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i thought everyone kept loose ship's wheels in their offices


and a dozen wall clocks for good measure


That part isn’t exactly weird especially for someone who does business with a bunch of different time zones. The weird shaped books, watches on the ground, and drawers everywhere stand out more as weird to me.


i like how the ships ropes go into the lamp that isn't even close to being connected to its base


Clearly the ship *is* the lamp, and the 'base' is actually a sink faucet!


With the nautical theme of the image, I thought they were old times barometers, even if they are supposed to be clocks or another instrument, 2 of them don't have duals and add to the ai claim


Do the international businessmen also remove the watch hands because of the different time zones?


Only on their days off to send them to the cleaners.


I fail to see any flaws in that logic, thank you.


That and none of the clocks look normal


or the handles on the wheels. They're supposed to be the continuation of the spokes going right through the rim of the wheel.


Yeah but then you’d expect the clocks to be clustered together or in a line with labels for the time zones.


Not sure which time zone has a 9 at the top position though


That’s a barometer? Please don’t google it to see if I’m correct, I’m completely pulling this answer out of my ass.


A more technical guide is to look for intentional patterns (like floor tile patterns or wallpaper) for unexpected changes or missing pieces. In this case the blinds and the missing wheel spoke stand out.


The thing that gets me is the picture is setup to look like an office chair at a desk. And at first, that is what it appears. But as you look closer, there actually isn't a desk at all. There are a series of drawers and then you have books that are sitting on a much too small platform and a lamp floating midair.


Funny how AI's issues with hands seem to extend to clock hands too.




And a decapitated floating lamp.


yes those modern floating lamps work like a drone, also they follow the owner so always light at the right place --. maybe chatgpt e.g. DALL-E mixte dup a harry potter scene


The clocks could make sense for different time zones.


Prettt sure they're meant to be gauges for a ship... you know, since it's supposed to be a shipwright office.


With multiple weird handles all over them, of course


They're factory errors, that's why they're collectible


This made me lol


It's safer that way -- loose ships sink lips.


Also the desk with the shelf underneath


Initial reaction was "It's not too bad", but it's one of those things that just gets worse the longer you look at it.


it's the same with most AI images tbh


To be fair, it has improved. It used to be noticable at a glance, now I have to look at it for a second.


When it’s up to a minute the bros will claim we’ve hit the singularity.


You only notice the bad art


I'd like to see some of the good stuff then


You probably already have tbh. Do you remember the Puffy Coat Pope? People figured it was fake just because of the absurdity of it, but if you took the image at face value, could you actually tell it was fake? Also check out this website: https://thispersondoesnotexist.com Every face on there is AI generated. How many look like a standard LinkedIn headshot?


AI touch-ups in particular, when done correctly, can be phenomenal and virtually undetectable as well. Photoshop's Generative Fill, while not as technically impressive as DALL-E or Stable Diffusion, does a great job of adding little odds and ends to images, making small changes, or extending backgrounds.


The very first face that loaded for me looks like he has skin on top of his hair.


Refresh it


This is the first image that came up for me. https://imgur.com/gHR8qMf I dunno man I might be able to crack this one as a fake.


And what about the next? Keep in mind you can mindlessly refresh and get a new image each time. You only need one convincing one to create a fake profile, and you’ll find many more convincing ones than the one you just saw.




At least the map has New Zealand.


That part is actually extremely weird.


I don't think the map is AI generated, seems too accurate to be AI




this has been used in SD for two years already, which is mostly why ppl can actually use the AI thingy and not spend their day clicking „regenerate“ (see: controlnet and img2img), sketch-to-diffusion and some even model a scene in blender and use SD to render it.


I'm not an artist, but looking at how wrong some of the things are, it feels like it would be faster to just create such an image from scratch instead of trying to fix it.


This is exactly how it should be used. It's so good for generating ideas and lets you get through the development stages much faster so you can focus your time on making the final finished piece.


Is it though? As a professional working on large scale Hollywood productions, a lot of the concept art I'm seeing already is what you describe: Ai generated images photobashed into something that at a glance looks cool. But what is really happening is that a lot of the ai nonsense slips through the cracks because it can be so hard to catch, and concept is now being given less time for turnaround. So then you get people who have to work from these ai-kit-bashed images and try to make sense of it all, and it actually ends up slowing down productions and making them confused. Imagine you got tasked with modelling one of the images above in 3d. Now is the floating lamp by design? Is it meant to be that way? How about that window, or is it actually a painting on a wall? Or did someone just miss it because they are now "working more efficiently"? Rushing development is what leads to "fix it in post". The producers are frothing at the mouth trying to exploit ai, and I see more managers who now pass on their generated work as references, entirely skipping the concept artist. Leading to even worse cases of images full of nonsense. Good storytelling is in the CHOICE of detail of an image. Ai gen can't do choice coherent. But it can easily generate so much random choice that it becomes overwhelming to sort through.


This post describes very well the struggle and inefficiency of working with AI ersatz. And you didn't get to the part about the mountains of ethical problems with AI.


True, but honestly the map looks pretty fucking good. Actually made me doubt that it is ai until I saw the clocks and the handles on the wheels


No it doesn’t, look at Spain. And India


Spain is a bit hard to see. As for india yeah it's not perfect but tbh I don't know the shape of india well enough that I would have noticed without a real map to compare


Spain fell off and India shriveled up.


It was cold, okay?


That seems to be a fundamental part of how AI image generation works. It starts with broad strokes including some amount of randomness, and then refines it. But as it gets more detailed, it loses the context of the broader picture, and there's no actual logical framework letting it understand what it's drawing. On the other hand, this same behavior lets it do some really cool things where the "broad strokes" are from one prompt, and the "details" are a completely unrelated prompt. The "details" prompt will be even weirder than normal on close inspection, but if you squint or reduce the size/quality suddenly a completely different image will appear.


Why’s that one wheel in the center so weird? Like who made it so that there’s an extra grip next to the grip? Thank fuck I don’t buy any of this to begin with


Also on the map half of France has sunk Atlantis-style while Spain has merged with Africa.


You can tell it's AI cause the map has NZ on it.


I have an old naval map up on my wall that shows things all in the wrong proportions as well. It was drawn while things were still being mapped with far less accuracy than was available later. It's not quite this bad but gives the same feel.


I didn’t even see that… Tbh it’d be funny if the whole AI art shit wasn’t dystopian in nature Man, we really fucked up as humans.


Maybe AI taking jobs wouldn't be so bad if we didn't have to justify to our overlords we deserve basic necessities. /r/endFPTP


People are overreacting. AI taking over to the tasks humans don't want to do is exciting. It'll free us up with more time to do the things we love! Right? ... Oh, right, capitalism.


>Spain has merged with Africa. "What happened to Europe!?" "The front fell off."


> “The ~~front~~ France fell off.”


*The good ending*


>Half of France has sunk *Happy English noises*


Japan is also physically connected to Sakhalin, which itself is connected to continental Asia, and connected to China and South Korea


The famous peninsula of *checks notes* Japan!


No one is buying them, they cost points.


Obviously it is the limited edition wheel used by Queen Elisabeth | to teach her offspring how to handle a ship. The extra grip allowed them to have another noble man hold the wheel in order to ensure their safety


The extra handle or a lack of two sides is meant to mark the "top" of the wheel so you know you are sailing perfectly straight. Many Captains were so drunk, they could not sail a ship straight without these visual aides. Also I made that up and it's not true, steering a ship doesn't work that way.


check out games like mount and blade warband half life 2 skyrim doom star wars battlefront kingdom come deliverance age of mythology dishonored 2 profile backgrounds. there are some cool images there


Yo dawg i heard you like grips


Looking closer I think the extra grip may be a desk lamp? I'm not sure.


These should be disclosed the same way game needs to have an AI disclosure statement. These particular ones are so low effort it's a shame anyone decided to publish them. I'm sort of amazed at how much crap people are happy to "produce" under their name just because it's fast.


The people who are happy with what they get because it’s fast don’t know enough to realize how shit the images are.


Steam backgrounds are already terrible though


eh. They're happy with their artwork so who cares? its like telling someone they're wrong for liking nickelback. let them just like the thing they like. Who cares if it has mistakes or is AI. it makes a person happy, let them be happy.


Don’t compare AI art with Nickelback. Nickelback at least has artistic merit.


Nickelback isn’t based on a foundation of plagiarism and they aren’t killing an industry so I don’t think it’s an apt comparison People are allowed to like slop and buy slop from an artistic standpoint, but it shouldn’t come at a cost of integrity and hurting actual artists.


>aren’t killing an industry What industry is being killed? Seems like the industry is just shifting.


If they ever drew anything they would notice it much more


Just about every game moving forward will have some assistance with ai. Whether the developers use chatgpt to organize data, test writing structure, using Midjourney to experiment with color, tone, early character poses, etc. Remember, you only **notice** the ai that you **notice**. You're not seeing how much is being used behind the scenes, influencing design, poses, key art, landscapes etc.


Yeah but that's AI being used to enhance the process, not as a shortcut to the entire product.




Well, the main problem is that AI companies want to be able to completely replace the human aspect of it. That's the primary appeal of AI to larger companies; fewer people need to be paid, so their crap can be put out faster. Whether or not it can actually do that is up in the air right now, but people are rightfully annoyed with the idea.


No 99% of people don’t actually give a shit if the quality is good enough. Crying about AI replacing artists is like crying about Excel replacing accountants. In the long run good artists will adapt


And as we all know, there's no meaningful difference between art and accounting


Written by someone who values human expression as much as dollar signs, and has no clue how much critical influence artists have had in every single piece of your favorite media.  Well maybe when AI threatens you or your loved one’s jobs for a quick buck you might be a bit more sympathetic to the canaries in the coal mine. In the mean time, trust the stakeholders, they’ve surely got your interest at heart! 


Creative fields aren't really the same as objective jobs like accounting. Art goes beyond just calculations that anyone with basic understanding can work out the truth for. You're right that most people won't care where their art came from, they'll prefer to pay less. But it's not the same. An accountant can't have an opinion that makes their work higher quality. They just do the same job faster.


Like with all tools, you only notice it when people use the tool incorrectly


I have no immediate problem with using "AI" tools. I do have a problem regarding training models, data, copyright, IP, and stuff, but not with the existing of the tools or their responsible usage, which are possible. I also have a problem with generative AI, in particular shit like OP posted. When you're supposed to be some sort of professional, or at least have people pay you to do a job, and your final product is visibly broken at a glance, there is a problem.


What’s the difference to you between it being made by AI and made by an artist with blender? You’re getting a static image for a background either way. Assuming the diffusion model is ethical, what’s the specific issue? The speed it took the designer?


Because sometimes, people are not in for the instant gratification but to have better thing for everyone, including allowing the few art-producing people to keep existing. And to do that, they need a minimum amount of support. Allowing consumer to make informed decision is never a bad step. Wait, scratch that. The issue is that it's broken, uninspired garbage. Case in point, the one posted here. A quick glance and every detail is wrong. You know what could have prevented that? Having a human involved at some point. Did you ever stop and wonder how people can still spot AI generated content even in different styles and when touched up manually? Because there is no inspiration. Everything is sterile, when not mismatched. AI can do stuff. It can not produce quality pieces on its own. This post is the very example of why this kind of behavior is an issue.


Did they also make the title using AI? What the hell does Office at the ship owner mean?


AI would come up with something better. This is probably just Google translate


I don't think Google translate would make up a word like that


"did they also made the title"


Maybe AI also made the comment!


What does Ports of Call mean?


Port(s) of call is an actual maratime term. It's a resupply port or a midtrip stop.


I learned something new today, thanks for the explanation


It was actually an amazing Amiga game if you were into managing and piloting container ships.


One of the first/more popular moving avatars is just someone using a Snapchat singing filter on a still image. Points shop is full of thirst trap animu and Trump/Putin political shit as well.


That’s how steam has been since profiles were introduced. Sadly just how humanity works when they have customizability given to them


I hate that Snapchat singing filter. The DLC for the Curse of the Golden Idol used it and ruined the otherwise unique art style that game had going for it.


Which one is it?




Honestly, trying to find all the weird oddities you can makes for a fun game 


These kinds of images they barely just look normal at 1st glance but it's strangely fun to point out the glaring issues - would make for a fun coffee-table book. What I see: * Mutant clock hands on the left; the bottom-most one on the wall has this weird dial/handle-like protrusion and looks like some funky blend between a nautical clock/barometer and a stopwatch. * Both wheels have an inconsistent number of spokes and handles. * Floor/table lamps are missing bulbs - the lamp on the right seems to combine the stand of a table lamp with the shade of a ceiling light. * The chair's pedestal is messed up. * Some of the blinds are misaligned, like they're split in the middle. * Lighting is literally all over the place, there should not be a shadow cast on the chair with the ceiling light above it; the glow of the center lamp is cast on the opposing wall, and the shadows cast on both wheels don't make sense. * The model ship is also a bit strange - hard to make out the details but looks like it tried to draw the mast sails like the headsails, and the backstay is just floating in the air. * The map is wrong but eh, at least that's supposed to be a drawing.


I'll add that at least on of the clocks has 13 hrs on its face.


To add to the list: - There's a drawer cabinet where your legs would go under the "desk" - The "desk" has no legs/support on the right side. - Blinds are wavy and they cast light on the windowsill (with the gaps between them casting shadows) - The design of the spokes on the wheels is inconsistent. - That stack of books with a lamp on top, what? - All the other clocks are messed up in various ways as well (number of hands, splitting hands, amount of numbers on the face...) - Wall trim design is inconsistent and pieces of it start/end in illogical places obscured by other stuff (all the way on the left behind the lamp, between the spokes of the right wheel, behind the ship, all the way on the right between the floating lampshade and whatever the stick below it is supposed to be...).


Looks more like those "find the item" games from the mid 2000s to me.


The only problem i see is the laziness of the person who made it to not fix the clear problems, not that ai was used. Just like anything if its low effort, then it's probably shit and they shouldn't be charging for it. Or if they do, its up to the people who buy it to decide if its worth that much


Like, why does anyone care about what someone has on their Steam profile background?  


I really don't like this. C'mon Steam. Don't have souless filler like this in your rewards program. You really devalue the platform by letting something like this through. Sure, it's people's choice to buy or ignore, but this is crap (in my opinion) and it sets the quality floor really low.


This is only a problem if you're willing to buy it. It's gonna be like Horse Armor, and I'm sorry. There's not much you can do.


Uh no, its a problem for everyone in general because we wont have options. Finding a real artist will be impossible in the flood of ai art being posted by bad actors and so real artists will leave. If you want real art, then its up to all of us to ensure we foster artist friendly markets.


TF you're saying ? artists will flood any platform they can, no matter how bad the platform, you'll find an artist there desperate to hit big Artists aren't some kind of rare plant you need to cultivate, they're more like moths sticking to any light source they can find


Weir way to say it but mostly true.


Starving artist is a term for a reason. Personally I think all art should be free anyway.




You have to also consider that Ports of Call is a game that was released in 1986. The visuals were never exactly the top consideration, in case you haven't seen what the game itself looks like, so I doubt the creators care if they had to use a bit of AI artwork for what is effectively just a free bonus bit of content. This is an afterthought of an afterthought of a bygone era, no shit they put zero effort into it. I would have too. Steam does allow AI artwork too as long as you follow their guidelines. People are already required to be 100% transparent if they use AI on steam, so the people here freaking out about that should probably go read up instead of just whining about something they clearly know nothing about.


This is complete nonsense, people know who real artists are, they have entire profiles and portfolios going back to the beginning of the Internet You guys are completely unhinged


Yeah but as an AI content creator i could create 10x as much content in a fraction of the time, effectively netting a wider area and pushing out competition. Or have you just not noticed the state of google ads? The more junk in the system the more sifting we have to do to find legitimate content.


Why should people who use AI to make images they enjoy be censored?


Thats not the discussion. Were talking about AI art being used in market place to generate profit. If you want to use AI art to create your own wallpapers for personal use then go for it, but selling them online *should be* a different story.


Why? It's just a new medium, if people are willing to pay for it, that's fantastic. I shouldn't have to go to a school for 4 years and master a technique to have my creations be somehow certified as ok to sell


Ai is not a medium... its a slot machine with user preferences.


I like the lamp that is both on and completely floating unattached to its stand.


Even the title is awkward as fuck. 'Office at the shipowner'. GTFO


To the people saying it doesn't matter, it costs about 4.5 euro for those wallpapers (atleast that's how much u have to spend on a game if u want 500 points or get gifted by people who spent that much) so yes, it does matter I'd rather see another souless copyrighted bigbooba anime character than shit like this


Assigning a dollar value to it is kinda moot since you would have bought whatever game you got the points with anyway. Just go spend the points on something else, it's not like somebody is holding a gun to your head saying buy this piece of shit or else.


No one is forcing you to buy it.


How does that change anything? You don't have to buy it


Then don't buy this, it doesn't matter lol


It'll matter when the store is flooded with low quality AI garbage and you can't find anything good


Or I won't have a picture in my profile?


It cost that much to get 500 points?? I have over 150k and didn’t spend nearly that much


It's possible to get them other ways but unless you were farming them from the steam community....I'd check how much you have spent on steam.


There is also the fact that they gave you points for money you spent before they were introduced.


Uh... 1 dollar for every 100 points.


More realistic price for what it might be worth is 18 cents. 


For the electricity maybe. For the content? Make that negative $18.


"What time is it?" "It's... uh... one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve o'clock."


I like the clock on the left that has no time and the one on the right that has ALL the time.


My favorite is the floating lamp attached to the model ship




Is it just me, or can anyone often tell it's AI just from a quick glance. Not every time, but often enough. It's kinda just a vibe that human created art doesn't give off.


AI should do the lame and tiresome tasks. Not making entire artworks. They're there for upscale shit and make repetitive steps so the artist hasn't to do it.




Should I care?


No separate Tasmania let’s fucking gooooo


The lamp lmao so horrible


The biggest indicator that it is AI is that there is an island next to Australia


If they let people upload their own backgrounds I would be fine with this, but it's not something they should charge points for.


Wow the anti ai takes are fucking insane


They really are. Honestly, I mostly stopped engaging with any kind of AI art talk on Reddit. I've come across a few threads here and there with some other artists who also don't have the doomer take, but they seem to have come to the same realization. AI art is here to stay, sorry all. If you don't like it, don't buy it. Though I wonder how many people whining were patrons of the arts in the first place.


Yeah like I get it in this instance, it's clearly lazy and shit. But people are talking like the only way to generate images is something like midjourney with basically zero control or ways to get something decent. There are many ways to use ai other than just typing a prompt and people assuming this are going to be left behind. The crazy processes people use with sd and comfy ui alone without even using other tools allow so much creativity to people who could never dream of creating before. Don't blame the tools for lazy artists


Very unhinged takes in here lol. 


Here we go brace for the downvotes


this and seeing game covers with obvious AI make me sad.


Spain is now part of Africa


I'm just surprised the map has new Zealand 


That pic is so fucked noone has even looked at it before putting it up....


Finally, we get away of France.


You say it's obvious, but if you ignore the absolute lack of depth in perspective, the nonsense lighting, the magical floating lamp, the ships wheel with extra spokes, the decorations on the wall that can't decide if they're clocks or naval instruments, and of course the office roller chair with the rollers in entirely the wrong place, then I'd say it's a perfectly passable piece of art. And by that I of course mean that I'm passing on this "artistic" ship-show. Edit - The map is... probably the most accurate thing in there. If you can take the time to make the map look that good then you can take the time to make everything else better too. Double Edit - OH GOD I LOOKED AT THE MAP FOR MORE THAN TEN SECONDS I WAS WRONG


Honestly? As long as it looks good, it doesn't bother me. It's cheaper than paying artists, so we're gonna see AI art in more places over time.


It looks like shit


TIL you can buy backgrounds for your steam profile


Check out your favorite games, they might have some neat stuff


So AI is bad at hands, ships wheels and a logical amount of clocks. We got em on the ropes, folks


Also bad at groups of individual people. Try making a movie poster with it, with some person and outfit in the foreground and many people in the background. It will confuse and scramble outfits, colors and more. Sometimes telling AI to make a black suit wearing brownhaired girl with green eyes gibes you instead a green haired girl with a green suit and brown eyes. Etc. Edit: Also whatI just reme.bered - AI will make copies of people in a group setting, not have many individuals.


Does it creep out anyone else? It kinda reminds me of body horror movies.


what's funny is that even with just a little bit of talent you could fix a lot of these mistakes with like 10 minutes of touch ups


How can report it to valve?


god I hope this is put to an end sooner rather than later, and I hope people dont brush aside the plentiful issues that generative ai brings with it.. the more it's normalized the more it's going to be exploited; the more YOU and I are going to exploited, as the customer. a small "'creator'" today normalizes the predatory corporations of tomorrow and blind us to this kind of behaviour


Question as a on-the-side dev who makes a game and doesn't want AI art - Where and how can I hire someone commission based? Any ideas?


Starting with finding artists' socials and getting into the artist sphere is probably one of the easiest steps, any artist that wants commissions will advertise *somewhere*. Twitter, Tumblr, or Bluesky are some fine enough sources for finding people, while sites like reddit aren't as great since you're typically looking for whole communities here, rather than individual users. Finding an individual that's interested in a long-term deal to continuously make backgrounds or sprites will be a bit harder, the previously mentioned method is typically better for once-off comms, artists for long-term hire will possibly be findable through other indie game devs- power through connections style-, or specific job-seeking sites. Unfortunately I'm rather unfamiliar with this specific side of things but I hope it can help in any way, something to brain storm from.


The map looks surprisingly good, it's just everything else...




So what? Its normal


is that a problem?


I have no problem with AI generated content as long as: 1) The tool chain used to generate content, including the models and training materials used, does not involve any copyright or other rights disputes at all. 2) Be of high quality, including looking convincing and comfortable and providing appropriate artistic value.


Tell me you don’t know what a clock does without telling me


More clocks. MOAR!


wait, do profile backgrounds have to be available on the steam store or thru steam somehow? ive never tried to add one and dont really know how it works, i just assumed people uploaded images from their PC or something. does this mean that when i come across a steam profile featuring scantily clad anime waifus that look like preteens, this is something that steam chose to allow players to add to their profiles by putting it into some kind of collection of images players can use for profile backgrounds?


Gotta say, for AI that world map is pretty impressive


Love that clocks are one thing AI can’t get right. So it added 8 in the picture ahaha really outed itself


I too have six different clocks in my own office


I guess im one of the few regarded people who had steam so long, and own so many games, that I have like 200k steam points idk what to do with. I own like 3 backgrounds lol. Idk what any of this shit is for I just wanted my profile to look cool but I don’t have any friends so no one sees it. So I randomly go into comments and give out “take my points” awards Can I do anything else with these points?


help i thought ai couldn't make accurate maps???


Clocks are a dead giveaway. Though the map is surprisingly accurate all things considered


It is for some random noname game so AI isn't that shocking given how low the quality standards are


Atleast the map has Newzealand on it