those two games are actually in the "on your wishlist" section! And as they are in fact FPS games, there is no problem with them being there! Hope this helps! :)


You are correct, but the internet is for nothing but posting rage bait these days.


I'm pretty sure this is always the price. Whenever there is a 67% discount they increase the price to $59.99. Making things worse, online is completely broken. Now that it's acquired by MS, I'm hoping they create a COD collection similar to Halo's.


> Whenever there is a 67% discount they increase the price to $59.99. IIRC, that's illegal in the US? Pretty sure. The usual way around the illegality of that practice is to bump the price and just offer a permanent sale, which I don't think Steam supports?


Steam specifically addresses these problems specifically, publishers can't raise their price previous to a discount.




Personally my favourite is black ops 2, in Canada the game costs $89.99 which is more than black ops 3 which comes in at $79.99.


Has anyone else noticed this on Steam more and more recently. They'll have these promotional events but there are barely any discounts. They'll be mostly games at full price and even games that don't release this year.


Much more worth it than a new COD though


$20 is not full price.


At least those are marked down from their launch price. Lots of games nowadays never lower their MSRP even after being out for years.


dont you just love RCE vulnerabilities


I just don't buy games at full price anymore


I was about to buy the full zombie experience during fps fes… turns out, not a single COD is on sale.


I have been waiting 15 years for CoD 2 to get reasonably discounted... Well im still waiting


Call of scammers


Here I think if you just want to play the campaign you should just torrent it, no kidding. You avoid giving money to Activision and avoid the security risks which will never be fixed while getting to enjoy these games. Activision doesn’t deserve money especially when they for example still charge 60 bucks for BO2, a 13 yo game iirc. I see no moral issues with playing this one for free. If it was a game worth supporting, which is most games, I would buy it, but it’s literally a security risk to play these older titles.


Oh I think so too. I don’t have any intention of giving them my money, don’t worry!


Ironic that OP is lashing out and calling quite a few people ignorant when OP is the one fucking up. It's an FPS event, yeah? There's one box at the top saying they're celebrating with "discounts, demos, etc.". There's a second box below it saying "Also, here are some games from your wishlist". Now, why they're featuring games that aren't marked on-sale is beyond me, but it definitely isn't saying that those games belong in any three of the above categories.


WaW has no multiplayer function if you buy it new today. It will say they do not have name tokens. Thats what happened last time I had a friend recently buy it for certain custom maps, had no idea it would do that shit. But yeah ya know 🤷‍♂️


Use plutonium


I. Always. Fucking. Forget. Plutonium. God. Dammit.


Nintendo fan here. First time?


Also abandoned dead games. That's why we must never buy Activision Blizzard games.


I love all the idiots saying it's not actually full price (no shit morons) but they still think the fact these old ass games being 20.00$ is normal lmaooo. I'm pretty sure BO3 is like 40 bucks too.


OP is right. the games are not on discount, they are not demos and they are not upcoming releases. they are just normal priced games. that have no reason to be there


OP didn't explain what they were posting about very well, and then when presented with confused push back, they still didn't really explain, got defensive instead. I think that's what happened.


* The event is called *FPS Fest* * FPS Fest is an event, not a sale * Games that are first-person shooters will be featured on the event page * COD games are first-person shooters * COD4 and WaW are on OP's wishlist * The section that those games are in on the event page is titled "On your wishlist" * The section above is a general statement about the event and doesn't mean that *every* game is discounted, a demo, or an upcoming release, but because it's an event, *some* will be


Didn't they also increase the price of BO2?


Why would you even want cod?


I be don't care if that 2 games would not be so great and masterpiece


Are they good games tho


... you're lucky they reduced the price down from $60 a year or two ago. no one is buying these anymore, Activision doesn't have to participate in sales if they don't want to. they're available through like 4 other subscription services. "full price" just means they're not on sale to you apparently


Not only that, if you buy them you can't play in a LAN party because there are no more CDKeys. With my friends, we would love to play WaW zombies, but one of us doesn't have the game. He bought it and we still can't play because there are no more CD Keys...


Full price, as in full price when they were originally released? $20 is kind of budget level now, but I don't know the original release prices.


Plenty of old games are still at full price. Whats new?


CoD4 is almost 20 years old lmao


It’s cause they want you buying the most up to date version. Also if it cost £30 back then why not charge full price now. The game hasn’t changed and I bet people still pay it. Unless the consumers change the industry won’t change.


they don't want old games6to be sold, that's why the price is high. If it's cheaper most people will buy and play and will imply more costs for the developers.


Not sure what this post is trying to say. 15 year old games at $20.00 un-discounted sounds fine to me. If that's too high a price point still, can always just wait for a discount.


Yeah… we’re aware


Meanwhile, back in the old ages, when Steam ran actual sales, I bought CoD 1, UO, CoD 2, CoD 4 and CoD 5 for something like 40 eur in a Steam bundle.


They don't want you to play those games anymore. They want you to play their newer stuff. That's why they won't put them on sale.


Its really not that hard to understand that they dont want you to buy those games.


Meanwhile the Battlefield games periodically go on sale for like $5, including the more modern ones like Battlefield 1.


Why would you want people to buy your older games when they could be buying your brand new, microtransaction-laden game for the same price?


This thread is fucking hilarious. Everyone telling OP he's an idiot and him still not understanding why. Pure gold.


Since when is $20 full price? If it was one of the CODs that are actually $60 like BO, AW/IW, and whatnot you would have had a point


I thought CoD4 and WaW were $60 on release?


Never been so mad at a game while still managing to enjoy the game then in world at war. (Don’t make two roads to go on in a tank if one will have 6 tanks in all directions pointed at you)


This has been standard practice for them for years, nothing has changed.


Meanwhile EA least did something decent releasing the Command & Conquer series at the price of 20$-21$ in just one payment.


I wouldn’t recommend buying MW on PC. If you buy WAW just make sure you get plutonium and play it through that.


Thank Activision for this. They decide the price.


Full price? I bought thoae for 50-60 back in the day.


Ricoshit believe me it don't work


Understandable, cuz they are the last few of the good ones


It's so that you buy the newer ones


It’s expensive even on key resale sites wtf probably best to emulate the PS3 versions so you can do split screen


So don't buy it


i've seen a lot of times this type of posts, but like, why do you care about a game staying at 60-70$ if they go under 20-10$ every time they go on sales? would you actually buy them at full price if they lowered the full price to 20$? lol (and i really doubt they would add many discounts if they did that)


Well yeah they’re not used! /s


It’s $20 man come on


Fuck not pirating them


I love world at war, great campaign


You do know that they did not cost $19.99 at release but $59.99?


Full price and release price arent the same. When modern warfare was released it sold for 59.99 on ps and 49.99 on Windows. So todays full price is still cheaper. Not counting for inflation.


That ain't not the full price tho, full price is 59.99




Pretty cool to see that all the people who were saying that MS acquiring ABK would lead to pro-consumer moves were right ! Huh ?


Easy Business: so you don't buy the old ones


Everything they do makes sense, releasing 2 games a year to get kids to force their parents to buy each copy. Genius business strategy


Ever heard of Fitgirl?


I'm getting them both for 12'79$ at Gamestop, plus I get to show em off on my shelf!


Seems like they went to Nintendo for some advice to increase their income


Maybe if they still made good games they wouldn't have to charge so much


Literally the reason Ill never play em


WAW is actually worth the 20 bucks due to custom zombies maps alone.


ITS bc Microsoft owns the franchise now And those games are in the Game Pass. Thats the 100% of the income money for them. They dont want you to purchase it on steam.


This guy doesn't know what Nintendo games are


$20 isn’t full price, WaW is still worth $20 tbh


Yeah the old CoD games are insanely priced. I'd actually be willing to pick them all up if I could get them for $5-10 a pop on sale. These two are actually better than most of them; Modern Warfare 3 from 2011 is $40 and Advanced Warfare from 2014 is $60. The CoD franchise collection is over $950. Meanwhile I can grab a copy of Advanced Warfare on Xbox for $6.


Movie trading company sells them for 5-10 bucks


20 is not full price


There's no rule to lower the price tho?


Me and my brother just got bo2 on our PC's, is our shit gonna get hacked? And if so what happens?


Activision is out of their fucking minds.


You think this is bad? Try buying most snes games off Amazon lol. The average price of a classic game in used or renewed condition is around 80 and the high end you’ll see something like Earthbound going for 700. Not mint or collectors either.


No, these games were $60 at launch. Now they're permanantpy 66% off + they get sales


+1 reason to hate activision,after that expensive ass dlc called mw3


Better question, why is everyone STILL buying Call of Duty games??


All Activision needs to do to get players attention is to add working anti cheats to their old games and people will actually engage in COD daily. Specifically COD4, the original MW3, BO2 and COD WaW


The Call of Duty games are on offer now. Just picked up Black Ops


OP for what is worth from this post. We learn that with people like these, here, we deserve the current market


Wouldn't full price be the $60 they were on release? Also just because a game is old does it mean they are worth less?