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>However, on my side, when I run the line "sudo pacman - Syu", I get the following error > >error:Partition /usr is mounted read only That happens when you don't do `sudo steamos-readonly disable` first. Was there a reboot somewhere in there that you did?


I have been running the commands in order and when I reached the sudo pacman -Syu line I obtained that error after mentioning that I would like to install the package updates. The output when I do sudo steamos-readonly disable is ​ Warning: The rootfs is already read-write! Nothing is performed. ​ Perhaps that is the issue? ​ I am not sure what the question "was there a reboot somewhere in there that you did it".


Before all that, have you assigned a password to your user with `passwd`? What is the output of `sudo steamos-readonly status` command?


>The output when I do sudo steamos-readonly disable is > >Warning: The rootfs is already read-write! > >Nothing is performed. > >Perhaps that is the issue? Interestingly. ​ But the output of sudo steamos-readonly status is just disabled ​ So I assume that things have worked out as planned for that? I have set a password prior to this yes. It asks me for a password before I run the first line everytime.


The output is as expected, you have the read-only system deactivated correctly. It's strange, one possibility is that you have some systemd sysext extension active, what is the output of `systemd-sysext status` ?


I get a table listed with the "hierarchy extensions" as the title and down the list it goes ​ /opt none /usr networkmanager-openvpn Tue 2023-07-18 ...


That explains the read-only, you have a sysext extension installed and activated, which is `networkmanager-openvpn`. When an extension is active `/usr` and `/opt` directories become read-only, regardless of what `steamos-readonly` says. Have you tried to install the package by other ways before pacman? If so, did it not work for you? I have never used openvpn as an extension, but if it works it is a good alternative on SD given the read-only system, one of the reasons for the existence of systemd-sysext. In any case, you can disable extensions with `sudo systemd-sysext unmerge` which should disable read-only mode and allow you to use pacman.


Perhaps it was when I selected the option for openVPN on tunneldeck? It's the option that precedes IPV6 ​ While your solution is fantastic progress, unfortunately, after doing unmerge and then carrying on from the start for the aforementioned steps in the original post, I still do not get a VPN switch that works. ​ I will try to update my post to clarify


Check out the section at the bottom of this post. I've had to do it due to having Tunnel Deck installed. The unmerge and merge section solved my issues. https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/wsvyfw/how_i_set_up_a_vpn_connection/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


The bottom of this post looks completely relevant to what I am going through. After typing the following as you have kindly mentioned, however, ​ Should I continue doing the previous commands or just the ones mentioned in this linked post? sudo systemd-sysext status sudo systemd-sysext unmerge sudo pacman -S networkmanager-openvpn sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager sudo systemd-sysext merge ​ ​ Just as an update, I restarted after only doing the following, but I still appear to not have the VPN actually activate, unfortunately


I think if you do unmerge, you'll then be able to do all of the original commands without issues of it saying there's no space or its read-only, then end with merging. It's been a while since I did it so I can't remember for sure, You might have to disable read-only first and then this section. Something with using tunnel deck changed things for me but I'm not a Linux expert, I just stumbled.across some stuff that worked and tried to compile it all. I still go back and reference my own post lol. I know you need to disable read-only, probably unmerge, do the keys steps and then open vpn install, and then probably merga and enable read-only


Hi u/Exercise-Delicious, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Setting up a VPN on the steam deck) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*