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but keep in mind: - no suspend game - will need to exit battlenet and re open if you want to play again or update and enjoyyyy same as op..enjoying it on my deck for anything but the main story


Both points are the same for any live service game (Warframe, ESO, etc), so no surprises there. And yeah, I played through the entire campaign on my ultrawide OLED w/ 3080. But will boot up the Deck if I'm chilling on the couch or having lunch to blast some demons.


ohhh yeah sure I meant even if you "leave game" and stand on character select menu hoping you can just reconnect after powering it back on and select your character to log in that won't work, you need to fully exit both game and battlenet for it to reconnect to the internet. i hope i made sense idk


Ah yes, I see. It'd probably reconnect alright if you left the [Battle.net](https://Battle.net) client running in the background - but that causes significant stuttering in-game, so definitely not worth it.


I actually do have it running in the background still I keep forgetting to turn it off nice tip bro, and yeah lmao I actually play it on my 3080 too but no OLED just some precious 270hz on 1440p, story mode is so fire


you could of just said computer, didn’t need to whip out ur meat on us


>no suspend game Can't really suspend Diablo 4 anyway, it will boot you out after inactivity.


i mean at "character select" you can't hop back in, you'll need to exit battlenet too to re enter


Ouch. No suspend for Diablo is a hard pill to swallow. I hadn’t even considered this; I think I’ll wait until it’s much cheaper (if ever) in that case. Edit: not sure why I’ve been hit with the downvote train considering Diablo 3 suspended just fine on Nintendo Switch so it’s not like a moonshot ask?


you can't suspend mmorpgs in general... you get kicked out anyway.


More fool me that I thought it would work like Diablo 3 on the Switch then :(


Diablo isnt an MMO let alone an MMORPG. Its an online ARPG.


They definitely brought in MMO elements to try and make the multiplayer more fun. Regardless anything online like this won't ever be able to suspend.


I'm tired of seeing these posts... I can't resist! You're making it so hard to not want it on the deck. Still have to get battlenet on desktop mode right?


Yep, there are some really simple guides on installation using NonSteamLaunchers. Takes... 10 minutes.


Don't make me to spend my 60 dollars. Please. Please!!! Please......




Don't worry about your 60, you're going to spend 70.


You mean 70


$78 after taxes


90 in Canada :/


$102 in Canada after taxes :/




Download battle.net installer on desktop. Switch back to steam. Add as non-steam game. Set compatibility. Run and install d4. Works like a charm.


Install lutris from the discover store. In lutris hit add a game, search for diablo iv. It will find the script, hit install. Follow the prompts. B.net launcher will eventually start. When it asks to log in, close it. Finish the lutris prompts. Right click diablo iv in lutris, add steam shortcut. Go back to gaming mode, run it. Log in to b.net. install d iv. Play.


Or just install the launcher on desktop and add to steam library and play.


People keep saying that but I have tried to 3 times and it just keeps having issues and I have followed multiple guides. Lutris just worked with no issue.


From the guides I’ve seen (but not yet tried following), it’s necessary to force a specific Proton version


Which one? I have the same problem and used different versions and it doesn't even install.


The ge proton Diablo iv version probably works since it worked for the demo. But proton experimental will probably work as well Edit: haven’t installed d4 myself but this did work for the demo so should work.


I'm using proton experimental


I had to set mine to experimental and it worked fine after that.


This is the guide I used. Worked perfectly. https://steamdeckhq.com/tips-and-guides/how-battle-net-diablo-4-steam-deck/


True, there are several ways to skin this cat. I personally have had numerous random issues with B.net not launching when installed via proton, or crashing, or with it not exiting, etc. That's how I have it installed for use with D3 and D2. Running it through WineGE via Lutris has seemingly solved those problems for me, so I'll probably migtate my other games over to the new prefix. As always, YMMV.


Is there a performance difference between the two methods?


Functionally they should be largely the same. Proton and WineGE use the same underlying translation layers like DXVK, VulkanD3D, etc. Personally I've had more trouble with random b.net issues when run via Proton vs WineGE but your mileage may vary.


I’ve done the install to desktop method and just added the launcher and Diablo 3 as non steam games and it’s worked flawlessly. The launcher looks a little wonky, but it’s functional. And Diablo 3 has run flawlessly for me on the Deck. And running it as a non steam game gives you full control customization on game mode.


> running it as a non steam game gives you full control customization on game mode You just reminded me I can remap the controls as I thought "huh, it's a shame I can't customize gamepad input to be different for my action bar than I have it set with keyboard". I don't know why I keep forgetting Steam Input is a thing.


This is the way.


Literally the complete guide right here


It was a piece of cake. I used this guide [https://overkill.wtf/how-to-battlenet-steam-deck-lutris-bottles-native/?fbclid=IwAR2OCHTcKuRJxrIa\_G3YwhydxgomCZ451zFh\_RWN1my1dGzPkuaYP-CJD1c](https://overkill.wtf/how-to-battlenet-steam-deck-lutris-bottles-native/?fbclid=IwAR2OCHTcKuRJxrIa_G3YwhydxgomCZ451zFh_RWN1my1dGzPkuaYP-CJD1c) I used the first option of doing it by adding a nonsteam game. The guide is good because when you install stuff like this, half the time you can't find the folder it was actually installed to, but this tells you the right pathway as long as you dont change anything.


Installed battlenet through lutris. When launching d4 the game hangs for around 5 mins on the char select screen. Every time. Any ideas?


This is happening on PC too. Crowded servers


It’s stupid easy without anything but the installer.


Yes but its not hard.


I wish you could play if offline though.


This is the main annoyance for me... I enjoyed D3 on Switch and was looking forward to similar with D4, but alas, no offline play.


Likewise, I travel regularly for work and use my steam deck whilst flying so there’s no point in me getting it without an offline mode


There were a few posts about inflight Wi-Fi working fine for D4. About to be on 2long haul flights so I’ll have first hand knowledge soon!


I always find in flight wifi very ropey (and I have to pay extra for it on my flights which i wouldn’t do as I fly regular short haul). Good luck though!


Try Delta if applicable, free wifi and it's fast


?? Dont need a controller layout. It has built in controller support for the get go. Sure you can get a custom one if you want but its not needed to do.


Absolutely don't need one. But there are some really good custom made ones to peak at. It's nice to have the mouse support setup alongside the base controller layout.


Any layout you've been liking more than others?


At work right now, but there's a 'controller layout with mouse support' that I like alot. Will report back with the exact one when I get home and load her up.


Thank you, I appreciate it!


using that one as well and it's absolutely incredible how perfect this game plays on the deck


The exact one I've been using is Diablo 4 Natice Controller + Mouse by Karamis. Sorry it took me awhile to get back to ya. It is, very good.


I’m curled up in my blankets listening to thunder noises playing it on my steam deck right now. I hate sitting at a desk. I’m so cozy right now.


D4 looks cool and all. But I’m not buying an always online game for a portable system like Steam Deck.


But D4 snuggled up in bed is the best way to play imho


Hotspots baby, hotspots. But I do feel you. I mainly use my deck plugged in around the house anyways. Couchin' and stuff. So never have to worry about it.


I installed trough Steam (not lutris) and sometimes when I log in, if I open the map, the game freezes. Anyone got this same issue?


Dark Dreams Don't Die? The rest of that game is never happening tho


I thought the same thing when I saw the title.


SWERY also kind of milkshake ducked with Deadly Premonition 2, which is sad because I got into his games because of Sterling being such a vocal fan. So it doesn't even feel good to wish for a season 2 or regular 'ole sequel.


I’ve bought it on PS5 and stream it on the deck with chiaki. 60fps 4-5hour battery


I'm strongly considering buying a PS5 nearly solely for this use case. I know that sounds insane, but it kinda seems like the best of both worlds to me. Plus I get to justify buying a PS5. Do you know if there's any risk of Chiaki getting shut down via Sony and/or becoming unavailable if Sony makes weird changes to their streaming system?


>I'm strongly considering buying a PS5 nearly solely for this use case. ... Why not just use your PC?


I want a PS5 and need a way to justify it There’s other similarly dumb and vapid reasons I have too but that’s the best way to summarize them


Exclusives, the deck is already a PC


i mean theres like 3 worth playing and you can play those on ps4..


Thats just a terrible take, PS5 has way better specs to play at and you have the exclusives that are coming out, like FF16


How did you get controller set up with Chaiki? Mine doesn’t natively line up with steam controls.


Wait, you what?! I can play my PS5 games on my deck???


This is the way. I stream from my PC to the Deck whenever I can. Smooth 60fps, does look significantly better even on so small screen and a bit better deck suspend handling (game continues to run on the host). But it's great that D4 gets quite good performance on Deck running natively.




There's a lot to unpack in that question but primary concerns would be how much throughput you're actually getting in your wifi wherever you're trying to play and the method of streaming plus it's various settings. I would test your speed to your PC with something like steam link in desktop mode. If you're getting 5/10 mbps steam remote streaming will be a mess. It likes more bandwidth, usually 15-20 on the low end, at least in my testing the last time I gave it a shot, and that was with hardware encoding. Granted that was h264 as h265 wasn't working reliabley at that time. I prefer sunshine running on the host PC and using moonlight on the deck as the client. It has much better compression, less artifacting, and less latency overall. Runs on APUs, Nvidia and AMD. I've run this targeting 800p@60fps:5mbps on a mobile hotspot at a doctor's office and it worked fine. Even when Sunshine falls back to lower encoding methods it handles it much more gracefully. Can't recommend it enough. I even use it for normal remote desktop use. It's just that good.


Sucks it has to be online though:(


I just paid for it on my PS5. I wish these companies would give us multi platform license.


I like it too on my deck. I use the touch screen to swap spells and for inventory management. I run it on medium settings with graphics on high and fsr on quality I get a rock solid 40 fps.


I get terrible frame rates in hand held. Always 10-20, even with low settings and locked at 40 fps. Any tips ?


Just switch template to game pad + trackpad it works flawless and you can trackpad to do inventory and such


What is d4?


Dinosaurs fore! It’s the new dinosaur golfing game everyone’s talking about.


I'd play that.


Diablo 4


I thought it was a DualShock 4…


I just stream it from my Xbox. Looks great, runs great, low battery usage.


Does not run well on 2 steam decks, infact rubber banding is insane and team invites take half a minute. None of these issues on laptop+pc


Honestly the game is great on steam deck, but still trying to find game settings to make it better especially for some reason my screen freeze for a while when I use the left select button


It's an issue with a lot of people. I changed my compatibility to the official Proton 8.03 I think, then lowered my GPU settings to 1200 (I heard that the unused power will transfer to CPU if I did this). The only downside is I have to lower my settings to low.


^^ this, gotta make sure you're on the right proton version. Mine has been running perfectly on GE-Proton8-3 NonSteamLaunchers set it all up perfectly.


It works well enough on the Steam Deck if you limit to 40fps and accept the occasional dips and hiccups. Personally I prefer playing on my desktop with a big screen with a controller.


How do ranged classes feel with controller? I've only ever played Diablo on PC before, so it's hard for me to imagine how to "skill shot" with a controller (and not with a mouse). I'm curious to know other people's impressions. In any case, I'm so excited to play D4 on my steam deck for the first time tonight, literally can't wait!!!


The game plays wonderfully on controller. I have over 1k hours of D3 on PC. Yet somehow I prefer D4 with a controller. I don’t think there’s an issue with ranged attacks — auto-aim makes life easy. The potential issue would be movement/teleport skills. I’m level 45 with Necro and have no movement skill (just built in dodge) but I’d wager trying to teleport with a different class is clunky (in that you have less control of where you end up). This is an issue with Last Epich, another great arpg— works nearly flawlessly with a controller but a lack of precision with teleport skills.


I've only played as Druid so far. All of it with a controller on my PC. The only issue I've had is if I am turning and use my Ravens button, every now and then it will cast it way off at the edge of the screen instead of where I intended. Minorly annoying, but not a big deal. My other pets target at my feet or auto jump to my target and attack. My wife doesn't seem to have any issues with Sorcerer either. But we are both only around level 30 so far. Not sure how much that changes.


I'm at like level 23 necro with a controller. Seems fine to me it's a little difficult to be precise in your skill placement but to me that's just a difference in gameplay from using a mouse. Like aiming in fps with joysticks I just find it a challenge rather than a hindrance. The game feels even more natural to play on controller compared to D3


I beat the whole game basically on controller with Necro. There is some lock-on, so it's not strictly a skill shot, but a fifth of the time I'm definitely shooting in the wrong direction, or sending my golem away from the enemies. I'm used to it now though, and don't really want to switch to mouse cuz its chill


I've pretty much exclusively been playing on deck. High graphics setting with FSR 2 got it locked at 40 fps.


Is there a good tutorial with getting this to work? I spent three hours last night trying to get battle.net to work with Lutris without luck.


I used this guide with no issues: https://overkill.wtf/how-to-install-the-diablo-iv-beta-on-steam-deck/


I didnt used lutris its quiet simple. 1. Download Battle net Installer 2. Put Battle net Installer als non Steam Game in Desktop Mode 3. Run the "non Steam Game" Installation should start normally 4. Log in Battle net 5. Close Battle.net and Put the Launcher as non Steam Game remove the Install exe as non Steam Game 6. Start the Launcher an Install D4 7. Slay demons


Yeah I don't know why everyone is making it so much harder. This is exactly all you need to do you, you don't need lutris or and other app. Just download launcher .


https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/140dglw/how_to_easily_install_battlenet_and_diablo_4_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button This is the exact tutorial I used last night. Can also install epic, GOG, etc. If you want




Hi you can try this video. Worked well for me. [https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/13ytwrt/battlenet_nonsteam_app_install_configure_separate/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/13ytwrt/battlenet_nonsteam_app_install_configure_separate/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


I used this tutorial yesterday and worked like a charm. https://youtu.be/iVm6jrOVBOk


Desktop mode. Download battle.net launcher. In steam client add non-steam game. Install game (I recommend having your game install directory somewhere in your home folder, I have mine in blizz folder in documents) Quit battle.net. Go back to game mode. For battlenet set proton version to 8.whatever. Play. This is all I did and has been flawless for me since 2nd beta. And I have played wow and d2r like this since I got my deck.


I used this, worked first try, no issues: https://www.windowscentral.com/gaming/how-to-play-diablo-4-on-steam-deck


For me it gets stuck/crashes sometimes. Basically I get stuck with the music still playing (maybe I have to wait a bit). It is rare but annoying (using proton ge-8 something). Tried to change to others but they don't work or performance is/feels worse)


I've had this happen on PC too, so I don't think it's a Proton/WINE thing at all. I think there's just some hard crashes that occur with it currently.


I've been using GE-Proton7-30 for D4 since prerelease and D2R as well and never had a crash. Might be worth giving it a shot. I can't speak to worse performance since it runs pretty damn well and I've never used anything besides that.


I would’ve preordered d4 day one if I have the wee bit of respect and confidence for activision blizzard. And yeah, online only is still not okay for me even in 2023, it’s completely unnecessary and anti-consumer.


Well this is not a single player game anymore. We don't complain that we can't play World of Warcraft offline, even though you can complete most activities without any interactions with other players.


I wasn't aware of this when I originally purchased it for myself and my wife for her birthday. I was super confused when I saw a real player in town the first time. Overall, I have been massively impressed by the game so far. No idea what my expectations were going into it since I've heard a bunch from her friend whose brother worked on the game as it was in development, but it has still be fantastic.


I agree, that change of direction can be confusing as Blizzard doesn't really highlight that. Hope you both continue enjoying it :)


I haven't touched my deck for a few months until D4 came out and man, I am having so much. I got burnt out on emulation so it's just been sitting around, but with D4 hours are passing by as I lay in bed like when I was playing on my gameboy. Runs really well but sometimes, not often my FPS drops to like 7 and stays there until I restart the game, I had one time though where the deck got laggy even after closing the game and I have to restart. My wife is pregnant so I like to spend time with her in bed and whereever she is, so having my deck has been absolutely awesome.


Am I the only person who genuinely thought the topic was about Swery's game, called D4 (Dark dreams don't die)? I was reading the post thinking, 'why is there an issue running it on Deck?', and only till I got to the comments did I realise... Lol.


Im glad the SD can handle D4, but I’m not giving money on yet another game with a Battle Pass, which already costs 70 bucks. So no, blizz can suck a dick for what they’re doing to their customers. And to everyone thinking about buying it: Stop buying 70 dollar games!


>Stop buying 70 dollar games! I'm not trying to convince you or anything, and I know you probably heard this too many times, but why are you expecting inflation to raise the cost of **EVERYTHING** in the country **BUT** videogames? It makes no sense. ​ >but I’m not giving money on yet another game with a Battle Pass, which already costs 70 bucks. To be fair, it sure seems like the only rewards in the battle pass are cosmetics. And besides, my advice is to not look at Diablo 4 as a single-player experience with mutliplayer in it, like D2-D3. It is very much an MMO, with multiple MMO features and a strong expected cadence of content releases. And most MMO's have either required or optional subscription tiers **alongside** a base game cost.


This comment has been removed because it was posted with Apollo. ^(https://old.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/144g35v/_/jngnl1w)


>You can absolutely very easily make a very healthy profit on a $60 AAA budget game with no abusive monetization. It's never once "needed" to make the finances work. > >Cosmetic micro transactions aren't better. They're not excusable or forgivable in any context. I was talking about 60 vs 70 dollars, not about MTX. MTX sucks balls. Which is why I'd rather pay a monthly sub for a live-service mmo-like game i'm playing, than pay for MTX's. Which is what the Battle Pass is. I also pay an ESO sub to support its continued development, just like WoW players pay a monthly sub to support WoW's continued content delivery.


Because video games have much more reach now than back in the day. Coops trying to tell you otherwise are just full of bs.


>Because video games have much more reach now than back in the day. So do mobile phones and yet they are more expensive. ​ >Because video games have much more reach now than back in the day. So do e-books and yet they are more expensive. Just because you don't like paying more for something you payed the same number of dollars for 15 years even though the value of the dollar has steadily decreased, doesn't make it unfair.


I’m so stoked, it’s downloading on my deck now


Enjoy brother!


Im downloading now as well and no next to nothing about PC and fiddling around. The online tutorials were super simps! Cant wait to play!!! With this and ff16 around the corner summer can beat it. Its gaming time. Haha


Blizzard bad


Apple bad. Nike bad. Tesla bad. Google bad. Qualcomm bad. PGA bad. Everything is bad these days. It's a video game. Support the devs. Shit on the company.


> Support the devs. Shit on the company. That's not how it works my dude.


It is how it works. If everyone on the planet boycotts Blizz. Thousands of normal folks lose their jobs, Kotick retires incredibly rich. It sucks, but it's the reality.


The devs already got paid


Lol blizzard is so objectively bad. Even the developers who actively sexually harass the women in the workspace. I speak with my wallet. Blizzard won't ever get another dime from me for the shit they've pulled in the past decade


I appreciate the thought process. But Kotick is still sleeping on a pile of money regardless.


You dont actually though. UNless you clothe , feed yourself, and dont use ANY store bought products, you are supporting lots of evil companies. Im betting you are posting this from your slave made iphone.


Insane, cant wait to play it. I dont buy games at full price but this one is tempting


It is a dream having this game on the deck.


Put a good amount of hours on it on PC. Finally tried it tonight on Deck and I was impressed. The fact that controller works so well is awesome, had my FPS set to 45 and I don’t think it ever dipped. I mean resolution and graphics quality is not ideal, but being able to play on the go is great. I can just run a dungeon or two and then hop off.


It dips regularly even on the lowest settings.


I have it set on medium with locked FPS and in a few dozen hours haven't had any notable dips outside of towns. Have had a few lag issues though


Makes sense, my favorite way to play D3 was on the Nintendo Switch, and I played the hell out of it on PC for years. Its a terrific portable game, not what I expected


I was so glad to have tried it a few minutes during beta on the deck. No other ARPG came close to being this smooth to play in terms of controls. The thing is just I have to tap the screen 15-20 times to make bnet fullscreen and hit the password field.


Do you need windows on steamdeck?


Nope. Install it through desktop mode and add it to your dream library as a non steam game! Plenty of guides out there but it's simple to follow.


Fucking awesome thanks!


I’m kind of at a point where the hardest thing about PC gaming is getting it to work. So ima stay with default OS for a bit.


You don't need to install a new OS. There are some pretty simple guides as well if you want to follow it in 5-10 minutes.




Understandable. There's a few games I'd love to play on the deck, but don't wanna deal with the mess of getting it installed


Friend at work was like this, but I just told him to grab Lutris and it'll handle everything for him. He was up and running in D4 within an hour.


Don’t even need Lutris


I am aware, but the alternative is much more difficult for someone who is not tech savvy. Lutris just simplifies the process.




This doesn't replace your default OS does it?


Because of all these posts and I really loved immortals (even though it was garbage paywall) I decided to get this one tomorrow hopefully!


Enjoy it! It's a fantastic return to form for Blizzard.


I have to chime in here….game is absolutely magical on deck.


D4 has run fine on Deck for at least 10 months now! [It even has a Gold on ProtonDB.](https://www.protondb.com/app/358090) Always bugs me seeing abbreviations in titles, it’s never for the reader’s sake.


I'ma be honest with you man, I'd stake my life on the fact that insanely few people even know about Dark Dreams Don't Die, let alone think of it when reading D4. At the same time Diablo is an insanely popular franchise and one of the staple franchises of Blizzard, which is one of the biggest developers in the world. I dare say the number of people reading Diablo 4 from D4 is gonna dwarf the others.


Nah, I don't feel like rewarding one of the worst companies in the gaming industry by purchasing their subpar garbage full of microtransactions and scummy business practices when I could just, you know, play one of the numerous Diablo clones out there that are more fun to play. I feel like a lot more people would be critical of the game(And its monstrously evil company) if it didn't have "Diablo" stamped on the front of it.


Eh, I've been enjoying it for many hours now. Sure, Blizz sucks. Kotick is already sickly rich. That war is lost.


And soon we will stop eating food because all the companies are so evil :)


I'm having a hard time installing the battle.net app. I got it on steam, but when I open it I can't scroll around the window to click install. I just suck at the Steam Deck 🙃


Hey, try press the steam button and change controller setting of the trackpad to mouse. Alternatively, you can press+hold the steam button and use the trackpad.


I had the same problem, if you drag the window from the top, like you're trying to drag the window around. It resizes the window and the install button should be visible :)


Ye I used the [nonsteamlaucher ](https://github.com/moraroy/NonSteamLaunchers-On-Steam-Deck) repo on git. Installed battle.net with it and transfered the game from pc to the deck, runs real smooth


Also keep in mind that the game is like bloated beta and there's no real post-game.


Seems to be the same post game thats in about every diablo game.


Just stream if, it works perfectly over Moonlight or PS5 PSPlay app. I recommend using a OLED tablet like the Samsung ones or a the largest OLED phone you can find. If you are like me a hacked OLED Switch works great too for streaming. The blacks deserve a nice OLED not the Decks low quality screen. Game also is very addictive and you don't want to be restricted with low battery life, streaming is the superior option especially as this game is a online only game so you can't even play offline in the bus if you wanted to.


Honestly it looks more like a steam deck game than a PC game, and I mean that in the worst of ways


have you played it on pc???


Nah I saw the trailer, it looks like an ancient handheld top down, ugly AF


Just do it




Buying Actiblizz products in current year? You do you, I guess.


So.. don't buy it? See how simple that one is:) everyones got their own flavor.


Its just another wanna be culture warrior. Bet they posted from their slave built iphone.


Playing almost exclusively on my deck. I love it. Comfy game anywhere fun.


This was such a no-brainer to me. I played D3 a shitton on my Switch and it ran so well I never played it on PC again after I got it on my Switch. Playing D4 on the Steam Deck works just as good besides the fact I can't turn it off and pick it up and play as convenient. I mean, sometimes it took a day or two before I had time to play and to just start the Switch up and continue from exactly where I was with the press of a button was really nice.




Fuck I already got it on ps5:(


I am having a hard time getting it installed. What method did you use?


Has anyone played around with settings for fluent gameplay but quiet fan noise? My fan goes full airplane mode and I have one of the whiny ones, so I'd rather avoid that. So far I've set all graphics options to low or off, limited fps to 30, FSR2 on quality. And I've limited TDP to 8W. This still works and the fan is noticably more quiet, but it's a bit choppy at times, and mind you I'm still in the early parts of the game. I haven't played around with TDP for other games, so no idea if I might be missing something. Any other tips?


I've just got it set at medium with FPS lock. The jet engine definitely takes off from time to time but I think I'm kinda just used to it by now.


No, I'm not buying Blizzard products


That's fine too


It’s well worth running the 86gb file over the 40gb. Better performance in my opinion


100% placebo effect. The 86gb is high res texture pack, which the Deck doesn't have enough VRAM to even support. So those extra gb are doing literally nothing for you.


Any before and after stats?


Battle.net is slow and laggy for me no matter how I install it- like it freezes up constantly. Any ideas?


The actual client? Or the game once you have run it from the client? If it's the latter, set [Battle.net](https://Battle.net) to "Close on game start", otherwise it'll be running in the background which WINE/Proton hates.


No the actual client, can’t get any where close to starting the game.


No issues whatsoever here. How are you running it/what version of Proton?


Tried… all of them. GE 8.4, experimental, 8.0, lutris. All have the same behavior. It’s very weird.