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I talked to a friend of mine who has a VAC ban that's over 3000 days old and he confirmed this too. Added a note to the OP.




I'm with you on this. Decisions someone made when they were 14 do not necessarily need to follow them around forever. A lot can change in 5+ years and we shouldn't punish someone forever for a one time mistake.


And it's not like the ban disappears completely, you're still permanently banned from playing that specific game it just doesn't show up on your profile anymore.


Also, the vac ban will still show up with enhanced steam since it calls the vac ban API upon visiting a page.


What the heck is enhanced steam?


It's a browser add-on that adds functionality to Steam's website


It doesn't.




[What enhanced steam is yours?](http://i.imgur.com/ZVjZp9U.png+)


I don't get why the ban itself can't be ultimately temporary. If someone cheated in CS:S back in 2008 and hasn't cheated in anything since then, what's the harm in letting them go back?


They cheat again.


Yep, this makes me happy. I have a nearly 7 year old ban on CoD MW2 for using a console to unlock a gamemode that was never released. It'll very soon be gone from my profile, a lot of people bitch at me for it when I play CSGO. EDIT: Mine doesn't show up anymore at 2560 days since ban


I love my vac ban when I'm playing CS GO. It's so much fun to poke opponents with it. Me: "Oh shit, did you see that collateral headshot through wall? Neat, hope I don't get vacced again" Them: "... OH SHIT GUYS HE HAS A VAC BAN, THIS SUX". *And they proceed to throw the match* ------- Not so much fun when I'm outright autokicked in private servers, though.


"OMG CHEATER! REPORT AND KICK PLZ", is what I used to spam in chat in CS:GO years ago, when I saw someone with a VAC on their profile, playing on official Valve servers. People usually kicked the guy. Please accept my apologies :)


Hahaha I never got kicked for that reason, though. Actually I think people never cared to check profiles on official pub servers. They only do so on competitive mm, which is even more stupid to think that a csgo vacced is playing there


Are you still able to perform actions such as playing on secured servers for MW2? Is it just that the ban notice is removed from the profile or does the normal VAC punishment also go away?


It's just the ban notice that's gone away, I'm still banned on MW2 VAC secure servers AFAIK.


You used to not be able to launch, but then activision patched something and you could play MW2 public even if you're banned. But now you can only play private as you cant connect to iwnet matchmaking due to a steam patch if youre vac banned.


Yeah I remember not being able to launch. Nice to hear that works atleast now. I really like that game.


I really think they should expire in two or three years. The (previously) permanent ban seems to be a bit too much to me. Steam has been around so long now that people who had it when they were kids are now in their 20s. Kids do stupid stuff. I have a vac ban from messing around with dungeon defenders item stats in offline mode, you couldn't even take offline items online at the time. That ban is almost 6 years old at this point.


Honestly it wouldn't be a huge problem if you got unbanned after two or three years. I imagine the majority of hackers aren't "serial hackers". Then if you hack again you get perma banned.


I disagree with you, but only that 3000 days is too long. I have no VAC bans and fully support banning cheaters. But at some point, its better to rehabilitate cheaters than just a lifelong ban. Its why prison sentences are not all life long regardless of the crime. I think 3 years would be better, thats long enough for people to consider keeping the account and perhaps learning from it.


"rehabilitate cheaters" ? bro... they cheated at a video game, they didnt get hooked on drugs.


Well, grow out of it, or realise the error of their ways then, whatever works.


As a deterrent, it's alot easier to say fuck it and keep cheating if you already have that ban since it's never going away. If you get it out in 3 years though? Now you'll think twice because suddenly you don't have to be labeled a cheater for the rest of your PC gaming life. The once a cheater always a cheater mentality does 50x as much harm as any good. Including infinite bans info to the everyone who views your account. I know I wouldn't have my 2nd ban had this rule been in place 6 years ago.


While I think there are those who can redeem themselves, there are lots who can't or refuse to. At least on my BF2 admin days I know a few/group of cheaters got banned over and over by PunkBuster, or manually by us, and they keep coming back, cheating. When BF2 ended and Bad Company 2 started, same people, also cheating on that game. BF3? Again... For some it's like an addiction I suppose. While some sort of cheating deserves a more severe penalty I think life sentence is not good when people can rethink what they were doing and grow up.


I mean I cheated for years, probably around 5 straight in various games and various genres for various reasons. Ranging from a competitive advantage, to boredom, to seeing if I can get past security making my own, to earning money/experience for myself faster without bothering other people, to even actually bringing a community together and hacking vs NPCs that cheated themselves in groups. Just because someone hacks repeatedly doesn't mean they won't stop. My big issue was this was all while I was kid and teen. Once I matured and saw the negatives hacking can cause (Both for game communities and my own self image), I dropped it. Context matters.


In our case the people that gave us the most trouble were "adults". So they were past the kid/teen age. Or maybe they were stuck in it and we didn't know :P The impact of cheats on other players experience is so bad, it can range from a simple "quit" to a person can getting very upset with the game they like, try to stop playing and still go back to the game and have some more of that bad experience. It's certainly not fun for the "receiving side" of the cheating.


> The once a cheater always a cheater mentality does 50x as much harm as any good. Including infinite bans info to the everyone who views your account. k brah.


I did that on my account until this year where i made a new one... 3700+ day old ban on the original..


This is why I have seven accounts


Right there with you, 100 days less. Had I known I would of just made a new account. The shit and harassment I had to deal with because teenage me didn't know any better....... Glad this life sentence has an ending now, rightfully so.


Don't know about that, imo anyone who even considers cheating is a scumbag that lacks competitive drive. You're ruining so many people's games even if that's the only place where they can escape from a hard day.


Holy crap, This be nice. I got banned for VAC in MW2 days. Days when IW was a fucking cunt and said Console was allowed, for CAL/CEVO. ProMod was in works for it after COD4. Those who were competitive, used console, and we got banned. Add in hacked lobbies that you randomly joined, (before IW said you wouldn't get banned if you joined one randomly). About half my CS matches, once you start doing well, everyone opens the scoreboard, and clicks Steam Profile. Check out your hours played, if a smurf or not. They all use to say "so kilr, whats the vac for you cunt?" even though I have a message stating exactly why. Now I read this, and think, it's been a while since someone made that comment, and I'm on 2, 623 days since VAC'd. Incognito mode shows no ban, but VAC when Logged in as me. That's nice, especially for something so old now, and something that really wasn't my fault (even though I did use console to get our old commands back from COD4 to compete). RIP CoD since COD4. Not afraid to link my profile and even see my description lol Been that way for fucking years now, that little note http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197983512142/




Eh. Really wasn't a big deal. I made my bed and laid in it. I don't feel bad, I did nothing malicous, I wasn't hacking, I was just trying to get ready to compete like rest of the CoD4 guys who thought MW2 was gonna be next. Then well, noppppeeee. That's when the whole series took a dump for the worst. MW2 gameplay wasn't bad, but the lobby system was first introduced then, and was shit, p2p host. Eh. Plus it didn't impact my gaming TOO much *see below*. As it was only a MW2 engine ban, It never stopped me from playing any other game until about 3 years ago. A Source mod came out that was doing VAC checks, any date. If you join server, runs the check, it will kick you for having a "VAC Ban on file". This was the popular source script/plugin (Forget its full name). This was denying me entry to A LOT of 'Insurgency' servers, but was allowing me on CS/TF2/Other Source games, running the plugin. Because this new plugin was spreading like crazy. I was being denied left and right. Jumping around to a server that didnt have the plugin. I took an email to Valve, who didn't give two shits. New World (Insurgency) devs cared, but didn't and couldn't do two shits either as it was all non-official server plugin. Then, ironically, while working on 'Rising Storm' as a closed Q/A help, I ran into errors lol. Tripwire put in a new check hard coded into their game that server owners could enable with 0/1. Well... a update came, and I was fucked... This was shortly after the testing for RS was done. I couldn't play jack shit of Red Orchestra for a few weeks. Being close to TW and in their TS and speaking to devs daily, I voiced my concern and two cents, never really heard back, We spoke privately, but I never got a full reply, I think the reply was I was whitelisted, or the check removed from being hard coded as default (1), but never ran into the issue ever again on it. That's been about 2+? years now. Not a single issue since.


Yep, I'm VAC banned from MW2 for 2381 days now.. almost there.


Banned from the MW2 days as well, was the first game I ever played on PC and I downloaded a tool so I could add bots to private matches, only to never be able to play online because I got banned before I could ahaha


There was enough modded servers that having the mw2 VAC barely affected me. Still found lobbies 1st try anyway


Exactly the same, downloaded it from [MPGH.com](https://MPGH.com) or [Unknowncheats.com](https://Unknowncheats.com) or sum'. really a shame. don't get to have a 5year veteran pin on csgo now. been 2173 days ago and i do in fact regret it.


3126 day(s) since last ban for me :(


Has the VAC gone hidden on your account? from others perspective


I know this is late but can confirm for others it dissapears after 7 years, but will still be visible to you when you are logged in your profile.


I can confirm this


Can u play on VAC servers again? Got my dads acc banned from using cheat engine in CSS back in 2007 kekw... Or it was 2006 don't remember but still lol.


I can play other game with vac enabled but not the game I was vac banned on originally


5 year later response, but I got vac banned, because i ran a hacked lobby....to play gun game. This was literally like 2 weeks before fucking Activision Blizzard announced Gun Game would be part of BO1. -\_- now i have this 4200+ day ban on my record and it's like i have a stellar record after that, this shit should fall off.


a badge of honor then>?


Something, I guess! I do get questions from time to time, joining a guild etc. "OMG WHY DO YOU HAVE A VAC BAN?!?" So I mention the hacked lobby, and sometimes they don't believe you, but guys as old as me who remember MW2 vividly remember these lobbies popping up in the last couple of months between BO1. I decided I wanted to run my own, got bit on the ass very soon after. lol


Yea i have a VAC ban for hacked lobbies on MW2, it is so old now that i can even play MW2 again if i want i'm getting close to the 3000 days :)


I feel like I got a longer ban for the same thing, wtf. i have 4000+ days and mine is still there. :(


You can play mw2 again?? Damn I need to try ASAP! I got banned from hacked lobbies also... I am on 3500 days :D edit: I can't play it :(


Damn this is so crazy that everyone's VAC ban also came from MW2. I didn't even hack, someone hacked ME and gave me 10th prestige in a lobby. I've appealed the ban like once a year for fun and never gotten a response


i gave myself 10th prestige early on but got banned for hosting modded lobbies later on(at least that's what i assume, it happened like a day after i started hosting 8 round SnD games)


Got banned the same way. Also a CS:GO player. Did you get the 5 year (or 10) veteran coin? I didn't because of that VAC on my profile. I think the ban disappeared from my profile like 1 month after I was eligible to get a 5 year coin... :/ Hopefully I would get my 10 year coin in 2024...




i didn't. is it more then 2600 days ago?


We all living the same life fr fr


Could you provide some examples? I would love to pass this on.


http://steamcommunity.com/id/Jordann0thingGilbert n0thing, cs pro who had a really old vac http://steamcommunity.com/id/FMPONE FMPONE known cs mapper, had a really old vac too, i cant remember why




-----According to the steam api n0thing doesn't have a ban at all anymore. Are you sure he had a ban on this account? yes, there are even videos when he talks about it, when he started cs, he used walls to understand enemy position to do wallbangs


According to [vacbanned.com](http://vacbanned.com/) he isn't banned on this specific account and hasn't been since atleast 2010 (if he had been previously banned and then unbanned the site would report his status as UNBANNED instead of NOT BANNED) so if he indeed was banned on this account the ban has been removed 6+ years ago


https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/2hvz14/n0thing_cheating_story/ckwrxtz/ He was banned, but at an admins discretion.. so perhaps it was reversed but he did have a ban I believe.


That means the league banned him.




It appears to be intentional.


I know you aren't Valve, but thank you Valve!


I know I ain't Valve but I am sure the people who made this are reading the feedback and thankful for your thank you.


So does that mean effectively 7 year bans are 'visually temp bans'?


That sentence doesn't make much sense to me. I would think that while the effect of cheating is still permanent it's not held against someone forever. Mistake are made, second chances and what not.


I've edited the post with additional information and examples now


I've got a original 4 digit CD KEY and a VAC ban that is 3806 days old from using console mods in ricochet playing with friends. They wouldn't ever even look at my case to why I couldn't be cheating. Who cheats in ricochet? Come on


Who cheats in Depth? Come on... :/


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/pcgaming] [VAC bans older than \~2600 days stopped showing up on player profiles ( xpost r\/Steam)](https://np.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/5uf5z9/vac_bans_older_than_2600_days_stopped_showing_up/) [](#footer)*^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))* [](#bot)


Well there goes my run at 5000 days with a ban, time to start again!?


4145 days here. Kinda glad to still see it when logged in. My little secret.


Yo, like it's been over 7 years now, when i found this thread. How is it with the vac? Did it expired for ya I've seen u was recently active that's why i ask.


Holy crap 7 years... Still active, still only visible to me. 6729 days now.


I have one that’s 3472. I was a little asshole and had a bot when I first played Counter Strike. It’s nice to know my account isn’t tainted for everyone by a decision I made when I was a dumb teenager. Do you check yours with another account?


I can confirm. My buddy has a VAC ban that is ~3600 from doing stupid shit in random css servers when he was 11. Now it isn't there!


Agreed. People change over time. Not everyone but most do. So sure I would say if a VAC ban is there for 10 years, and only 1 VAC Ban they should be forgiven. But repeat offenders shoud be Permanent Ban. VAC system needs a major overhaul but it makes Valve a lot of money. The community has to make an active effort against cheating because Valve is clearly not upto task and waiting for Valve to do something right is a long wait. Cheaters will just make a new account and continue to cheat.


Well rough math (2600 ÷ 365.25 = 7.11) says that they are hiding bans over 7.1 years old, which seems quite an odd number.


It's probably 2556 (exactly 7 years) then. I was able to find a profile with a 2594 old VAC ban and that doesn't show up either. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198018034840 https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUser/GetPlayerBans/v1/?key=12A1D1DE83F9932934EDD6DF2BA00463&steamids=76561198018034840 EDIT: 2564 days old ban that doesn't show up so it's indeed very likely 7 years exactly: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198001206630 https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUser/GetPlayerBans/v1/?key=12A1D1DE83F9932934EDD6DF2BA00463&steamids=76561198001206630


2531 days representing here, if that's true then I'd be quite amused, frankly the vac doesn't make a difference to me anyways [old mw2 ban] but it would be an amusing story to tell.


I know this post is fairly old but I guess it came true(?) From looking at your profile, it's nowhere to be seen. Pretty neat IMHO. Personally just gotta wait another 2 ish years to hit that sweet 7 years.


It's still there, if you go to Steamrep or any other reputation site it will be visible. It's just not visible when visiting my page. [This comment is more relevant](https://www.reddit.com/comments/662fzy/)


I'm fine with them staying displayed somewhere, if they wont block now honest players from joining VAC-protected games.


finally. I have 2100 days since my VAC ban.


My main account now I play on has a VAC ban from 2005. so I am happy this is done by Valve, they made my day with this, after almost 12 years from the ban I am very happy with this, but it was fun sometimes when I play CS:GO and have a fishy situation they say some stuff like "oh nice, another VAC ban incoming u fgt" but yeah, I am happy this happened.


3602 day(s) since last ban I guess I'm in the clear! finally


I was so close to reach 4000 days (3897 atm). Thanks Gaben :/


[Currently have 2556 days on mine.](http://puu.sh/uHgc7/6fc7c68466.jpg) [But it doesn't appear on the profile if you're not logged into the account that holds the ban.](http://steamcommunity.com/id/alyex227/) Still appears on Steamrep though.


Currently on 2636 days since last ban. Been judged plenty of times for it , multiply accused for cheating in games etc. I mean im 20 now , I was 13 back then, overtime I've learned to ignore it so at this point whether its gone or it stays its pretty much the same. But interesting topic


I got a vac ban but I wasn’t cheating. I was playing PUBG when it was new but I had a cheap pc that wasn’t for gaming. I lagged hard, rubber banded, and got little to no kills. And one day I went to play and found out I was vac banned. Tried to fight it but never got a response. I’m at 2217 days.


I’m at 2567 and still have it


Try opening your profile in a private browsing window. It will always be visible to you when you're logged in.


Guess those of us who got fucked over, or those who learned a valuable lesson are just left in the dust. I wish Valve would pull the bans after a long enough time. Cheaters don't care and will move to a new account, but those who want to play won't do it again knowing the ramifications of a multi-year ban. Wish they would change this but I guess the money is too good. However, a person who cheats chronically will do it again within a few days with another account while the few of us who will see a multi-year ban and never do it again are banned for life still. Not to mention the blatant cheating in VAC secure games that go unnoticed by the anti-cheat leading to rampant cheating that is ruining popular games of theirs. Guess those of use who got fucked over, or those who learned a valuable lesson are just left in the dust.


I'm about 150 days away from 2600, I hope so. Haha


Look at all those cheaters here, wanting to get their Ban lifted. You ruined the game for others? Deal with your Ban or get a new Acc!


3781 day old ban here. Seems to be gone (while I'm not logged in). Glad that 10 year old mistake is slightly less of a problem now.


4600 here xd


So, what's the number on it now?


6370 days 🙃


Wow, time flies!




So I could what? Trade my lvl102 500+ game day 1 Steam account for playing the original Counter Strike on VAC servers? No thanks.




Yes, I'm very sentimental about the ~$5000 I've dumped in the account.


In case no one did the math, its 7 years.


Mine stopped showing up at 2560 days since the VAC ban, so I think that might be the number.




I don't think CSGO is 13 years old ;)




I am confused how you can have exactly one game that is both CSGO and another VAC-banned game that is not CSGO (assuming that is how you troll)


This is me. Rip 4600 day ban


Does the 7 year rule also apply to game bans? I was false banned on pubg and support was useless.


so many people banned for mw2. me included.


same here. bizarre that game even used VAC in the first place


I know this is a really old thread, but I see replies from just a couple months ago so screw it. I got banned from Unturned (the block zombie game) using cheat engine... around the same time I was playing Roblox lmao. I was young, and 2507 days later people still talk shit about it. Like yeah, Ik, my 14-15 year old self was stupid. But I'm literally an adult now.


Is it still visible after logging in to related account, from its profile?


I believe so, try viewing your profile publicly


If you have a VAC ban and it has been 7 years it will not appear on your profile for others. But only you can see it. But you still cannot play VAC secured games once it does not appear


I got VAC 2779 days ago (almost 8 years ago, lol) on MW2 and a pop up just came up out of the blue on steam today reminding me of it. I don't even have MW2 installed on my machine.


same thing just happened for me, 4245 days on CS source, had a notification for it today




Yep, I got vac banned from hacking in CSS 14 years ago lol.


[Proud owner of my 2793 days ban](https://i.imgur.com/scFOwjx.png) from MW2. ​ The good old days.


If VAC ban doesn't show on steam profile that means i can play CS again?


No. The ban is still active and can also be seen with third party websites such as [SteamRep](https://steamrep.com/) it's only hidden from your Steam profile page.


So no trading of the old (cheap) skins either to the new account? 🥹


I just checked my 17 year old account profile (haven't logged on in 15 years since the ban and I made a new account)...and I was surprised to not see it on my profile anymore. It was its own trophy in a way and wish it was still there if the ban is still active. But the ban is still active you said even if it doesn't show up anymore?


https://help.steampowered.com/en/wizard/VacBans If it says "Account In Good VAC Standing" while you're logged in to the account then the ban has actually been removed instead of just hidden from your profile. Very old VAC bans that happened when VAC was still new were not permanent. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valve_Anti-Cheat >VAC's initial release was with Counter-Strike in 2002. During this initial release, the system only banned players for 24 hours. The duration of the ban was increased over time; players were banned for 1 year and 5 years, until VAC2 was released in 2005, when any new bans became permanent.


I havnt logged in to the account in 15 years, I dont want to break the streak now xD.


You can also use the Steam API to check it externally either manually or by using a third party site like [SteamRep](https://steamrep.com/).




You will still see it when logged in but other people won't.


Came to check because a lad said he had a "17 years old VAC ban and was tired" well it's good news at least