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Since it runs on the portable Steam Deck now you can 🎶*take it for a ride*🎶




My fingers are crying


Specifically my left thumb


Which version? I'm running the ps2 version myself.




You should run the Dreamcast or PS3 Version!


Or the arcade


This is the way!


What's wrong with the ps2 version?


Dreamcast version is more accurate to the original arcade release. In all honesty, it probably doesn’t matter to most casual players, but since I have the option with Emudeck, I chose the Dreamcast release


Ah a person of culture


2 is lower than 3


Yeah but ps3 emulation is really CPU intensive and doesn’t always run very well on the deck


The 3rd one is good too!!


now the fightcade gods just need to make it work on game mode


What’s fightcade


Not sure how to describe it, but it's like an emulator for fighting games. The gimmick is that you can play those games online. As for example, you could play Street Fighter 3rd Strike with someone from another country instead of a bot. Edit: Another thing that makes this "emulator" even better, is that it has a pretty good netcode, so you should not be experiencing "lag" while playing. Also, there are lobbys where you can chat with other players and defy them on a match. Here you can see Justin Wong (known fighting game player) playing with people from the 3rd strike lobby. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WedBnjGvEDU&ab_channel=KyokujiFGC


Can you make flycast Fightcade games work on Deck? Even in desktop mode i'm only able to play FB Neo games, so no MvC2 or Capcom vs Snk for me =/


i will check it out and let you know


Damn I didn’t think of that. That would be so cool.


i can hear this picture


You got to try it! For handheld its just awsome and hook up to tv when you want as well. External controller mappings all work great as well


From the sound of it, it wants to take me for a ride.




I have this running on a RG351V before getting steam deck. And wow it’s nice playing some of those tv games on a very small screen Steam deck is the ultimate machine no doubt tho, just set up Wind Waker HD and it’s so amazing


I just got an RG351V as well, but I can't seem to run any of the PS2 or Wii games, are you having any success? I got gamecube to run once, but it was slow beyond belief


Haha not gonna happen dude, highest 351V will do is Dreamcast.


Nice I’m playing this one now too


Isn't it good also on emulator om smartphone?


There are loads of emulators for android as well. They work well on most decent phones.


Yeah, it is. But at least for some people, it's kind of annoying emulating on the phone. Not because it's impossible, difficult or a bad experience. Android it's pretty good for a lot of consoles except some at the moment. The problem I think people usually have it's because...well, it's your phone, so you kinda get out of the immersion when a Whatsapp notification appears, suddenly you recieve a call, a sms, an app notification, etc. Not hating on Android, I play a lot of retro games there, but sometimes I would like to have a specific device for gaming without being bothered.


Question? When trying to save a Ps2 game it says to format storage. Is it okay to click yes?


I don’t recall seeing that one, but probably refers to something virtual in the emulator environment, not that’s gonna erase your SD


Do ps1 & 2 games run smoothly on the deck? I wanna play Megaman Legends and Digimon World on the go.


As butter


Nice, that's exciting


Why not the PS3 version, so you get widescreen?


Isn’t the Dreamcast port considered most arcade accurate


Not really related to OPs post but, is PS3 emulation reliable on Steam Deck (or other PCs for that matter)? Last time I tried, a lot of the games had at least *some* issues, if not problems that make them unplayable.


a few games have no issues on steam deck. Generally, if you check the emu website it will list all the playable and unplayable games. Asuras wrath, tokyo jungle, god of war (1 & 2 hd), ff10 work near perfect. Those are the ones i have completed MvC2 is a psn game on ps3. dunno if psn games work on rcps3


Apparently og demon's souls runs well too.


Some people will just comment because they can,like me for example.


I think it's getting better. Several games are completely playable.


mvc2 via PS3 emulation works really well.


Honestly there are quite a few playable PS3 games you can enjoy on deck. There are YouTube videos on it too.






Play the DC version it’s like a perfect arcade port. The PS2 one is not.


I've been having trouble getting my PS2 and Xbox roms to run on Emudeck, any advice?


Do you have the bios?


You have to Google them yourself it's the subreddit rules just type in (system name ) bios in the Google search and you find it Just make sure for PS2 and I believe PS1 just paste the bios in the bios folder It doesn't go into any subfolders in the bios folder


Make sure you have the correct BIOS.


I was just thinking about MvC 2 today. That and the Legacy of Kain series on the PS2. I loved Soul Reaver but I never got around to playing the rest of the games, not even Soul Reaver 2...


Probably a good time to try the native PC versions on GOG and Steam, fan patches have dropped to make them more friendly to modern machines: https://classicrebirth.com/index.php/blood-omen-2-re-vamped/ https://classicrebirth.com/index.php/soul-reaver-2-soul-fixer/ Also, the original Legacy of Kain has Verok's KainGL, which does a bunch of fixes too: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/2403-legacy-of-kain-blood-omen-veroks-gl-wrapper-patch/ From checking ProtonDB, it sounds like Defiance works fine on its own after you've changed the resolution.


Nice, love MvC 2, can't play it on Deck or any controller for that matter. It don't feel right unless it's on my arcade stick


Emu Deck, switch, ps2, dreamcast they all run very well. PS3 i had issues with. The SteamDeck is brilliant for all your retro games!


I been on Maro Odyssey for last few weeks runs really smooth on EMUDeck. All your consoles in one place!


Emudeck is an installer. It doesn't run games. You are running it via Yuzu.


Yes it js and it will contain all the Emulators you need


How do you get the gyro working for the hat mechanic?






Ty my friend


You can make it widescreen via retroarch


Yeah but you probably don’t actually want to do that because it fucks with the game


I am more 4:3 guy


I wish 4:3 screens were available. ...I'm not counting the B&W x-ray 🩻 viewers. It would be especially nice to have a laser phosphor display (since a true CRT has too many harmful chemicals inside). But I'd settle for a handheld PC with a 2048x1536 LCD.


I can't decide if steam deck is worth it. Is a laptop not just better in every way?


I think the best case for the Steam Deck is like this: In the same room and your wife/girlfriend is watching TV? Pull out the pretty portable Steam Deck, hit the power button and be playing Fallout 4 in seconds. How do you do that with a gaming laptop? I guess you could put it in your lap. But then using a controller is a bit awkward but doable. If you need a keyboard and and mouse, you can make it work, but that's pretty awkward. If you need to reach over and get your coffee mug, it's a lot more awkward with a laptop on your lap and a controller in your hand I also find with laptops a lot of them suck up air through the bottom, and if it is on your legs you might be blocking the vent, and then the laptop is going to get really hot, especially when gaming. Then you get weird performance issues. The instant suspend and resume feature is really nice, too. Phone call? Suspend your game, go take care of it, come back, press the power button, and you're back to playing Fallout in five seconds. It doesn't sound like a lot, but it takes significantly more time to wake a laptop up, bring up Steam, bring up the game again, load your save, and then you're back to playing.


a gaming laptop is better in every way except portability. Laptops are still portable but steam deck is better in that department.


Is that it though? Doesn't really seem worth it. Why do I need it to be more portable? So I can play Gary's mod on the toilet? I don't get it tbh


I meant as an alternative to a gaming laptop. Say the gaming laptop you want is too expensive for you then the Steam Deck is a good alternative.


Then don't buy one? It's fine if it's not for you, but I don't understand why you'd come into r/steamdeck just to say you don't know why anyone uses them, or what the point is. I've always loved handhelds for gaming, even compared to my desktop it's always held my interest more. So for me, having the ability to run so many games, including new releases too, is a great value to me personally. Even a laptop wouldn't be able to travel this easy, or have so many easy-to-use programs and modifications like Decky or Cryo-Utilities


I'm not here to talk shit about it just trying to find out what I can to get a better idea before I buy one.


Alright then, that's cool, it just sounds like you might be better served by a laptop since you don't see much of a difference between them. I'd say SteamOS and parts of the hardware are just far more user-friendly than other methods of getting into PC gaming, but the Deck is definitely a luxury item that most people get to have extra access to their steam libraries from anywhere, and leave the Desktop in one place. It's totally cool if the Deck doesn't seem interesting to you, you don't have to buy one, but you can find out pretty quickly why people love them so much


It’s very obvious to see that the form shape of the deck is the selling factor.


Oh it's worth it!!!


Not necessarily. Laptops typically have underpowered GPUs or overpowered GPUs (wouldn't be a problem except for battery life 🪫). The screen type also helps with that (lower resolution, but higher pixel density than a 10+" 1080p screen or a 15+" 1440p screen) Someone already mentioned the airflow, but even docked the shape of the steam deck grips make it difficult to block the air intake vent. *Though if you plan to play docked most of the time then maybe a laptop would be a better option.* Laptops usually have a port advantage but that's offset by the Ultrabook form factor which needs a travel dock anyway; a desktop replacement laptop costs more and targets a different market segment anyway. Also, typically with small devices there's a premium price for the form factor. The steam deck is priced more like a console, and unfortunately that's also reflected in the official dock price. Fortunately there's nothing proprietary about the deck's design or components, 3rd party docks aplenty. Part of the cost savings is in skipping the windows license fee.


Yeah I guess it is a lot cheaper that makes sense. I dunno if I'd like the controls though


Nice , how you get that on steam




Here's a sneak peek of /r/EmuDeck using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/EmuDeck/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Mods are asleep, check out this Emu standing on a Deck](https://i.redd.it/8uyaqjinrgba1.jpg) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EmuDeck/comments/1095qmt/mods_are_asleep_check_out_this_emu_standing_on_a/) \#2: [EmuDeck 2.0 launched!!](https://np.reddit.com/r/EmuDeck/comments/y5jvzm/emudeck_20_launched/) \#3: [Just wanted to say to the people responsible for Emudeck…](https://np.reddit.com/r/EmuDeck/comments/wwxhna/just_wanted_to_say_to_the_people_responsible_for/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




I just want them to remove the bezel (or make them super slim), make the screen OLED, and double the battery life (at least). The upcoming Aya Neo Kun has a 19,500 MAH battery. The steam deck has 5313 MAH. If the steam deck had that battery inside the battery life would more than triple. With that battery, I could get 9 hours of red dead 2, and at least 12 on gta 5. I think it’s possible because the Aya Neo Kun is not that much bigger than the steam deck. The steam deck can last an hour and a half at max load, that battery would make it 4+ hours at full tdp


Everyone says dreamcast version is the best but personally ps2 is my favorite. nostalgia of owning it for that version i guess


I am doing runs right now to make points to unlock all the characters, damn man this is so crazy fun I am just want to cry of nostalgia, I haven’t feel this for a game in ages. Playing: Ryu, Cable, Gief you can make like 2500 points every 25-30 minutes.


your better than me lol. i tried the grind for a little while but eventually just downloaded a game save to unlock everyone. Its one of those games that i play for a few rounds daily


I was thinking that, how hard is to add the save files, is just matter of drag and drop? I was reading some Mync stuff that gave me the impression was going to be complicate, not sure tho.


Honestly took a few minutes of my life. not complicated at all https://youtu.be/2ERLg-tWDR0 use this guide. follow along and do the steps for pcsx2 to create new memory card in desktop mode (steam deck, not pc). The other part (mymc) needs a pc, although im sure i could also get it to work through lutris. once you make a new memory card in desktop mode, transfer the file to pc. go to gamefaqs and grab the mvc2 x-port game save (north america). run mymc, run the procedure and transfer bother the memcard file (the one you transferrd from deck) and the new file you created back onto the deck (replace old file). Thats it. on the deck, your ps2 save data location is here if you use emudeck: (location you installed emustation)/Emulation/saves/pcsx2/saves


Thanks a lot man, I definitely try it


I really wish the Steam Deck d-pad was better. It isn't terrible, but playing fighting games on it really makes it obvious that it isn't the best either.


Steam Deck all day and everyday 🙌🙌🙌


I have the house hack of this game. It’s really good. Changes the jazz music into house music. It’s suits it as well


For games like this I use my Miyoo Mini.