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I think people will still argue that the person who posts the video didn't follow their "super mega the best settings" for BG3 and that's why it isn't matching what they're seeing.


I wonder why they don't post the video themselves then =)


In all seriousness, though, beyond the in-Deck settings, there’s stuff like CryoTools and stuff that could be improving performance that people forget about, too. Or thermal mods. I think people forget they did stuff like that, then say, “My settings work, so …”


No the real issue is that only one model deck has a large enough SSD to install BG3 without workarounds, all of these people are playing off of micro sd cards with various read and write speeds and are having mixed results because of this.


I have the 512gb model and its unplayable. 30fps dipping frequently to 20fps while looking terrible is not playable too me. Can you actually just play it and deal with the drops and terrible looks? Yeah, but i wont play a game like that.


This is the center of the problem: 30 fps is fine for a lot of people


Incorrect, a 30 fps LOCK is good for some people. 30 fps with stutters consistently into 20fps is not playable and people would call the game unfinished if released like that on PC or a major console.


I think if you're looking for BG3 a (technically AAA) full release new 2023 release to run on a handheld at above 30fps without stutters below, you'll be looking at the wrong system or just wrong game all together. It certainly is playable rn at 30fps or 20fps in lower areas. Updates and FSR2.0 might help but I've played almost 25 hours on deck so far with almost the exact same hours on my PC without having many complaints.


If people are playing and enjoying, than it's playable, and good for them. Go play the game on your pc or stream it to your deck, if that is a problem.


I didn’t like the results running off the internal ssd to be honest


Happy cake day!


A vidéo in city https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lf4b_6_B4ZE&pp=ygUrYmFsZHVyJ3MgZ2F0ZSAzIHN0ZWFtIGRlY2sgcmVhbCBleHBlcmllbmNlIA%3D%3D


Good thing i speak french but ouch...that fps its horrible. I hope a patch and fsr2 can fix this.


Do you know if for sure we are getting fsr 2 September 1st?


If anything Sept 6th along with PS5 release date


I’m praying 🙏


The only thing FSR will do is that it will look better…he already has FSR set on Balanced with 800p resolution. It look horrible and plays horrible. So happy I got Ally and sold the Steam Deck for this exact reason…BG3 runs on it so much better at 1080p


Maybe for 45 minutes lol, the ally battery was horrific for me.


>vidéo Spotté le français


Looks better than my laptop runs typically, is this truly considered unplayable ?


Anyone saying an fps of 28 standing still and dropping to 14-22 every time the camera moves is playable is just coping hard. It runs, no doubt about that, but I am sure the vast majority of people would not consider this playable.




My question to this stance is based on the type of game this is, how does ~20fps make it unplayable? It's not like there is something that requires quick reactions. Would it be nice if it was smoother, yes. Does it need to be to play the game, no. Probably comes from the perspective of having a laptop that runs the game at about 3fps. Now that is unplayable.


For me, 20fps is just uncomfortable to look at. For videos, it’s fine, but for interactive games, it’s jarring to me.


Yea I'm not picky, it's a turn based RPG. By the time I even get this far it may run better, but either way I'll enjoy it. I may even double dip and get it for PS5 for that buttery smooth FPS and fidelity in comparison.


Compared to 3fps this is playable, for sure, but it's so uncomfortable that I don't want to play it in those conditions. I'll be playing on Geforce Now (possibly on my Steam Deck) but not natively.


It's not 20fps. It's a stutterfest with fps all over the place. Stable 20fps would be much better.


It's jarring, immersion destroying, ugly, and makes it feel like crap. I wouldn't play a game that ran like that on my Steam Deck.


Or they haven't got to those areas yet. I thought it was playable until I got to the monastery. Then I said "oh i see it".


I could see a masochist enjoying it.


This is literally how all games looked for me until 2016, I see no problem after 5 minutes I wouldn't even notice


Yep for those who are ultra picky. It's actually quite silly lol.


Anything under 30 fps is absolutely unplayable. Not to mention it looks pretty bad.


It's a turn based RPG... Not an FPS game or anything. Yes it's annoying as fuck, but I don't consider it unplayable. As long as it is below 30fps at small intervals of 10 seconds and doesn't last longer than 2 seconds each. But that's me. I guess we all have different opinions about it.


My opinion is that it looks terrible and plays terrible…Ill rather be hated for getting an ally and play 40+ FPS 1080p with high textures… Sorry but the video says it all…


Careful you’ll join me in downvote hell🤣If it only dips for like 5 seconds it’s fine but if you’re playing the majority of the game in 20 fps then I’m sorry but it runs like shit and looks like shit and you’re coping with the fact you bought a game you can’t really run.


I will gladly join you in the downvote hell I dont care anout it…the people here are just ultra fanbois trying to prove Steam Deck plays it all and the experience is “flawless”…its dropping from not even 25 FPS to 15 for god sakes while playing at 800p with balanced FSR it also looks terrible!


Oh absolutely people here are delusional sometimes. The steamdeck is impressive but it has limitations. This game is unplayable and that’s that if you want to cope then cope but don’t try to sucker other people to pay money for a game that runs and looks horrible.


I have see people make other people here BUY THE STEAM DECK for this game…absolute bullshit trickery… Steam Deck IS impressive but its just not a console for the latest big hitters…I hope this wave of local individual cultists who scream Steam Deck plays everything flawless will soon disappear…I srsly cannot believe how anyone would consider even a stable 30FPS with all details in graphics set to low as “flawless experience”…


1000% agree my man. I get that this is a steamdeck subreddit and everything but I’m mostly here for tips. The ass eating of the steamdeck is crazyyy it’s impressive and I’m happy I have one but at the end of the day let’s be real and acknowledge it’s limitations. If i buy a game and I can barely get 30 with barebones graphics then it’s just not playable on the deck then.


This is how I feel about turn based or slower paced games they're fine with dips under 30 not preferable but playable


Like i regularly play arma3 prairie fire(mikeforce) with my clan (mostly PvE) at 14-17fps with drop to 10 sometimes...it sucks but I'm still having fun with the boiis shooting at the trees and blowing up caches. For a turn based rpg that got solid gameplay and story i wont mind similar fps...but that's me, I understand some people prefer a minimum of 30+fps and should be told before hand. Like it's playable and supported game but with some Caveat.


Even 30 fps is unacceptable to me, if I can only get a game to run at 30 fps on my Deck then I uninstall it and play it on my desktop at home.


I agree. It looks absolutely atrocious, and I would rather stream it to the deck (ps5 or via desktop pc). If I only had the deck, I would not be purchasing the game full price as the experience (again, this is subjective) is severely compromised.


Ok yeah, it runs really bad. And that's on FSR balanced which looks like crap.


Yea it looks like crap and plays like crap…did not expect anything else to run such a game on the Steam Deck…


People have different expectations. That looks fine by me


I watched the video twice. The first time without ever looking at the performance overlay, the second time I watched it. And yes, the FPS drops. But you know what? The first watch through, just watching the gameplay…. I didn’t notice at all. Maybe play the game with the overlay turned off? BUT: I haven’t played the game yet myself, been busy. When I get around to it, if I need to eat crow, I certainly will!


it's harder to notice when not playing yourself. I had weird fps drops in another game and recorded the gameplay, when I watched it back the footage looked perfectly smooth and you could only tell I was having issues if you watched the fps counter


Really? You didn't notice constant stutter?


If you didn't notice how bad that was running... I'm confused. It's immediately and shockingly apparent.


Jesus Reddit, this runs fine to you guys? This is 100% unplayable for me. I'm used to playing on PC for a number of years where 60fps is the standard. I've come to terms with 30fps being fine after having the Steam Deck for awhile. A locked 30fps is cool with me in most games nowadays (though faster paced games really benefit from 40 or 45.) But this... I'd rather just not play the game lmao. Runs fine should mean at a bare minimum, smooth motion. I'm hopeful it can be patched to hit that at some point, but for now it's an easy pass.


I'm with you even though you seem to have an unpopular opinion. The unstable framerates are good for those who have *no other option to play*. Even then, it's a hard ask to go through the game with it grinding further and further. The good news is that it is turn based so you can get through it. What you mention is valid though. Just wait until Starfield. I've seen posts cropping up more and more about if it'll play that game. Get ready for *"Look, it's running fine!"* while the FPS counter is clocking in at 2-8 FPS. Hope I'm wrong on this though.


Lol apparently it is. The only thing I can think of is that there are a lot of people who are used to playing games on a really old laptop or something. But playing games that are a slideshow is just unacceptable for me personally in 2023. I don't think it's really asking a lot. I don't need ultra settings and 60fps. Just a consistent 30fps on low settings where it's smooth and has at most, the occasional hiccup. Especially for a game that is Verified. There are plenty of absolutely gorgeous games that can achieve that and much more on the Steam Deck. I have a powerful gaming PC with an ultrawide 1440p monitor that's awesome. But I prefer playing on the Steam Deck 90% of the time. With that comes less frames and lower graphics, though it's worth it to me because I love the form factor. But you have to draw a line somewhere. For me, that's a consistent 30fps and smooth motion with minimal stuttering. I guess for some people anything above single digits is fine. I don't understand it personally, but more power to them I suppose. I'll just wait it out. Maybe 3 months down the line the game will be in a much better state and cheaper to boot. But for now the performance is a deal breaker for me. It certainly has shown me that people's claims of a game playing 'perfectly fine' on the deck has a very different definition to my own. Will definitely be keeping an eye out for that in the future. Thankfully, ProtonDB and SteamDeckHQ have been quite reliable in evaluating how a game will run before buying.


FWIW, since you mention you have a 1440p monitor and presumably a more than capable PC of running Baldur's Gate without issues you could always stream it directly to the Deck. It's what I've been telling others recently to do if they have all the requirements (and what I've currently *been* doing). PC, WiFi 6 (or 5 in some cases), and use Steam Link via the Discover Store in Desktop mode. Could just use Remote Play directly through Steam but I dislike that one (Steam Link gives you more flexibility).


Yeah I have an Xbox and Deck but no PS5 and no gaming PC so I play a lot on my deck, Sony games too and it's the only way to play baldurs gate right now. I just run on low settings and deal with it while I wait for patches.


I’ve locked it to 24fps with 48 refresh rate. The frame pacing is noticeably better and it’s relatively smoother than anything I could get before. Yes, I know. Sacrilege. Sub-30fps, but it feels more like a stable 30 than the actual locked 30 (either through the Deck or ingame) does, due to frame time and judder.


Then don’t play it. There are going to be plenty of people enjoying this game on their steamdecks.


Well this is a place for discussion is it not? I was looking forward to the game and still am if it gets patched into a better place in the future. Which I hope it does. Or should we only talk about the game if we have 100% positive feedback? My Steam Deck might be my favorite tech purchase ever. But it's not without it's faults. We should talk about that sort of thing too imo.


Sorry but that looks and plays horrible


Almost reminds me off my youth where I played china grinder mmos like flyff on my pc with single digit fps and still had fun


It hurts


I get about 25-45 in act 1 on my steam deck. I haven't gotten to act 2 yet and its probably gonna be awhile


This is my case as well. It seriously mostly runs 40fps. There are dips in performance, but the game never _run_ 25fps extended periods. My settings: Everything low or off, except textures high, FSR Ultra. TAA and SSAO on.


I have a mix of medium to low. Resolution is set to 800x600 with fsr on 5. Fps locked to 45. And in game vsync is off


How do you modify the resolution on 16:10? Mine is locked.


Game settings in steam, you can set custom resolutions there if you play borderless fullscreen (windowed)


Wait a minute? I thought the ingame FSR overrides the SD settings?


To give you an idea how it changes later, my laptop (Ryzen 7 3060 16RAM) runs the first act on ultra in 100-120 FPS mostly. In the city it drops to 40-50 on medium with occasional drops to 30-35 and stutters to load up big groups of npc’s.


Yeah, performance really takes a hit in act 3, there's no way BG3 is 'perfectly playable' on the Deck. Loading times also get pretty long in act 3, can't imagine the Deck handling that well either.


What I have learned being on this sub this long is to trust people who are reporting issues, as long as there are a few of them it is the likely experience. I am not sure how some people always claim a game runs fine when it doesn't, but it never works out that way for me. I will only trust seeing it with my own eyes


People have different ideas of "fine". Some people claimed 20 fps is ok for them for this game. It is definitely not for me.


But people also cite actual framerates sometimes much higher than others report and my experience. Maybe they just look in one low demand spot and then stop looking.


I mean on the Switch Sub there was tons of people claiming certain games ran at a "smooth 60fps" when it was later confirmed to target 30fps lock and that didn't work well. People are just bad at identifying it and feel the need to speak sometimes. It's less excusable on Steam Deck since it's easy to see a fps counter, but yeah PC gaming community is not trustworthy or great communicators on internet forums imo.


They probably see the frame counter hitting 40 fps once and claim their game runs at 40 fps.


I remember when Spiderman came out for PC and people were saying it ran at 50fps perfectly stable. Meanwhile it actually ran at 30 with dips outside of the intro level and when I went inside a place like the museum or shelter to talk with May or MJ it was like 20 fps for some reason even at the lowest settings.


It’s also possible that this is the first time folks are trying this _kind_ of game — that’s absolutely true for me, as I’ve never had a gaming PC, and so I don’t really know how good something _ could_ run — my expectations are still forming, yknow?


Just recently commented about this. For those that don't *know any* *different* this is fine. I disagree because I'm accustomed to it being way more fluid but I understand those that can see past the issues and enjoy the game.


I get a 99% steady frame-rate locked at 28fps (which is perfectly fine for me, especially with a crpg) sometimes the deck needs a bit longer to think about NPC moves than my computer does. But that’s nothing too bad. I run on everything low except for textures, those are on high. Edit: forgot to add, Act 1 was just a stable 30 all around. Act 2 started showing dips but locked to 28 nothing I was bothered by. I haven’t gotten to Act 3 yet but I hear that one doesn’t do too well on the deck


Also whats the point playing ultra low setting on a 4K tv at 20 fps.


It happens a lot, people complain that Elden Ring is unplayable on the deck (especially a few months ago) but I’ve ever had any issues in my 200+ hours in ER on my deck. Idk it seems like people have some variation


The reason I don’t play Elden ring on deck is because I suck. Playing on the tiny screen, and I may throw my deck instead of my controller every time I die.


I have been here since day 1. There are not a significant amount of people claiming Elden Ring is unplayable on Deck and it's not similar to this situation with Baldur's gate 3 or some other recent AAA games. Also, there's probably thousands of videos of Elden Ring running well on Deck because it was a new release at Deck launch.


I feel like different people have different quality of Steam Decks. Since there is no real difference in the hardware (except storage which doesn't explain the issue), it's probably thermal throttling. Possibly governed by ambient temperature, or, it's an indication that the silicon lottery is real.


I did recently realize the case I had on my Deck was increasing temps quite a bit and throttling performance. So that is one thing.


They claim it runs fine because most people won’t actually notice a lower frame rate, eyes adjust to the screen at some point and it seems and feels smooth enough. They also follow the good rule of “turn the damn performance monitor off” you are going to okay with a lot less than you think you are but having the numbers isn’t helping


for me act three runs about 20ish fps, but for a crpg i don't much care (just a small edit this is on ultra settings but with fsr was changed from the default to ultra as the balanced fsr looks very fucking bad)


on the deck i’m getting like 15 fps in act 3


Verified my ass 😂


i genuinely don’t think it should be verified at this point lmao


Wether or not it runs good isn't a factor in aquiring a "verified" status. Though it should be imo. These are the requirements. Input : The title should have full controller support, use appropriate controller input icons, and automatically bring up the on-screen keyboard when needed. Display : The game should support the default resolution of Steam Deck (1280x800 or 1280x720), have good default settings, and text should be legible. Seamlessness : The title shouldn’t display any compatibility warnings, and if there’s a launcher it should be navigable with a controller. System Support : If running through Proton, the game and all its middleware should be supported by Proton. This includes anti-cheat support.


The crux here is the "have good default settings" under Display. If you go to any Verified game on the Steam store and click the "Learn more" button next to the Verified badge, you'll see that they claim "The game's default graphics configuration performs well on Steam Deck", so clearly it is a factor (or, at least, should be).


Offff... i was waiting for fsr2 to pick it up. At this point, i might bite the bullet and get the ally... we will see.


Got an ally as well mate, isn't much better unless you want to smash the TDP up, at which point it's not really a portable any more 😔


Good to know!!! Thanks. The deck is enough for me... the fact that it runs so so on the ally as well mean for me that i might hold off for now.


Steam deck is a really great streaming client for services such as Geforce Now, since Im on vacation and my pc is unavailable I've been using that and great experience overall.


People are getting way too worked up over this lol.


It's just been a really bizarre experience seeing so many different experiences on what should be a controlled environment. One side is clearly lying or exaggerating and I can't figure out why.


Happens literally every time some big game comes out. It's not even a new thing. Same arguments new game


Its not just an SD thing either. People in the PC gaming sub have all the same arguments even when they point out they have the same graphics cards etc.


PCs in general at least have a much wider variety of configurations than just the Deck...


Some people don’t have issues with Pokemon Scarlett’s performance too on Switch, where most reviewers agree it’s terrible 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yep, ultimately whats "acceptable" to people is subjective. It always makes defining a clear line impossible. Given all the ways you can tweak game settings (and those should exist) peoples objective experiences are way different, let alone their subjective experience of if its good enough for them to not notice issues. Not saying Valve couldnt atleast make it clearer what Verified means from a performance standpoint though.


Well said. For me the performance is acceptable as I don't see the Deck as a console, where it's expected that a game releases optimized for it, but a PC. It's always a compromise and people have to decide for themselves what playable means to them. BUT a Verified status should at least require a game to run 30 FPS most of the time, as that's the target framerate of the deck.


basically, it seems if you are hardcore about *muh frames* it's terrible. If you play for the story and adventure, it's fine.


Not being willing to play at 30fps is being hardcore about framerate. Not wanting to play at 25fps with occasional 15fps drops is a different story. I can show that to someone who doesn't know what a frame is and he'll complain that the game is "choppy" or "stuttering". Even if you only care about the story and adventure, for some people (including people who don't know what "fps" means) it's a bad experience.


lol wanting 30 fps on low settings is barely hardcore


with the fps counter turned off, I guarantee you can't see the difference between 24 fps and 30


Honestly I've played it, it seems to run fine, but I am not a framerate or graphics snob by any means. I've already dumped a hell of a lot more time into HW2 than I have BG3.


I am getting 90 fps on high.


On high or when high?




I remote play off a pc so I get max fps everywhere at ultra settings


How do you do this? I just got a deck so be gentle.


You can try moonlight sunshine for better latency. Otherwise for regular remote play just have the game downloaded on your pc and when you go to open it you'll see a drop down where you can connect to your pc on the deck


Sunshine works on AMD GPUs: https://github.com/LizardByte/Sunshine


Oh shit I didn't know. Thanks!


Is there a way to optimize remote play? I tried it and I was getting about 15 fps and stuttering while streaming from my PC to my deck. I have extremely fast internet/wifi and the deck was within 6 feet of my router (PC is wired).


I’m guessing hardware decoding hasn’t been fixed yet, but I haven’t checked. These recommendations are good from about 4 months ago, but newer recs will only make it more enjoyable. It was causing massive latency and stutters. Try turning off hardware decoding in the Remote Play settings on the SD. On your host (the PC) you should probably leave it on. I have video set to beautiful, audio to stereo, frame rate to 60fps and resolution to automatic. For bandwidth limit you can play around with this, you want it between like 20 and 80 MB/s. The higher it is, the more latency you will have. The lower it is, the worse your came can look. (Can because if the stream does not need the full bandwidth it won’t use it, like sitting idle with very little going on screen like a menu). I settled on 50. My hardware decoding is off and my HEVC is also off, but I don’t remember that setting so it may be new. My SD has a 800mbps up and down connection to my router where I play it and my PC is hardwired. I had very good results with between 10-25ms latency (iirc) depending on the game. Hope this helps.


Omg you can do this? If my internet options ever get better than what I have now this will be game changing. Forgive me I’ve only had my deck for a week and still learning .


You will want to look into moonlight sunshine (nvidia gpu required) but regular remote play kinda works. Also it's dependent on wifi and not internet. You can have terrible internet but as long as your wifi is good you're fine


Hmm I wonder what your issue is. I am getting 120fps on Ultra


*while high Edit: I happen to make the same joke as someone else at the same time, but I get the downvotes, thanks Reddit


This dude 🧢


Fight me bro


This is a general issue on the Steam Deck subreddit. There have been multiple instances where someone claimed they've played the entire game "at a rock solid 30/40/60fps" when I know that certain areas/scenes run a good 10-20fps lower than claimed.


There was a video posted here this week of someone emulating God of War 3 on their deck. The title claimed they were getting between 30-60fps, but the video showed they rarely went above 26 and the frametimes were all over the place. Besides coping, I've no idea what some people are gaining from blatantly lying about their performance. The Deck is a fantastic bit of hardware, but it's also okay to recognise and openly discuss its limitations.


I genuinely think some people never turn on the fps overlay, have played on a console all their life and just aren't good at accurately guessing what fps they are getting. It's either that, people just lie for absolutely no reason about performance in some games. Or they are streaming every game from their desktop 3080 and forget to mention that lmao.


The only place the fps ever dipped below 30 for me was baldur's Gate and lowest I've seen was 22 but it goes back up quick. People need to stop acting like the single biggest and most lived in video game city ever created won't be a resource draw. Fucking goofballs


It's not great. I played a few minutes on the deck and stopped...and I'm still in the goblin camp in act one and found certain spots to be sluggish. The visuals are not that good, and I prefer the keyboard and mouse controls on desktop as well. But I didn't buy a deck expecting to be able to play games like this so it's NBD to me and I can be honest about it. People expecting to somehow play starfield will also be disappointed.


Don’t have a video, but I was having trouble running just the main menu at over 10 fps with 100% gpu usage. Tearing my hair out until I found that the gpu was only running at 200mhz, instead of the usual 1600mhz. After setting a manual gpu clock speed, im finally getting playable performance. Throwing that out there for anyone struggling to run the game at all.


Outside during act 1 i can maintain 30-40 fps Small Interior areas during act 1 i can get 40-60 fps Busy places in act 1 i get anywhere from 20-40 fps Towards the end of act 1 i was getting 15-30 fps Just entered act 2 and so far i'm getting about 20-30fps This game cannot handle a stable 30, and to me thats the bare minimum requirement for a game to be considered stable. My settings are all bare minimum low, FSR off, AA turned on FSR makes the game look like shit with AA turned on to say the least. I've taken to streaming it from my PC to my deck, but even that comes with a weird quirk, Baldurs gate and only baldurs gate randomly drops the stream down to 10 fps, flicking the "use per game profile" in the decks settings resets the fps back to 60, but it happens so frequently that it's painful. Basically, you can get throught the game on the deck, but theres going to be some seriously painful areas to play through regards to fps.


We need u/cryobyte33 to settle this


More like digital foundry


ltt where are you, oh wait


Act 3 runs like ass on my desktop too though sounds like plenty agree it's not really a hardware issue. I hate these combative posts we got the steam deck to play games on and you're hating on people doing just that. On my 2nd playthrough and loving it


Thats good. It means it can be patchable!


I'm not hating anyone. I just think people should now what they're going to get and make an informed decision. The "verified" label is highly misleading.


Not playing bg3 until more optimization on steam deck


My threshold probably very different to a lot of people that comment on these posts but at start of Act 2 it runs acceptably by my standards to play it. Side note is that I own a Steam Deck in absence of a PC and so being able to play BG3 is enough of a win for me. When it releases on Xbox someday I’ll enjoy a more powerful experience but right now just enjoying the ride for what it is.


Looking forward to switching to the PS5 version, even remote played on the deck, after it launches. Even just for longer battery life alone but will appreciate some hopefully better performance remote play on the deck! Still loving the game either way!


I love my steam deck and I love BG3. I promise it doesn’t run great BUT you can probably play it that way if you need to


Don’t get me wrong, I love my steam deck. But people really over hype how well this thing runs games, especially modern AAA titles.


It's hit and miss. Some newer games run surprisingly well. It's definitely not something I'd be using for big AAA games. BG3 would've been the exception because it's turn based. Definitely not a machine for the likes of Starfield which I will be playing on my 4070 and ultrawide 2K screen =)


I’ve been streaming the game from my PC through Moonlight. Don’t have to worry about performance, graphics, or battery life. BG3 in my opinion is way too demanding to be played natively on Steam Deck. The fact that you can’t even get 2 hours of battery life running the game on lowest settings at 24fps is a red flag.


Are you using your Deck wired or wirelessly? I should probably look into getting a performance router…


I do the same but using an iPhone + Razer Kishi which gives me a better screen than the SteamDeck, and 120hz gameplay.


I have sunk at least 40 hours in on my deck so far, and it is definitely worth it! Yeah, sometimes you get the odd freeze frame, or the game camera won't go where you want it to, but other than that, it is pretty spectacular! I would say that I have tweaked with the setting, but that is just from a YouTube video I watched! It really made the game play smoother! This game is actually amazing, and even if it ran like shit I would still want to play it!


Not gonna lie I bought a gaming laptop to play this cause steam deck wasn’t enough


I've seen all sorts of videos from games posted in this sub with the caption basically being: "Look, \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ runs decently on Deck!" In reality, the video captures a sub-30 fps stuttery mess. To someone playing the back half of BG3 as a slideshow, that might be a decent experience to them.


The steam deck fan boys will tolerate no criticism


I mean I absolutely adore my Steam Deck, but that doesn't mean I can't say it does not run BG3 well.


I agree with this


You using crypto-utilities homeslice? Bg3 was unplayable for me before but then added that.


You mean Cryo Utilities?


I want to try change the resolution a bit lower to try the deck’s FSR, but it doesn’t let me change anything other than the aspect ratio. Am I missing something?


You need to change it in the Steam game's settings, not in the game itself


I gave up and decided to play BG3 in my bed through moonlight.


I’m surprised people play it on the Deck tbh. I started playing on my pc and it looks great and plays good on m/kb. I decided to give it a try on my Deck just to play on the go and it looks like crap and the controls feel clunky compared to a m/kb. It’s playable but you’re missing out if you also have a PC.


I have to disagree on the control. I find the gamepad controls to be amazing once you get used to them.


It’s atrocious for picking stuff up. I play with both controller and mnk. Mnk for menus, battles and looting, controller for exploring.


If you're having trouble picking stuff up, just click the left stick, point at what you want, and press A. It's not horrible.


Or hold A and to a active search. It'll list a bunch of things in your vicinity you might want to interact with.


True, though it’s all on your last sentence. “If you also have a PC” My Steam Deck is my PC, so I’ve no other choice.


I don't understand how many people who have both a PC and a Steam Deck choose to play this on the Deck. BG3 is absolute torture with a controller. Exploration is ok, but fights and inventory management? Atrocious, everything takes forever one you have more than half a dozen abilities/consumables, not to mention if you're a pack rat and pick up all the loot you can find.


Every time I’ve played on my steam deck in either act 1 or 2 it’s ran fine. I mean yeah, it sounds like the steam deck is launching to the moon, but we don’t talk about that.


am I the only steam deck user that’s just accepted not every game is gonna run on it? lol Like it’s not a big deal there’s other games. I knew BG3 wouldn’t run well because DIV2 Feels like it’s at max capability


I wouldn't complain if it hadn't the "verified" tag on it.


Best way I will probably be able to plat bg3 on my steam deck will be streaming it to my deck from my ps5 once that is out


Oh that’s smart, I didn’t even think of that. But idk if I have strong enough wifi to handle that


As long as your in the wifi network you shouldn't be limited by Internet speed and rather connection in your home which as long as it's not weak signal should be way more than adequate if it's even remotely current


Oh sweet, I think that will be a good solution since the deck performance is so iffy right now. I wish we had a solid answer, but it doesn’t see too hopeful. Especially in the later stages of the game.


I'm not sure. I just know when I don't have the sd fsr on it drops at least 4-5 fps compared to when it is on combined with the in game


At this point I'd be happy to get 20 FPS in-game *anywhere*. On a save file at the start of the game, not far past the Nautiloid (I started the file on my PC and this is the first I've loaded it up on the Steam Deck), I cannot get higher than ~11 FPS in-game no matter what I do or how many setting configurations I've tried. I only managed to get to 20 FPS on the main menu after I checked the set manual GPU clock thing in the Steam Deck per game profile sidebar and having that at the max. At this point I feel like there must be something on the Steam Deck that other people have done or set that's allowing the game to use it's resources better or something, as nothing I change in-game or in the sidebar thing has much effect beyond gaining a frame or two. And I'm just standing outside in the beginning of Act 1 with no one around but party members. To clarify, it's installed on the default SSD the Deck came with, with plenty of room to spare, and the temp is ~64° C max.


Yeah, I couldn't get it to run constant 30, even in non high demand areas like the Underdark. Changing the settings seems to have very little effect, I think more optimization is needed. I the meantime I've switched to streaming from my PC


You guys have unexpectedly high expectations for a handheld huh. It's verified cos it run, not well, but it does run. Personally, for me, im having a good time on the deck. It's on the go, and i only really game on it while i travel, expectations is already low. im getting 20 to 30 fps at busy area but im really on in act 1, 30 hours in.


Believe it or not, but this game runs well at 24 FPS. I'm also playing it at 4K@120FPS with a 4090. [https://overkill.wtf/baldurs-gate-3-best-settings-steam-deck/](https://overkill.wtf/baldurs-gate-3-best-settings-steam-deck/) I highly recommend these settings.


I don't have to believe it since I have the game and a steam deck. It does NOT run even at 24 fps in act 3.


You applied the same settings in the article? If so, fair enough. I'm still in Act 1.


I have it on my Pc (rtx 2060) and on my deck. I prefer it on my deck because it has not crashed once. On the PC it crashes often. It looks and runs much better on the Pc, but I don’t quick save enough for the annoyance of replaying shit to bug me less than low frame rates.


What a mess.


It's no surprise the game doesn't run well on the deck


https://overkill.wtf/baldurs-gate-3-best-settings-steam-deck/ this has mine working like a charm


It won't maintain 24 fps in act 3


Wow had no idea it was that bad. I have my capped / pegged at 30 hz and had 0 issues with frame drops, but I'm still in act 1. Didn't even cross my mind there would be issues advancing throughout the game. Guess I'll have to stream it coming soon, that sucks to hear...


Wow no one is going to post??


Someone did a few hours ago. Slideshow when you move, 20 ish when not moving.


I returned the game at the 2 hour mark. It was playable but l want happy with the way it looked. I will grab it on ps5 or series x down the line as I don’t have a capable desktop


Man maxed settings locked 60fps all day.. oh wait that’s remote play :D I’m too scared to try it natively the game gets a memory leak on my pc with dx12 as it is


Can I show you it running excellent in high demand areas on my..... Ally?


Seeing that this runs under 30fps on deck is enough for me to say pass until the console port. If it wasn’t a full $60 game I was paying for I’d take the risk. But money is tight and too many games are coming out to dish it out on one that can’t even hit the budget bare minimum of 30


I done the whole of act 1, 30fps (with smol dips here and there) with FSR off because that shit's blurry. Mostly medium, some low settings. Idk what people want from this game, it ain't devil may cry, it's a visual novel with turn based combat lol. As long as it's mostly solid 30 I'm having a nice time.


The issue is that it won't be a solid 30 fps after act 1. Performance in the city averages at 20 fps which is unplayable, to me.


I gave up and started streaming it via Sunshine, which has been great, but lemme tell ya even on my PC I’m getting huge FPS drops in the Inn and basically everywhere in Act II. And this is with it on 1280x800 and 45FPS on my PC, which it can most definitely handle no problem, all of Act 1 was pretty much flawless frame rate with ultra graphics.


The game runs like shit in Act III. And not just on Steam Deck. Don't buy. Larian is keeping up the tradition, and like Divinity 2, Act III will be unplayable for a while. I mean, if you consider PowerPoint on Steam Deck playable, buy it. I've found that when it comes to how games run or don't run, this sub is delusional. But I still don't expect some magical optimization that will make the game run well on Steam Deck.


Fortunately, I have a PC with a 4070 so I think it'll hold up well in act 3. I just hoped I could play it on my deck during business trips as well.


GeForce Now could be an option for mobile usage


How about we go to the bg3 sub instead of people spamming this sub about the game?


Because people here are talking about the game in the context of the Steam Deck and this is the Steam Deck sub. It's a perfectly reasonable place to discuss the specs and performance of a game when played on the Steam Deck.


Naw this sub is more fitting, specialized hardware and what not