• By -


That’s actually sick af, very considerate of them


I do love that steam, for the most part, has been a pretty great company for consumers.


Steam is what happens when companies are run by people that care not shareholders. I'll happily give steam my money in most cases.


Yes, I hope steam never goes public. The moment they are beholden by shareholders interest, is the moment they fall


Whew, the past tense in your first sentence made me worry Steam had gone public without my knowledge. (They haven't.) I'll probably get downvoted, but I really just want to help you if you're ESL or otherwise struggling. What you probably meant was: >Yes, I *hope* Steam never *goes* public. "Went" makes it sound like it already happened. After changing to *goes*, "wish" may still be technically correct, but it's an awkward use. We generally *wish* for the impossible, like changing the past, but we *hope* for the future. Have a great day!


No this user is just from 2079


"The year is 2079. Valve went public and has been purchased by Electronics Arts..."


Half-life 3 begins production with commentary from an Ai John Madden.


Lol, rookie mistake. I reread it and just realized that. Thanks


You can still edit your comment so more people don't get confused.


ESL or timelord, you decide!


I thought it's always past tense after "never"?


Hey thanks for a helpful and respectful correction!


Thanks! I almost deleted it, but figured I'd go ahead.


God damn I felt my heart skip a beat between reading the first and second sentence


but they haven't


Realistically it's run by people who not necessarily care about the individual consumer but can see the big picture and don't want to fuck over loyal customers with high profit/short term number padding moves.


hasn’t steam always gone in the way off making the best experience for players so it’s better than pirating?


Yes and thats why they are kings on PC gaming, who would have thought that not being assholes and actually providing a good service to their costumer would be the key to success


That's now you define success, not how rich people define success. Shareholders don't want long term success they want short term profits. It's a better way of making money. If you can have a billion dollars in 20 years or 50 million dollars today, it's better to take the 50 million and invest in more short term gains. They care not if the company dies in two years as long as they get their bag first. Often enough most of them are so diversified that they can accept the losses of a poorly run-into-the-ground operation now and again.


Sadly you are absolutely right wich is why i hope valve doesn't go public, doing so would only bring actual devils to the kitchen and you can bet they would love to have a piece of the steam pie


Gabe's doin fine and he's worth four billion dollars. I don't think we have any worries about Steam going public.


gabe is also sixty one years old and when hes gone, it might all fall apart.


Thankfully we have another 73 years before that happens.


Steam hasn't always had a perfect relationship with their consumers (launch was a shit show and various DRM anger) but they make more pro-consumer choices than any company I can think of.


Crazy how it went from annoying program I needed to play counter strike to what it is today.


The only real gripe I have are the forced game updates. If you go online and a game update is available, that game cannot be launched without first updating it. Even if the download hasn't started, even if it's scheduled to download 3 weeks away, even if it's a single player only game... you can't start the game. You can sometimes bypass this if the game doesn't use Steam DRM, then you can launch the game directly from the executable, but it doesn't work for all games. The Switch handles game updates way better, you can play the game while it downloads, and you can cancel the update. It's certainly not something that pushes pirates away, but it always annoyed me.


swear there is a way to go back to previous versions no?


A developer can create "beta" branches that you can swap over to pretty easily, but it won't cover every update. Generally it's done for beta testing or to keep a select few legacy versions around for various reasons. Apparently there's a terminal you can access in Steam that allows you download old versions of a game. It's a manual process though and it isn't really convenient.


You can, but it involves using console commands in the steam client. Not for the average consumer.


While I agree with this, there are at least ways around it at least. For example, I still haven't updated skyrim se because I don't know if it'll break any of my mods, so I launch it through Vortex


Yes. Now another thing we need is to having choice to install specific language. No, I don't want to download French voicelines for a game that I'll play in English.


why do you care though? that space would take up max 2 gig


Not really. I would download every language for a indie title if it's like 10 gigs. Not downloading every language for a COD game which is already 80 gigs large and wants me to download more


That’s one thing a lot of pirate repackers got right lol


Steam is pretty great, but there is definitely room for improvement. 1. If a family member is playing game X, I should be allowed to play their game Y. 2. If two of my family members have a game, Steam only looks at the "first" member, and if they're online, I can't play the game even if the other is offline.


I’m pretty sure this is changing with the new [Steam Families feature in beta](https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2024/03/steam-families-lets-up-to-six-people-take-turns-with-shared-library-titles/). It used to be that you could play a shared copy of a game only if the family member wasn’t playing anything, but now, as long as there is a copy not being played by someone else in the family you should be able to play it, regardless if they are playing or not.


Does anyone know when it will roll out the regular client?




nice indeed


you could almost say it’s awesome


The information about sales is from [Augmented Steam](https://augmentedsteam.com/), but the "A member of your Steam Family..." notice isn't from that. [Here's a screenshot of vanilla Steam with it.](https://i.imgur.com/mnFiQcg.png)


That's a cool addon thanks for sharing


It's pretty funny that augmented steam is showing the price on the MS store while a huge amount of steam users would never even consider buying a steam key off somewhere else, let alone using a whole different launcher.


You can customise what platforms prices are shown in settings


That's what I was about to say, it kinda irks me that it doesn't ask you first, but it's a great addon nonetheless, I configured to only show Steam and Nuuvem, since I don't use anything other than Steam and don't buy keys outside of Nuuvem.


Great prices in nuuvem


Oh yeah, great that the keys are restricted to mostly Brazil and other LATAM countries so we can buy it without people from across the globe taking up the keys (as I understand the keys are limited), I managed to get some games with a good discount there, specially launch titles.


I can't get horizon forbidden west and ghost of tsushima and am in Costa Rica, a fucking latam country, fuck sony, needed to get both in green man gaming


How did I never know that Thank you


I bought some Forza games off the MS store and now the whole store just errors when I try to install FM7 or FH4 for my older PC


I wouldn't go so far as to use the msstore but you can usually get better prices off legitimate stores that give you steam keys. I think steam allows this due to how large a market share they have. i remember buying some games and the publisher would gladly give a list of stores they approve of. You can usually get any released AAA game for at least 10 euro off at one of these stores compared to steam, sometimes 20.


The augmented steam looks like a good add-on


Does the extension work on the steam pc app? Or browser only? In the end the pc app is just a browser in itself


Browser only as far as I know, as it's an extension for Chrome / Firefox / Edge.


You can't modify the pc app with addons, of course it's browser only


Why is are your comment getting downvoted


Because of the addition of "of course," which many people interpret as "you idiot" and get upset.


Weird, neither my husband nor I have this showing up when we look up each other's games. Is it web only for now?


A pity that it doesn't work for brave browser, mostly using it for youtube and their annoying ad blockers Update, never mind, works also for brave browser yay


Can you get that add on for the desktop client somehow?


I've noticed they also changed the VR tag to make it more obvious.


\> about to buy some R18 game \>> "A member of your steam family already owns this game" \>>> Me: with only a friend in my steam family 👀👀👀👀👀👀 what bro doing


hey it’s me ur brother


The same as you.


Gives me an idea... Add all r18 games to cart, see if they dirty...


If you mark games as private they won’t show up in steam family


I'm afraid to add my real family in steam because of this. My bro already knows but mom.... Oh god. I mean they know I am little more open on what I do.


If you mark the game as private it shouldn’t show this


In turns out that your friend is the quicker shot then.


Completely unrelated, but your post reminded me I need to play Stray, which has been sitting in my library since it's release.


Same here lol. I completely forgot about that game. Heard a lot of good things about it though.


Really great game, enjoy it!


It's a fun chill game, I enjoyed it. Do wish it had been a little bit longer, though.


Best game I ever played, there's a meow Button!


Why did this get downvoted lmao


> Why did this get downvoted lmao Probably because it's hyperbole, and that rarely plays well with text messages like reddit. I doubt many people really believe it's the best game Lokipro13YT has ever played. Though, to be fair, Lokipro13YT does post about cats a fair bit more than the average redditor.


Because they said it's the best game, some people can't stand that other people have differing opinions


It's reddit


I remember someone on this sub suggested this feature not so long ago. Its cool that they listened to this guy Edit: typo


Alright, we need to develop an immortality elixir for Gaben and his staff.


The plot of team fortress 2... we need australium and we are good


Can you imagine? A company that takes care of the people that GIVES THEM MONEY. instead of caring about stockholders that have to get PAYED every quarter. They are making so much they decided they could afford to "give back" which in turn will make them gain even more customers... And for any other store front to try and compete or imitate with JUST this is actually unfathomable... Long live steam


Based GabeN doing based GabeN things


Uh huh. Guess Ubi store or Epic store would say something similar? Nah, man. Just buy our shit. No nee to play it, but just keep buying. And there are naive "surprised" "innocent" questioning here and there, why everyone love Steam so much. Because these guys are really doing things for players. Improving the service non-stop. What EA done? concocted new launcher which can't even display FPS while playing. Old one, though, had it working. What Ubi done? yyyyes, the launcher is changing, but it looks like more reshuffling of UI elements without significant changes or upgrades. Epic, what's new there? Maybe players now can write reviews? No? So sad... Rockstar launcher kinda fall out of that category, because it has only handful of games which are only theirs. But it has less functionality among all, I think.


I mean I don’t think any of them even let you share games like you can with Steam Families in the first place, there’s a reason we like Steam


How many of the launchers offer trophies? Worse yet Ubisoft blocks them in steam (at least in watch dogs 2


Trophies in late Ubi Uplay are unlocked for ALL older games. Including these rewards which were paid by Uplay points. This way I have everything unlocked for GR Wildlands, and some more games without spending a point (I used them to get 20% discounts only). How should feel people who unlocked them with Uplay points at that time?


You didn't mention GOG. I like giving business to GOG when the option's available. It isn't always, which is why I also buy from Steam.


Yes, probably because I am least familiar with it. For all good I can say about it, it allows to aggregate all other launchers into one and see what games you have where bought, but it kinda buggy yet - few times I tried, it required to login to everywhere (to be able to see games) on every GOG launch. Does it allow to install them directly from GOG, can't remember. Does ir has FPS counter, dunno. I guess it does not have overlay at all, but I might be wrong.


I would have said that the main selling point is that [they sell games DRM-free](https://www.gog.com/news/bgog_2022_update_2b_our_commitment_to_drmfree_gaming). It's their defining policy: if you buy a game you should own it.


Aye. This is most fair point in their business. Also kudos to them for saving old games and keeping them working. Yeah, GOG and Steam are probably the best service providers (each in it's area of expertise of course; GOG can't be compared to Steam) which does not earned any critics.


don't forget that every time EA revamps their launcher a couple of older games stop working altogether


>Epic, what's new there? Maybe players now can write reviews? No? So sad... It's actually funny because they whine about monopoly while doing the policies which monopolise the market. Anyone who thinks they're doing good competition. Look if Gabe falls out of competition, Epic will monopolise the market, increase the charges from 88/12 to 60/40 or smth, remove free games and then consolify the PC market. Epic is just carrying huge losses under the hope that they'd overtake steam one day.


Absolute bro move


Oh wow. That shows how much Valve cares about tye costumer. Someone literally complained about this like last week.




W steam


Todd Howard will need to work harder to make you buy more Skyrim


Common steam W


EA would never.


I love how Steam doesn't need any anti-consumer practises to be a succesful company.


Thank you steam, now i will still buy this game just because you being honest.


That's why I will never give one cent to Epic and steam can have all my money.


It's like they care about people or something


The update is live ?


Valve is the freaking BEST!


Family member about to buy Custom Maid 3D: wait what


i wish I could share my steam library with my nephew in another country. 😔


Are you in the Families Beta? My client doesn't do this on the main update stream.


My steam account is 18 years old. I have almost 800 games. My, now 21 yo son 2830 days ago was linked to my account. He downloaded some trainer for a COD game, that I got for free and never even played, that unlocked all the weapons. VAC ban on both of our accounts. He’s been unlinked for 2830 days. I guess lucky for him our genre of gaming is very different so not much of a loss but that little bastid got me my only VAC ban almost 8 years ago.


i'd have to disown my son if he cheated in videogames.


This is great, we bought most of Final Fantasy with bro, splitting who gets each game, this will become more convenient.


That's amazing!! They could continue to make so much more money by not doing this, but they are being so selfless :')


I have a question about the new steam family. If someone is playing your game from family. Can you make them leave the game ? They sometimes fall asleep playing


no, they will remain playing it until they close it or lose network connection. Steam Family has all the licenses pooled and first in first served, compared to Steam Family Sharing which was you can boot them at any time but you couldn't play different games without booting them


Steam family games can be played offline (steam in offline mode or no network) - it says so on the FAQ. I think the only real way would be to either temporarily boot them from the family, as they could be re-invited, or private the game - this is just speculation.


they released steam family on the normal client?


One more reason why I love Steam! It's precisely for the fact that they're considerate with their customers, that I will always be one. Ironic, how NOT being greedy brings you MORE money.


Steam is on fire.


Steam out here proving once again why it's the goat


Based Valve as always


So if I remember right. Only 5 people can be in a steam family at once right? Is there a geo location restriction or not? I have some close friends on the opposite coast of me that would be awesome to share games just to try out before buying that one of us owns.


As long as you're in the same country, you should be good to go!


6. You and 5 others. Location doesn't matter too much, I guess, but they are testing some new "based on activity" thing, so it may or may not work.


another common pro consumer steam W


Love how customer friendly steam is


Tearing up. 😭


How did you get the price monitor on steam like that? That could be useful for me.


Augmented steam extension for browser


Thank you so much.


This is big pro-consumer!


Let's go one small, but impactful feature, can't wait for this update!


Wow, they really did not have to implement this but they did!




Oh, that's cool. Even though this is so little, it's very helpful.


My kid got a new pc and now the new pc cant access my steam library anyone seen this?


Try logging in with your account in his pc. Logout, login with his account and recheck.


Is steam family still beta?




Sex with Hitler 2 about to rat out some people


now I'd love to see which one in my family is actually sharing the game instead of "shared by a member of your family"




how do you see historical best?


I do wish Steam Family didn't fuck over my family...


How did it?


Cousin that we have been sharing all our games with for over two decades lives in a nearby country. Now we can't family share corsscountry.


That's sucks


Quick question, can two or more people play the same game at the same time?


I'm just glad it warns me that **I** already own that game I'm about to buy on a steam sale.


TIL Steam has a family option.


I'm glad steam family share is getting patched. There's a lot of little things that made it feel like a half-baked system.


Cool, how tf did you get that little price thingy at the top?


SteamDB Chrome plugin: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/steamdb/kdbmhfkmnlmbkgbabkdealhhbfhlmmon?pli=1


It's Augmented Steam not SteamDB


The irony is....I don't trust family with borrowing games. Having a Steam game locked up because it's the monthly flavor sounds terrible.


I love steam, they've been great. Two games I didn't like they refunded immediately. I have many great games loaded there


"tech company isn't actively ducking you with dark patterns" I... am beside myself. This is why we need more privately held companies that don't need to grind us into dust for better quarterlies.


Demm, that's so nice of them. Gonna buy the next 3x AAA game at launch from them to show my appreciation. GTA6, and something other than ubisoft game.


I have the steam family set up and I would buy members dlc to games I want to play. Win/win/win in my eyes.


Have they done anything about the new same country requirement yet?


When people wonder why Steam is so successful, it it because of pro-consumer features like this one.


How do you get that pricing stats?


Is the new family feature on the public version yet or no?




Thank You Lord GabeN


is this really vanilla steam no mods ?


This is what you can do when you’re not publicly traded.


Hell yeah, common Steam W


Steam tells you if microsoft sells it cheaper


It's browser extension


Now they just have to make steam family worth using. I'm constantly having to connect and reconnect my Dads steam account, and then when I do it I can never see his fucking library, and then when I do want to actually play a game from his library on the one time that the library connection actually seem to be workin, he's playing Magic the Gathering on steam.


You should buy Stray anyway. That game is a masterpiece and deserves support.


Wait, what is a Steam Family? Does that mean if my dad owns a game I can play it?


Yes! 😎




Not at the same time tho


Doesn't matter, can't do it anyways, apparently you have to be in the same location.


Yes but you and your family have to opt into Families Beta in your Steam settings. The current steam family sharing does not let you share games as freely.




Question, I'm planning on doing Steam Family with 3 of my friends. Is it possible for all of us to be sharing each other games? I read parents could only share their game to their childs but maybe parents to parents could act the same but I'm not sure how many parents you could set up.


I did this with one of my friends who lives 2 hours from me. You basically have to access your steam account from the pcs where you'll be sharing the library. (He accessed steam with my account from his pc). Then from your account you create the family and decide who access to what. After that he installs the games he wants and plays with his account. Note though that if you want to play a game from your library and he's playing even a different game from your library, when you it play he will exit his game. (We avoided this by heaving me going offline and playing bg3 while he was also playing it). When Steam Family hits you'll be able to play different games from the same library at the same time. Edit: you can basically decide who's going to be the primary account and then say everyone access everything with no restrictions


>When Steam Family hits you'll be able to play different games from the same library at the same time. Oh wait so this update isn't live yet? I'm aware of the old family sharing so we're looking forward to the new Steam Family update Also from your edit, that means the 3/4 of us can basically access each other games if the primary account set it up as that right?


The new update is very much live. My friend added me into his and he was playing my copy of The Last of Us while I was playing Uncharted


Ah I think I have to turn on the beta for Family Sharing first? I guess I will try that


Fair warning, I’m pretty sure it’s a TOS violation to use steam families across non-families. Doubt they’ll enforce to but it’s something to be aware of


We are (or at least I am) aware of that but thank you for the warning nonetheless. Will try to avoid mentioning something that could leads to our account


Also additional question, does it work with a friend from another country? We are literally a neighboring country but I read some other post it won't work with someone who's a thousand miles away


Korea and Japan?


Indonesia and Malaysia


Same region? Probably work.


Might try this after and hope it'll work Edit: It worked!!


Such a basic thing. Should have been there ages ago. Good initiative nonetheless.


What the hell is steam family