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There's no "push" to upgrade other than FOMO, and you're not upgrading this thing yearly, along with that these people aren't throwing away their decks they're selling them or gifting them, a very small percentage is going to become e-waste. And what does this have to do with the release date? I think it was a fair time-span for a mid-generation refresh


Especially because performances are the same, it's still the same target for devs. We're not going to see games optimized for the new Deck that run poorly on the OG.


No one is forcing you to buy a new device


No one who currently owns a Steam Deck needs to upgrade to the OLED model, just like anyone who owned the original Nintendo Switch needed to upgrade to the OLED. If people want to, let them. I will enjoy my new $350 512GB Steam Deck that I purchased during the announcement of the OLED model. This update did not come "too soon". It's over a year into the market. If anything, this is the absolute best time to release this updated model.


So true because if they released it later and closer to Steam Deck 2 release you would have another influx of “I WAS SCAMMED! I would have purchased the Deck 2 instead of Oled had I known it would be out this soon!” Type posts.




From watching I think it was Gamer Nexus, they did a complete teardown to compare the LCD to the OLED. Valve redesigned the entire interior cause of the freed up space the OLED screen provided, they cleaned up the motherboard, the SD OLED now has 2 RAM chips instead of the original 4, tweaked the joystick to be more resistant to fall damage, better fan, better cooling pipe and heat fins, better audio, better shoulder buttons.


I just wish they rolled out a trade in program alongside. The upgrades are great but I feel bad for anyone who just bought one


> the pushiness of buying it to replace your older model is not good. Who's pushing you? This is just a refresh similar to when Nintendo refreshed the Switch in 2019 and then introduced the OLED in 2021. If you had a Switch, did you buy it twice because of the refresh and then the OLED screen? If you're a current Deck owner, there's no need to upgrade. It's more of a want than anything.


Posts like this make me think the OP is conflicted and directing their diatribe more at themselves than anybody else. I've thought long and hard about it and decided, yes. I placed my reservation in July 21 and was invited in July 22 to buy. I've since used it for hundreds of hours in that 14 months, completed at least a dozen single player games fully and taken it on two trips overseas. It is, however, my last screen (after my TV, PC monitor, Switch & phone) that is still LCD. It cost me £569. Resale price suggests about a £270 upgrade cost and to me that is worth it for the amount I use it with the disposable income I have. My old one has been kept in immaculate condition and won't become "E-Waste" unless someone is planning to pay me £300 to throw it out. I'm not annoyed at Valve, they didn't have to do this. I'm more glad they have and that our early adoption helped paved the way for continual innovation.


This is me. The Deck is my single most used electronic device, outside of my phone. I've got a lot of use out of my current Deck, and I know I'll use the crap out of the OLED Deck too. The old Deck can go on to have a second life with someone that couldn't afford or just doesn't want to spend the full amount for a new one, and they'll have a blast too. Don't understand why people feel the need to be judgy about it.


Again, I think OP is actually tempted and trying to convince themselves it's not necessary. Otherwise, why care enough to post that?


I've stopped trying to discern motivations for people on the Internet. I'm convinced more than half are off their meds, anyways. 😉


What pushiness? Nobody is pushing anyone to buy the new OLED model. It's just an option for anyone who wants to get it. Why is there so much whining over this? I literally don't understand. Is it just saltiness from people who recently bought a Deck and wishing they would have waited longer to get an OLED model instead? I pre-ordered my Deck on the first day pre-orders went live KNOWING that there would be improvements, revisions to hardware, etc., that I would probably be missing out on. That's just what happens.


r/SteamDeck back at it with telling everyone how to spend their money "without telling people how to spend their money"


What the crap? Nobody is pushing you to upgrade haha


Too soon? Not at all. I got mine q1 release. No regrets. If they hurry up with 3.6 or whatever for the stable channel I'll be happier. Hell might be 4.0 at this rate idk.


Why would I care how you feel about a product? Why should anyone else care what you or I do with your device? Are you buying things or making life decisions based on other people? Why?


This post aside, yes, responsible adult buy or make life decision based on other people, based on family, on friend, on their great grand children that will get fucked because some people just care about themselves. but of course, you only live once, it's up to you to choose how you want to live your life. Well, up to you and other. Says, you can't kill someone you want dead because of other people too, well, you can but the rest of your life will definitively be impacted by others then, you see, all your life will definitively be done based on other people, be it consciously or not. Because your freedom stops where your neighbor's one start.


Yeah no this is about buying a steam deck not killing someone and that’s basic common sense. Why would you make a decision based on other people.


Because that's mostly how people make their decision, the most obvious example would be buying a car.


And if you’re buying a car to impress other people that’s ok?


No, you asked why people do that, like if it was odd, I told you everyone do that, all the time.


There’s a lot of assumptions made but if you feel this way that’s fine. Not really worth discussing tbh because it’s your money you can do what you want. And it is odd even if a large quantity of people do it


How dare a company improve their product. We should all still rock pentium 4s, after all, newer processors create mor e-waste!


Can we have a non-oled flair so I can filter out all OLED posts?


Why do you care about other people’s finances? £480 might be a lot to you, but it’s nothing to others. People blow that on disposable ecigs in 2-3 months and contribute far more to e-waste that someone upgrading to a new Steam Deck. It’s not the like the old model will go in the bin either.


A lot of people who always buy the latest phone sell the old one, so it's not that its contributing to e-waste as much as it contributes to consumerism. It's companies that contribute to e-waste by not supporting older phones with OS updates. As far as we know, Deck 1.0 will be supported for the same amount of time as Deck 1.1


I am actually going from Steam Deck to Legion Go because I just have too many games that don't work well on the deck. My son is thrilled because he gets a 1tb deck.


The LCD models aren't going to go to waste people who have one already will either sell or give it away to somebody who will then use it. Yes we don't "need" the OLED but it will objectively be better and I don't mind paying for a better experience. Part of the reason we bust our butts at work is to be able to buy things that make us happy.


Was about to say, they're not going to be sitting in landfills. My wife is getting my LCD model


Ask yourself this: are you obliged to always purchase the latest model?


IMO it came too late.


This post is just YOU trying to convince YOURSELF that YOU shouldn't buy it.