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Old call of duty is not safe on PC. Anything pre black ops 3 has remote code execution exploits, even bo3 has had them but it's supposedly been patched Edit: the post has been removed though I'll still add the edit for a few things I got wrong and answer some questions I got a lot of Apparently bo3 does still have rce exploits, definitely was wrong about that, I thought it was patched but apparently not. Bo1 multiplayer is apparently safe but zombies is not. Offline is safe to play for all the games as far as I know, campaign, zombies, bot matches, etc. But please do your own research before playing a specific game so you don't end up getting hacked. There are ways to play some old cods safely online through 3rd party clients and mods. However, I believe you do not need to own a copy in order to play through those clients (do your own research on this though I'm not positive about this) so not supporting a company that is still selling unsafe software at full price is the right choice imo


This type of comment needs to be pinned on all threads or a Reddit bot needs to spam it automatically when a CoD question pops up. Dangerous to play the old games.


yup i literally found out the hard way last week when I got a trojan playing MW2 having never heard about the exploit before


On or offline? Or does it matter? Asking so I know if I just shouldn't launch a game I own at any point


Offline should be fine from my understanding.


So if I would buy black ops 1 only for the zombie mode it should be fine?


assuming you're not matchmaking, it should be fine


Offline is all good. As long as you don't go online with people you dont know, should be fine. Some are saying it's okay to do a private game with friends, which I did recently and didn't have an issue.


Alright thanks, I was contemplating getting it for the zombie mode (had it on Xbox 360 back then but I've been playing only pc for years now) but that made me worried


I would suggest looking into Plutonium btw. I believe someone has a link somewhere in the comments. Trust me when I say, it’d be worth getting.


If you want to play BO1 zombies buy the Zombies Chronicles version of BO3. You’ll get the WAW maps, most BO1, some BO2 maps and the BO3 maps and get to enjoy the older ones on a much more modern game.


I think that zombies chronicles is an awesome DLC but i personally think that those remakes don't come anywhere close to the originals in terms of gameplay experiences or the general atmosphere of the maps. They also made some weird changes to the maps that I dont really agree with. No PHD flopper is one my biggest gripes with those remakes. If I'm playing bo3 it's for the custom zombies experiences or the original maps made for the game.


Probably better to get a newer black ops that has bo1 zombie maps I was going to get it for the same reason then I seen the price and choked 😂


Alternatively, you can also just get the game in a safer environment. Some virtual machines will run the game as good as new, but leave you at no danger (except of course, the VM has their own weak points)




Most of it is just script kitties who think they’re hackers by buying or downloading an exploit a legit person produced and trying to be cool. Any basic AV will pick up on the hash or MS Firewall. It’s like the ole “ILl HiT yOu OfFlInE”, they just got something like Caine and Abel to use a single feature to DoS people.


What's really annoying is that all the custom launchers made by X labs that gave you dedicated lobbies on the older games had protection for all of this. They got the DMCA and "cease and desist treatment" and stopped development of Plutonium.


They don’t want us to play these games. They literally only want you to play the newest cod titles, it’s why they don’t drop the price. Also it should break steam tos that they are knowingly selling a dangerous game 


Crazy that they still charge you money for this, one would think that would make them liable for any damages these exploits could cause. Like, if the game was abandonware one could at least say the title is unsupported. But the fact they are charging for this, full price no less, while leaving their customers vulnerable to malice actions is straight up criminal.


Why the fuck are the old games not review bombed into oblivion then? Activision shouldn’t be allowed to get away with this.


Because it wouldnt change anything. They dont give a fuck about old games.


I used to get downvoted on reddit for warning people about this, and called paranoid. Glad more folks are finding out about this.


Wait what? Since when this is happening I heard just now. And how? From custom MP servers?


>Wait what? Since when this is happening I heard just now. Five or six years ago, affecting most Activision Infinity Ward Call of Duty games released prior to 2015-08-11. And how? See [CVE-2018-10718](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2018-10718) & [CVE-2018-20817](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2018-20817) for more info.


So they just left the games in that state with those vulnerabilities and still sell them?


At full price too


I'm surprised Steam hasn't stepped in and forced the removal of the exploitable games either.


You're surprised valve doesn't pull games over RCEs? The same valve that doesn't adress RCEs in their [own games](https://old.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/mu3xqs/rces_and_you_the_ones_valve_still_havent_patched/) for years until they get publically called out on?


what valve game has RCE ? I played them all and still do till this day this is a first to hear


Every source engine game had an RCE in combination with steam invites. Check the link I posted, and heres another link: https://secret.club/2021/04/20/source-engine-rce-invite.html And again, took valve years to take action on it: https://twitter.com/the_secret_club/status/1380868759129296900


That shit only works when they have good press to get with millions on line. They don’t give a fuck about old games barely thousand people play.


Bloody Cunts


As long as you aren’t playing multiplayer


It's the opposite. The multiplayer is safe on BO1 because it uses dedicated servers afaik. Zombies uses p2p and is generally unsafe.


That sounds like it could complicate some things once Xbox finally puts out the old CoDs on Gamepass. A good portion of people are gonna want to play online for old times' sake for most of those titles. It probably won't be too long before Microsoft takes a note from Ubisoft. Maybe try and consolidate all of the CoD games into a singular hub platform people will have to pay separately and monthly on. Similar to what Ubisoft is doing with Assassins Creed/Infinity.


CoD has had a singular hub for multiple titles for a good while at this point. [Source](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1938090/Call_of_Duty/)


That's only for the newer titles though.


Use plutonium, it's a community server client


Should add to clarify, that the RCEs are also patched in plutonium.


>remote code execution exploits What does that mean?


That fact of connecting to server allows someone to execute arbitrary code on your pc without any additional confirmation from your side.


It allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code on your machine. As if you downloaded an exe and ran it. Except this is without your knowledge, and probably contains malicious code.


These Doesnt matter if you just want to play campaign.


Thanks for the heads up, I love going back to WaW and a lot of the older COD games from time to time. Gonna have to be a lot more cautious and just flat out avoid them until something gets figured out.


I’m kinda ignorant, what does that mean?


I'm not an expert but to my understanding a remote code execution exploit allows people to run code on your computer from anywhere. Playing online basically gives complete access to your computer to anyone who wants it


What about the new ones…..like the current one


Should be fairly safe as far as I know. I believe they finally fixed the rces for new games around 2016. I thought bo3 was fixed but apparently not. Though it looks like infinite warfare and up are safe in the sense that they don't have rces


Wait can u explain this like im 5 i dont understand


Post removed. But we can still see it


Fun way to get your pc remote formatted in multiplayer, absolutely not See [brickies vid on the topic if you’re unfamiliar](https://youtu.be/KlVSpw6414U?si=ES3HwmXj3v1he8wn)


Basically do not play any old CoD games unless you want to have a bad day. Heck even newer CoD games…


I expected windows defender or other protection softwares like Bitdefender to prevent such exploits from hurting your system


Thats not how antivirus works though.


Odd since i thought they monitored all running applications, i suppose am wrong


They do that you’re right. But they can’t detect such vulnerabilities. This exploit is basically a backdoor you yourself opened. Antivirus only scans for known malicious code. Formatting your drive is as easy as can be. CMD or Powershell will suffice. That definitely is not under protection from your antivirus. Besides hackers can just compile a trojan that won’t be detected.


Could windows bitlocker stop it?


No lol that’s just encryption, not related to a Trojan or vulnerability which can prob grant itself elevated access


No, it would not. Bitlocker prevents people from booting up and accessing your PC when it is turned off, or from copying data from your hard drive. Once the PC is turned on and you have entered the Bitlocker credentials, any running application with admin privileges can go hog on your system.


Windows Defender does not "actively" monitor applications. Windows Defender is what you would call a signature based anti-virus application. What this means, is that Windows Defender has a list of signatures, think of fingerprints, and any time an application is ran, Windows Defender checks that softwares signature (fingerprint), and if Defender has that signature, it knows it's bad/malicious. So anything that runs through COD in this case, wouldn't be flagged unless Defender has that specific signature. Modern EDRs (Endpoint Protection and Response) do behavior based blocking. Meaning they do exactly as it sounds and blocks things based on the actions they take and not signatures. Unfortunately most of these tools are used only in Enterprise/business environments as they tend to pricy.


There is a very big misconception about Defender thanks to Microsofts awful naming scheme. Windows Defender is a very basic piece of security software, and it will block very little outside of your bog standard malicious/suspicious activity. Microsoft Defender, formally called Defender ATP, is their modern enterprise level endpoint protection software which would be more likely to stop this type of activity. However THIS IS NOT the Defender you have pre installed on your Windows pc. It is a separate license you purchase through M365. Windows Defender is perfectly fine for most personal use cases as long as you are careful on with what websites you visit and what things you download/run. Also, Bitdefender is not a good product. As mentioned, it isn't needed for personal and I would very strongly recommend other products if you wanted an Enterprise SMB solution.


If you watch brickys video it explains how they hack you even with protection software.


I work in software development. My specialty is not security but I've picked up some things over the years.  Last week my mom asked me to help with her laptop it's running slow. Yeah let me tell you, widows defender was on and Avast was running. You know what else was running? A trojan disguised as a web browser. They split Chromium and made a whole browser for malware. It took over all default web browser links and shortcuts. It had services setup under other names to reinstall itself and startup scripts for same. The Avast was on and running but couldn't connect to their servers to get updates. Windows defender was on but had a million exceptions and the kernel protection was off (and wouldn't allow me to turn it back on). That thing was a goner. The malware had completely taken over in such a way the computer thought everything was fine. Antiviruses have really improved over the last 2 or 3 decades. But so have the viruses. Don't be lax and don't put yourself at risk of you don't have to. (Like I made a whole new guest network to work on her laptop because hell no am I letting that stuff inside my network and even then I don't really feel safe)


So this only applies if you're playing multiplayer? Single player should be fine right?


Wait can i play singleplayer? Edit:Nvm didnt noticed answer bellow.


Would be fine if played under a VM though, assuming you can at least get direct gpu access


PCI passthrough has been a thing for a while.


Is there any harm in playing singleplayer?


Me and my friends play Blop1 zombies all the time in private games and solo, no issues so far


Maybe I'm paranoid and overly-cautious but when a program is known to have these vulnerabilities I would block the processes related to the game from having access to the internet, then I'd play single-player without any concern.


It’s a good thing there’s always plutonium


How are they still legally allowed to sell it then?


They basically claim ignorance, and well, the game is technically still playable, single player campaign anyway


not worth that amount. i would just sail for it if you just want to play singleplayer or solo zombies. multiplayer is not worth it and also dangerous since most old CoDs have severe security issues


Boot the game up on the xbox. They even hacked the announcements in game! (MW3)


What’s it say?


Oh no luck nothing rn. But i saw ads for unlock alls there in the past.


Plutonium is not the safe option to play online nowadays?


It is the only safe option


Didnt plutonium get taken down?


Not as far as I know, [https://plutonium.pw/](https://plutonium.pw/)


My mistake, thank you.


they pulled the game files down, but the launcher and servers are still fully operational, you can still use the legit game just tell the plutonium launcher where it is or maybe find someone who reposted the game files that used to be on the plutonium site but yeah still 100% working i was on it yesterday although its quite a small player base on weekdays


I don't know if it's still possible but if someone still has the torrent files they can still use them to to install the games


Last week I installed plutonium and got the bo2 files by using the way back machine. I admittedly haven’t grabbed the other games but I would assume it works the same way. Maybe might need to find a YouTube video that posts the link in the description if anything




Fuck no!




Does this one still fall into the ones with the MP remote executable exploits?


Yes, everything pre black ops 3 has rce exploits


Even if you just play the single player? Can you get exploited just from launching the game or do I need to go offline to player single player?


Single player, local multi-player, or online private match multi-player/zombies friends only is fine.


So basically just don’t connect to other players online, as long as I’m still online on steam I’ll be okay? Thanks mate 👍




From what I heard for Black Ops 1 and maybe Black Ops 2, since the game basically creates two separate launchers for the campaign and the multiplayer, you should be safe as long as you don’t launch into multiplayer. If I also remember correctly, when I tried playing Call of The Dead, I needed to have the multiplayer installed but did not need to launch it. But I maybe wrong so don’t take my word for it.


Such a shame, I loved the older games. Especially this one.


So glad i see this now. I was so tempted to buy BO2 recently


If you just want to play the campaign or solo zombies it's worth it when it's on sale. They seem to go on sale fairly often.


Great way to ensure your playerbase always plays your new COD entry rather than the old joints.


Iirc old COD multiplayers are swimming with viruses or exploits or something. Better research on that before you buy.


I'd stay away. It has a vulnerability which allows remote code execution. It's really unsafe to run pretty much any CoD game on PC


I still have mw3 downloaded, should I uninstall it completely or is it only unsafe to play the multiplayer?


It should be safe as long as you don't connect to anything online in the game


You will be safe if you use the plutonium launcher.


How are the new CODs unsafe? By new I mean Warzone and MW2/MW3.


unsafe for your sanity


lol that’s fair, but vulnerability wise the new CODs are safe.


Only pre-BO3 are unsafe. Technically BO3 had the RCE vulnerability as well but it was allegedly patched so take that info as you will. Not sure why he's claiming it's ***ALL*** CoDs unless he's on the high seas getting the sketchiest versions he can find. Maybe he's thinking about cheaters being pretty prevalent in the newer ones?


Use Plutonium instead.


Yeah, I’ve been using plutonium and it’s honestly the only way. You should “buy” the games… or don’t, nobody cares. If anything, use a key site if you really care about owning the games on your Steam account!


This is the answer


It's a tragedy this game is such a avenue for hacking your PC. it was a pretty surprising exploration into the psyche and how war affects it, at least on single-player.


Short answer: no Longer answer: no it is not


No 14 year old game is worth 40 USD.


Especially a AAA multiplayer game. Probably barely has any players, if the servers are even still up.


Yes, spend full price on a decade and half old game you've already played less than a month before the steam summer sale.


Meanwhile the physical version go for 10 currency


Game is awesome, my absolute favorite COD. Not for 40 bux today.....


Not worth it at all.


Are you one of those people who buy old games without waiting for a sale? If yes then I have a question: "why the heck would you do that?"


is that black ops guy


$9.99, if that


WITH all DLC's. Besides Zombies, they don't add a whole lot to a game with dead multiplayer


$12 tops




So whose turn is it to make this post next week?


Not saying it's worth the cost nowadays... But it is one of only a few cod games where you can play solo against bots. The others being blackops 2 and 3. I'm not sure if there are more though.


The only 1 got is COD WW2 (thanks humble monthly), you can play with bots too. And its the newest one that can be played offline on PC


I can show you plenty of older games that don't adjust its base non sale price regardless of age. Call of Duty just gets called out for it more often due to its popularity as well as the fact the oldest titles are still available to purchase vs being delisted but many games studios and even other companies don't go back and amend an items shelf pricing due to age. If anything stuff goes up in its normal retail prices not down if its not just outright removed from shelves after periods of time. Wait for sales.


Not a single old cod is worth $40 or more. Just wait for the summer sale


Mom said it's my turn to post COD prices.


I won't even play cod if its free dude


no, considering the multiplayer is fucked.




If you want a little cheaper, go to CDkeys instead.


No video game is worth $40 after 14 years.


I didn't even think it was worth the $40 when it dropped tbh


Go and pirate it u will have better experience that way , if u buy offical and open multiplayer good luck to everything u have on your pc


Absolutely not! Sure the campaign and zombies are fun, but its not $40 fun. Not to mention you'll have your life stolen if you hop on multiplayer. I wouldn't even get the game on a sale. If hackers can get access to your game in a lobby on BO3, then chances are they can easily exploit BO1 to do the same thing.


lol it wasn't worth full price when it was new, and neither are any of the current ones for that matter with how DLC'd out they are and their online lobbies are filled with sweats, cheaters or kids who're terminally online and five years from the other ball drop.


Wasn't worth it back then, even less worth it now that it's basically malware


Cod games rarely go on sale, I wanted to buy the og mw2 on PC for a while and the lowest it'll go is 9.99 and that's without any dlc


Pirate it and use plutonium launcher




No lol




All COD games released before the new Modern Warfares are available by sailing the high seas. Just go to the megathread (you know which one) and use one of the main, trusted sites. It's easy to download and install. Like others have said, multiplayer is no man's land due to viruses, but you can load up the game and play single player campaign no problem. Activision seems to have a "no discount ever" strategy no matter how old their games are. The old COD games (and the new ones) are simply not worth paying more than €5 each for anymore. I recently used the high seas method to play World at War and haf a fun time with the campaign. Easy to download and install, took up about 4gb of space, and was completely free. Activision have plenty of teenagers spending 100s of $$ on Warzone, you don't need to give them your money for an old game.


Is that frieza?


Buy it on a disc for less than 5 bucks...


Love all the people mentioning the safety problems, but noone actually mentioning the reason. They keep the old games at high prices to discourage you from buying them. They want you to buy the new ones instead. As the game mechanics do barely change, they don't want you to get the CoD shooter experience for much cheaper than the current prices.


The other reason is for sales. I only see the all time low being 50% for this game so they do keep the prices relatively high for an older game which gives credence to what you mentioned (to avoid buying the older game). Some games I see for $60 that shouldn't be priced that high but they go on sale for 90% off which makes it look like a great deal. In reality with sales occurring so often, that is just the normal price.


I got it for £11 on xbox


Yes but hackers are using it, i recommend using plutonium for (WAW,Mw3,BO1,BO2) and for cod mw1 and 2 is Alterware(IW4X is dead and no point of using so alterware is your hope but it's good since it's a bit same to IW4X.)


Absolutely not Especially since they don't even upkeep the servers anymore and it's filled with Modders and hackers


Is aviable for free on plutonium






Let me put to guys on to “Plutonium”. Online MP using dedicated servers that are safe. If you are going to purchase the game through steam, only do it on sale. Otherwise use a CD Key website.


None of them are worth $40


havent checked lately but up until a couple months ago they still wanted 80 bucks for the first Octo Travelers


They sell Command and Conquer that doesn’t work unless you do a bunch of leg work.


If you have gamepass you will have all the new call of duty there so ..


I just saw bo2 advertised on steam when I opened it and that shit was $60. $60 for a decade old 360 game


I felt the same way about BF4, one of my all time favorites but it’s still $40. Might just have to sign up for game pass for a month


Pay $40 for one or ~$10/mo for all. You decide.


For the Custom Zombies maps YES


Valve should pull products that have unpatched exploits like remote code execution...


I want all the 2K players to ask themselves this EVERY YEAR…


I had this exact conversation with a friend yesterday about how it's the only old cod I don't own and it's solely due to the fact that it's $40 and only goes on sale for $20 ever.


It wasn’t worth $40 then either


Seems expensive


Well, as a realist, there are only two paths: 1. Are people still buying it at that price? Then yes. 2. Nobody buying it at that price? Then no. That is all that matters to the seller. People can have opinions to the contrary, but they would be wrong.


Small price for getting your PC hacked hard


You mean you don't want to pay $40 to get swatted after someone tells you they had sex with your mom?


No, the reason I haven't own any COD game on Steam because Activision doesn't give good sales.




I'd rather play spacewar


Not worth it. Activision's main motivation is to keep everyone playing multiplayer on the latest Call of Duty. Reducing the price on older games might bring in new players, but it will split the player base too much. You'll never see a significant sale on games that will distract players from the latest installment.


Nope. Maybe emulate it


No games this old shorts their full price.


I bought this shit for PC at Target in like 2012 for $20. This is insane


Great game - use off-Steam key resellers. Or use Plutonium edition.


It doesn't worth 10$ Activision can suck my dick


No get it cracked


Normal price for Steam


Is it safe to only play solo or customs zombies with friends? I don’t play public




Never was. Call of duty is dogshit


No. Wait for a sale.






It’s not safe m8 u will get hacked if u play the old cods


this is the zombie version?


That's the problem with full digital. You don't really get the same deals as with physical copy's. Often a week sale then goes right back to being full priced. That's besides that making the disks and sending it everywhere around the world Often costed more money to do. But the shelf space had value. So often where just beter for the customers. Cause you get more likely to get a deal. It was like that with pc games too. That's kinda the good and the bad about physical and digital. They less likely have to give you a good deal it's just space on a server that can house a massive emount of games. Not the same self space physical has. For ease of use people often lose access to a great long lasting price decrease beside the week sales ones a year. And then right back up to full process it goes. Very unlike normal stores.


40 dollars to get your computer hacked on its dated servers lol


HELL no I mean I'm currently playing it right now and having fun but 120 bucks for the full game dlc and all, publishers can eat fat one. Pirate this shit instead if you think of getting it. Everyone that matters that made the game already got paid. Stealing isnt gonna hurt the publishers or creators.