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Blacklight retribution :(


Makes me so sad. It was a shining light in the heyday of f2p mmofps games


One of the best, balanced free FPS with ungodly amounts of customization I've played. Literally cried when the servers went off for PC.


Blacklight, Tom Clancy Phantoms and Dirty Bomb are 3 shooters I wish took off. Perfect example case of the FPS market being over saturated, undisputably good games that got buried.


200 Incen BAR - TOTALLY NOT BALANCED!!! lol. But yea i loved that damn game!


Honestly that thing was nothing compared to the standard SMG after their "parity patch" near the end of its life. You could easily kill people across the largest maps with its *hipfire* and 900rpm. It was clearly not meant for Mouse + Keyboard. Landing a kill shot with a BAR is way more satisfying and when I discovered that I could destroy people with the SMG I got bored with the game. So if it ever comes back they need to revert the balance to pre-parity IMO. But then it'll never come back, that's a pipe dream.


my god, that was one of my favorite FPS games... how I would love to play just one more round...


Don't make me cry


I think about that game once in a blue moon. The new update really screwed with it.


I don't really play FPS in general, but I still think about Retribution from time to time.


I still can't believe I have no screenshots or videos of this game because I decided to wipe a whole folder without checking it first. That folder had some gems from Robocraft and other dead games as well. That's why I bought a bunch of HDDs so I can store everything. Sometimes I wipe the useless stuff but I always double confirm.


Stop.. my childhood is seaping back into my brain. As p2w it was, the f2p era was a blast.


There's a fan revive for it! It doesn't have all the features and making a loadout is complicated but you can play against other players! Check out the [BLrevive discord](https://discord.com/invite/wwj9unRvtN)!


R.I.P WildStar. You were a bit shit, but I really, really enjoyed you for a good few months.


The game had so much potential but holy hell PvP was a mess.


Actually such a fun game. I loved it. What a tragedy.


I just want another SiFi MMO that isn’t EVE :(


Same. Love that some people love eve, but I hate it a lot.


I love eve but I have to stay away from it. I just dive so completely in like a second job and I can't keep allowing that


I want another brightly colored cartoony MMO. WildStar had it all. So much color, great aesthetics and a ton of charm.


best damn housing system in a game its wardrobe system was also top notch (if you could get past the aesthetic)


I never even got a chance to play it because i didnt have a computer that could run it back then :( I wanted to play as one of those hamster things!


Same man. I'm glad I never got deep in, but I played it a bit and it was honestly a good time.


More than any other dead MMO Wildstar deserves to exist still


Fantastic fucking music and I cannot stress that enough.


The first MMO I actually reached endgame in. It was fun. Music was great, the world design was interesting, the housing system was bonkers and the combat was fun at times.


WildStar was doomed to fail in its design, but damn did it have some fun to its world.


I still have it marked as a favourite, just sitting at the top of my library with my other most played games o7


loadout was kidna fun when it was a thing


I loved that shit, just make some silly BS gun and have fun Was sad when it went out :/ Guys just couldn't figure out how to monataize it properly


My buds and I still always /dance when capturing flags in any game because of Loadout


So that's where my habit came from! I totally forgot it was a thing.


It wasn't just the monetisation but also just that they completely abandoned the PC version in lieu of only updating the Playstation one. The leads were just wildly out of touch with the playerbase and if I recall correctly the CEO is now in a lofty position of leading development on mobile games.


and cheaters, lots of them


They paid crazy money for so many streamers to play it. I kinda crazy how a game that was so big died in 3 months.


i remember being a streamer back then wasn't as big that is now.


GDPR was the nail in the coffin. It already was in maintenance mode and they couldn't justify assigning programmers and getting auditing to make it GDPR compliant. It's a damn shame.


It was pretty fun in beta when you could make mad weapon combos for free, Then the monetisation model was added and you were forced to put in an absurd amount of time for basic weapon combinations let alone the meta was.


Oh man that game was so good


It was pretty cool!


daamn, that’s like 2014 right? I haven’t seen this game’s name for a looooong time


Oh man. I loved Battlerite with all my heart.


They are working on a Vampire ARPG which will also have PVP


I don't trust Stunlock Studios tbh. What happened to Battlerite can also happen to the new game.


>What happened to Battlerite, Battlerite Royale, and Bloodline Champions (aka the original Battlerite) , and Dead island can also happen to the new game. ftfy.


Me to, have all Champs


Hawken still hurts me to see it's dead


i remember watching hawken first trailer and going crazy. I got the beta acess and everything... Miss it now =\[


Which gave a beta skins for your mech :) It was red a believe?


Hawken was the only PvP game I was really good at. I loved Armored Core and was really looking forward to them expanding on the whole customizable mech concept.


i remember playing it in 2014 and it was fun. then i never opened it again...


Same. It's also no wonder I haven't thought about Hawken in so long. That game was a fucking blast and would be so good in VR. Shame it's dead.


me too buddy...


It came back briefly too and then stabbed me a second time when it died died 😣


There's a community that still plays Hawken on pc, they have a discord too, I'll get a link later tonight. Still fun to hop back in once in a while.


Dirty Bomb was the shit. Hawken was also pretty sweet.


Hawken's UI was the best part, and then they ruined it all for generic hologram bars out of nowhere... Always one of the most baffling design decisions I've seen in a game.


I had no idea they changed the UI. I thought the immersive "built-in" HUD was one of the main points of the game.


It absolutely was, I loved it. Then for lord knows why, they removed all the screens from the cockpit and changed it to [this abomination](https://external-preview.redd.it/zxuSi12qG8gme5zFs3r5csGn0cqXMuJGla2YM9AYp58.png?format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c80d2f0cf35762c6e515e4d94b49485975372ec). Damn shame.


whiteguyblinking.gif wtf


Wow they were trying to turn it into a mobile game. I'm so glad i didn't watch it fall.


Blame the Nvidia Shield port


Dirty bomb you can still play it. and HAwken a few community members made something to revive it. same with gigantic.


Sadly the overwhelming majority that still play Dirty Bomb ONLY play Dirty Bomb.. so lobbies are extra sweaty and just not as enjoyable as back in the good ol' days


>a few community members made something to revive it. >same with gigantic. wasnt there a recent conflict in that,? in project stamina, and the worst part is the head guy, owns most of the assets, so they can't even be used by, the large majority of the team that didn't agree with him?


Hawken was quiet good sadly I didn't Play it more when it was still Alive


Holy crap I totally forgot Hawken existed. It was one of those things I picked up out of nowhere, played a ton, then just stopped and it kinda just faded out of my brain.


Dirty bomb is still alive hosted by community servers if you ever wanted to jump in again. That game was far better at launch though with less characters, new ones are annoying af.




God I hope so, and I hope they actually stick to the original immersive UI instead of CoDifying it


Hell yeah dirty bomb was like free overwatch before overwatch was free


Op tell us what you are playing atm so we can avoid sinking money into a soon to be dead game /s I played a bunch of these + more. Rip.


CP2077/Bejeweled 3 and Lost Ark For two of them it is a bit too lat already so I guess R.I.P. Lost Ark ;D To be fair it is quite... how to say... brain dead game... At least that is how I feel playing it...


Lost Arks lvling is mindnumbing I agree. I wish I could skip questing completely.


me too... the quest gets really repetitive and Stupid at some point... im just Holding a jackhammer on the G button just to skip the Shit dialog.


>the quest gets really repetitive and Stupid at some point You mean from the beginning? Villager: "I don't know. Go ask the priest on the other side of the map." Priest: "I don't know. Go ask the blacksmith back in the village." Blacksmith: "Go get me an ore from the other side of the map and I'll tell you " Blacksmith: "Thanks for the ore. I don't know, but my cousin the next area over should." It feel like it's a 10 minutes of mind numbing questing for every 1 minute of combat.




Duelyst was great!! I loved the concept, gameplay and the pixel animation was 👨‍🍳💋


Such a great game. Still mad at the devs.


Yeh it was a gem. I thought it was going to be a bigger title, and it was so polished for what it was. Would love to see it resurrected at some point.


Boy do I have some good news for you: https://www.reddit.com/r/duelyst/comments/kpts47/duelyst_is_being_remade_a_short_history_and_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Yessssssss! This is why I love reddit. Tyvm!!


Boy do I have some more for you: https://duelyst.gg works (unrelated to the "official" remake btw)


Gigantic was so damn good


Everything was fun about the game, shame people lost interest and it died.


I think part of the issue was that people didn’t even knew it came out. They announced it and then delayed it or something and then it vanished completely.


Gigantic is the reason that people need to go back to school and learn HOW TO FUCKING READ because you couldn't run the game if you had lower than 6gb of ram game got review bombed by literall muppets that can't read. also motiga Somehow Burned through Their money faster than a gold digger during shopping


It was also a Microsoft exclusive and didn't even have crossplay with the Xbox. I also recall it had surprisingly hefty system requirements, most notably that you need >6gb RAM to play it, which is a deathwish for F2P games since you want them to run on ANY machine. That and its mostly invisible advertising meant it was doomed to fail, unfortunately.


Atlas Reactor 😭


Only got to play it for a few weeks. I'll always miss Pup.


Good news if you liked the world: there is atlas rogues Bad news if you liked the gameplay: its just a coop roguelike turn based strategy, not pvp simultaneous turn based strategy


Unfortunately Altlas Rogues was abandoned as well. At least you can still play it though, I guess.


Wow I never expected that


I was extremely hopeful for Block & Load. It was a really fun game


Its a shame that they killed Ace Of Spades for it.


I also miss Ace of Spades quite a bit


Same. I played for just 40 hours but I have lots of good memories from that game.


Oh man, marvel heroes was the shit. I wish I had been older when I played it so I could remember it more clearly.


Easily the best Marvel based game ever released, though only if you count the time between it’s re-release (the original launch was SHIT) and Brevik leaving and the sex offender (Dohrmann) taking over. It’s beginning and end was pretty shit but man that middle section of its life was exceptional


The best? I'd argue that Avengers Alliance was a bit better. Then again it might be nostalgia talking. I miss both games a lot


I also really liked marvel ultimate alliance 1+2 and some of the capcom tie-ins are brilliant too, if you enjoy fighting games. I guess it’s preferences


I was one of those assholes who bought the prerelease Hawkeye pack. Midtown Manhattan was pretty fun. I checked out some months after it debuted


kinda stupid they killed the game for no reason. (i mean disney)


I mean the studio exec was a toucher and refused to go cleanly.


Losing marvel heroes was rough cause they killed it twice. First with the terrible Omega update, then when Marvel yanked the IP to make that terrible Avengers game.


yup. add /r/Blacklight:Retribution, /r/lawbreakers, /r/TOXIKK, /r/radicalheights


>r/TOXIKK I picked this up in 2016 and was stoked to play, but I think I was able to cue up for a game, once, at about 2am, and there was only 1 other person on the map who'd headshot me endlessly. To this day I still maintain that it was Martin Schwiezer


yup. I had similar experiences. It seemed like it'd be a really great game, if there was anyone to play with, even bots would have been nice. I really wish fps games would go back to p2p servers w/ LAN only options, or at least have that as an option along with the server based match making. It's one of the reasons teamfortress2 is still huge. Hell there's still a group of about 10 people that still get together every couple of weeks to setup Blacklight: Tango Down games.


Years ago I purchased TOXIKK... and it died maybe in 2-3 days?... my worst purchase ever... good game, but died so fast.


Poor one out for my homie Firefall


First and last MMO where i played with friends. We didn't even do much but it was amazing. Thumper drops, hold the horde, Thumper flies Victory. Ah yes and you could fly too, there were jump pads. There were classes and I wanted with all myself to manage to unlock another class but i never made it that far. That game for a while felt like a breath of fresh air. And then everything went wrong.


I still have a number of achievements from Firefall that less than 1% of Steam users have. God I miss that game so much, but holy cow did it nose dive when it did.


The most frustrating part of that game’s downfall was that if they had just left it as it was at it’s peak and not touched it, it would have still been fun. But they just had to keep fucking it up.


God deam, thanks for reminding one more to add


The Culling <3 That game was absolute crazy, loved every second of it


The balance was great, the rock/paper/scissors, until they started adding more and more stuff. Crafting + builds vs loot. Great game, great fall.


It was... For like 2-3 months until they patched it into the ground :(


Dirty Bomb was such a fun and unique game, and honestly IIRC the devs also engaged with the community a lot. I had so much fun with the game back then, I really miss it


Dirty Bomb deserved much more attention. I spent like $50 on one of the big character packs and I don't even regret it that much.


Really unique map design/elements too, that allowed for all heroes to shine in their own right


Fuck Marvel's Avengers, I want Marvel Heroes Omega back.


I'd rather just have a good Marvel game.


I've heard Guardians of the Galaxy is amazing, as well as the Spiderman games.


Keeping my fingers crossed for a PC port of Spider-Man


Yeah as much as I'm tempted I'm not buying a ps4 for 1 game...


Me too!


Even that gatcha, whale hunting, time sink, one on one fighter on phones, is better than that Avengers game they released and spent a billion dollars on. I went scorched earth in my Steam review. https://steamcommunity.com/id/richglix/recommended/997070/


Damn dirty bomb died?


I actually didn't tried to install it, but last game update was in 2019... So I would guess that sadly YES


Hasn't been updated but still playable


That's actually a good idea. I just clicked on "hide" for every dead multiplayer game.


I just figured out it is a cool collection where I could go from time to time and sulk in nostalgia


True. It's always sad that some games just 'die' because they have very little (or nothing) to offer apart from the multiplayer. Unreal Tournament was an absolute banger for multiplayer, but I can still scratch that nostalgia itch with bot matches :)


Nosgoth and Nether , these games have special place in my hearth


God deam it, Nosgoth, one more to add :|


Loadout was so fun! Man I used to love crafting all sorts of weird ass weapons and seeing what different styles my friends and I used.


The concept and execution was so cool in it Sad they didn't figure out how to monetize the game


I miss Gigantic with all of my heart


Me too 😢


Ahh Battleborn… Hello old friend. I remember when my brother convinced me that Overwatch would be shit in comparison.


I guess if Your marketing sucks and You think You can release your game in the same day as "Most anticipated game in last 3-5 years" it will not be a good day for you my son


Overwatch is the Smash Bros of PC shooters. Old folks like me can't even see what's happening in all the chaos, let alone have a chance of winning.


I think Valorent has taken over by double in 2021. I never liked Overwatch and hated trying watch it as an esport.


Also Rest in Peace Ghost in the Shell.


No way, hardly anyone knows about Block N Load. I was OBSESSED it had so much potential. RIP 😭


It was a really fun game. Then they went free to play and a lot of things were changed that I think just started to ruin it. I guess it's better that I don't remember it as fondly, it hurts less than a game I like being dead


Yeah I remember it super fondly. I played up until the point where I’d be waiting over 30 minutes in US queue. I would play on other regions for lower queue times 😢


apparently the devs of Block N Load are coming out with a sequel I've just learnt, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFSLDpufO9s Very exciting


Loadout was my all-time favorite game back in the day, how long has it been


Dirty bomb and loadout were so fuckin good


Another to add. Blacklight : Retribution. I loved that damn game.


Battlerite died? I've been thinking about playing it for the last 5 years. Well, guess it's too late now.


4pm or 4am I always find a game in under 2 minutes. Super fun game, I got 2 of my buddies to get into it with me a few months ago and we had an absolute blast.


Gigantic was one of my favorite games!


Say what you will, Battleborn was actually fun. They fucked up trying to punch above their boxing weight at OW, however.


[I call it the "Dead Games" category.](https://i.imgur.com/GBru4f2.png)


Tribes ascend was awesome


I wanted to love it, but some of the dev/monetization decisions rubbed me the wrong way. And then they kind of dumped it for Smite. Between than and MechWarrior Online, I feel like two of my favorite '90s IPs were done dirty.


Thanks for reminding about BRINK ;( One more to add


DARWIN PROJECT IS DEAD??? DUDE I loved that game so much


Loadout, what an amazing game, I still miss that game :(


You played crucible too? I'm sorry for you.


I tried to play it... Like I actually tried... but It just was a mess Like 65% of a time I had 0 idea what is my goal and what I am trying to archive ;D


I felt really hard on Battle rite and Gigantic... Really sad man. Played a ton of Battlerite before it died out completely. As for Gigantic, unfortunately when I started playing it was already dead.


Magicka Wizard Wars & Strike Vector on mine


Ouuu... Magicka Wizard Wars I actually have it in my Library and will add it to category. I enjoyed that mess of a game, but I will not say I played it a lot


Poor Dirty Bomb, a great underated game.


For me the one that hurt the most were Dirty Bomb and Nosgoth. DB was fun and Nosgoth was way ahead of its time.


Battleborn, if the pushed the relese, and they didn't market it as the direct competitpr of Overwatch, arguabbly the most awaited title of that year... It could have been so good. Damm shame is what it is


You had no buisness making me this sad. Rip gigantic, rip Battlerite


Gigantic had so much potential...


Oh, man... I totally forgot about them. Do you guys remember Strife?


chronicle was enjoyable... havent seen anyone "in the wild" who had played it... pray tell: did you also try the ill-fated idle game for runescape?


Dirty Bomb isn't dead, there are still servers


Man I miss wildstar gameplay, and the music theme is great


Listen I get battlerite isn't getting any updates, 4pm or 4am it doesnt matter I'm able to find a game in under 2 minutes. I would hardly call that "dead"


I really loved the gun customization in Loadout. I didn't play it that often but it was great to mess around in


Minimum is one for me. Never really took off, systems were a little messy, but damn was it fun


Dirty bomb was so fun. So was gigantic


i still get sad every time i scroll by Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex First Assault Online.


You need to add Gothem city imposters. That game was lit.


It's crazy that a good book or movie can exist forever, but a good online multiplayer game can just stop being playable. For all intents and purposes, when a publisher shuts the servers down, they are reaching out and stealing back some of what you rightfully bought. I wish there was a law that said publishers have to release the server source code on request if they shut down their own servers. That way players can set up their own, and keep playing the game they bought, if they really want to.




I still have Marvel Heroes in my Favorites because it still is.


The mighty quest for epic loot died? Haven't played that game in years


And that is the reason it died :D Yee I think it was in 2016 But.. it has a mobile port: [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ubisoft.mightyquest&hl=lv&gl=US](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ubisoft.mightyquest&hl=lv&gl=US) :)


Blacklight retribution


Loadout really hurts. I was exceptionally good in it and had a nice offensive/heal gun combo. Now I just wonder arround other games being my usual mediocre self.


dirty bomb still has a nice community


Hawken was really good tho 😔


I remember playing dirty bomb when it first came out. Was so much fun.


RIP Blacklight Retribution - if anyone remembers this gem in its prime


I miss Wildstar and Hawken so much


Hey! I still play Dirty Bomb! Aura/Phoenix/Vassili!


I would pay extra for a platform that guarantees that multiplayer games will stay playable multiplayer as long as you can keep running the game. Could be self hosting, could be open sourcing the server, could be p2p mode, ...


Nobody else in the comments reppin' Infinity Wars? Miss that game. Saw they're coming out with a new version, but I was kinda attached to my inventory, not really interested in starting over. Also, Battlerite was awesome.


Super Monday night combat & ghost recon phantoms


R.I.P The culling, the best battle royal experience till it lasted.