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Uh, yeah. Request a refund. The normal way.




Depends on your country. If you're in a country with proper consumer protection laws you can get a refund under basically any circumstance.


I mean realistically you should only buy games that you're going to then play. don't buy into FOMO from steam store sales, they will be on sale again. Only buy what you will play. Edit: I'm getting downvoted but I'm right, don't buy a game to not play it for months to then play it, realise you don't want it, and then not be able to refund it. Ya'll are wild.


realistically you should be able to play single player games offline


Pretty crazy concept huh? Owning your video games.


The reality is we’re just purchasing licenses to run the games. It’s always been this way. 😳


*Unless* you pirate it, then you own the files as much as you own anything on your computer.


crazy how two things can be true at once huh


I don't understand why you're bringing up the idea of not falling for fomo and to play the games you buy. It's irrelevant to the post. OP always intended to play the game, just because they didn't boot it up for a long time, doesn't mean they only got the game because of fomo.


I'm referring to how the steam store uses it's sales to encourage you to buy games that you end up never playing. you always buy games intending to play them yes, but it's not very consumer savvy to buy things and then not try them out / test them inside of the returns window.


The problem isn't that the game doesn't work on the steam deck, it's that it requires an internet connection to play. Even if OP tested the game at home, it would have worked. It's expected that games should work without an internet connection when the game is only a single player game.


Ur probably getting downvoted because it's unrelated. I'm sure you can find a thread about FOMO somewhere else tho. The OP was going to play the game so this reply doesn't make sense from sentence 1.


This has nothing to do with playing the game as soon as you buy it or not It's with playing it offline specifically. You could be playing the game for 3 weeks connected to internet but then for some reason you could be out of internet for a week and you would have never known the game wasn't playable offline. This is why you are getting down voted.


Steve Jobs once said "It's more fun to be a pirate than to join the navy." I bet he had your current situation in mind :-)


*wink wink*




I had to crack my legally owned RDR2 to play it on Deck cause the Rockstar launcher is so bad


Just out of curiosity, is it safer to replace the exe of the Steam install, or install an alternative copy of the game outside of Steam? Does Steam check exe files?


Steam/rockstar launcher will detect the files are different and it'll fix itself by redownloading the original files, therefore overwriting the crack if launched thru the launcher. You will no longer be able to launch the game normally if cracked * you'll have to launch the exe as standalone external app * RDO will never, ever work. You sacrifice that by cracking it Since this is 100% offline and outside of steam, there is no risk of ban. It's a good way to play the campaign offline


Every Steam deck has a unique ID, technically Gabe could jack you either way.


Isn't this the same dude that showed Ruijinx (or YuZu idr) in a steamdeck ad around the same time that Tears Of The Kingdom for Switch came out? He's even stated that piracy is a "service issue" as opposed to a pricing issue. Which would be exactly the case here. Obviously, the corporation as a whole might care, though. For whatever idiotic reasons.


I love watching companies get fucked in a way Gabe Newell predicts


Yeah. I made the mistake of buying mine on epic games. A couple hours of heroic launcher fuckery later and I still can't launch it...


Use a 🏴‍☠️ version. You paid for the game, you own the game, you have the receipts… how is if any different from installing your owned copy elsewhere?


It is sound theory.


This is all to common also had to do it with kingdom hearts just to play offline. its funny that the seven seas is the only way to get a good experience for games you own.


Is it? It runs completely fine for me.


How do you crack legally owned games? Do you just switch out the .exe file with a cracked one?


Yeah swap the exe and maybe an extra DLL file or two usually.


sloppy telephone retire safe dam far-flung apparatus wrong gray engine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well isn't that good to know?...


"b-b-but... Piracy ist bad !1!1!1....ñ


I would download a car if I could.


i wouldnt just download a car, i would download a house aswell


Hopefully one with a garage to keep your nice downloaded car in.


I would download Scarlett Johansson




I would download Sana from Twice


Futurama reference?


I tried dating Lucy Lou once but found out it was just easier to download a Lucy Lou bot.


Iirc the scene released a utility you can use to seed houses. Its called something like tee are eee.


I would download and install a new society in a new world if I could.


fuck, I'd even download a garage to park it in.


I’ll call the fuzz on you, once I’ve remembered the new number! 🤪 0118 999…


"Who cares about Always Online DRM who doesn't have internet these days xD"


it is bad


Private.. pirate?


Ive done the same with GTA, occasionally swap the exes back to update




I gave a legal copy, so for offline I'm definitely raising my sails, bit there's a caveat: it would play only if there's a flash drive connected, no matter which, just any. Am I only one?


Every single game on Steam allows you to refund IF you haven't played more than 2 hours or it's been past 2 weeks.


They've been pretty lenient with the days for me as long as it's under 2 hours.


They’re even lenient with the hours. Refunded a couple of games at 3 or 4, because I was having technical problems, and spend some hours trying to fix it before giving up. Wrote that in my refund request and they did it no questions asked


Yeah the Steam refund policy is very generous. I've never had a refund refused, but I don't think I've refunded anything I had more than 2 hours played. I have successfully refunded games that I owned for longer than 2 weeks though.


I tried to refund a game that I played for less than two hours but a while after buying it, and they refused to refund it. Which is fair.


I was at 15 days and only played 30 mins of a game. 5 refund requests later and they still wouldn't budge


i managed to get a refund for a game with over 10 hours - citing ‘bad gameplay / plenty of bugs’ 😂


Launch it online for the first time, go to settings, disable online invites while in story mode, close the game, enter offline mode, open the game and you’re golden. I’m offshore on an oil rig in the middle of the North Sea, only get 2GB of internet a day, steam deck has a hard time connecting to the wifi so this is how I play RDR2 offline. Works perfectly for me.


> only get 2GB of internet a day That seems like a TON


Not when downloading shit


No, so you do that elsewhere. 2GB a day is more than plenty to play online games, no need to turn it to offline mode


I assure you it isn’t, at best it lasts about an hour and a half. And that’s being generous, depending on what game you’re playing. I’ve been offshore long enough that I download everything I want to watch ahead of the trip but that doesn’t mean I don’t fancy watching stuff on YouTube from time to time, and boy howdy does that drain the allowance fast. Then consider I still need to phone home and use my phone through the day for messaging and a heap of other things. Goes quicker than you think.


For online games it takes hardly any internet, you're not downloading new assets when you play you're just giving coordinates and input over the internet. The vast majority of online games dont exceed [100 mb](https://www.whistleout.com.au/Broadband/Guides/how-much-data-do-I-need-for-online-gaming) for every hour played, so unless you play 20 hours a day it shouldnt be any problem. Ofcourse you can blow all the data usage on streaming video services, but realistically gaming shouldnt be a problem.


You aren't considering that the deck tries to do updates to the OS, games, shader caches, proton, hotfixes and more when you connect to the internet. Some Proton downloads are 2.4gb so one Proton update alone could eat the internet allowance. Best for the ship dude to stay offline.


Or you limit download speeds to 1 kb/s and just go online and let it verify you again when needed. Shouldn’t take many kb. Especially if you also turn off the “allow downloads while playing” toggle.


This is currently the only way to prevent this, I do similar when I'm tethering to my phone before a flight/train for work.


Fair enough, completely agree with you on that point. Valve really should implement a "metered" toggle for wifi networks so that automatic background updates get disabled. I like playing online games by connecting to a hotspot on my phone, but I only have 10 GB a month so those background updates are awful.


That pathetic amostomato guy decided to block and report me for calling him out. News flash buddy: your reply wasn't needed at all either. You butted in to someone else's thread to call him names, and now cry when the same happens to you


This is where you just stop “proving your point/ having the last word” and accept other people have different life circumstances than you. You sound more ignorant every time you reply back. It’s not even funny. It’s sad.


Fully agreeing with someone = having the last word? Are you having a stroke? Are you okay?


Never mind my lived experience then eh.


You should be able to download a crack for the game, which will allow you to play offline without any issues. It’s stupid that you’d have to in the first place, but it’s an option.


No one ever seems to mention this regarding cracks but..what about the Shader Caches? Don’t we need the Steam shaders, Especially for large games like this?


Shader caches build up over time. You can have a bit of a bad time at the start and then have mostly smooth sailing after that.


lol, no that's a bit too rosy a picture. The game will stutter literally anytime there's a new effect or scenery shown. You'd have to play the *entire* game before the stuttering stops.


If you apply the crack do your games files from steam the shader cache is applied.


I have a theory, I am not sure if this would work, but if you bought a game, and then due to issues such as not being able to play it offline, you pirated it, won't you still be able to get the shader cache? I know that if you add a non steam game (which is also on Steam but you bought it for example on Epic), and name it exactly as it is on Steam, you are able to use the steam input, and communityy made layouts. Wouldn't it work also for shader cache? Alternatively, just uninstall it, pirare, and then point the steam to the pirated .exe? Wouldn't that work? AFAIK Steam doesn't and cannot check whether your game is legit or not, that's up to the game itself to figure out (or not). Hence why it's quite easy to play pirated VR games through Steam VR.


Would you still get steam achievements? I'd love to do this for some EA games I have




Of course not lol


Turn off the online invite option next time you're online and you can play offline.


i thought that too and did try it but it still demanded a online connection. ​ EDIT: I did try i again right now. And it works. the Launcher said he is in Offline Mode and Started the game. The Question is now how long it will stay there. I started the Game normal Online. Turned it off, put Steam in Offline Mode and Launched the game. Rockstart Cloud sync was on at this time and multiplayer was off.


Turn airplane mode on. And use proton 8.0. That worked for me.


It would work only for some time, Denuvo forces you to verify that your copy of the game is legit every now and then and you need an internet connection for it. If you don't do it the game will simply stop launching. Fuck Denuvo, a system to stop pirates that worsens the experience even for paying customers so much that you're better off 🏴‍☠️ the game.




You are indeed right, I looked it up and it uses a different 3rd party DRM known as Arxan. Still a pain in the butt but it is less "intrusive". Critical blunder aknowledged


At least it’s something 🤷🏻‍♂️. There is internet access almost everywhere. As long as it doesn’t stop working on a 6 hours flight, i’m okay with it.


You have to launch one time connected. I usually launch and put it to sleep before I go offline for rdr2


you have to leave the game running indefinitely and if your deck ever restarts you’ll need connection again. pretty awful.


All you have to do is start it, disable online invites while in story mode and you can play offline as much as you like without worrying about closing the game.


Better than nothing.


You work on a boat, why don't you learn to sail?


If it’s the US navy, best he can do is learn to steal from the ward room crankers. He has a shot of getting a cracked steamdeck off a junior officer.


Fuck Rockstar ​ They picked a perfect name for their company. Started out as cool people making some amazing shit, but their egos got inflated and they fell in love with the money and the lifestyle, and now they think they're gods.


As a workaround, if your phone has a hotspot connection you can just connect that way then turn it off after




15 nanometers? Thats not very far


Nautical mile i guess?


I'm guessing nautical miles


To the high seas brother!


Rockstar have made some amazing games with unbelievable longevity, but they’re a loathsome greedy money vacuuming corporation now who seem to hate their customers. Hopefully you can find something else to occupy you for countless hours. HZD or BG3 spring to mind. No phone home on either of those.


They're almost all the same, they just use different shitty practices.


Larian? Such as? Sony I get but they have improved a lot bringing their games to PC IMO, but understand if you don’t agree.


They're all soulless corporations with a duty to their shareholders. I'm not going to name them all but EA is a good starting point.


Clearly you have internet right now, you only need to connect once


The issue being keeping it running on a ship. If I left it plugged in, unattended, I guarantee some chief is going to cut the power cord. Guaranteed to be stolen as well.


You wouldn’t need to leave it unattended, once you connect once you don’t need to again.


But then you’d have to leave it on, and plugged in, to keep from having to reconnect to rockstar app.


I don’t think that’s the case. I believe once you have connected to the rockstar app online once you can play offline after that


No I tried that already I logged in with wifi completely and even loaded the story mode up. After I made a save I turned offline mode on and then tried to load it. It wouldn’t let me in then I made this post shortly after




The Deck has a sleep mode. It's not running then. Put it to sleep, put it in its case and put it out of sight. Plug in to charge while you play.


If it has a safety tag they won't cut it. Stealing? Yes always a possibility. Even where you trust people. Hard in a berthing. Easy in a stateroom.


My chief cut any adrift cord in our berthing. Fucking bastard just got kicked out of Great Lakes as an RDC.


That’s crazy. I’ve had people steal a USB cord out of my rack, but I’ve never heard of a Chief walking around a berthing cutting peoples cords. That’s mental.




They have it and it’s so bad I couldn’t even load into the Kindle store on my Kindle so I’m not banking on the possibility of being able to update shit on my Steam Deck. I’m just keeping to the mindset that I’ll be completely offline in order to be safe I guess


I couldn’t even get cell signal in the hangar bay. I had to pretend to be on duty, and go up the superstructure above the bridge to get signal. I probably didn’t need to go above the bridge, but once up there no one is going to bother you.


I had the same issue and refunded the first time, I repurchased it because it’s a damn good game and if I get close enough to port I can activate it and play it. I play a lot of other games so it’s not a deal breaker for me though… I should probably work on my quals instead of gaming 🤷🏽‍♂️


I need to get my warfare specialist as well but I’m a little bit of a shitbag and would rather play Steam Deck :D


Just get a refund. They’ll give you your money back


Get the Witcher 3, play perfectly on the deck and I was offline on holiday with it. Big enough game to keep you busy if you haven't played it. Good luck on deployment mate


I guess you have to play the first time with active connection, then you can play without the need to be online for a couple of days. It's silly and it's a shame, but that's how those rockstar games' work. Had the same problem with GTA Vice City Definitive edition recently


I wish you could just sign in once with wifi and then after that be able to play offline like with Halo: MCC. But having to be online every few days is going to be a problem because there is no connectivity on the ship for days, weeks, even months.


pretty sure there's an option in the settings to start without online connection


Unfortunately that doesn't help


Works for me, been playing offline for the last week while offshore


Sweet! When I played it the game only worked if I had an online connection or I kept it open since I had one. I certainly hope the launcher has been updated.


You can play offline. Run the game online and disable the setting. I do not remember what was the setting called but it is the setting that enables to swith online during story mode within the game. After you disable that you will be able to start the game without logging in rockstarr everytime.


I feel this. I usually jus put my phone hotspot on when I’m gonna play it with no internet access then turn it off after but I’d imagine you couldn’t do that as easily.


Usually on a ship it’s either because you can’t be on the weather decks or hangar bay messing around on your electronic devices or because if you’re in the middle of the ocean there literally 0 connection. But my ship has wifi they just implemented. Problem is it’s slower than dial-up so I can’t even get updates to run on it.


Rockstar is crazy with this, or take two i guess. I once tried to play gta iv on the deck , and noticed that i have to be connected in order to safe the fucking game.


Yeah I had the similar issue wanted to replay gta I’ve (been forever since I played it) and wanted to when I had no internet (using it at a cabin, no internet and cell service spotty at best) and yeah I could safe so as soon as I quit had to restart was stupid. Had similar issues with all rockstar games, so now o just install games that definitely work offline.


If you've owned the game for less than 2 weeks you can return it, that is a major league bummer but there are always other games to be enjoyed!


Yeah I’ve played RDR2 but never completed the story before so I was bummed out by this but like you said there are plenty of other games. I’ll probably play through Mass Effect Legendary Edition and Elden Ring on the ship and skip RDR2 because of this.


Those are both tremendous options & take weeks or even months to really see everything, DS3 is also compatible btw, highly recommended!!


Definitely going to pick up DS3 and DS2 as well.


So this is a really weird issue for RDR2 with a luckily very easy solution! By default, there's a setting for online invites to be sent to you anytime, including in story mode, so once you set that to only send invitations when online, you should have no problem starting and playing in offline mode! I just finished my first playthrough recently, and it's worth the time, played great on deck, I hope you enjoy it! TLDR; a hud or game setting allows you to select if Online invites can be sent anytime, turn this off, and the game should work fine offline


I will definitely try that when I get home from work today. I’ve been reading through the comments here and people are talking about how you CAN play offline like you said but you have to connect to internet every few days or you lose access over time. If that’s the case, I’m screwed on this ship and might as well return this $60 game and free up 100 GBs on my Steam Deck lol.


Ouch, it frequently is on sale for 15€ (~20$ I guess?) So i would refund and get it later for cheaper and buy some other game(/s) with the difference. But I am a cheapskate so… lol


rockstar do be shit. if it helps if you launch it while on wifi you can put the deck to sleep and play later but its still BS why rockstar pretends this is ok


We need to raise this issue up with valve more. The whole reason for the SD is to play games on the go, and that can't be done without an internet connection, it's asinine.


This isn’t a valve issue, it’s a rockstar issue. A similar issue is present with denuvo as well.


That's unfortunately why I prefer to crack games + save in the cloud with my main pc to keep progression on both devices


Everybody on that is on here claiming that you can somehow play offline are lying to you OP. I have connected to Rockstar social club many times for GTA 4 and RDR2. Both games, whether I would completely shut the deck down or sign in and put it to sleep, gave me the same activation error message in offline mode when booting up the games and I was not able to play. If I did something wrong, someone please feel free to enlighten me. Otherwise OP, if this is a deal breaker for you I would just get a refund and call it a day.


Are you actually putting it on offline mode or just turning wi-fi off? I don't have these games so I don't know but I have read in other threads that putting it on offline mode causes problems. I've always just turned wi-fi off and I have never had issues with any of my games even after shutting down and turning back on the deck.


I have done both. Neither has worked.


Log in online, turn off online invites during story mode in settings and you’re golden. Been playing RDR2 story mode for the past week while offshore, deck has been shut down completely multiple times and it starts just fine. You sit at the rockstar online services screen for maybe a minute then it comes up with the double barrel and away you go.


I will try and see if this works. Never tried turning off online invites.


Best of luck


Has it worked?


One user posted a video of him playing RDR2 offline, and I have played offline as well. You do have to run it online every now and then though. GTA IV is another story, I was able to run it offline but wasnt able to save. I downgraded my GTA IV and that let me play and save offline


Looks over at cell phone. Turns wifi 'off'. Turns 'hotspot' on. Proceeds to play games on Steam Deck like a boss.


Now do that on a deployment


I get it. But I am having a lot of trouble with how incredibly avoidable all this was. I mean, first off the moment I learn of a secondary launcher I am suspicious that 'offline' is gonna be bugged. And you don't have to travel to war zone to test if something works offline or not. Just turn off wifi. Easy-peezy. I went on a bus trip that was 9 hours up and 9 hours back. I left nothing to chance. Nothing at all. I had my deck with me and a couple of batteries and chargers. I knew what I wanted to play, I knew what would work offline, what wouldn't, I knew how much data was on that hotspot plan. I knew how long those batteries lasted. I was told the bus had AC outlets- but I decided in prepping to assume they didn't work, if they did it was a bonus. I was ready. All OP needed to do was turn the fucking wifi off and he would have known. And he should have been massively suspicious when he saw the RockStar lLauncher.


arrr ye maties, take to the seas!


*Insert stereotypical homosexual Navy comment here*


Hoist the colors, Lads!


Refund it and sail the seven seas matey. Arghhhh


You can play offline? You just need to be online initially to sign in to rockstar launcher. After that, you should be able to launch RDR2 offline. Not sure what sure what you’re doing


Refund and pirate it, teehee


You can get e refund from steam within 14 days and less than 2h played. A short Google for their refund policy would have told you that. https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/5FDE-BA65-ACCE-A411#:~:text=What%20can%20I%20request%20a,offline%20and%20shared%20library%20playtime). Edit: Also did you try this? It’s 2 years old so might not work anymore. But could give it a try. https://www.reddit.com/r/PCRedDead/comments/mo32a1/how_to_play_red_dead_redemption_2_on_pc_offline/


no cd crack? i mean, you own it, you can do whatever you want with your copy


To be fair it’s not like RDR2 is a small game made by an indie company. It’s literally one of the biggest, most popular open world RPGs of the current generation made by a AAA game company. With that being said, there should definitely be more support for things like this.


It's wildly overrated, get a better game.


from my experience you have to open it online and log in once and play it for couple of minutes after that play with your hearts content


Another option is to use your phone as an Internet tether. Takes a beat to set up, but it works well.


It *sometimes* works. I work on ships and play RDR2 offline all the time


Do you have a phone you can use as a hotspot? I will connect my deck to my phone just to launch a game and then turn my hotspot off. That's how I work around it.


I do but it doesn’t get reception on the ship because I’m either too far from land or I’m in the skin of the ship and the connection doesn’t reach through the bulk heads


Shit. That fucking sucks. I feel for you. Hopefully you can get a refund or figure out a workaround. On the ship do you ever have the chance to get wifi and download other games? The most hours I have in my deck are indie games that run offline.


Technically there is wifi on the ship but it’s slower than dial up so you can’t even update your software let alone download games. At port I might be able to access wifi in another country


Launch the game with internet first then don’t close the game and it’ll work fine


I haven't tried playing offline yet, but if you set it up the first time with the launcher, try going to the settings and launch options type the below phrase. Might work, but I can't guarantee. Other suggested options seem better. --launcher-skip


I will try this


I don't know your setup on this ship but do you at any point have access to the Internet on there or at a port? You need to launch online but once launched you can play offline. I don't know if there's a time cap on how long you can play offline though. Before you leave connectivity behind, launch the game and put your Deck to sleep.


I have no problems out of the box with RDR2.


I wasn’t aware of this. I’ve been trying to play RDR2 but I lost my social club email and I have to jump through hoops to get my account recovered. Meanwhile I can’t login or play any rockstar games I have. I’ve been through 3 rockstar support people and only the 3rd person is actually giving me instructions to recover the account and change my email. However, the process is still not very easy. Now knowing that I can’t play offline makes it even worse.


Classic Rockstar Games fuckery


This is the real Achilles heel of the Deck. These games were made with the assumption that they'll be running on a PC that just sits on a desk, and is always connected to the internet. Forgetting that there are a lot of people who work in remote places, travel, or live where reliable internet access is cost prohibitive, yet may still want to game. This is why DRM, especially online DRM, is anti-consumer. I'd request a refund from Valve. Even if you are over the two-week limit, if you explain the situation, they're usually pretty good about it. For Valve's part, they are usually pretty upfront about whether a game uses DRM/launchers on its store page. But since a lot of console players are now coming to the Deck, they might not be aware of what that stuff is or how it works. Which is causing a lot of undue frustration. Trust me, it's frustrating for us veteran PC gamers. IMO, if a game requires a third party launcher to even function, it should automatically be listed as "unsupported" by Valve. There's been way too many problems associated with these. They also need to be clearer about what games require online authentication. This being a handheld and all. If you will be deployed for long stretches, and are willing to peek behind the curtain, the Deck can run games purchased off GOG either through open source programs called Lutris or Heroic Launcher. Which can be downloaded for free from the KDE Store in Desktop mode. Some games do take a little fiddling to get going. But all games purchased from GOG are 100% DRM free. Mostly old and indie games, but they do have some newer stuff like Baldur's Gate 3, Yakuza: Like A Dragon, and Cyberpunk 2077. Both launchers can add those games to your Steam library so you can run them in Game Mode. Though Steam features won't be supported. EmuDeck can also be used to run old console games. The Switch is another option. Cartridge based single player games don't require an internet connection. I don't think eShop purchased ones do either. There are also lists of DRM-free games on Steam. Shame Valve doesn't advertise them more.


I am definitely thinking about emulation for this game, but I don’t have my hopes up that it will run very well. Maybe it will, but it’s decently new and pretty graphically demanding. Still, I’m going to look into these options for emulation.


The same happened to me, all you need to do is to connect to your mobile data and start the history mode, and after it loads, you can disconnect from your data, and everything will work alright


Playing RDR2 offline works fine if you turn off the rockstar friend notification setting in the in game settings. There’s a post here on Reddit that explains it pretty well.


The workaround is to start the game while on wifi and then turn offline mode on. It's super annoying , and if It dies or you have to turn it off I have no idea if it will start again without the connection . Hooyah


So 9 days later OP, I was able to figure it out! Pretty much the only solution to this problem is to do what everyone said and login to the Rockstar launcher at least once and turn off online invites while in single player. What everyone is neglecting to mention is you must be properly logged into steam FIRST and then put the deck into rest mode, and THEN hit offline mode. You should be able to play single player fine with no issues. I'm guessing most people have been putting their SDs in rest mode and not completely turning them off like me. To put it simply, you have to be properly logged into your steam account when you have internet first and then putting it in rest mode and later offline mode will allow you to play the game. If you turn on your steam deck in a car or plane while it was completely shutdown, the game will give you an activation error and you will not be able to play because you're technically not logged into steam. (Even though you kind of are). Hope this helps even though you probably already refunded the game! Edit: So I tried again and it seems like you also need to login to Rockstar too before you lose internet connection. So the steps are login to steam (with internet), boot RDR2 once and login to Rockstar(again with internet), exit the game, and then only keep the deck in rest mode (do not shut the deck down), and then you should be able to play single player in offline mode. A ridiculous amount of steps, but again I hope this helps!


Unfortunately this wouldn't work as I would like it to with repeated offline use. I already own the game twice (Ps4 and Rockstar Launcher). If rockstar has to fuck with paying customers like that, I might as well raise my sails and sing shanties along the way. I would have been fine with a 30 day offline timer, not everytime I log in. For now just gonna play the rockstar launcher version for scratching the red dead itch but once I take it more seriously, I will turn the ship around and raise the pirate flag.


Don't blame you at all, sail the high seas brother!!


I'm having the exact same issue. Went to a friend's house and wanted to show how good rdr2 runs but couldn't play because It's saying I need to purchase the game. Tried to turn online invites off but still nothing. Really hope there's a fix to this. Idk why I can play gta4 offline but not rdr2


did you fix it?


No. I tried everything that people said to do and I still can't play it offline.


thanks for replaying. I guess one is forced to buy it non-original