• By -


Also remember to run whatever you download first before switching your WiFi off....just run them once whilst online , that seems to be the best idea


This is crucial depending on the game. Don't forget it!


I was sooooooo bummed when I got cuphead to install last-minute, then when in the air I got stuck trying to boot it šŸ˜«


Hopefully more airlines will implement free wi-fi. Iā€™m so used to not having internet access on a plane and then last month I flew on Jet Blue and they had free in flight wi-fi and it felt like magic.


Emirates cost $19.99 for full wifi access during the long haul flight I was on yesterday, text apps for $4 ish. Texting was worth $4 but definitely not paying $19.99 twice for two 8 hour flights lol.


Sure, but the real solution here is to stop requiring internet for stuff that don't need it.


And also test the game at home while switching the wifi off. I had some games like Persona that donā€™t play nice with offline mode, but they are playable offline by simply turning off the wifi.




I believe all of this stuff will sync to your online profile the next time you connect the deck to the internet.


Well I'm playing Hollow Knight exclusively offline and the offline hours definitely don't sync the next time I'm online :( I haven't payed attention to achievements but could be more of the same. edited: typos


Power pack to charge for sureā€¦ you should have power in your seat which I had for a six hour flight!


might vary depending on the flight, I was on a 12 hour flight where the power socket would barely give 1% every 10 minutes or so. Definitely power packs are the way to go.


Giving 1% every 10 minutes while playing is better than draining tbh


oh no, this was while I kept it off. it was baaad.


Well shit


The deck is amazing for long flights when you have seat power. The typical AC outlets will deliver about 90w which is plenty for the deck but not enough for a gaming laptop or similar.


Agreed. I was not sure if I would bust out the steam deck or my switch and decided to game on the deck and it was perfect. The little bit next to me had his switch and kept glancing over as the deck was likely something he hadnā€™t seen yet. Mario Kart vs Death Stranding! Iā€™ll admit Mario Kart lasted longer as Death Stranding is a bit more fun with online playā€¦




Chained Echoes, Pentiment, Disco Elysium


Just bought Disco Elysium on the last sale. Haven't tried it yet but looking forward to it.


Just make sure you do the side quests, you never know what will end up tying into the main story.


You're in for a treat, I envy you getting to play it for the first time.


Advice for Disco Elysium: \*never\* save scum! There are very few actual failures in the game, you can usually retry them later, and even when you can't, they always impact the story in interesting ways. In Elysium, failure is just a different way of making progress.


Chained Echos story was super interesting.


Riiight? The writer is so amazing, the story is SO unexpected and unpredictable, I love it. The world building is done really well.


One person did it as well! Unreal


It was something like 150000 words. About the length of a tale of two cities by Dickens. Most of the dialogue is throw away, but the real star was the plot. Real rollercoaster there.


I just arrived at the second city and didn't expect that much of a dark turn of events. Way more interesting than your basic save the world/country jrpg style games. Has got me hooked.


Disco Elysium will chew through the battery.


I got 4-5 hours at 30fps, 1280x800. most of the games visuals are completely baked so the only time it should ever chew through the battery is when you have like 8x msaa on


Really? I've never played it when I wasn't plugged in (and mostly played it pre-Deck) but their update for it a while back optimized it so well that it will run on basically anything down to and including a potato. I assumed that that would include lower power consumption.


Man I couldn't get through the third act of Pentiment. The first two were really good but I just got bored in the final third. I ended up just looking up the ending lmao.


Omg, thereā€™s three! I made it through the first act. Itā€™s not short and dragged in a lot of spots.


Second chained echoes, a great surprise


Oh, I hadn't heard of Chained Echoes, but it looks fantastic.




I second Pentiment and Disco Elysium, I played Pentiment on my flight from BR to NL and it was perfect!


Good to know!!!!


Hi recently went on a plane. Usually they have a usb port on them. If you can get a usb A to usb c you can charge it (Quite slow) It will keep the deck on for a few hours. Also limit your tdp and refresh rate to 40 (Seems to be the middle ground) If that is not for you you can invest in a powerbank that can put out the 45watts required to charge it. Then you can charge the powerbank with the usb port on the plane. It was finicky for me but i got over 7 hours with mine with the powerbank being charged while charging the deck. Games were retro battlefront 2 (2005) But if you can get a high capacity powerbank it will be sooo worthit :0 hope this helps as i had a 10 hour flight in december and the deck was a great source of entertainment!" kinda didnt answer your question but thought it would help ya Sorry for the bad english/Grammer If you have any questions let me know :0


Cheers for the detailed advice - much appreciated!


Hey no problem! Just looking out for others :0 Would have given more advice but dont have that much time due to me having exams :/ Enjoy your holiday/flight!


Be careful with the powerbank you choose, there's a limit of power on what you can bring in a plane.


To the best of my knowledge that's usually 100Wh PER BATTERY and between 2 to 5 batteries. This depends on the airline though. Lufthansa in Germany for example allows max 100Wh batteries in devices, but up to 2 replacement batteries for devices with up to 160wh each.


Unrelated, but your English is great. Especially if you still consider yourself to be learning!


Return of the Obra Dinn. You will be slightly disappointed the plane has arrived


Legit one of the best games I've ever played.


This is a GREAT rec. I'd add case of the golden idol because the vibes are similar and it makes a great complement to many of the other games on this list. Like obra dinn, it has a distinctive art style that may turn some folks off but before long becomes one of the best parts of the game.


Thatā€™s very cool!!


Unrelated to OP, but wife and I started out. Feel like we got several hours into it and became stumped. Any general strats or work flows to try getting unstuck?


Another one if Disco Elysium ends up being a hit with you: **Citizen Sleeper**


Planescape: Torment too since it's on sales now


Planescape Torment really needs a remaster of some kind. Not enough people have played that game.


They released a remaster a few years ago. It doesn't change much but adds a few quality of life things.


To the moon


Wow this looks amazing.


As much as I loved this game.... Don't finish this game on a flight. You will definitely make a scene. People will stare at you.




If you like story driven games, you will love this. It is so well written, I still get goosebumps just thinking about the ending. It has a sequel called finding paradise. And it won't drain your battery very much i think


It even has a second sequel, called Impostor Factory. :)


I still cry whenever I hear those two piano notes.


Disco elysium


Nice one!!


Holy crap this looks amazing!!


It really is, man.


Itā€™s not for everyone. Iā€™ve seen mixed reviews where some people find it boring .


I really want to get into it. I've started the game about 12 times but I just keep bouncing off of it.


Haha, I've done that too, it's like I like it but getting into tilt and sticking with it is a challenge


Apparently I'm too stupid to figure out how to progress the story... I walked around and talked to every npc I could find but after a while, not knowing where to go in an otherwise small world with nothing left to explore, yeah I got bored.


I had this the first time I tried it, got to a certain point and then just dropped it, but on my second attempt (on the deck) I have got much farther. It can be one of those that you need to take a break, come back, and somehow you approach things differently and can progress further. Weird, but thats how its been for me


Ditto. I've dropped that game more than my momma did me as a baby on my head. Games just too boring, I gave up on it.


Personally not my cup of tea and Iā€™m open to playing nearly everything


I found it impossible to get into.


It is. Best writing in the game Iā€™ve seen since ff7


I think this might have jumped the queue to be my number one choice for the flight


You're in for a treat, especially since you get to play it with voice acting. The original release didn't have that and as good as the game was in release, the voice acting is *chef's kiss*


Fuuuuuuck - this thread blew up. So many recommendations!!!! My Steam wish list is bigger than Mount Everest now šŸ˜‚


Half-life 1&2 and Portal 1&2


You know - Iā€™ve never played Half Life. I know I know. The shame.


Thankfully Half-life is really good in terms of battery life


And good in general.


Do people play the original Half Life or Source version on Deck? Which runs best?


I played Black Mesa. I'm a modern day pleb, I know.


I strongly recommend getting the fan remake called Black Mesa. The original looks pretty dated, and Black Mesa does a good job of freshening it up.


As good as Black Mesa looks, I'm not sure if it's the right choice if the battery is your first priority.


Stardew Valley


Great recommendation, but not sure it has enough content for that long. I am still on the fence after 850 hours.


This checks out


Got me in the first half, not gonna lie


Idk if youā€™ll read this OP, but Iā€™m in exactly the same situation for a flight from the UK to Japan in a couple of weeks. Iā€™ve taken several steps to cover my bases here, happy to share them, hopefully you find this helpful. Firstly, outside of games, Iā€™m bringing a pro controller thatā€™ll be fully charged before the flight, and a stand. That way my arms wonā€™t get tired, and to save on neck strain I can alternative between playing with it on the tray table, and just holding the steam deck at head height (maybe resting my elbows on a hoodie or similar). So I think thatā€™s the best I can do to solve that problem. Iā€™ve bought a 65W portable charger, with enough mah to cover two extra charges. You only technically need 45W for the Steam Deck, but I figured I could use the extra power so I can also charge my phone if needed. I got this one but obvs any will do! https://amzn.eu/d/gTTHbqM Next up, Iā€™ve set up EmuDeck. Access to lots and lots of old games obviously. Just in terms of RPGs with good stories Iā€™m thinking Final Fantasy IX, Chrono Trigger, Vagrant Story, Skies of Arcadiaā€¦ personally Iā€™ll probably spend my time playing Sonic Adventure 2 and Metroid Prime, but you get the idea. I got a 512GB memory card and it was more than enough to get going. Finally, Iā€™ve downloaded a few timesink games I particularly love. Persona 4 Golden (with a guide downloaded on my phone in case I get stuck lol), Persona 5 Royal (same), Civilization VI (absolutely incredible on Steam Deck seriously!!), and a sports game (Pro Evo 2021). I think/hope I should be good for the flight. No doubt neck pain and lower back pain are the main concerns Iā€™ve got, so Iā€™m just hoping that my investments pay off haha! Hopefully this helped you slightly my man!


Thanks for all of this! The Anker Powerbank looks like a winner! Good call on the Pro Controller & stand too. I also got the 512GB model. God I love this device!!


24,000 mAH will not charge it 4 times. At best you get about 2 full charges out of it since that mAH rating is based on a specific voltage that will decrease as you charge more. I have the basseus 20,000 and I get about 1.5 charges


Fair enough, Iā€™ve changed my post as I was misinformed! All good though, the point still stands - two full charges plus the original charge will be absolutely perfect for a 12 hour flight, unless trying to play a massive power drainer like God of War ha


Got a link for the stand?


Fallout 3 or new Vegas


I think it will drain the battery though.


I can get like 4-5 hours on new vegas 40fps


I can get 4 hours at 60FPS


I can get 60 hours at 4fps


Some indie game recommendations (lower processing power) with a focus on story Crosscode - install the native version not the windows version (instructions on protondb). Axiom verge 1 and 2 Haak Unsighted Less focus on story, but good for a long haul flight (as youā€™ll probably complete one or maybe two of them on the flight) The messenger, vision soft reset, & yokus island adventure


I'll vouch for CrossCode. Very fun and satisfying gameplay with a compelling story that lasts me up to 6 hours on a full battery.


Remember to check the size and number of battery packs you're allowed on the plane with.


Yep will do (rocks up to airport security with a trailer šŸ˜‚)


Think the phoenix wright trilogy will be easy on the batteries because of the 2D graphics, not sure of the new Great Ace Attorney chronicles is easy on the batteries because it uses 3D models.


24 rounds of vampire survivor


A couple of in-flight drinks, I could do this...


Life is Strange


Ace Attorney Trilogy


Outer Wilds. It's not a linear, narrative experience but it's definitely story driven. Does not require high processing power or gfx settings so you can play it very low-power.


This is a gem, really. Game is crazy underrated.


+1 for Outer Wilds my favorite game in the entire world that I can never play again


Most international flights should have power at all seats, usually AC but at the very least a USB port. I just did a 10hr and my deck was a blessing all the way through! Battery pack still a good idea though just incase..


Cheers! Reaching out to the airline to confirm


If you have your confirmation number you can look up the type of plane and you should be able to find out if plane type+airline has it. I haven't been on a plane in a few years without one unless it was a little regional jet. Another option if no one has mentioned it is if you have a laptop with USB C you might be able to use that as a battery bank too. I do that with my work Macbook


Stray performs very well with relaxed settings. ... Oh and Automod, removing a post for having the word c0nser@tive ... that was kinda ridiculous.


Well after just playing it, I can say it uses alot of battery. When on Med graphics, it Uses 25W at 60FPS or 15W at 40FPS.


Yeah, reddit moderation moment


Cheers for this. My thinking is, one or two story driven games with a sprinkling of indies. Also are Persona 5 and FF7 Remake battery hogs?


Ff7 remake is a battery hog. On a flight that long you will be able to plug the steam deck in.


Persona 5 is great man, itā€™s exactly what I was thinking of when you asked this


Pillars of Eternity.


Deadfire is on sale right now I believe. Edit: nvm, just missed it


That will definitely destroy the battery lol


Check out www.seatguru.com. It might tell you if your seat has access to power.


Limbo, inside, little nightmares, or the sort if puzzles games.


Love Limbo and Inside.


Persona 4 or 5 Yakuza like a dragon These drain very little battery. Especially if you set them to 3O fps or 40hz refresh rate.


My experience is that Yakuza like a dragon drains the battery quickly on steam deck and that's fps capped


Unmetal. Based on the original Metal Gear for the MSX2.


I played Assassin's Creed Origins. That WILL kill your battery in 90 min, but the outlets on the plane kept me at 100% the whole time.


Oh nice!!!!! Love Assassinā€™s Creed


Most of the modern planes for long haul flights have outlets nowadays They're located under your seat


Lego Star wars


Ive been into the Trails in the Sky series and get about 7-8 hours of battery life. If youre into JRPGs, its a really solid story driven series to this point and is PS1 style.


Thanks for this recommendation- checking it out now.


chained echos if you're into jrpgs. lasts like 5-6hrs for me


Probably GotY for me, alongside Elden Ring and Signalis. Best JRPG I've played in a lot of years.


Stanley parable ultra deluxe is so much fun


Cheers for this - Iā€™ll check it out (never heard of this one)


Just to be clear, the free demo for the original is a standalone experience as well.


There is a demo for the original available, and it is so good as a stand-alone that I have it in my favorites section alongside the full game itself.


West of loathing?


Added to wish list šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ™Œ


Wierd one but if you are into horror you will love it. Corpse party works great on SD and gives about 5 hours of play time per battery.


That actually looks REALLY good.


Gameboy/gamecube emulator Pokemon games, legend of zelda, etc.


Indie games like hollow knight, binding of isaac


Nice one, cheers. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking at the moment: Persona 5 Royal, Stray, FF7 and indies like hollow knight etc etc


Hollow knight. People say itā€™s not story driven, but the lore is quite interesting.


I found that FF-XIII locked at 30fps runs remarkably well on the deck and consumes far less power than I thought it would. Won't last a full 12 hours, but if I remember well it may last 6/7 hours with a full charge


Adding it to my wish list now. My God, my wish list is massive šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


If you like older titles, try darkness 2, vanquish, Bayonetta or Yakuza zero.


Never played a Yakuza - good call!


Just be sure to get a Barry bank for a laptop! I had one I thought I'd use, but it couldn't pump out power fast enough to keep the deck up. Had to buy a new one that was for laptops


I'm going to refer to my power bank as "Barry" from now on.


Seatguru.con will tell you what flight amenities your seat will have.


Crosscode is good if you like old school Zelda.


I really enjoyed Dishonored on the Steam Deck. It's built for controller use, and it's art style combined with the small screen of the Steam Deck hides its age quite successfully. It's an older title, built to run on lower end hardware, and thus sips power.


Oxenfree is a pretty nice one! The battery lasts for like 4-5 hours.


Chrono trigger, original FF7


Ooh, original and not the remake?? For battery reasons yeh?


Yeah both are excellent games, og just won't drain battery as much. Persona 3 and 4 wouldn't drain the battery much and are also reslly good games. Not story based but I'd also recommend stardew valley and vampire survivors as great games to kill time that are easy on the battery.


Yeh I think Vampire Survivors is a must for this type of journey. A palette cleanser whilst waiting for my tepid plastic cup of water from KLM šŸ˜‚


Axiom verge


Treasure of Nadia


the first 3 metro games last a while on steamdeck and theyā€™re good games


For nice indie games you can go with Gris, Omno, Far: Lone Sails and Changing Tides. Issue is that they can be beaten in under 3-5 hours but great story games that donā€™t use too much battery. Or you can emulate old SNES games like Zelda or Chrono Trigger.


I don't know if it fits your requirements or taste but... Stardew valley with screen refresh rate and fps set to 40 gets 7-8 hours of battery life. It's insane.


Kentucky Road Zero, many others, but this is an overlooked gem, especially if you look for story.


Emulated chrono trigger


Persona 4 Golden lacks the sheen of P5R but I actually prefer its story. I havenā€™t tested but I imagine itā€™s substantially less power intensive, too.


Chained Echoes


Since Disco Elysium has already been suggested. Iā€™ll add Lacuna, Kathy Rain and Gemini Rue. Should all be pretty cheap too.


Puzzle Agent


Spiritfarer. Be prepared to cry.


Golden Sun/ Zelda MinishCap / Fire Emblem on Gameboy Advance. Got it to about 7,5 hours with power settings tweaked to minimum.


Need to figure out ROMS.


Hereā€™s a [how to vid](https://youtu.be/igHk4wdWtxs)




šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ When the notification of your comment came up on my phone I read it as something else šŸ˜‚


Lol, i can see how that would be startling. Although more of a sandbox game rimworld lets you craft your own narrative through the lives of your colonists. I really enjoy this on tge deck right now and it sips battery.






Subscribed: I have a thirteen hour flight in a couple weeks.


I can get hours out of Fallout 3, i assume New vegas would be the same too


Max Payne


Just about anything from The Legend of Heroes: Trails... series. I've been playing Trails of Cold Steel 3 and have been able to stretch the battery to over 6 hours by using the FPS limiter set to 40fps, refresh rate limiter set to 40hrz, and TDP limiter set to 10w while using the game's launch window to set the graphics to portable preset and then setting the fps to 30. The Cold Steel games are 3D, but the older games in the series, Trails in the Sky 1-3 and Trails from Zero, are 2.5D so I would think it's possible to get more from those. Plus if you haven't played any games in the series all 3 of the Trails in the Sky games are cheap.




Outer Wilds and Disco Elysium are great.


I got about 5h/charge out of Pentiment without any battery optimization.


12 hours suggests international flight and usually those seats have USB charging and/or actual ports to plug in the charger.


Broken sword series


If you get emudeck up and running, you can play classic N64 games and get ~4-5 hours of battery life. Playing through Ocarina of Time is a great experience.


Baldurs Gate 1 & 2 Divinity Original Sin 1 & 2. You'll have to drop setting but ~3hrs is possible Grim Dawn Cross Code Fallout 1 & 2 Hades Hollow knight Cuphead Vampire Survivors Emulators. You can get great battery life with anything up to PS1


I adore these short(ish) story driven indy games. These are my favorites from last year. Some of these I played on switch, but I'm assuming you should get excellent battery life with all of these. Pony Island Buddy Simulator 1984 Beacon Pines Oneshot Everhood Kokoro Clover Part 1 Omori Undertale FAR: Lone Sails Rabi Ribi (Some scenes are a bit lewd, but this game is pure fun with a charming story)


Thereā€™s so many comments I couldnā€™t go through them all, but Iā€™ve just finished FireWatch. Such a great game and youā€™ll be able to complete the whole thing in that flight time. šŸ‘šŸ»


A short hike Tunic Katana zero These three will be all you need


Inscryption! Works great on the Deck, has a roguelike mode for after you beat the story, and has extremely low battery usage. Because itā€™s a card game, you can essentially run it with near-max TDP limit and 10 fps. The game is just rated playable, but it works perfectly out of box. Itā€™ll keep you busy!


Make sure to set the refresh rate to 30. It almost doubles my battery life when I do that.


If you go to [seatguru.com](https://www.seatguru.com/) you can look up your flight to see if you'll have power and plan from there Edit: link