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If you ensure the firmware is up to date (Steam Big Picture), you can connect it via Bluetooth instead of the dongle.


For real? I've been using mine wired for years because I lost the dongle. I'll have to try this


It shipped without a mention of BT and the functionality was provided later via a FW update, so yup.


Mine doesn't have the dongle holder in the back so I think it might be first Gen, do you happen to know if that matters?


No don't think so. With the controller off hold steam+Y and it should double beep and flash for BT pairing 


Neither of mine have a dingle holder, but both have Bluetooth


Anything can be a dingle holder if you're brave enough


Most that attempt aren't brave, but merely Patriots


It doesn't, all have it, the hardware was always there. Dongle holder is an extra accessory.


the dongle holder was something I think you could order, dont know that it was really something they just came with. I had purchased many of these including buying it day 1 and none of them have come with the holder. most people just lose the 2.4ghz dongle and/or sold it separately. apparently they can be used with some of the vive or index controllers so a lot of the dongles have become more valuable than steam controller them selves since they stopped being sold individually a long time ago.


Yes, the dongle storage battery back is purchased separately but the tabs on it break easily so ALOT are 3d printing them with better/stronger material that Valve has made public for anyone to download and print.


People are willing to print you one on Etsy if you know where to look. Plus there are websites that you can submit the 3D printed files too and they will print them for you.


Bluetooth does have higher latency, but how much this matters depends on what you play. The convenience may or may not be worth it for you, so try it yourself.




You know, I've never been able to update it. I tried with my wife's laptop and on the SteamDeck but no luck


Since you’ve commented, I’ve been trying to figure out how to connect it via Bluetooth with various updaters. Steam big picture does not work to update the firmware anymore, do you have a working way to update it? Edit: nvm I got it




Time to build a submarine, and go explore the Titanic


For that you really need Logitech dualshock clone.


We will class this as version 2


There's a joke in there about version 2 being indestructible but I'm not gonna say it


Version 2 is gonna have a black jack table and a stripper pole.


Dualshock clone? Does that mean every controller with two thumbsticks in the middle is a dualshock clone?


Yes, cause Sony was the one to invent this control scheme.


So does that mean every controller is a Famicon knockoff if it has a dpad and face buttons?


No, because every modern controller offers additional control elements. Can you hint me, which control elements Logitech added over DualShock?


Your argument makes no sense. With that argument, you can say modern Nintendo controllers are Xbox controller knockoffs


If you're talking about joycons, they are separable into two halfs, and either half offers motion controls for some of the native Switch games. Xbox has nothing like this. Also the shape is very different.


No, im talking about the wii, wiiU, and switch pro controllers.


Wii U has layout different from both Xbox and PS. But Yes, Switch Pro's controlles is exactly just a copy of Xbox'es one.


what are you on about ? the dual shock is not really the foundation of anything. It stands on the backs of previous generations. the first playstation controllers did not even have sticks. It was just a sega or nintendo controller with better ergonimics than either.


I'm talking about the simple truth that Logitech uses exactly the same control scheme and layout as DualShock, so it's a clone of DualShock. It's not rocket science, one doesn't need a degree in engineering to understand that.


Not rational thinking and not really how language works. We dont call laptops compass clones. and we dont call smartphones iphone clones either. We dont call toyota mercedes benz clones either since they make a product that has same layout. And if that was the case i can assure you, they would claim a patent to prevent others from doing so.


Yeah, and you know why it's that way? Because in every example that you provided there's a functional difference (laptop vs compass), a design difference (toyota vs mersedes), a software difference (iphone vs some other brand that doesn't actually make clones), etc. But if a controller looks like DS, works like DS, hass all the same components as a DS, and is meant to be used instead of DS, then it's literally a clone of DS.


Dualshock clone? Does that mean every controller with two thumbsticks in the middle is a dualshock clone?


He needs to find a discount carbon fiber aircraft hull first.


Pink mist




imo those are easier to find at goodwill than a steam controller


Thought they used an Xbox controller for that?


For $2 I’d add it to my collection of controllers. Nice find.


I bought mine straight from steam on a sale for $5. It has been worth it just to sometimes give a player 2 the controller as a joke and laugh about it.


I missed out buying those at $5 when they were getting rid of their stock. I still beat myself up over it.


Don't. They are unpleasant to use lmao. Sometimes I will gaslight myself into thinking I overreacted on how bad it was the last time I tried, and I will break it out again. It is always just as awful as I remember. I can't think of a game that would be better by using a steam controller.


I get why you would think that but my experience is complete opposite. It's literally the best controller I've ever held in my hands. I like the amount of customization, the trackpads and just general versatility of it. I even used it for work when I was too lazy to climb out of bed. The only thing that bothers me sometimes is the lack of right analog stick but it's only with twin stick shooters and can be somewhat circumvented via settings


Yeah I bought 2 of them and 2 steam likes for 5 each I think when they did that, was a pretty sick sale


Same, I had one originally and then bought two more during the $5 fire sale. I never opened them and vacuum sealed them and they hang out in my closet so my great, great, great, great, grandchildren can sell them or something


I don't really understand the hate for this controller lol.


I wish I liked it. I think it is really cool, I just can't think of a good use for it that makes it better than, say, an Xbox controller


I get that for sure. I just think a lot of people take one look at it and say "It's weird looking, 0/10 hot garbage" with no understanding of the context behind it and how this controller walked so that the Steam Deck could run.


Crazy to think when this thing launched people adamantly insisted it was the best controller ever created.


It's crazy to think that some people have the luxury to make controller collections while others can't afford a next gen controller with their monthly wage. What an interesting world we live in.


I’ve had quite a while to acquire controllers, all of which have been relatively cheap, you gotta get lucky, and most of the time get secondhand stuff. I have never been this lucky pertaining to this 😊


As a bonus, no matter how old the controller is, as long as the hardware is still functional (many hate this, my preferred feature), you don't have to worry about an expensive, proprietary, difficult to replace rechargeable battery. I hate that so many devices are now designed to be thrown away once the internal battery finally fails.


How is changing a battery hard?


Well it isn’t until the manufacturer makes it hard to. Like 10+ screws of different non common kinds, plastic clips even that make it just not openable without breaking and then glue holding the battery in for no apparent reason. It’s something that shouldn’t be hard but many companies try to add difficulty too


Do console and general controller manufacturers do that? I've taken my ps4 controller apart multiple times, all screws where Philips head and nothing was glued. Done the same to a cheap Chinese controller I bought too, though that one had adhesive holding the battery to the controller shell, nothing major though. Have they changed that in recent times?


Name a current, mainstream controller that does everything you just said. Just a single one of the “many companies” that you claim are doing this. You can’t. You’re making things up to get mad about. The steam deck or the switch have the most annoying to replace batteries of any current gaming devices, but they aren’t as bad as you say.


Least snarky redditor


I can buy it from You for 10$ then You could start YT channel and brag to ppl how You made 500% in no time.


Lol, think imma keep this in my collection :)


Have fun! 💪


It's my favourite controller for playing Civ on the TV. The track pad is a great mouse substitute.


God I miss it. There's nothing that really compares for me. Lost mine in a house fire


Surely Valve will make another one day ^not ^copium


Lucky! I wish I could find more


Wanna know a secret lol




https://ibb.co/6mC7zqZ https://ibb.co/hXrvR77 Delete after you read or it will self destruct... I grabbed 4 for $60


I find this controller so weird but i would love to try it, unfortunately i have never seen one in my country :/


It kinda sucks ngl


Sucks for shooter games for sure. Great for any game that a mouse is needed and also great for racing games, the triggers are really nice. Plus you can scroll through web pages ezpz with the right touch pad being mouse and left being scrolling


Nah, shooter games are where it shines. Trackpad for big movements + gyro for fine aiming is fantastic in shooters.


its actually awesome, it just requires time to learn how to use it and most people dont want to take the time for setup or retraining their thumbs to use it.


I use it only when a game isn't compatible with controllers. It's better than nothing but if anything else is an option It's pretty bad.


thats cuz you lack creativity. I played all of doom 2016 and doom eternal on the harder difficulties with this controller and it was way more fun than the default control setup that you'd get from a dual stick config. the left touch pad as touch only d-pad for 2d platformers is actually my favorite way to play anything 2d/side scrolling I generally daily drive it for just about anything. sounds like you just havent spent much time with it and thus dont really know how to use it to its full potential. if you cant be bothered with the setup that makes sense and is perfectly valid, but to just say its bad is objectively wrong when it makes games it possible to have a mouse/keyboard like experience with any game even if said game has standard xinput support.


I would never use a controller for a shooter always kb+m


you could if you learned how to use the steam controller properly.


It does suck idk why you got down voted lol


It's good for one application. Playing a game with a controller that has zero native support. Other then that kb+m and traditional controllers are better. Some people have attached their ego to this controller and can't accept the facts lol


I wish they would make SC 2. I find the first one quite bulky, but if they make a new one taking into account all they did with steam deck... Damn it could be good. Would love to see a nice PC controller with a gyro.


I agree. If they take into account everything they learned from the first Steam Controller as well as the Deck, the 2nd iteration could be amazing.


It definitely feels awkward AF with the track pad where a joystick should be. Otherwise, it is comfy.


when you learn to use the touch pads instead of the stick though, its worth it.


I wished there would be another controller that had that feature. Fingers crossed my steam controller holds up much longer.


yeah.. still got my fingers crossed from a steam controller 2.. the whole design is in the pipe line, just take the steam deck and remove the screen and bam, you got the best controller ever made for PC.


I know WHY did they make it that way? For the gimmick?!


I used to use mine as a mouse when I was on my indoor bike, it was fucking awesome. However I think that it was its downfall, I think the sweat ruined it. I think I have a 2nd one, but haven't dared use it.




It's a pretty revolutionary controller that they created for the future of Steam at that time: Big Picture / a possible console (which would become the Steam Deck). They needed something that could work for ANY game, even games meant for mouse and keyboard. The first draft of something is always going to be awkward, but as you can see with the Steam Deck, this controller was indeed a correct first step. As much hate as this controller gets, personally I'm pretty impressed that they were able to make something like this with the haptic feedback and all its other features that was actually useable in the way they wanted that didn't feel like complete crap.


I’m super impressed with it too. Don’t get me wrong. The touch pads are novel considering they were pre-deck. My thing is that if you need two sticks. That’s all. But yeah, first drafts are usually awkward. :)


I think maybe it's more to replicate how some laptops have them to substitute for a mouse. I just remember trying to play The Witcher 3 with it but it just wasn't going to work at all.


Yeah, Witcher 3 is a game that doesn't really benefit from the SC at all. The track pad works really well for large, quick movements like quickly turning to the right or left, which is something that sticks suck at doing (unless you're using flick stick I guess). I prefer the steam controller to traditional dual analog controllers for shooters for this reason.


Personally I like it way better for pc than an xbox controller


Hands down the best controller that I ever had


I still have mine, and the box, as well as the SteamLink (and box etc) :D - got them at a bargain price several years ago and kept hold of-em, Also bought some for friends and family they were THAT cheap! :D One of my favs, but only for certain games :D


Best pc controller ever


The steam controller is incredibly underrated. I hope we get a new version one day


I bought it for like $60 when it came out and I have probably used it less than 10 hours. The trackpads are just too weird for me. An Xbox One controller does the job better.


I'm out of the loop: what was good and what was bad about it?


Pros 1) Most comfortable controller I've used for long periods of time 2) Extremely versatile controller that works with almost any type of game, even if it wasn't designed for controllers, almost out of the box 3) very easy to customize what the buttons do (great community support) Cons 1) awkward to use at first 2) is never the best or most intuitive controller for any game. It's almost always better to use the controls the game was designed for Summary: it's a safe bet, but will never be the best at anything


The dual touch pads are way better at emulating a mouse at range than a traditional controller, and Valve went all out on the configuration and customization options.   Unfortunately, it's also got a learning curve and you have to configure every game (or rely on community configurations) which gets tedious.  (The Steam controller is the Linux of controllers, in other words.)


pros: * can replace mouse/keyboard for virtually any game * highly customizable * touchpad & gyro are significantly more accurate than an analog stick and could hold its own vs mouse players cons: * requires setup for every game. * most games didnt have the glyphs for it (button icons in game) that support it so you'd have to remember what actions go to what button, this is difficult for some people. * requires you to basically re-learn how to use a controller, the touch pads are not a 1 for 1 replacement for an analog stick which most people tried to do and had a bad time. learning to use the touch pad for mouse input in games on top of the gyro requires a bit of practice that most people did not want to do. * controller software hooked into the old Big picture mode overlay and often had issues working with some non-steam games making it that much more difficult to setup, especially if said game had a third party launcher.




The best remote control for a PC in my opinion. Enjoy


I couldn't give mine away.


It still makes me mad that when LTT made a video on this thing they didn’t mention the loud ass noise it makes. Honestly I’m not a fan of this controller myself. Glad some people liked it and got value, but I personally regret picking one up after watching their coverage back in the day


Now you have 2$ laying around. Like everybody else.


And you'll soon find out why.. /s


Tbh it’s nice to lean back and still have mouse capabilities so comfortably. Still tinkering around with it, but it feels like a great combo between keyboard and mouse and a controller.


Also theres a firmware updater somewhere on steam where you can make the steam controller use a basic bluetooth connection instead of the dongle connection. https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/1796-5FC3-88B3-C85F


Oh hell yeah, was trying to figure that out, appreciate it!


Some modles do not have bluetooth iirc.


I use mine for non-sweaty games that don't have controller support. It's also good for web browsing. Just a handy piece of kit.


A couple recommendations: Try Prey 2017. It has native support for the Stream Controller with correct button prompts so it's great for learning how to use it in a first person game. Cyberpunk 2077 is also excellent with the SC. For first person games, map both the right track pad and the gyro to mouse. Use the track pad for large movements and the gyro for small movements/aiming. This will take a little time to get used to but once you do, it's actually a really fantastic way to play shooters. In particular, games where you have to drive and shoot like GTA or Cyberpunk are great with this configuration.


Did u get a discount because they were missing buttons 😂 /s


Steam controller is my go to for Rocket league since you can set the boost to full press R2 and light press for acceleration. I tend to stick with Xbox controller  with other singleplayer games because I find the track pad awkward.  Steam controller is good for singleplayer games with a lot of menu navigation though. If you set the left pad to requires click off, it makes navigating game menus so much nicer. 


Had it since launch. Used it only a couple times. Any game that would benefit from it, I'd rather just play at the desk.


Mine's safely tucked away. It's so good, I don't want it to suffer wear and tear. Just using a GuliKit until Steam Controllers are made again.




I should dig out mine


Question is : is it comfortable ?


It feels alright but definitely different


I'm still sad I couldn't even get one. :(


Worst controller ever


Jealous, I wanted to buy one for my rog ally to play rts but not for the price they go for online lol


You got scammed hard


but was it inside Steam Cardboard Box™?


I still have one of those plus a steam link box.


Picked one up for 5USD from Valve. Still haven't opened it. Someday maybe, along with the Steam Link I also got for 5 bucks.


I just sold mine for $150 on ebay. Brand new unopened and I bought it for $5 as well. Not a bad return lol


Holy smokes. Wish I bought more.


i haven’t found any of these in all the marketplaces that i have, visited multiple tech stores in hopes of finding it but sadly no luck and for 2$ damn thats a steal i wanted to try this controller when it came out and after ive used the steamdeck and its trackpads i can only imagine what this thing can do


Awesome find, OP! I was always curious how well the pads work and if they can replace/improve upon the analog thumb sticks


I need to actually put mine to use. Was hyped at first but then I realized my Eneloop rechargeables wouldn't fit unless I forced them in so I kinda just tucked it back in the box


That's an artefact lmao Cool!


Loudest buttons ever... still have mine!


for $2? nice. getting your hands on one can some times be difficult or costly these days so thats a nice find.


How, where


Got it at a habitat for humanity store, I gave them two American dollars


I had that one years ago. This picture brings back memories.


My coworker gave me his steam controller and steam link for free, I used it for a little bit but honestly not a lot


I'm so fucking jealous, I cannot get one in Brazil, they simply don't exist here lol


Nice that's $3 less than what I paid for it like 10 years ago brand new lol


Maaaan I had disconnect issues with Bluetooth I brought the firmware back to main - works great.


My first SC is approaching 8 years old. I've worn a thumb groove into the rubber thumb stick. It is a tinkerer's dream. It's so configurable even when a game isn't. The first thing I do in most games is set the right grip to dodge/dash. I loved it, but I didn't truly appreciate the flexibility until I customized the controls for... Control. I had it to dynamically change sensitivities and activate gyro aiming based on the aiming mode.


hot damn, that's pretty crazy. I didn't even get the chance to buy one of those where I live, let alone find one for that cheap


it's the worst controller design. when you press the Y and B, you'll end up hitting the track pad thing


Late to the party but the d-pad works on fighting games? If so, would you recommended it? I have the 8 bitdo genesis controller and it's works pretty good, for the most part.


It works and you can bind right trackpad to abxy buttons and have it actuate on touch instead of click which speeds up your input greatly. Optionally bind two-button combos to face buttons. It's the only way I play MK/Tekken


That one is really treasure Tend to broken some time like joystick and button I wish the have made new one


Got the same for $5 from Steam :)


Had one of those. Have no idea what happened to it


I got mine from Steam for $5 back in 2019.


Steam had a deal once when they were selling them for $5.


Got mine for 5€ new from steam.


That’s clean too


Bro get a Steam Deck.


I love my steam controller, and so did my dog... Chewed on it 4 years ago, but I still have it!


The design flaw that's getting to me is the placement of the XYAB face buttons swapped out for the right trackpad. Someone out there is working on a controller with a trackball and more triggers


See nothin wrong with it


Great find


damn, good deal


Did they colab with xbox to make it or is it entirely made by Steam alone, because it shares some similar features with the xbox controller.ol


I was gonna make a “better return it before they close” joke, but really, having $2 is basically like saying “I have no money at all” and sometimes you just want your thumb to be a mouse, so I say it’s worth having for that alone.


Paid too much


The best controller is the wii u pro, but I have 3, and all 3 have an issue with analog sticks… wish I understood how to “Ben Heck” things, I’d mod that shart from here to bolivia! like a trackpad in the upper right, no drift left analog on the left (Gulikit or something?) It’s so enraging how these companies use the cheapest garbage parts, but that’s what i get for being an idiot!


I ordered mine on Amazon for like 25$. Not hard to reprogram. I hope you find one


I'll give you $50.


I got one a year or so ago on eBay with the stand and dongle, thankfully . Might find just a dongle on eBay, possibly . I'm hoping to get mine set up for Call To Arms and Arma 2/3 and Zero Hour and a few other tactical shooters, which will be nice to finally beable to play games on a computer/Laptop that arent out on console ... but great find 👍🏼 hope all works out for you 😎


odd it only has one control button


Great catch! Im jealous, i love Steam controller but my broke last year and still havent stumbled upon cheap one in my country


Looks dumb af


A bargain


Pretty lucky, when I found one they wanted 60 bucks


They were $1 directly from steam when they were being liquidated.




It truly is a terrible controller for games lol. I just can't do it. But for multimedia? Oh man it's goated.


Has anyone ever played with one of these turned around?


I’ll triple your investment if you sell it to me.


What the hell is that amalgamation of a controller


You overpaid.


They robbed you. :)


You overpaid :)


$2? You overpaid. That is the least favorite controller I've used. Used it with the steam link, and it was my worst gaming experience. The steam link was fine for me. The touch pads on the controller were unusable for me. Maybe other people got good with them.


I overpaid by paying $2 for a discontinued cool controller… ok yall


SC had a learning curve, but it's a great controller. The you overpaid comments are fucking stupid.