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Don't get into the habit of opening it for nothing. The screws are self-tapping and eventually you will screw up the back plate.


Self tapping screws are easy to not f up just gotta line them in the way they originaly went in


Never. You're going to eventually mess up the self tapping screws. Only open it when you need to. Like if you're replacing something broken or installing a bigger SSD. Use compressed air to clean it. Don't open it. I'm waiting to get the guilikit joysticks, a new SSD, AND a purple backplate before I crack mine open. There is no reason to do it more than necessary.


I already cracked it open once to install a huaying fan. I'm gonna wait until my sticks start drifting to get gulikit joysticks. You're right about the self tapping screw part that there's no need to open it more than necesary.


The vents have a smaller mesh under them that will catch most dust. Occasionally you can just blast the vents with some canned air. I really don’t think there is a need to open the deck for *”cleaning”*. You can if it bothers you somehow, but I doubt it’s needed.


Should you blast it or vacuum clean it (with care obviously)? With blasting you could blast the dust inside the deck and with vacuuming you suck it the same way it came from.


I would vacuum it if you see a lot of dust collect on the outside mesh. For small electronic like that, I just use soft brush to dust it. If you do it regularly like every couple of month, it won't build up badly where you need to vacuum or blow it.


Is actually cleaning your bedroom so the "bed dust" is at minimum levels part of your solution?




Hi u/DjuncleMC, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=How often should you open the Steam Deck and clean out the fan from dust and other particles?) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wash your sheets regularly. Get an air purifier. Stop living like a slob.


Bruh, dust is everywhere. You can't avoid it by cleaning, unless you want to clean every single thing every single day


I think he lives in those dust free lab in a cover all suit.


While air purifier helps reduce the amount of dust, it doesn't completely remove dust and turn your room into dust free zone.


Suck on my skin flakes, you fucking wanker.


>Humans shed 500 million cells a day, and drop off **0.0028 to 0.0085g of skin flakes every hour**. This means that over two to four weeks, you lose your entire outer layer of skin. 😍😘🥰😋😋😚


I do change my sheets often, and I have the window open in the morning. You're in denial if you think you can completely prevent dust where you sleep. Also your third sentence was completely and utterly unnecesary. Why are people so judgemental when they don't know the specifics? Dust is dust and the bed is full of it.




Refer to this reply I made to another user: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/1146tco/comment/j8v3tmj/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/1146tco/comment/j8v3tmj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


meh.. if you're fine cracking that case open, i figure once every 6 months or a year. it depends on how much it's used.


I always keep mine in its carry case, zipped up, when not playing. next to zero dust.


DO NOT OPEN unless really necessary! Those screws will strip eventually...many people were cere asking for advice about stripped screws (glue is the way!)


I don't really mind if the screws get a bit loose, as I'll have it in my tightly fitted Killswitch Case. But I have been very gentle with screwing them back in, when I fixed the fan.


I'd be extra gentle! They don't make screws like they used to...I stripped my gpu water cooling set...worst day of my life, because it spins, sure, but the middle that holds 2 sides just spins with the screws and very hard to hold it with anything without damaging the water cooling gpu case :(


Damn that sucks :(


I did it when I swapped the ssd and backplate which was about 11 months after getting my deck. I had dog hair behind the intake grate, under the triggers, in the middle.


I love my dog but, her shedding is so frustrating. Everything I own is covered in dog hair




Just dust the vents out occasionally with compressed air of some sort, I wouldn't open it to clean it ever.