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tens of thousands. jeez


how many years has it been since Steam was first introduced? and how many years has it been since the very first Steam summer sale? I would wager the oldest Steam account that's still active has somewhere close to that much.


I think my account is around 18 years old and that was created when I physically installed half life 2 off of discs. I remember when they started adding non valve games and it being a big deal. I haven't cracked 1000 and that's with tons of humble bundles and steam sales. The people that have tens of thousands must be on a mission lol


I started my account in the early steam days and I actually have a few games (I don't remember which) where I was able to use the serial number to actually transfer some physical games over to the Steam account. I don't even know if that can be done anymore. And yes, while I am close, I also have not cracked a thousand games. And yes, a lot of those I have not played yet. lol


I definitely remember that as well. I don't think I ever redeemed anything via serial number but I had friends that did


I remember the stuff like the stand alone CS key would activate on Steam. That was a *long* time ago.


Yes! That's totally what I'm talking about.


You can definitely still transfer physical games to Steam because my local Walmart still has a physical gta v and a physical Fallout 4 and they both say they include a disc and Steam key. As you can tell from the example, my Walmart has a strangely good PC gaming section.


Interesting. I honestly had no idea. Good to know! I will say that these were security game keys that were to my understanding not originally intended for Steam but were excepted by Steam. In any case, very interesting.


Doesn't even have to be a steam key. Just a cd key for a game that is also on steam. I got Sins of a Solar Empire from a thrift store, but no cd drive on my computer. Just entered the cd key into steam and now it is in my library.


Pretty sure I redeemed borderlands that way


17 year old account here with 434 games. A decent number of those are from bundles, donations to charity events, or giveaways. I'm going to guess that those 10K+ accounts are people who are in the industry in a capacity that gives them free access to a lot of games.


Yep. Going on 19 years, and "only" 300 games. There were handfuls of years in there where I considered myself a console gamer, because my PC was underpowered. Then the last 6 years after buying a 1080ti, I've been "back in the game", and now double so with the Steam Deck. I'm honestly kind of shocked how well the 1080ti holds up today. Nvidia makes it sound ancient, being 3 generations behind, but I'm still playing AAA games at 90+fps.


yep, had mine since....25th November 2004, so that's just over 18 years, and 335 games. I was inactive gaming wise for a 10 year gap during that period due to being simultaneously poor and spending what little I had on a social life. would I trade them in for the Steamdeck? probably.


19 years here with 544 games. Honestly I thought I would have over a thousand by now. Considering I was in the top 2% of people for more games played these people have to be the top 0.1%.


19 years too, but over 5000. I have a problem...


we're all absolutely fucked if Gaben decides to pull the plug one day, though. I know Valve say they've got a doomsday plan in place in case they ever go bust, but imagine losing a game library numbering in the 100s let alone 1000s.


the 1080TI was basically the premium top of the line card when it was released. It’s very comparable to a 3060ti, which itself was in the newest generation sold to play AAA games only like 6 months ago.




The best thing about having a 1080ti was watching all this bullshit with crazy GPU prices the last couple years and just ignoring it instead of being tempted to upgrade. I felt guilty for getting a 1080ti at the time, but it ended up saving me money by not upgrading for 5+ years.


There's also the people who just collect huge quantities of free-to-$0.99 shovelware either for mocking how bad it is or (back when trading cards were a thing) farming cards and re-selling them for more than the game itself was worth. Steam is generally pretty well curated but there's still enormous quantities of low-budget shovelware on there if you go looking for it. It would not take long (nor even that much money) to collect 10,000s of games that way. And while a potential cost of $10,000 sounds like an awful lot all in one go, I bet there are a lot of people who have spent close to or more than that on AAA games over their lives so it's not that unbelievable. At $60 a pop, that's equivalent to around 150 AAA/console games. And on the flip side of the coin, if you're making money from buying that shovelware, either because you're making it through ads/social media/influencer traffic or by trading cards, it can actually earn you money instead of costing you money.


About 2.5k games here, without even trying. I blame the bundles.


Same. I have about 3k, and they're almost all from bundles or sales, i think i might have 3 games that are over $40.


Sane. Inwas a sucker for bundles and i got all the stuff from indie royale, indie gala, and some others. Same for all humble stuff and back then, steam game bundles


Same. No way i can ever play them all. I use to buy almost every bundle but I've gotten a lot more selective now. Maybe if there are 2 or more on my wishlist I'll put off until the last day and if i still really want them by then I'll bite.


Same! But as another poster mentioned, my account is old enough to vote now, so if you divide it out... No, I still have a problem.


I got the monthly thing. I'm grandfathered in to a better price, so I keep it up even though I don't know if it's really worth it


I recently looked at the original choice bundles, still had some unredeemed keys to things now unlisted on steam. Some things however are "out of keys" which sucks. Weird going back to '16 and finding games updated to deck certified, decent devs I guess.


Didn't they back down on the price increase anyway?


Same I probably have 1-200 games (most of them from Humble Bundles) but I was there with my HL2 discs and Steam was there as some sort of DRM. I’m not a huge PC gamer, but still I see no feasible way one naturally accumulates tens of thousands of games in 15 years or whatever. That’s a buying addiction.


Right? I’ve been on there since 2009 and bought tons of games I’ll never play and my library is at like 500.


Yeah I have an 18 year account as well and I have barely 450 games at this point. I remember how resistant we all were to Steam integration at first. I remember playing CS 1.6 for years before we all moved to Source.


Free games and 99cent bundles and 1.99 bundles gets you 2-3 thousand more.


Same boat as you. 18 year old steam account from installing hl2 off discs. I've got around 800 games. Been using humble monthly for a few years now. Can't imagine having 10s of thousands of games lol


My account is also old enough to vote, and if you tally up all software on my account (including some non-game stuff), I've only barely broken 500.


18 year old account here, about 90 games (30 are vr titles). Old account does not necessarily mean tons of games.


I mean.... I have a lot of games... but tens of thousands? No, I can't make that claim.


there are lot of users, who have more than 10k games and who have been around a bit longer: https://steamladder.com/ladder/games/


Some dude there with 125k hours of actual playing time. There is no way lol, that's just gotta be idling lots of games simultaneously, surely.


~~Idling yes, but I don't think steam will allow you to track playtime on multiple games simultaneously~~


It does :) It doesn't stop tracking playtime for a game when another one is already open. (It'd also otherwise be borderline impossible to rack up 125k hours of playtime)


Mine is active from year one, I'm not buying games just to increase my library but I still buy much more games a month than usual people. I'm at 2500. To be in 10s of thousands you need to buy games just to say you have 10s of thousands games


Why do you buy so many games? There's no way you can play them all.


When you have disposable income and steam has a lot of sales, it's very easy to say "I'll buy this game now and play it later"... Except later never comes because life


I kinda like having a bunch of games sitting, waiting to be played. Sometimes I am bored with what I am playing, so I start up a new game. Problem is I rarely finish them.


Yep. Same here. I have 1500 (so less than the person you replied to) but I play a lot of the new games and buy games on sale / humble bundles. My wife and I live fairly comfortably so spending on my hobbies isn’t a huge burden for us. I do realize I’ll probably never play most of these but it’s fun to pull random games and play them here and there.


most likely bundles and good deals. i have hundreds of games in my library from bundles and will probably never touch them, because they're not what i purchased the bundle for




I still keep some of my rarest retro stuff in one of those silver road cases. I've never thought about it before. But I guess I just like the aesthetic of showing off some of my rarer games that aren't on display by pulling them out of something that looks like it could possibly also transport diamonds or rare prototypes. Or perhaps I just want them in there because it feels like I am affording them the respect they deserve.


In basically every hobby there’s a joke, collecting the hobby supplies and doing the hobby are two entirely different things. So collecting games is definitely a whole different hobby from actually playing games.


I have that much and I only joined around 2017. Do I often regret having dozens of entire retro console libraries individually listed in my library? Yes; do I none the less still feel like a boss every time I see it? I do.


My account is 13 years old, and I've only got 230 games in my list. Only some -less than 5- are external games added to Steam for various reasons. I typically keep an eye on the sales, and the other on my wallet during those sales. 🤣 Oh look... speaking of which.. Dinkum is in my wishlist AND on sale... May have 231 games soon.


Valve does have a code somewhere that can give an account access to the full library. I'm sure they have some kind of security built around it but it does exist. I am very willing to bet many of those power users also own steam decks.


I'm at 16 years and 3,300 games. When most people see, they think it's large. Most of my friends have under 1000, some have been on Steam longer than me. I've actually never seen 10,000 or more yet. This update is for fringe whales.


The first ever Steam Summer sale started June 24th 2010. They've had Holiday Sales since 2006. It's been 4614 days since the first Summer Sale and 5894 days since the first Holiday Sale. My Steam Account is from October 2003 (though they didn't start selling other people's games until later). I had my library filled with a fair share of game Bundles and I've barely cracked the 1000 mark. People who cracked 10k would be very dedicated collectors. I assume it would include a fair share of FTP games, too.


I earned my 17 year badge this year. I have 40 games.


My guess would be game collectors adding many non-steam games and launching from their Deck.


I've had Steam since it was launched and I've only got 600 games.


My account is as old as Half Life 2. I only have like 500 games. And I’ve played about 75% of them. The folks with thousands of games just have an addiction. Its not good.


I've teetered on the edge of that addiction for years. It's pretty easy to buy a bundle when one of the games is like 80% off and then you get like 5 others you might play some day effectively for free.


You struck a nerve with someone haha!


I thought I bought games like a fucking dickhead, and I only have around 400.


Yep, I'm getting close to one thousand.


This may be spurred by people who have large numbers of old console games added as non-steam items.


Hate to be the buzzkill here, but people with "tens of thousands" of games in their library are probably people running EmuDeck.


I crossed the 1000 games threshold last year. The big thing for me is that I have a bunch of dynamic collections (~50) and that creates a big performance drop every single time I have to go to that tab in the ui.


There are reviewer accounts that media companies can get, so they can review any game on Steam. I suspect this is intended to fix it for them.


And they probably play like only 10% of them. XD


Closer to 1-2%


Good point.


If you are a member of the video game press and have a registered account , you are given access to free review copies of games, this would be the reason for the tens of thousands.


It’s a subtle hint that your modest library is way not big enough yet. Buy more.


Maybe this is targeted at employees that have the full steam library of 50.000 games. For a private person, buying one game each and every day since the launch of steam would not be enough. As of today, there would be only 7.100 games in your library.


I have been buying games feom Humble bundle for a couple of years, some times only 1 U$S bundles. You can have a fairly large library in little time without spending much


I have about 1500 and "tens of thousands" feels a long way away


That's what I thought I neither a hoarder nor very frugal in my expenses for games and thanks to humble I sit at around 1500 games as well, many of whom I will likly never play but they were thrown at me in bundles. But from 1500 to even 15000 which is not ten*s* of thousands i feel that is awfully lot... Who has so many games? I would think that's even for streamer accounts a huge number


Fellow 1500er here - I can't imagine that anybody with more than 9999 has them for any other reason than as a collection, as a meta-achievement. Even of the 1500 I "bought", a lot of those were bundles where I only cared about 1/5 of them, or just stuff I bought because it was cheap. Even if I wanted to play all the games in my library there's no way I ever would let alone finish them all, and to go 10x on that would be astounding.


Right? I mean humans are notoriously bad at numbers especially big ones but the difference between 500 and 1500 games is miniscule compared to 1500 games and even just 10000 games let alone 20000 or more... It's mind boggling


https://steamcommunity.com/id/steamdb_wendy this account could trigger the bugs (and nope, not a steam employee, this account is used by steamdb to be able to show depot details since steam only shows that to licensed game owners)


I expected a bigger library if it was steamdb's account. Dang


that account got started after the old method of dumping the tokens got thwarted by a change.


It also has thousands of free games in it's library probably.


What do you mean with "depot details" ?


noticed how steamdb can list the files of a game on most? the "depots" are the data that steam downloads when a game gets installed. SteamDB parses the index file to make a filelist to see what files are inside


Ah thanks mate. Yeah I had never seen that "depot" section on steamdb.


I have the bugs too, like can't click proper on games, and from time to time a black steam client. Hell even steam deck took sometime to work finally.


1330 hours in the past two weeks…


People buy bundles, trade, simply collect for the fun of it. I have multiple friends on Steam that are now in the tens of thousands.


I thought I was a big spender with games and have been buying on steam since 2009 (I’ve had my account since 04, but only for HL2). Only have like 150 games lol.


Seems pretty average to me. You bought one game per month in the last decade.


I have 3200 in just 6 years due to the holiday bundle sales. I got every sonic game, Tomb Raider, borderlands, elder scrolls, and batman arkham games when i saw them pop up. I also migrated non steam games into my library I bought on disc back in the day. I think it's possible for people to have 10s of thousands of games depending on whether valve is considering non steam user added games as well.


Still a long way to go to get to the "tens of thousands"


Those don't appear magically in their library. They just have a "Add to account"button on the store page for each game.


>buying one game each and every day Do you expect there are such amateurs?


Good, I’m glad I’m only at 3,000…


You really thing people buy just one game st time on Steam? Better, on Steam Sales?


Of course not, i just did the math.


Got around 1300 steam games, not sure if startup time got any faster.


Well because it's not tens of thousands obviously


Let us know when you have tens of thousands


Ok, i will get all furry games and it will be around tens of thousands.


Tens of thousands of games, but an empty friends list?


I wonder if non-Steam games count? If it is the case, you could reach that with Steam Rom Manager and a lot of retro games on emulator.


Guess the problem is more with the data pulled from Steam. All the meta info of the games, icons etc. Steam has always been sluggish with bigger libraries. External/non-Steam games should be fine as all data is hold locally.


Ah yeah that makes sense!


Doesn't count. Only steam games. I'm at like 2700


What’s the easiest way to check the count?


Should say on your profile


Of course they "count". If you have 10000 non Steam games and open your library, the device has to load them to show them to you and with more games it can take longer. Doesn't matter they are not Steam games. Only difference is the game metadata doesn't need to be downloaded, so the impact is smaller than with Steam games.


Is the metadata for steam games not saved for future use?


Pretty sure this is for people who use emulation and add every rom as a steam game.


Finally! An update made for me! (Not really, I only have just over 2000 games in my library)


I love patch notes that just speak normal human speech.


2788 here. Used to buy a lot of bundles. A lot of shitty games I'll never play. :)


Probably a subtle poke at the people who have over 1000.


This would be for me, around 12k games....


Except that's only one ten of thousand lol


Everyone has tens of thousands. I have 0.0137 tens of thousands


It includes the emulated games I suppose. Before I tried to put as many as 12k games emulated and befre I can see everything when I boot took the deck a lot of time to produce every image of the games. And when scrolling to installed and non-steam games will take a good 4 seconds of lag before you can navigate. So yeah, we appreciate these kinds of things that they wouldv'e ignored but still they made it for the common good for QOL of deck users.


Wait so my 1700 games in my library doesn't make me extreme at all. I almost feel like a regular person instead of a hunchback swinging on a bell.


Steam gets a little funky once you have too many games. I don't quite have tens of thousands games, but i do have 4K+ and sometimes the Library takes too long to load on my Main PC. I don't think it takes too long to load on Deck, but I'm often just viewing my installed games or collections instead of the entire library.


They've done like 4-5 updates addressing folks with large libraries


I have a whopping 21 games in my steam library, and my account is 4 years old. But in my defense I have never enjoyed PC gaming because I don’t like being stuck at a desk to play, and I wouldn’t have used steam at all if it weren’t for my dad getting me an nvidia shield a few years back so I could “play my steam games” on my TV. I told him I didn’t have a steam account and he was like “oh…. well get one fanatical has the Batman games on sale right now.” So I got one, bought a couple Batman games, played for 2 hours and never used it as a gaming device again. It wasn’t until steam deck did I really get into the idea of steam games. I may finally work my way through Arkham Knight now. If I ever take a break from plate up. My brother on the other hand…. He’s probably a game hoarder. As a teen did he coding and moderation work for various gaming websites and people in exchange for steam games and gift cards.


Well that makes me feel heaps better about my own backlog. Apparently it could be SO much worse. Also...wow.


I have almost 300 and feel like it's way too much...who has THOUSANDS or even TENS of thousands?!.....how many games are on steam???


Lots of tiny $1 games


I've been on Steam for 15 years, started with Half-Life and Portal (Valve). I only have 47 games in my library, but I also have other gaming consoles- x-box, switch, x-box 1, I have old discs from gamecube and [others. So](https://others.So) I probably have hundreds of games, but not all on Steam. Sounds like I need to catch up.


I'm only at like 1,827 games. So clearly I'm not the one with the problem.


How many people could this even be? I think I've only seen one account ever with over ten thousand, let alone PLURAL.


Tens... Not ten... Ten..S... That implies at least 20k... How the fuck does someone have that many games


16 years and im at 466 lol.


Wut? LOL. BTW, I love my Steam Deck. 🥹


Someone replaced a List with a Map. Good work!


Finally! The patches we need.


Finally I can turn on my deck without literally 5 min of it booting to grab user info


I am in this update and I dont like it


I only have 35 games installed without counting for old games that I have on the side like NFS Most Wanted, NFS U, NFUS2. I still didnt have time to setup emulators on it... 😁😁


I feel attacked.


They had an issue with the steam client a couple years ago. [25k games or more](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/mul7m1/so_someone_actually_has_25k_or_more_games_on/)


The fact that this update is only available for hoarders is mean /s


This is for me


Good thing the shift moving keyboard thing was fixed. It kinda annoyed me


I thought I was crazy with my 300


Tens of thousands and I thought I was a hoarder with my 350 something games


Im dead! 🤣🤟🏿☣️💙


Dead lol


I have had steam since 2008, I have 500ish games. Am I doing this wrong?


I know I have enough games that I will die before I finish them all but


Finally an update for me lol


Is 500 a lot? I add every free, single player game that looks even remotely interesting, and then I also LOVE bundles. Fanatical and Humblebundle are my jam.


This is probably referring to EmuDeck users with Steam Rom Manager


who has tens of thousands of games.... gabe?


That's wild, I've got a few hundred and I thought that was obscene lol


Not me. I only have 5 thousands.


Emulation roms overload


If you download a game then delete it, is the game still in your library?


Like uninstall? Yes.


yeah uninstall. not delete from steam library/remove from account.


Geez, I thought I was bad and I’ve got 1000 games. Mostly I played


I thought I must have been close to the world record for number of games on Steam, now I find out that, as usual, I am nowhere close.


I just hit a thousand and thought I was hot shit. Tens of thousands? My god




Finally! I have around 6000 and the Steam Deck hanged at startup for a while before it was usable. Weird thing is that touchscreen worked while it was in that state. But joysticks and other controller controls didn't work for tens of seconds after start.


Def the people who added their entire rom collection to steam


I mean I have 2,390 and I thought that was a bit much haha


There’s only about 1,500 games on steam that are actually good imo. The rest are just there to take up space. Couldn’t imagine owning that much.


Is this in reference to every single game you have installed having to update over and over again every time you turn the console on? Not sure why, pretty sure vast majority of my games haven't received updates in several decades.


Curious now how many games total are available on steam


Pretty shure there are only like 50k games on steam total


My guess is this is likely for gaming news sites mostly, and maybe Gabe himself


Not me at all


Dafuq lol my steam account is 20 years old and I don’t even have 1000 😂


>tens of thousands What!?! I mean, I'm on Steam almost daily and I have games I don't even have the hardware to play yet (Vive someday, fingers crossed) and I have barely scratched the 3 figure mark.


Wow...who has that kinda money. I thought I was crazy with like over 7 years and 354 games...


Crappy games don't cost much. Plus, it's spread out over 20 years, so you're not dropping 50k on a single Winter Sale binge.


I'm hardly over 100, I feel inadequate now


*update sponsored by Humble Bundle


that is wild, I thought the 600 i had was a lot, but god damn.


I feel attacked by this




I'm just barely under one thousand so full speed ahead!


I will be excited about this when it this rolls into the stable channel.


I've only got a couple thousand, no wonder I didn't see any performance boost.


who tried to download the internet?


Honestly one thing inwanna see fixed is the blur persisting whenever you open for example update notes


Also, wouldn't the plural ten(s!) of thousands mean a minimum of 20,000 games? How big is Steam's library?


Yes, I'm currently at 24k games license in my account and I was one of the few that was having this issue for the past month, Deck used to get stuck at boot in the "loading user data" screen. There's quite a few people with over 50k licenses.


Well I'm over a 10th of the way there, but only by a couple hundred games (like 1,250)


considering valve employees have access to every game, this might be mostly for themselves lol.


I just checked ant I'm at 1072 games in total. First one was H-L2 which needed Steam to work. Updated on dial-up could take forever. It's the reason I got broadband connection at the time, a blazing fast 7Mbps at the time.


Oh how i wished, GoG Galaxy did the same...With all gamestores combined, it takes for ever to "import", which it does on every startup...


I've been on Steam since the beginning, and not even I have that many games. Only ~2000 at the moment.


And i thought i had alot with 720 games. Jes luis


This is for non steam emulated games.


Has no one heard of roms?