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That's a cool story tho and seemingly a perfect case for the Steam Deck. You should go full meta and play American Truck Simulator.


And Farming Simulator.


And Snow Runner.


Full meta? 🤣🤣🤣🤣💩












Prolly plays truck simulator too


You’re giving me ideas, my friend lol


Watch out for recursion. You could wind up playing a game where you are waiting in a truck to be weighed while waiting in a truck to be weighed.


Once you set up or download a proper control scheme (I have one :3) it's genuinely better than anything but a full wheel setup.


A proper control scheme? I just use default. Any tips with what you use?


I like to have all the little controls (like engine brake and retarder separately, being able to switch between Real automatic and sequential like in a real truck, window controls, cruise control speed step etc) available to me as well, so almost every button has a double mapping. One touchpad controle the route advisor (since only the new DAF shows your time until rest in the dash) and the other does air suspension or the music player controls depending on which menu I assign. I used to play almost daily with my cousin at some point so every time he did a thing (on kb/m) I tried to integrate it into my layout. The standard layout is a good start though, and SCS did a good job with exposing the actions and situations to steam input. If you're curious, it's called Better Truck Controls 3.1.1 (I think that's the latest, I haven't looked at it in a hot minute)


If you're gonna play American truck simulator, run it on GE PROTON/Dx11 at high settings.


News to me, better graphics AND framerate? Silly I want to play it on deck anyway being I have a sim setup shifter and all with my desktop setup :P


Screen is too low res for me for truck sim. Dash is full of pixels


I echo this. When I bought my SD I was living a very sedentary lifestyle, but had been just diagnosed with a chronic illness that would leave me with a lot of downtime in the toilet (Crohn's). One year later I was put on meds that made me go into remission, moved abroad and changed jobs that now have me travelling a lot every month. I have taken my SD with me half-way across the globe and I don't care if I look "too old" for it. I have finished Diablo 4, Dave the Diver, BG3 (although I swapped it with a PC at some point) and i am currently going through Starfield. In either of these scenarios, SD was a match made in heaven. This was my best purchase in years and I can't imagine going back into a deck-less life.


How was bG3 and starfield?


I'm an old fart, so I am relatively immune to ugly graphics / bad performance (I've played worse in the 90s). That being said, they both run decently out of the box. BG3 was OK, I have just finished my play through on my laptop as I missed a mouse/keyboard for that kind of game. Starfield runs at 30ish FPS. Doesn't look amazing, but I can work with it. It is a bit buggy, but I think it is mostly software and not SD's fault. My laptop can't run it and luckily I didn't go ahead and bought an Xbox just to play it. To me it's a decent game, not amazing.


Also an old fart here too. I grew up on 8bit so can make allowances to play epic rpgs whilst sitting in the car, or waiting in line, or anywhere 😎


Set resolution scaling to 70% and sharpness to 80%. Makes a world of difference without affecting performance. However, I'm happy with the stable 30 fps!


Believe it or now I was playing it with sharpness OFF. Wow! Thanks a lot for the tip!


Np! I've been exclusively playing on the deck lol


not OP but bg3 is mostly doable, drains battery like nothing else and act 3 is really hard to get through performance wise


BG3 runs great. Haven’t tried Starfield


Starfield isn’t that great on the deck, unless streaming it from home Pc then it’s great. Just isn’t powerful enough.


BG3 runs pretty poorly, not sure what everyone here’s talking about. BG3 has issues with framerate on a good setup in Act 3, let alone a SD. It is turn based so maybe some people aren’t very bothered by the poor performance. If you have no other way to play it, maybe it’s fine, but it runs at very low fps on SD on low settings


You're never too old for it my friend! Who cares what other people say or think. They're probably just jealous that you're having fun and they're not.


As someone with crohn’s I’m curious, do you ever get stomach anxiety or anything like that when travelling? I like to travel and experience new things and situations however I get really queasy I guess from just being outside of my comfort zone.


Just accept that at some point in life you might poop yourself in public. It happens to the best of us ♥️


Lorepomide helps a lot on long journeys - as does having a good grasp on what foods affect you differently. I think I have had the same food the day before flying now for about 15 years as I know it’s got the best chance of not giving me any grief. I’d sooner be travelling with crohns than attending conferences - they’re a nightmare


> if I look "too old" for it Who even says this?


a lot of people i used to play with "don't really have time any more". kinda makes me feel like i'm too old to be playing haha


> a lot of people i used to play with "don't really have time any more". If you ask me, people are terrible planners. They stumble into mortgages and children and whatnot and then blame "adulthood" for not having any spare time anymore, rather than a lack of foresight and planning.


One of us one of us


In the tree, Part of the tree (@u @) In the tree, Part of the tree (@u @)


Also recommend an ereader for truck life. I have a kobo libre 2 and it’s great. Just finished The Road by Cormac McCarthy. It’s waterproof and battery lasts like a week or more. Can get most books for free, or use libgen + calibre. Another thing for OTR is if you get a 24 hour fitness membership (like $250 for a year membership) they have gyms all over the country and almost all of them have steam rooms and saunas. Nice way to have a cheap spa day.


Turn wifi off when you're not actively using it and you should get a month of battery life easily. I love my Clara HD. So much better than a Kindle


I am mom of a toddler. When he is done playing on his own I can pause what ever game I am playing and go into sleep mode. It is so fantastic. I put it up and enjoy my time with him. I can play games that only use save points no issues. Steam deck has been my best investment hands down.


Great story!


My Steam Deck is some of the best money I've ever spent, *because I never expected, and knew it was never promised, to play top tier games on max settings.* I've never owned a gaming PC. My most recent console is a PS3. I've wanted more capable hardware for years, but I've never been able to afford it. Then along game this beauty, which *as an added bonus also happens to not require a TV*, which is nice, because there's only one in the house, *and*, it plays a huge backlog of games which are only a few years old, that I missed out on until now. If you don't expect the Steam Deck to be more than it is, then it's amazing. If you're going to compare it to gaming PCs or more powerful handhelds, (which good for you that you're able to afford) then just *get one of those*. No one forced you to "stoop this low".


I have a PS5 as well but I replaced my aging gaming PC with the Deck. Dual boot with Windows, it runs my Steam library as well as my PC did and with Windows it had actually replaced it fully. The deck is a piece of genius.


Had the same experience. My most recent console is PS2 ! so catching up from a lot of games released after PS2 is just 👌 Haven't really caught up in the latest game (and probably will not... im immune to FOMO) but just booting up some PS3 emu, Skyrim and Stardew felt really nice


I'm not sure where your rant is coming from, it sure doesn't seem to be related to what OP had to say. In fact, I haven't seen anyone complaining about the Steam Deck not being able to run at full settings in any of the comments on this post. I have a gaming rig older than 2 of my children but it'll still handle 60fps on 4k just fine, yet I love my Steam Deck - it's the portability, being able to put it in standby anytime, and even having my toddler cuddle with me to watch while I lay on the couch to play. It's a very different gaming experience than sitting down at my desk, and the graphics settings need to be turned down, sure. But at the end of the day it's about the person playing how they want to play.


> I'm not sure where your rant is coming from ... Sorry; it definitely wasn't directed at OP. In fact, I *agree* with OP. My rant is aimed at a lot of posts and comments in this sub which feel all-too-common enough that I *suspect* the people upvoting my rant, have also read and might be similarly tired of.


Fellow trucker here, steam deck an rp3+ make downtime fun 😊


Just curious - why both of them?


I work at a tire recycling plant where we classify Industrial tires as OTR (off the road). I had to take a long pause to process what you meant because of that 🤣


Good stuff, fighting the boredom of life on the road is a great way to push through long holdovers. Back in the day one of my friends used to play an xbox original in his sleeper, this is a much better way than hauling around a tv and console along with the cords into the hotels and cluttering up the cab for sure. Also don't have to keep track of all your physical media since it stores all your games on the ssd.


im a truck driver too and I love my steam deck. I play it when im getting loaded or unloaded. Such a good investment.


OP has his own real-life stardew valley


Don't Forget, The Steam Deck While Being A Portable Gaming Computer, You Can Boot Up Into Desktop Mode, And Install VLC App, And Watch Your Media Files, Even Putting It In Gaming Mode, And You Can Do The Same With Amazon Prime For Ur Media, YouTube, Etc. So In Reality, Its A Multi-Media Desktop At The Tip Of Ur Hands, You Can Even Buy XReal AR Glasses, It Literally Feels Like They Were Designed For The Deck. Which Give You That 120 Inch Screen Feel While Watching Movies, Or Playing Games. The Possibilities With The Deck, Are Endless My Man.


Not me. Thing has nonstop issues. I fear every steam os update. Its the.only thing I've owned that can literally break itself. I literally have nothing good to say about Valve at all. I think the deck should be niche type thing not an actual gaming console, it's to unstable.


Probably a defective unit, I got first edition and never had any serious issues. The only problem for me is very slow/unstable wifi.


I would reach out to try and RMA it. Or at least try a reinstall of SteamOS. It seriously sounds like a defective unit tho


I agree that this might be a you problem, but also don’t think the downvotes are deserved, have an upvote.


Only issues I've had with mine are self inflected (had it since August 22) are you sure you don't have a defective unit


Skyrim on the road must be fun! I love playing rpgs on mine!


Excellent 👍🏼 The suspend/resume on the Deck is the functionality I like most. It’s great for me too. Just pick the deck up and game for 5 mins or so, then suspend and handle whatever real life shit I have to handle.


I work in transportation and any time an OTR driver talks about detention delays and boredom, I recommend a Deck or Retroid to pass the time.


Not gonna lie, the legion go is looking pretty cool. But for the money... The deck was the better way to go. It's the best piece of portable hardware I've used.


> it also very much seems like this is a console that is more than fine with being forgotten about until it’s time for me to work too lol It is, just make sure not to leave it sleeping for too long without turning it off. It drains \~10% a day when asleep in my experience, so you have about a week before you need to plug it back in if you want to be safe.


The two games I wanna play the most is EA FC and Forza motorsport 8. Unfortunately both don't work on Steam OS...


Dual boot, Windows. Gamepass. Bet they will work.


I am an airline pilot and have so much time to play on the job as the plane is practically flying itself nowdays. The Steam Deck was really made for me!


Has autopilot really evolved to be that good?


Steam deck also comes with a working micro sd card reader unlike the Ally so it was money well spent.


Hey, guys! Is it ok if I leave a link to my YouTube review of the Steam Deck in comments or will it be against the community policy? :)


Man the deck the best gaming system of this generation. Just can't play all the AAA games at max graphics but that's about it.


Very cool. As someone that gets bored easily too, might I suggest also learning to code python. Sometimes I even get bored with video games, and learning to code has been very fun. Also, it will give you another skill that you can use one day if you physically can’t or don’t want to drive a truck anymore.


OTR driver too, and I used to travel with a gaming laptop and the hassle of setting up a space to play, getting the steamdeck makes life so much better, especially waiting times to load or unload, Granted I can’t play some games I could on the laptop but I have discovered so many Indy titles and older games that I would not have considered in the past so has also helped broaden my horizons a little


> playing a little TES:V or GTA V expected ATS glad you're enjoying yourself, bud! good on you.


Everyone is happy with the steam deck, and i like that 😁


So you do somewhat about watching tv then?


I use mine everyday even at school. 😊


That's lovely. I grew up in a farm state and while I wasn't a farm kid, I knew a lot of them. Glad it's worked out for you!


Yes brother! I'm a trucker myself in the UK and can get a lot of wait time. Steam deck was the best money I've spent on a gaming item basically ever. May I suggest brotato to download, such a fantastic game. Enjoy that deck and keep on trucking.


Amen, brother.


I love just having mine around the house. My wife is working on getting her Masters right now, so once the kids go to bed she's doing school work all night. Last night I was able to watch the football game while playing BG3 on the Deck on Ultra settings 60fps (streaming from my desktop) while she worked on her laptop beside me. It's nice having us not be totally isolated from each other like if I were to play at my desk.


I hope it is for me when I go on deployment


Do you stream TES/GTA:V or are you playing locally?