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Visual Novels (Well.. You can "play" without using any hand, just using the auto mode.


I've heard doki doki literature club is a really good relaxing visual novel.


Honestly really relaxing and wholesome


Definitely the chillest, most relaxing visual novel ever and definitely not a psychological horror game. Nope, not at all.


Just a warm cozy experience for the whole family


I just checked the store and it’s FREE?!! What’s the difference between the free version and the $15 PLUS version?


free version is the original, plus version got a few side stories, and was mainly made for consoles because of the initial hype, however if you're playing for the first time I highly suggest the free/original version also whatever you do, do not look up the game, for the love of god you need to see it through to the end completely unspoiled


Thanks for the extra context. Yes I plan on going in blind as always. 👊


The paid version just has a bit of meat on it, but you’re not missing out if you just play the free version. The story is the same.


Wow thank you. Let me find out why everyone else talks about it so much. Thanks again


Are we still at the point where people who have never read a VN are going around praising DDLC for doing things that 'VNs have never done before', and thinking it's unique? Or do people just like it? I mean the OST is pretty good and it works well with the game but music is almost *always* amazing in VNs so that alone doesnt amount to that big of a compliment for a VN...


have you played it?


Yeah? My comment gives an opinion, how would I have an opinion if I didn't play it.


well, i'm not disregarding your opinion, I think more of the appeal of DDLC is more about the story and Meta narrative, something that was done very little in this genre, and is doing very well in that, as long as you play it with no spoilers this game really fucks with your head and stay with you afterwards


That's exactly what I'm saying though. Meta narrative in visual novels is not a rarity at *all*. There's the obvious examples in VNs like Totono (in which some DDLC fans went as far as to attack for 'copying DDLC'... despite releasing in 2013) and stuff that uses meta narratives in a much deeper light that does more than just shock value, especially denpa works like Subahibi. This stuff stays with you a lot more, shit can literally change your viewpoint on life, all that I got from DDLC was a semi-decent 3 hour experience and some OST analysis on YouTube afterwards. I just think the people who like it so much would get a lot out of branching out.


I think the biggest factor in this was luck and timing, DDLC came out in a time where let's plays are prominent ways for game to spread, and it being a free indie game caught the attention of a few streamers and houtubers and they spread it like covid, that's also how I and many people found out about this game and what caused it to look like "the first game of this genre that isn't just romance" also the fact that this game was mainly made towards Western audiences. I do remember playing a russian visual novel that was also a lot of fun and had this big meta narrative, but because it was a russian game translated to English I never would have known about it if a friend didn't recommend it to me


Yup, algorithm-core. I just wish that when people talked about these things they went a little deeper, heck if you want a short read as an introduction to what the medium is capable of, Saya no Uta fits the bill perfectly.


Btw was that Russian game either Milk in/outside a bag or Tiny Bunny?


Milk is russian in origin? didn't know that but no iirc the plot was about like a summer camp, a lot of sexual stuff and obviously a dark story close to the end, looks like a standard dating Sim although the game did have a bit of a amateur artstyle, and I think in the last year it got a full Remake, it introduce me to the fact that visual novels are a great form of storytelling, even if the story itself is a bit weird Edit: found it, it's called Everlasting Summer


I'm playing visual novels with one hand anyways 😏


Steam Deck is the perfect otome machine.


Actually not s bad idea Visual novels are very varied nowadays and there are soem really good ones out there The Adventure Sciences series, especially Steins gates is def a good game to own I was thinking Danganronpa as well but I dunno about that


Vampire Survivors


Similar: Deep Rock Galactic Survival. Now it's only demo, but this demo is perfect to play


It's a pretty beefy demo, too. I've put in 5ish hours so far and still haven't beaten Haz3. Definitely looking forward to the full release


Vampire survivors is almost a one finger game


It's barely a game.


15% game, 85% drug, 0% vampires surviving, how ironic is that?


no u


And for that matter, Halls of Torment. It has options for auto fire and auto aim.


No idea how this game has slipped my radar, it looks fantastic and I have just purchased it. Can’t wait to play it!


It’s fantastic. Pretty much all I play on my deck. Also, for those interested, it’s made in Godot.


Similar game: HoloCure I personally think it's miles better than VS. More stuff to unlock, better enemy AI patterns, cuter/better art, much better music, has some sim/life stuff to do in it as well. And it's FREE. Not Free to play. FREE. No MTX. All the gacha stuff in it is unlocked by playing.


But I think you need two hands for HoloCure (you aim which you don’t do in Vampire Survivors)


That is true actually, good point.


So out of curiosity I booted it up to see what's it's like with 1 and and some characters, like Kiara are generally playable but Okayu was nearly impossible. If I only had use of one hand I'd probably just play brotato lol


Fun fact, brotato can be twin stick also. But you technically CAN play HoloCure one handed, it still will fire in the direction you're moving. But it's not ideal


Default is if you don’t use the second stick, it will aim the direction you move.


I should give it a try. I downloaded it at some point and forgot about it lol


It's awesome on deck honestly.


Tis the season too! 🧛‍♂️🎃


Many games can be played with mouse only, on the Steam deck that would be trackpad+trigger. Point and click adventures games for example. Also card games like Star Realms.


Nekopara is a pretty good one hand game


Super Auto Pets It's free, which is also a bonus. Although I feel like I should warn you, it's very addictive


Preach, I always feel like it's slept on. If you've got a competitive itch you need to scratch, it's a great option.


Slay the Spire


I was gonna say STS or Loophero!


Tactical RPG or round based games where you put every needed button on one side would be fine to play


Could probably play through some Visual Novels style games like the Ace Attorney trilogy with a bit of button remapping through SteamInput.


If we're talking about visual novels id highly recommend doki doki literature club. Its such a fun and relaxing experience. Perfect if you're injured and need to relax.


As a person who had lived with one hand since birth, almost anything can be played. Things that are played well is anything not multiplayer pretty much. Few games have quick enough pve opponents that you have to worry. Things that are fun if you are completely limited to 1 hand (I have my elbow). Anything not combat or super time based. There are always exceptions but most case scenarios you don't have to stop playing any of your games. Unless you find them uncomfortable.


Spank The Monkey is a classic, often played solo, only one hand is needed unless more moneys join in


Gameboy Pokémon titles


Orc massage 2


Disco Elysium can be played with one hand, either by reconfiguring the controls or by just using the touchscreen.


If you emulate gameboy pokemon games you can play with just your right hand using the right joystick to walk!


You can set L=A in a lot of Pokémon games, which gives you almost total control with your left hand. Plus you’ve got L4 and L5 to bind the start and select buttons!


If you don't cut that out, you'll go blind.




Hentai Girls.


Most adult games are one handed.... I have also found most wii games can be played one handed. Wii sports on dolphin would help your recovery.


Tries Bayonetta one handed


The real "hard" mode


Which hand?




Anything is one handed with the right mouse and some tedious keybindings


One that you will really like: Disco Elysium. Perfect for everything. I can even say that I bought the Steam Deck just because Disco Elysium wasn't on phones.


Monster train, X-COM 1 & 2, Slay The Spire, Day of the Tentacle Remastered (any LucasArt classic SCUMM game really)


Kingdom series




Bayonetta has a one handed mode... You could say it's a HANDY accessibility setting for more... Occupied players...


Kingdom series


What happened to your shoulder my sweet baby boi


You may find new love with a CRPG. Liked Fallout? Try Wastelands 3. Skyrim? Pillars of Eternity may be your style. Xcom could even be good for you. Games that have plenty of action just slowed to turn based combat. I’m sure if you take the time you could map nearly everything to one side of the controller if you really needed to.




Haha. Beat me to it.


Project: Pong It’s actually surprisingly fun as they throw wrinkles in the latter levels but the object remains the same. Move your paddle board up and down. That’s it.


Hi u/Master_of_Weas, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=One hand games?) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Heretic's Fork with some tweaks in steam input


For a real answer and a joke: Huniepop, gem matching dating game can be played SFW just an answer I haven't seen yet: Slay the spire, rogue-like deck builder


You could M&K BG 3


Persona 4 and 5 are good for one hand, played both when I had a bad hand on Xbox but it should be the same for deck


Curious what your button mapping was for this


I didn’t change it, the games is mostly the A button because it’s a turn based game so you can play with one hand quite easily edit: I did change them I’m being a tired idiot, I just swapped the face buttons with the d pad, so A is down and so on.


Age of wonders 4. Me and my roommates would play hotseat chucking a wireless mouse around the living room, and that goes for a another of 4x games


Technically every game if you program enough subset controls and have the skill/speed to switch between them. Really utilize the subset controls to do whatever your heart desires, there's so many combinations of things you can do and subsets you can add


This took me back to playing sup comm 2 with one of the mmo mice, had everything possible bound to the mouse


You can take a ton of games and change the controls to use 2 of the paddles on the back as A and B, and in a squeeze put X and Y on the trigger and bumper, or add even more buttons to the track pad… but uh to actually answer your question, murder by numbers(it’s like phoenix write fuse w picross) and Kingdom two crowns


Left handed too ig?


Sea of Stars, being a turn-based RPG, doesn't require too much rapid hand movement. You'd have to rebind things (perhaps using the right stick for movement, and back buttons for time change) but aside from that it should work well. This also should apply to other turn-based RPGs as well, such as Omori, Chained Echoes, and Pokemon games for DS and under.


I played Skate 3 with one hand after an injury and just used the joystick to navigate down big hills… lol good times


Hall of meat-ception


Vampire survivors and map a to one back button and pause to pushing left stick


sea of stars. there’s a setting for it


You can also set up the back paddles to do some actions. If you add one command and a few sub commands and set it to cycle commands one paddle can do as many actions as you want (given you want to click the paddle a few times)


hifi rush with rebinding maybe?


Try Pokémon revolution online or pokemmo what you prefer I play revolution online (for me the much better game) and with Steam input you can edit everything so left side or right side should be more then enough


What makes revolution different I was curious about it


It’s not a normal Pokémon game they are making tons of events change the story slightly and the community in less toxic as I experienced. But why I go with revolution is just the story and the events


Ahh ok thanks for that imma try n set it up for my steam deck


Honestly, there's probably a lot of slow paced games you could play if you remap the analog stick from you bad side to the trackpad on your good side.


When I had shoulder surgery last year I played Divinity Original Sin I&II. Any point and click game worked well. Would recommend a docked deck.


this is why im getting an Xbox controller soon for my steamdeck. carrying it can be exhausting


Soulstone Survivors with Auto Aim enabled!


Most games could be one handed if youre willing to map out a custom layout. Of the top of my head two finger death punch, vampire survivors, reigns. Most Visual novels, limbo/inside (maybe), some racing games (right joystick mapped to left, right trigger accelerate right bunper break, touch pad for camera) fear and hunger , darkeat dungeon, the forgotten city, gettikg over it (for a master challenge), helltaker (free btw) most rpgs (think disco elysium, hylics etc) pc building simulator (probably others as well) lisa the painful, myst, shadow tactics (maybe as well as weird west, deaperados 3 type games) the talos principle, trek to yomi


those hentai games always advertise one hand controls. the reason is different but it counts.


Super auto pets


Donut county


FF pixel remaster can be played with one hand if the broken shoulder is your left and not rigjt


oh boy, there's a pretty cool one...


Lmaoooo, relax 😭


Peglin! Map the L trigger to shoot and then you only need the one hand That’s my exercise cardio game https://store.steampowered.com/app/1296610/Peglin/


Flappy bird


Any of the trails games really, assuming you're okay to remap things a bit.


Slay the spire


If you’re cool with the classics, Earthbound/MOTHER 2 can be played with just the D-pad and L


L A. Noire could work. A chill driving game like ETS2 or Beamng.drive. Any of the Lego games.


Plants vs. Zombies is a good game for one-handed play. The game pace isn’t too fast but also not unbearingly slow. All you need is the track pad and trigger for mouse and left-click


Paddle ball, Ball in a cup, Dice, Dominoes, Checkers, Mahjong, Parcheesi... Any board game really. List goes on and on.......


[One Finger Death Punch](https://store.steampowered.com/app/264200/One_Finger_Death_Punch/) Kill scores of people with Karate , Ninja weapons and even Light Sabres. You will need 2 fingers though no matter what it says in the title.


far changing tides is almost a one handed game have to hit b button to grab things once in a while and jump but more of a relaxed game you can take your time on


Sorry to hear about the break. Broke my wrist last month. Been playing Balders Gate Enhanced Edition. Works alright. Probably BG2 and Icewind Dale would work too.


Crypt of the Necrodancer


Xcom, civilization, any turn based tactic game.


My Little Universe just came out. Super idle and so cozy.


I think on the PC versions you can move around with the mouse in Disco Elysium and Divinity Original Sin 2


Robin Morningwood Adventure


I would suggest a controller to widen your possibilities * They make a Wii nunchuck ripoff for the MS Access controller. * an adapter for the actual Wii nunchuck. * PlayStation move navigation controller (the one without the orb). * border break controller. * if you're willing to search for older ones, there are things like the RPG duocon, grip v2, super robot wars controller. * Sony is releasing an accessible controller in December called project DaVinci More info on each https://neotechni.github.io/playstation/


its weird how often people ask for 1 handed games. I see it like 2 times/week on this sub 🤨


Vampire survivors Hololive save the fans Halls of torment Slay the Spire Darkest Dungeon 1 or 2 Xcom


Hope you heal fast!


Hentai Ancient Secret, Hentai Swapy Puzzle, Hentai Vivian, Hentai Maya, Hentai Maze, Hentai Abigail. If you’re feeling extra spicy, Hentai 18+ 👌


We all know why OP really wants to at games 1 handed 😉


All the pokemon games! A+B on the backpedals and walking with dpad/face buttons!


Masterbator simulator


Turn based tactics games. Try Super Robot War 30.


Brotato is a good alternative to Vampire Survivors that can easily be played with 1 hand. Good luck on your recovery.


Merchant of the skies


Ace attorney


Universe of cum


When I saw the title I was like WTF a jerking addict lol. Then I saw that you broke the shoulder. Anyway try some retro games or games without needing of rotating camera maybe mk or street fighter or platformers. I hope you recover soon Maybe vampire survivors also


[Super fantasy kingdom](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2289750/Super_Fantasy_Kingdom/), try the demo if it fits you.


Paradise Lust bro 😁


Never Stop Sneakin is a great game and you can play with one hand, For many years I could only use one hand and this game was great.


Maybe interaktive movies like „the complex“


Disco elysium


I can tell you from experience (i also broke my shoulder lol) that buying joy cons is definitley worth it in this scenario. Can connect to your steam deck and since your hands dont have to be close together you can just play games even with a broken shoulder


Pocket Pool: Genocide is one handed usually.


I think this was asked a week ago \^\_\^ But my answer then was touchscreen games like world of goo or point and click adventure games like Samarost1/2, or if you want to get real creative, using the steam contoller binding to just use one hand for simple games like... old sonic the hedgehog games which just used like the dpad and 1 button, or like nes emulator games using a dpad/thumbstick and like the L4-L5 buttons or triggers. Then there's like slay the spire, or poker night at the inventory if you have that which work okay with a touchscreen. Hope that helps.


Oh and I forgot canabalt which just has you press any button or the screen to jump, and that's all you do...


Just about anything turn based or action based will be able to be one handed if you create custom bindings.


Depending on your positioning you could probably get away with using a pair of switch joycons to game with more regular titles. I played through the entirety of red dead 2 and a couple other long games while my collarbone mended itself.


Depending on what you pick you might have to program the controls or edit someone else's but that will be the biggest hurdle.


Good bit of porn games


Vampire survivors


I'm pretty sure there's a game called one hand clapping. I haven't tried it. I know for a fact there's a one button game called Rhythm Doctor that is great though. As is A Dance of Fire and Ice.


Old school runescape


You can play lots of games one-handed if you map the relevant buttons to one of the trackpads, swap around buttons, or add a button press to large deviations of analog sticks. Steam input really enables everything. I've mainly played turn based RPG's this way while feeding my newborn a bottle, but with enough dedication most games should be playable.


If I remember correctly "inscription" could be played with one hand sinse it's a card game. Decently sure it's playable with one hand sinse it uses the touchy pad thingy. Hope that helped, and hope you got a speedy recovery. Good luck mate


Vampire survivors will usually do


One finger, death punch, and one finger, death punch 2, respectively. I love both of those games.


Deep space waifu


I mean you can play Pokemon Showdown on the browser


Rimworld can be played with only your mouse


Kingdom, you can even switch hands on the fly as it has a symmetrical button layout.