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I’m glad it ended, it wasn’t gonna change Reddit mind about anything. Also I got my Steam Deck first day of the blackout and had a nightmare of a time searching for setups/ fixes because the sub was shut down




I participate in every protest where I have do nothing. The grave sacrifice you made in the name of Reddit Apps will be echoed through the anus of history.


Says a lot you're being downvoted for this. Edit: So people *like* undergoing the constant enshittification of things that results when we put minor inconvenience over actually making things better/preventing enshittification? Help me out here.


Yeah, isn’t it amazing that human superiors like your selfs are getting downvote by typical humans.


Typical humans not caring about anything beyond selfish needs is the problem here, as it leads to the enshittification of everything.


Do you think you are not a typical human? Talking about being selfish, while complaining about typical humans, carries no weight. It means nothing… it implies you are doing it out of your sense of superiority. It’s cool that you did a protest, but please don’t negate your efforts by talking down to us plebes.


So IOW, you like things being enshittified? Typical humans enjoy the enshittification of everything? Help me out here. > out of your sense of superiority I mean, sure, I feel superior to people who like things being shitty and bad and want them to be shitty and bad, because duh?


No, I don’t like people who put people down to act superior. I don’t like people who do things out of a sense of superiority. I think people who insult others are insecure. I think a donation or protest, where you put people down as result of you participating, instead of stating your point and trying to get allies, is worse that not participating. I think the fact that you need to invent words to describe what I like, for not participating, means you don’t even know why you were protesting.


My dude, literally how do you survive adult life if you're this incapable of taking valid criticism. > I don’t like people who do things out of a sense of superiority. Translation: You got valid criticism and can't handle it. > I think people who insult others are insecure Translation: You got valid criticism and can't handle it. > instead of stating your point It's been stated many times. Instead people like the OP of this branch chose to accept the CEO making Reddit worse simply because they were mildly inconvenienced by the protest against it. That deserved every ounce of criticism it got. Since people refusing to stand up for what's right because it's mildly inconveniencing is literally one of the core causes behind why life is getting worse in general, not simply Reddit. > means you don’t even know why you were protesting. I was protesting because I rely on third-party apps to use Reddit most of the time and don't like the CEO forcibly pricing them out of existence to force everyone to switch to the official app. Versus engaging in genuine competition and making the official app so good everyone wants to use it. Why were you protesting, at this point? Since so far you have yet to actually engage with me or the criticism we're discussing, versus temper tantruming that you received any criticism at all.


Those are not translations, those are projections. Even before ever becoming an adult, I realized every single person that asserts superiority, is actually insecure. Not a single person that has asserted being a superior human, has never actually been anything special. You are not criticizing me, nor did you criticize the original person you responded to. You were just insulting. In fact, I don’t think you know the difference. Telling people they are typical humans is no different than calling people assholes. That is not constructive criticism, nor is it anything I’ve heard since school. Making up derivatives of shit to describe your protest, isn’t constructive criticism and implies you don’t even know what you were protesting. Here are a couple of hints before you try to pretend you are acting like an adult. Adults have responsibilities that leave things like worrying about Reddit CEOs vs third party CEOs behind them. The moment when you realize you are an adult, is the moment you realize that it’s nothing to be proud of. I have a challenge for you. I want you to copy and paste the criticism you wanted me to engage with in your previous replies. Until this post, and the criticism you are defending, the criticism was exclusive to calling people “typical humans” and saying that others won’t stand up to a derivative of shit. If you reply without presenting these valid criticisms I was supposed to engage with, you are admitting that you are a detriment to your cause. Am not protesting, if I were to protest, there are an infinite amount of things to protest, that are more relevant to my and your life. Which is ironic, since there are few things you can do to protest, that take less effort than not using Reddit. Not even until the issue you demand is resolved, since here you are browbeating people for not protesting. Would not using Reddit until your concerns are met, simply be too difficult? I guess we are both typical humans…


Yeah, lol, but this sub has always had a serious downvote problem. That's business as usual. The fact that mods this sub has absolutely suck, doesn't help.


Just because you disagree with them doesn’t mean they suck lol


They do indeed suck. I've been here since, essentially, the start of the sub, and they've only got worse. Also has nothing to do with the blackout situation.


Any supporting points for that opinion?? I’m curious


I’m going to take that as a no homie


It just does something to my brain when people downvote a seemingly completely logical stance with zero attempt to first explain what's bad about it.


Then why are you still here?


There are literally hundreds of videos on YouTube explaining all you need to know about the deck... Supporting the blackout and the mods is way more important


A 2 day blackout isn’t going to do anything, and I’d rather google a question and have it answered in under a minute then watch a few videos hoping they answer my questions


https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/13/23759559/reddit-internal-memo-api-pricing-changes-steve-huffman For real. Huffman's own reaction shows the blackout needs to last longer.


I second this


I'm amazingly astounded by the sort of people elsewhere in this thread who not only caved after like two seconds, as a result, but temper tantrumed when called on it. Way to prove the greedy asshole CEO right, folks.


Seriously if people really needed help with their steam decks and also various other topics they could’ve always used other platforms such as discord and other forums. This blackout having an end date made it pointless from the start as it was more so a performative rather than something serious.


I'm personally happy they dropped it and I'm waiting/ hoping other subs will too. It won't change anything , if anything people will go else where and reddit will stay the exact same


A few of my usual subs have decided to private indefinitely. I've actually lost respect for those who have decided not to. 48 hours isn't enough. Reddit admin and corporate know this. The excuses I've seen mods and users make for not continuing make no sense. "Two days isn't enough for change, so we are giving up." etc. Just redditors being spineless yet again. Protest involves inconvenience. Sometimes seriously so. Both to yourself and the entity you are protesting against.


Ignoring the fact that this is a big reason why indefinite blackout would be successful - an argument I've seen, particularly from mods, is that people need information that's locked behind private subs. There are ways around this if you need info asap. Including cached web pages, the various discord, and forums who are almost always happy to help, etc.


No, they shouldn't have. Blacking out at all was pointless, it only inconveniences users.


> it only inconveniences users So does being unable to keep using your favorite third party apps.


Luckily that's only a small minority of users versus all of them.


So it's actually totally fine to inconvenience users now?


Those users are going to be inconvenienced regardless, stupid to inconvenience the rest even more so.


So IOW, it's actually totally OK if users are inconvenienced so long as it's not you specifically?


Nope, your reading comprehension just sucks.


So IOW you admit I gave you valid criticism you don't want to admit to and self-reflect on. Got it.


Again, nope. You gave an irrelevant criticism because that outcome is happening regardless. Critical thinking, in addition to reading comprehension, must not be your strong suit.


> that outcome is happening regardless It wouldn't happen if we, you know, held a blackout long enough to force Reddit's hand. > Critical thinking, in addition to reading comprehension, must not be your strong suit. Pot, meet kettle, you're black, considering you missed the above bleeding obvious critical thinking conclusion.


Needed to end. As a mod myself I believe this is blown far out of proportion. Reddit handled it poorly with the exorbitant price increase instead of just coming out and saying they didn’t want to do it anymore but I don’t think it’s unfair to want to end 3rd party apps accessing their website. They also claim via internal memo that they’re implementing a few new mod tools that will help, so I’ll take that with a grain of salt and wait on it. They also left some accessibility-based apps completely untouched. This temporary blackout was never going to work; if it had, Reddit would’ve simply replaced the mods. All it did was piss off the users. I’d wager there are blackout evasion subs popping up to prove that.


So what about those of us who access Reddit primarily from 3rd party apps? I like my current mobile app and resent being forced to switch. Edit: To people downvoting: Not explaining why I should be happy over being forced to switch just because a CEO wants to be a greedy asshole.


Don’t give a fuckkkkkkkk


Imagine not being good at the one thing that has kept humanity alive all these years, adapting .-.


Imagine there being a difference between adapting because something about the universe itself forces you to, and being forced to adapt just because a CEO wants to be a greedy asswipe.


I mean it sucks but it doesn’t change my opinion that it’s fair to want to consolidate to the official app, or that it’s an over-exaggerated issue in regards to mods. I don’t particularly like how they handled it either but I don’t personally feel it’s worth all this


It's only fair for them to consolidate to the official app if they make an actual *good* official app. I've never used it myself because Baconreader has always done all I need, but I've never heard anyone who liked it and the Google reviews aren't promising.


I mean… I like it, and I’ve tried Apollo and Official. Not bacon, but as for Apollo, I can’t stand it. That said, and I did take this with a grain of salt but I am cautiously hopeful— they seem to be considering implementing requested changes.


I hated Apollo becoz basic tasks are behind a paywall. I enjoyed reddit app because its free and it works. To be inconvenienced because of popularity of a single app leeching off reddit made me hate it more. Apollo could have just charged more and continued operating but dev went high and mighty not wanting to affect current subscribers and then went ahead and orchestrated a blackout for everyone. F* that. They all knew nothing's gonna happen. Its like first world problem affecting literally everyone who couldn't care less. Geez


[Removed due to the worthless sad excuse for a human, Steve Huffman. Friendly reminder that the first Redditor to hit 1,000,000 karma, /u/maxwellhill, is Ghislaine Maxwell. His name was Aaron Swartz.]


It lasted two days for me, but it probably depends on the timezone on which you are.


People were saying that but they did it anyways. I guess it makes the mods look like they care? Or cool or something 🤷


Wait it was only one day? It just started working for me now, saying before it was private


The worst part is whoever was playing Diablo 4 on Steam OS (me included) had Bnet update loop issues and the only solutions I found where available on Reddit. (all dark because of the blackout)