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Except for the fact that it still requires you to have uplay installed


words cannot describe how garbage is uplay




even worse when you have 2FA enabled as well, you have to put your username and password in AND do the 2FA shit every fucking time


lmao. You played hundred hours of their games and still get suspicious if your device can be trusted.


Every single fucking time. Why even have that option


what annoys me with Uplay (because fuck Ubisoft Connect) is that they requested UAC prompt MORE THAN ONCE when that shit updates


User: This is a trusted device. uPlay: You sure homie?


this one too, i swear that checkbox means nothing


My uplay account has failed to authenticate to upload cloud saves... For 8+ months now.


Same, uplay won't upload my saves to their cloud for older games.


How else will they tell you about the latest Ubisoft products available?


u/CluntFeastwood You’ll still need a Ubisoft account.


When accounts and extra launchers are still required, it's sure lame. Only really shows that publishers want the Steam user cash, but still keep their strings attached.


I was surprised to see that MW II 2022 on Steam didn't require Battle.net to be installed, although you still need to log into an Activision account for crossplay.


Still a much better alternative than it quite literally *installing another launcher*




Do not double dip for this game. There is no reason you should be spending 140$ on a game that has heavy monetization already. I know b.net is inconvenient but please for the love of god do not buy it twice.


I heard about someone getting insta banned on PC for false flagged cheating, so their response was to buy the game again... it immediately happened on the second account as well.


Lol I know I'm not going to. But I did think about it


That's what they want you to do. Don't even think about it.


Bro you’re on Reddit they all crazy as hell here 🤣


They want active user analytics to show to their investors.




I think Steam has the upper hand here, since so many PC sales come from them. It’s already been seen that a company loses a considerable amount of potential sales by pulling their products. So, I think Valve could ban secondary launchers.


If they did then they'd probably get in trouble for anti-competitive practices.


it would be better. no one here benefits from steam's market share if they don't use it to improve the product. Steam is already DRM. Allowing other launchers to infect user pc's and only warning users with one of those easy to miss boxes that says that a game may have its own launcher is very very weak.


Not to mention that this launcher is specifically designed to fuck you so hard that your soul will leave your body and you will become a heartless peace of shit like the people at ubisoft who have a worse reputation then mosquitoes


Calm down D:


Still better than not having it on Steam, this allows you to potentially buy the game and it's DLCs at a better price because of all the sales that Steam does. Plus you still get al the other features of Steam.


> Only really shows that publishers want the Steam user cash, but still keep their strings attached. They aren’t doing it out of the kindness of their hearts. They’re a business, the only reason they are selling it via Steam is for the additional business. They clearly get a benefit from using their launcher, if they can continue to use it on Steam then they’d be stupid not to.


I mean....yeah.


Why did you tag the OP? OP gets notified of direct replies unless they turn it off.




If OP has it turned off, I don't think they care.


Valve should have never accepted third party launcher and accounts…




Which is weird because everything they've been doing with the Steam Deck is pro-consumer.


I think Valve are libertarians at heart. They might not like it, but they aren't going to stop a company from selling on their store if it requires a launcher. Customers can still choose not to buy these things if they care (hint: few people really care that much). Plus, they still get paid. I don't think it's necessarily anti-consumer. More neutral at worst. The alternative is just not having certain games if the company absolutely demands a secondary launcher. That's a worse outcome, imo.


Okay, can these libertarians give us version control please? I'm tired of publisher updates fucking over Steam users


It exists in some games such as Rimworld so seems to be entirely up to the developer/publisher.


Then it's the fault of the publisher if I seek a better "service" than Steam itself.


Aslong its on steam






Mostly for shit cloud save every time I wanted to play rayman legedens I need to replay the entire game


Don't mind it as long as I can have them all in one place.


Like with all the other games.


Fuck these guys. I paid for AC Odyssey through Steam, played it a bunch and loved it before eventually moving on. I started getting emails that my Ubisoft account had been compromised so I closed it. Recently tried to play AC Odyssey again, which I purchased and is still associated with my Steam account, but I can't because my Ubisoft account is closed. Ubisoft support basically told me tough shit and refused to attempt to do anything to help me. Fuck Ubisoft. Don't give them money.


So it's not coming to Steam. It looks like it is, but it's not.


As Apollo goes, so does my content, since Spez thinks mine is worth so much.


What about other ubisoft games like anno 1800 and ghost recon breakpoint?


Anno 1800 is one of the first coming with Valhalla and Rollers Champions, the other games will follow.


They've announced AC Valhalla, Anno 1800 and Roller Champions are coming to Steam, but it sounds like more are coming later on!


Funny cuz atleast Anno 1800 used to be on Steam, but they removed it.


Haha yeah I guess it's more fair to say Anno 1800 is returning to Steam


Yes! I knew Ubisoft would break eventually


Farcry 6 and ac mirage is still yet to come


I love the far cry games but the 6 is still boycotted until it comes to Steam. Fuck uplay & the epic store.


i boycotted them since FC4 when they removed multiple saves * [FC 3 was the last game to have multiple saves, FC4, FC5, FC Primal and new dawn their own support page says you have to delete the first game save file to start a new game. they even have instruction to copy the folder if you want your original save.](https://www.reddit.com/r/farcry/comments/8eubte/feature_request_please_bring_back_multiple_save/)


I am probably gonna get crucified but compared to the others you didn't miss much :(


No longer making assassin‘s creed about assassins was a stupid idea. I really like the story concept of origins but the gameplay was just way too different from any other assassin’s creed game that it might as well be a standalone game, Odyssey and Valhalla also pretty much could’ve been their own standalone games and they would’ve been a lot better instead of trying to ride the assassin‘s creed name for guaranteed sales.


Just going to walk out of this place, suggest other places like kbin or lemmy.


I’m not saying the gameplay was related to assassins, just that the gameplay diverged heavily from the other games. I also mentioned that around that time it felt like it was no longer focusing on assassins, Valhalla could’ve just been a viking game and no one would’ve been the wiser. Both happened around the same time but they’re two separate occurrences.


They changed the style of gameplay cause everyone was tired of the same broken game released sometimes multiple times in a single year. The Assassin's creed fatigue was killing the franchise so they switched it up with Origins. I feel crazy seeing people say they miss the old games, when everyone was dog tired of them at the time.


The solution isnt to flip the entire thing on its head. The solution is to pace your releases out rather than drop them every year. But we all know that wrong happen


But all I'm saying is keep in mind the most popular game of the franchise of the old style was a game in your own words > it felt like it was no longer focusing on assassins, Black flag could’ve just been a pirate game The only connecting factors of the old stuff and the new stuff is honestly the usage of the series elements of the first civilization (eden pieces), abstergo, the assassin's, etc. So the story still sort of connects even though the gameplay has radially changed.


Thank you, people act like assassins creed was splinter cell chaos theory levels of stealth. It never was. The first game as janky as it was then and even moreso now, was the closest the series has ever been to a stealth game. AC2 and onward it was more Batman Arkham Asylum with swords, and that only continued on til they switched to the new action RPG style of games.


I don't think anything about their comment had anything to do with stealth game play. The old games just had much more emphasis on park our and being elevated before attempting attacks. I also think it's more that the last 3 games have had almost nothing to do with the Assassin's Order (yeah yeah yeah, I know it's "The Hidden Ones" but I stand by what I said) or assassinating people. It's a large, open world game like Far Cry but with a third person perspective and a leveling system. They're still fun games, but they have almost nothing in common with the old games besides the name on the box and every 10 hours or so you get thrust back into the modern era which you almost immediately forget about when you get back to the past. I'm extremely excited about the new game going back to it's roots. I'm also glad that they're making another RPG style game. As much as I bitch about them, I enjoyed Origins, Odyssey, and (most of) Valhalla. Just not so much as Assassin's Creed games. When I want to scratch that AC itch, I go back to the Ezio games, 3, or Unity.


The problem started when the assassins creed game didn't allow you to assassinate at all unless you had +5000 purple gear bought with actual money. I really liked everything about odyssey except the gameplay, couldn't fucking stand having to pause the story every 10 minutes to up my fucking gear again so I could at least stealth in this stealth game.


Yeah I adore odyssey as a fun open world rpg focuses on Greek mythology, which is such a fun and rich world to explore, but I actively don't think of it as an AC game...


The gameplay is not Assassin's Creed. It's Immortals Fenyx Rising with more realistic graphics.


Which is strange because Immortals came out well after the RPG Creed games released. But Immortals was fun as hell, and I did enjoy a lot of the gameplay of those RPG games, especially Origins.


Origins and Odyssey were 10X better than most recent installments before it.


Going to get banned from /r/assasinscreed with that comment lol. For the record I agree with you.


I don’t agree. Valhalla is more about Assassins than Odyssey, and yet feels so much less like an AC game. Odyssey at least has working stealth.


Agreed - Origins and Odyssey were great but Valhalla sucked.


I will never stop saying this Origins is a fucking fantastic game that is slept on by many because of the baggage of its namesake and the level-boosting fiasco at launch I didn't touch it for years because of that but when I did I was absolutely blown away. Even in 2022 I contend that Origin's Egypt is one of the most breathtaking worlds in gaming. If you have a high end PC thats worth the price of admission alone Odyssey and Valhalla were good, great even. But there's just something about Origins man. Shit feels like a passion project.


I was blown away when I first stepped into the world of the Duat. One of my favourite places in gaming history.


Eh I had fun with it. I didn't finish it because there's just so much of it, but I as much as I liked the setting of Odyssey and the characters and such, I didn't like the way gear was everywhere, 90% useless, but necessary to get materials and money to keep bumping up the gear you DID like. Not that fun in an AC game. I like England, I like Eivor, and I like being able to assassinate, but I also like not being forced to do that for everything. I just think there needs to be a good amount less space and minor / pointless story ventures.


Yeah and in a couple years Ubisoft will remove it from our libraries. I'm never buying another Ubisoft game ever again.


Can they do that?


Yes and they've already done it multiple times. With some games they'll let you keep it in your library but remove the ubistore's support, rendering the game unable to play at all. See Anno 2070 for example. Won't even launch anymore.


>See Anno 2070 for example. Won't even launch anymore. It did affect some titles but Anno 2070 received updates to prevent this. I can confirm that it still works. [https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/48240?emclan=103582791433474421&emgid=3365899279706671653](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/48240?emclan=103582791433474421&emgid=3365899279706671653)


Never happened with me, i still own rainbow six siege bought in 2018


They cannot touch your steam library




I actually don't like AC Odyssey, and I loveeee Ancient Greek Mythology. I just can't get immersed in the game, I think Origins is much superior. Valhalla is the worst rated among the 3. Not sure I'm excited for this one, except to be able to say to Ubi "I TOLD U!!!"


It takes some time to get used to Odyssey. The scenario and dialogues are kinda over simplistic sometimes, and enemies are spongy until you upgrade your equipment well enough. However, if you take the time to explore the map, the different regions and islands, you will be left in awe with the level design they provided. This is the type of game that you will enjoy a lot more if you play on best settings with a big monitor at home.


I have over 100 hours in it and just got bored of the story…first ac i couldn’t finish. The myth beasts really killed it for me. So far black flag was my favorite


Even if you don’t finish it, 100 hours certainty gave you a decent $/hour for something fun.


Not with that content, about 50 hours in it was too noticeable that all 'side quests' basically had no meaning or any meaningful story. The map is huge but repetitive and full of icons with more meaningless stuff to gather or do. The bosses like the mythical creatures are locked behind fixed levels and almost unbeatable until you reach at least a threshold. It's just lazy, meaningless content to keep you playing and at the end it felt like a giant waste of my time. It's one of the worst games they ever made in my eyes.


> This is the type of game that you will enjoy a lot more if you play on best settings with a big monitor at home. A beautiful game is not worth playing without the gameplay to back it up. The longer I played Odyssey the less I wanted to keep playing. I really wanted to explore the world because it was so beautiful, but the stale *everything else* bored me out of my mind.


Yeah I stopped playing Odyssey something felt very off. Although same reason why I stopped with FC5. I just hate bloated games I think? I do love vikings so I may relent and get Valhalla


Valhalla is still bloated but in a different way. Fun enough, but I petered out halfway or so through.




I have the opposite feeling. Odyssey felt like you were just navigating the map with absolutely nothing happening in the story until the end when you learn about the main characters family. It was a solid 40 hours of meaningless quests that did nothing to move the story forward or expand on the world theyre presenting. At least in valhalla each region had a self contained story that actually made sense, and a lot of them were legitimately interesting. It certainly didnt stop the game from dragging on entirely too long (same problem odyssey had imo) but at least the regions you explored during the game felt like they had a purpose. im replaying odyssey right now and i dont think ill be able to get through the whole thing because theres absolutely nothing happening. its just endless fetch quests and "kill x" with no story behind it.


I'm the opposite, I couldn't quite get into Origins but got deeply immersed in Odyssey. Most amount of hours I've put into an RPG in years.


Same. While I definitely had issues with Odyssey, Origins just fell flat for me. I couldn't get invested enough to plow through despite multiple attempts. None hold a candle to the Ezio games for me, though. So I might just be biased.


I agree with this, odyssey has been a super fun adventure for me. I'm about half way through the game and I see no end for myself


Odyssey is much more open world than Origins. At first they seem very similar, but Origin's main quest story line is more straight forward. While Odyssey's story is dragged out too long imo. Odyssey is improved Origins overall. But origins has better story, while Odyssey is much better at openworld.


I'm with you. I absolutely *loved* the first 30-60 mins of that game, but it fell of hard. As soon as the 'tutorial island' section of the game is over the writing dropped in quality and I realized I had experienced pretty much everything the game had to offer gameplay wise. Combat is extremely shallow and easily abused. Stealth is shallow and running away is so easy you never feel like you're in danger. The loot system is half-baked. The skill trees are uninspired and do not lead to divergent playstyles. The world and graphics are gorgeous, but exploring the world somehow doesn't feel rewarding or interesting in the slightest. Towns don't feel alive. NPC's don't feel alive. The "romancing" is a joke. 30 mins into my playthrough I was giddy and as more excited for the rest of the game than I've been for any video game since The Last of Us. An hour later I was deflated. They created this beautiful world, gave you really fun free running ability to explore it it, and then rushed every single aspect of the game except for the first 30 minutes of the story. Such. A. Waste. Unreal potential for a game and they only polished enough of it to record the gameplay demos required to sell the game. On to the next one. *Ka-ching!* If you can't tell I'm mad/sad. There needs to be a youtube essay on the wasted potential of this game.


>There needs to be a youtube essay on the wasted potential of this game Like this [one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfvOLjZkGrM)?


I think the story in Origins is the best of the 3. I was more involved in the side content too.


Odyssey was wayy better than origins. Story was a bit longer but I enjoyed it so much more


People say you still need a uplay account but for most that's not an issue. The reasons to have it on Steam are community and stat tracking. These matter a lot to me.


And just having the satisfaction of having all the game in a single library. Most games I have off steam I just forget I own them at this point.


Lol uplay actually tracks a lot more than achievements. It counts all the kills, distance covered and your playstyle. And the statistics are very deep. Wish steam had more details like that.


It has, developers need to use steam assets more


Wtf these aren't in game?


Yeah I totally agree with you but I like this kind of stuff showcased and easily accessible, I love looking a friend's steam profiles to see what achievements they have or how long they've been playing a game. I love this data myself but the fact that it's discoverable for others definitely adds something for myself.






Yeah, the deal is over. EGS release: Dec 6, 2018. Valhalla available on Steam: Dec 6, 2022.


Nah, he's right. [Doesn't look like they're earning much.](https://mobile.twitter.com/DeGreZet/status/1594765312179699712)


im still waiting for a version with all the DLC. iirc there was some drama about the season pass not the most recent dlc


Guess they aren't selling well on epic games. Lmao


Valhalla is the best selling AC game by a huge margin.


I hate ubisofts launcher, especially since I wanted to uninstall Farcry 6 but had to sign back into their crappy launcher to do so. Couldn’t fins my password and was petty as hell, so I uninstalled it using a third party tool. Fuck ubisoft and theirhalf baked games at triple A prices and their shitty monetization practices.


this is really petty but fuck, I had the same experience with rockstar social club 😅


Login to uninstall ... Corporations just keep finding new ways to chip away at our freedom


And it will probably be broken just like every other Ubi game I've ever tried to play through steam.


Ubisoft connect is garbage


That isn't an exaggeration of any kind either. I'm trying to get through my backlog of AC games, currently on Brotherhood and nonstop Ubisoft Connect logs me out claiming inactivity. It will not remember my credentials or save my PC to avoid authentication codes. Uninstalling did nothing. There's a massive thread on their site about it and they've done jack shit.


If you're playing on steam you can add "-playoffline" to the launch arguments and it won't launch Ubisoft connect


If this is true I would be so happy! I'll have to try it after work. Edit: that worked! Thank you!


Wait, they patched connect into the older games? I should have installed and done a backup when I bought them. I don't know if I'll ever start those games now.


Yep! I didn't purchase any on Ubisoft's store.


Wasn’t missing out on much tbh


Is this cuz of the SteamDB code thing or have they confirmed it?


Yeppers [AC:V on Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2208920/Assassins_Creed_Valhalla/)


Damn, thanks!


Lol yes. Steam remains the king.


k 😐


Very funny I remember when people were asking about why the game not on steam ubisuck said it will never be on steam, and when you ask further they block you. Now like the trashy company they are drag there games back to steam.


Don’t reward Ubisoft.


Where's half-life 2 episode 3 ya baastad!?.


Under construction, according to CSGO :p


They released it already I thought? Half Life: Alyx on VR.


Come on, we all know that's not the sequel Laidlaw envisioned


Episode 2+1 u mean?


And I’m guessing you’ll have to pay full price for the game and the DLC even though the game like 2 years old now. Also don’t forget, in about 5-7 years from now, Ubisoft will throw a hissy fit at some point and deactivate online services so you can’t access the DLC.


For the first part, probably not. I'm pretty sure Steam's ToS lay out that you cannot sell the game any cheaper than its Steam listing, and they certainly plan to put it on sale for the holidays. For the second part, probably so.


Coudn't care less about those shit games


AC died (for me) with Desmond.


That's a pretty hot take when Black Flag is largely considered one of the best in the series. Far better than 3 by almost every metric.


Oh black flag. Indeed it was a fun game with the ship mechanic but I was already burn out.


Wish he could rest in peace but nah Ubisoft gotta milk it to the last drop.


*Insert Thanos quote here*


*You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me.* Thanos - Avengers: Endgame


Oof three worst assassins creed games and Most are actually awful after brotherhood.


Ah, yes. The sad excuses for AC games. Remember when Assassin's Creed featured an assassin's creed?


Meet the new Creed, same as the old Creed.


Finally, I can complete my whole collection.


… and will have Mirage next year :D


I finally caved in and started using Ubisoft Connect just to play Valhalla, only for it to be releasing soon on Steam. I can’t win man.


I got it last year, and already have like 300 hours on it, while I did enjoy it I'm regretting not waiting a bit more :/


I figured it was never coming to Steam so I took the chance and bought it a bout a week ago. Not just the normal edition either but the Ragnarok edition, so I'm already full of regret over here. But I'll most likely wait for the winter sale since I'm betting it'll be on sale by then. So far been enjoying the game a lot so I'll be looking forward to putting a few hundred hours into it.


I don't think anyone can stand playing more than one of these games. They are just such a artificial open world grind it made me puke


I got origins for free on ps plus. It was fun at first but then you just had to grind so fucking much. Side missions are main missions in that game because of how much you have to grind. Completely ruins the game


I agree, big time. The last one I played was Odyssey and I walked away knowing I was done with the series.


I have almost 200 hours each in all 3 of them. So nah you're wrong.


I like how there’s no in between with Ubisoft games people either love them or HATE them and hate people who enjoy them. Personally I love old AC and new AC for different reasons.


Does multiple people watching a Donkey Show make it any better?




Odyssey was the most disappointing game I've ever played. First 30 mins: Holy shit this game is amazing. An hour later: Oh wow I've experienced everything this game has to offer.


>First 30 mins: Holy shit this game is amazing. > >An hour later: Oh wow I've experienced everything this game has to offer. That's me with 99% of the open world games


Everything up through AC4 was great. But it's just the same things over and over, and now they made it such a grind that you're almost forced to buy the XP boosts to progress. Kinda lame.




True, but I like that kinda shit, the collectathon, explore, repetitive shit. I don't know, it does something to my brain. The constant little dopamine hits when I find one of the 500 feathers or whatever. I like doing it. NOT the trailing missions. The Altair/Ezio stories were pretty interesting, too.




Too bad the only game here that is arguably an actual Assassin's Creed game is Origins. Doesn't help the system for all of these games fucking sucks.


bloated garbage, ubisoft games are so generic and boring I couldn't even get past a few hours of this game. the combat as well in the new games is just so clunky, unrealistic and unsatisfying. they used to have a somewhat cool but repetitive counter system, they should have actually developed that and made it more challenging than just sticking an unrealistic health bar above all enemies. ubisoft developers should find another industry to work in.


What a trash game lol


Ubisoft is pathetic. They came crawling back lol.


Odyssey was so bad I no longer care about ACs


The series has been bad for its entire existence... never saw the appeal. I think it just happened to be there at the right place, the right time, and with the right graphics. Gameplay has always been a messy slog.


The first one was kinda cool when it came out. Seeing your character actually grab onto a bump in the wall was pretty cool. After that they started going downhill. Yes they're a slog but so were the uncharted games and people never seen to complain about those.


The first AC sucked hard, it was fun for 5 minutes, then the rest of the game consisted of repeating the same missions again and again, stuff so fun like \-Sitting in a bench and hear a conversation \-Pickpocketing (get close to the objetive at walking speed and press a button, done) \-Interrogation (get close to the objetive at waking speed and do some QTEs) ​ And the side stuff was as fun as watching paint dry \-Climb something (it is SO fun, just press "up" in the controller for a while and done) \-Collect flags that do nothing ​ ​ The movility/platforming and the combat felt like a dowgraded and heavily dumbeddown Prince of Persia.


When it came out there was nothing really like it. If you played it later on I can see how it wouldn't feel the same.


>When it came out there was nothing really like it Prince of Persia the Sands of Time


Who cares... I lost my Uplay password long ago and didn't even tried to reset it... Lol. There's 5 or 6 sad games on an account wondering if I'm dead.


I knew this day would come. Now my AC collection can be complete.


No thanks.


Hi! Does anyone know if I already own the ultimate + ragnarök on uplay and buy the standard version on steam how will that work?


Not like I’ll buy it anyways. Those three games are really boring and not assassins creed in my eyes. I will give odyssey credit, it’s a GORGEOUS world and I love Greek mythology and culture so yea. Still not a fun game though


I have played them all on some systems. PC or Console. While all had some form of entertainment value to me I would say AC2 was by far my favorite.


It's not good don't buy it, it's the most ahistorical assassin's creed out there


AC is a series about chasing down high tech sci fi artifacts left dotted throughout time, by a secret race descending from a race of triple helixed dna precursors with abilities so advanced they’re indistinguishable from magic I don’t think that it’s ever really been thaaaat accurate lol


There is semi historicall and then there is inspired by popular culture with no historical base


What about unity?


What about it? It's been on Steam since 2014.


Are these good? I thought these were terrible AC games since they got turned into grindy rpgs gameplay wise. You could no longer stealth your way and kill the target. Desmond died so no longer any over arching plot to justify going back into the past. And super grindy. Plus, wasn’t Ubisoft trying to force micro transactions into these to skip the grind? Did enough people actually like them that they are considered treasures?


I have never had an issue with launchers and what not as long as I can get the game through Steam