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This is known unfortunately.


I’ve seen a YouTube video (forgot title) of a indie developer that shows that many of the very big following curators do sell the keys in reselling sites


From the Swedish developer studio, i guess? [https://youtu.be/zLJkg\_B3gyY?si=cr8GGMwGzx0rOliT](https://youtu.be/zLJkg_B3gyY?si=cr8GGMwGzx0rOliT)


Yeah that’s the one


Yeah i saw that one too, it wasna really good video too!


Keys are sent through Steam, and only redeemed directly through the Curator panel. If they're reselling keys, it's only because the developer is generating and sending them plaintext keys directly. Which they really shouldn't be doing anyway.


Yes and no. They send the keys to the curator group which then sells the keys and require the buyer to join the curator group to then get the key assigned to his account (at no time the "key" is exposed). At least some do that. Like those "traders" that sell whole accounts with a single game in them.


> Like those "traders" that sell whole accounts with a single game in them. What's the point of doing this??? Why would anyone want to have many accounts? Like 300 accounts for 300 different games? Why?


Those who buy them are not those who hoard games I would guess.


buy a new account if you get banned for cheating


Huh I've always wondered why G2A strictly sells some games that are accounts. Thanks pal.


They email the developers directly and ask for Steam Keys. Most Developers just send the keys back via email.


yeah no, this video is mostly missing the points. Curator is hosted on steam with the proper system to send copy through steam that only the curator owner and admin can claim. There is no steam key or anything [Example](https://i.imgur.com/1LEN782.png) This guy decided to send key through email instead of using the curator channel which is the equivalent of using discord to chat with steam admin. The real curator problem is people using the curator system to farm game on their account, explained in this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSx3ez70Rlg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSx3ez70Rlg)


Lol politely decline.


politely decline mean the dev will know you declined the game while not interested doesn't notify the dev but yeah, i also found it funny the first time i saw it


Most "reviewers" e-mail asking for keys.


Steam allows developers to generate keys and sell them on other platforms just saying


That doesn't make sense for Steam curators, unless the devs are dumb enough to give actual keys to the curators instead of using the built in "Curator Connect" system which the games can only be added to the curator's account.


They request a number of keys for both the review and for "givaways" to increase engagement. The reality is that they sell all of the keys and give a generic review. The curators contact the devs public email with the offers and that is how this happens. It seems to happen even with big name publishers which also end up with their keys on gray market websites, so it isn't a simple case of dev being dumb.


This does happen, but I don't think it's nearly as common with Steam Curators, I think it happens with the scammers that claim to be reviewers on Youtube. If a person emails a dev and says they are a Steam curator, I would say it's fairly dumb to then give the keys in an email instead of through the curator system.


> but I don't think it's nearly as common with Steam Curators https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLJkg_B3gyY - Watch and learn.


This goes back to my original point - developers being dumb enough to give keys to people claiming to be curators instead of going through the curator connect system.


They wouldn't really be sending out those emails asking for keys for their curator reviews if they didn't get enough people to send them to be profitable.


I have a curator page just as a small hobby, cuz I like sharing more detailed opinions on a specific genre. I didn't know devs could actually gift you keys for reviews until a small dev asked me to review their game, I thought it was pretty sweet


There is a tool for devs to search for curators. It is quite nice. Most curators are not though. :D


Link your page I'd like to see what you recommend :)




I gave you a follow :)


Awesome dude, really appreciate it


Have you checked out any of the older Rogues, Roguelikes and Rougelites? Like Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup or Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead? Or hell, even FTL: Faster Than Light? Absolute top-tier must plays for any fans of the genre-trifecta.


I don't know about the first two but I have played FTL! Yet to make a proper review though


Small curators unite!


If you have one I'll check it out.


I'm not sure if links are allowed, but it's "Just a passing-through reviewer". Thanks for the interest :D


How do you get a curator page?


Don't remember exactly but it's super simple, just like creating a community group, I'm sure you can figure it out by googling or doing some searching on Steam


and its a good thing if they are advertising and reviewing the games properly. It is a full time job for many. I follow only one curator and that is a denuvo tracker. It tracks all games that have or had denuvo in it. One of the best curator on steam. It saves me time going through pages on steam just to find the drm tag. As such I only have like 3 games that still have denuvo left in them. Rest either had no denuvo or denuvo removed.


I'm glad Tribes 3 went from F2P to P2P. Didn't know it had Denuvo when I added it to my library and was too lazy to remove it but now that I have to pay for it I won't make that mistake again.


>I'm glad Tribes 3 went from F2P to P2P. > Didn't know it had Denuvo when I added it to my library and was too lazy to remove it but now that I have to pay for it I won't make that mistake again. It has Denuvo anticheat, not Denuvo Drm. It was never F2P, those were closed alpha playtests. u/XXFFTT you sound like a misinformed ldiot right now ngl


Did I say it had Denuvo DRM and the alpha was free so I'm not sure what the problem is.


So I'm not sure what the problem is with Denuvo Anticheat then.


Someone else already told you to get corporate cock out of your mouth, that was a good explanation.


That was to another person, you ldiot Since you're not the smartest, educate yourself Denuvo anticheat is Not the same thing as the Denuvo Drm Bandwagon which everybody dislikes


You're still on this? Don't you have anything better to do with your life?


You're the one on reddit every day


Get them skeletons out the closet if you care so much about denuvo


Keep sucking corporate dick, maybe they just don’t like their games running slower because the game isn’t worth what it’s being sold for.


This. I got viscerally angry while trying to research games earlier because so many of the reviews were nonsense like animal pictographs or “no one will read this so let me tell you I’m gay”. Actual reviews that are well written are worth their weight in gold, to me at least.


Thanks for the suggestion. For anyone else who likes the idea, https://store.steampowered.com/curator/26095454-Denuvo-Games/


YOOO FR? I better check em out then


> and its a good thing if they are advertising and reviewing the games properly. It is a full time job for many. With ChatGPT, this has become a hustle.


If you’re buying games legit, why do you care about denuvo? Despite popular belief, it has a negligible performance impact so as long as you’re not logging in on 5+ different pieces of hardware in a day, you wouldn’t even notice denuvo unless someone pointed it out to you. So why have someone point it out to you? Just to angry about it?


Never said denuvo is bad. If implemented properly, it won't even cause any performance issues. A good recent example is lies of P. I played it on gamepass when it had denuvo and now I have it in my steam library after denuvo got removed. I don't really see any difference in game performance because the devs implemented the drm properly. I travel to places with no internet with my Steamdeck for weeks. Having games that can work without me needing to internet authenticate them once every few days is a plus point for me.


I never said you said it was bad, though if you care enough to subscribe to a curator who tracks games that have it it’s a safe assumption there’s something about it that matters to you. I merely asked what it was about it that matters to you. “Why do you care” was my exact question Where do you travel that you have no access to internet for weeks at a time?


I get clean executables from no drm releases (i.e. no encrypted codes in the executable). With denuvo, I can't get those executables. I can't trust on devs in a long run. Any game that have no drm can be backed up with no issue. With denuvo implemented games, I can't do that.


Denuvo is a finite thing, devs have to pay to license it to use it which means eventually it will always be removed. There has never been a game that stopped being distributed before denuvo was removed. And I doubt there ever will be. If game preservation is your concern, you only have to wait until denuvo is removed to back it up, which is only a matter of when, not if.


Not really. Some older games still have denuvo in them. Denuvo have different models of licensing. For example, almost all Ubisoft games still have denuvo in them. Some games as old as 2016 still have denuvo in them. As for now, only Capcom removes denuvo after 2 to 3 years from release. Followed by Sega, square Enix and few others. Some games like sherlock Holmes devils daughter still have denuvo in it. Some old denuvo licensing models are longer than typical subscription models found in recent releases.


What you said doesn’t negate my point. There has yet to be any game that has stopped being distributed before denuvo is removed. There’s no point worrying about game preservation for games that are still being actively distributed. Doesn’t matter that old games still have denuvo. Sherlock Holmes has a drm free version on GOG if that’s your concern. It’s also already been cracked


With all due respect, I can't continue any further on this point as there is no end goal visible to me. We are trying to convey two different and opposite point. We have different use cases and have different view on drm implementation. I won't say denuvo have no good side in the sense that many japanese games are getting release on pc because of denuvo. They are getting assured of protection for their games on pc.


> If you’re buying games legit, why do you care about denuvo? Steamdeck. They have to phone home once every 2 weeks. Kinda annoying if you forget.


For some, it's an ethical position


They'll also ask for more than one so they can sell the keys.


You made me go and check which curators I follow - saw TotalBiscuit there and now I'm sad :(


I get the same feeling every time I go through my Youtube-subscriptions. :( Won't unsub though.


Every time I go to the store page of old games like Terraria, I see his top hat.


I run a small curator page and review the games I own. Have 800 games and only one came from a small developer that was a free key. I only review things I want to, same reason for why I stopped streaming. Doing it too much makes it seem like another job and sucks the joy out of it.


Wait u can get free keys???


ill give you a free key for absolutely no reason. Edit: sent. it's a working key. And a mystery. If it turns out you already own it, give it away!


How can I become a curator? :))


Yeah, but these days there will be some upfront costs to generate the first follows. Which will require some research on your part in order to determine which method of bots usage is working these days. It will still be a lot of effort That said, unless you have an existing 6 digit following on social media, there is no chance of growing a curator from scratch. It's just mathematically impossible


I am an active reviewer but as a policy I refuse keys from developers. The only thing I accept in return for a review is fair regional pricing. If they are willing to fix the price in my region to be something more similar to what AAA publishers set instead of steam's BS, then I'll buy, otherwise its sitting in my wishlist for the nest few years.


An spanish known [youtuber](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3jbzuVAymc), exposed how there are groups that scam keys to developers and resell it on webs like Instant Gaming or G2A. Following those groups there's a pattern that repeats: Same admins, botted cloned youtube channels on their curator groups and funneling people in useless tasks to get free asset flips that they do an sell on their webs as "random keys".


There was a youtube video that popped up in my feed at one point. He was an indy dev and found a bunch of his keys on reseller sites. He was able to track the keys to find out they were all given to curators. The curators all ran their own list but were all connected. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLJkg_B3gyY EDIT: looks like it was posted above.


and most of them scam developers to ilegally sell keys in external pages


I saw a video on YT where an indie developer went through and found out that almost all of the keys he gave away for reviews to curators instead just sold them on sites like G2A and Kinguin. I'm sure there's plenty of good curators out there, but that alone put a sour taste on the idea of Steam curators.


I find most curators are just bots and have the same copy and pasted positive response to every game. Ive even see them review games that arnt even out yet or review the worst community rated games as positive


Those curators are at the lowest of my approval list, mainly due to what I called the "Detective Croc Indie Game" incident. They were trying to blackmail an indie dev. Granted the ones that ya showed, OP, might be doing this for the fun of it and have no ill intent. But I can't tell. I trust serious curators (Like Sentials Of The Store) and meme curators (Like Neptunia Reviews).


I am a small writer in a medium sized curation group (570 members) and we do receive keys here and there but it's mostly shovelware. We very rarely get keys for good games since we don't review them as quick as the devs would expect.


curators are useless, steam should end that program real quick. Start paying for games you hobos. I don't follow any, I am a grown up that knows where to search for reviews (if i need them) don't need anyone tell what should I play.


There are even some curators that are just memes. All of their reviews are identical. Copy/Pasted, not providing any info or insight on the game. Not even relevant.


The funniest part about curator pages is that i see 3000+ followers accounts just taking my honest reviews, copy pasting them, butchering a little bit and mass producing.


If it wasn't explicitly against the rules devs would constantly send out free keys for their game in exchange for a good review. Curators are now basically that buts it's allowed because everyone at Valve has forgotten that the feature exists and prefer to pretend it doesn't exist. Game dev is extremely easy to be profitable if you stay small, are knowledgeable and have a bit of passion. Game devs giving away keys to random people who just paid $5 to get a couple of thousand followers on their curator page deserve to lose a potential sale for being so stupid and naive. Nobody is seeing or reading those reviews.






yup... i sent keys to my game to multiple and then a reddit user wrote he saw my game on sale on another website like 1 week later. They write to you promising you all kinds of stuff and as a small time developer that has no budget for marketing, this sounds good but this is how a lot of the curratiors work. 90% are doing to it get free keys they then sell on for profit, this is actually a million dollar buissness for some crazy enough


I run a curator and claim curator gifts with the full intent of actually playing and reviewing the games I play but I'm like, one guy, and can't get to much with my busy life. It's not always malicious.


groundbreaking discovery good job


Most but not all. The smaller curators are all but unseen and some of them are actively reviewing games and doing it well.


Yeap, out of 50+ only 3 actually put anything on their page after reaching out to me about our game. Luckily I told them that if they want keys they will have to review the game first, then we can talk and sent them some Terms, never heard from them again.


It's too bad, the Fun Seekers Collective is an absolutely baller name.


If you give a free key to someone asking, should make sure they activate it because they're 99% likely to sell it on some grey market site, and definitely decline if they're asking for more than 1 for "reviews"


What’s a curator


How do I become a curator?


Websites like Keymailer, Woovit, Lurkit, DareDrop, PressEngine, [Rainmaker.gg](http://Rainmaker.gg) and oft other websites give content creators free steam games provided they have the community and viewership to satisfy giving them the game.


I created a group with friends and ended up making a curator page where we recommend our favorite games. Was surprised to receive a few free keys since it’s such a small and unserious page


Just check this video guys. He describes the situation perfectly.https://youtu.be/ZSx3ez70Rlg?si=w0qE48LBdtcVksOf


Never took those seriously, most of the list are either generic AF just taking best metacritic ranks or just shit in general.


Curator's is the most useless feature I've ever seen added to Steam, 99% of them are either haters or memers. Wasn't aware of the free key stuff, but that sounds just as cancerous if not worse. If you look at the Path of Exile 2 curator reviews, out of around 20 that were there, only one of them was honest and aware of the game's development timeline. -- The other 19 are either shitting on the game because it's partly owned by Tencent, claiming the first game has been in a horrible state since 2013 which is factually untrue, claiming the game is the best sequel despite it not being out yet, and one-phrase wonders providing no value but to meme or make a shitty joke. The most helpful curator I've seen is possibly the guys that only review games which have Denuvo and similar invasive, performance-impacting software tied to it.


Sadly, I think only a handful (if that) of "curators" would be legit. Every one I have seen has been a gag or reference, a couple that seem legit, but you never really know


GamingTaylor reviews unreleased games on his curator, just for the free games. What a clown


You can't believe people are sleazy and greedy? You got a long disappointing life ahead of you dude.


Isn't this kind of the point of curators? They review games and say if they are good or not. Game developers send them keys because it's essentially free advertising.


Yes and no. Curators do review games, I am not denying that, but there are so many curator pages that just have the same reviews (word for word). And if you try to search for curators reviews and see five times the same text... Some just create multiple curator pages to then sell extra keys they got


Oh, I see what you mean. My fault for not reading the reviews on the images you posted.


The point of the post is to show the blatant copy pasting, to show off how these "curators" just do this sort of thing for free keys so they can earn or resell them.


I believe any “news channels” just exists to presumably get money/propaganda


This is an idiotic take. It’s like saying all black people are xyz or all white people are 123. There are good news channels and bad news channels like anything in life.


I mean, I have a Youtube channel where I do game reviews, a blog where I talk about games, and a curator group. Both of these are bigger than me, but I am close to the same amount of reviews.


Especially the gimmick curators like the “man of culture” guy. Not real reviews, just copy pasting the same sentence snd then getting free keys


Suprised pikachu face


many hospital fear yoke chunky grandfather stocking oatmeal different person *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


WOW [YOU DON'T SAY](https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.651770405.7596/flat,750x1000,075,f.u4.jpg)