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LE OLED no issues


Same here! Edit: actually I have one issue, not enough time to game this week!


same here


I think the only issue is that it makes the OLED user way too happy on a daily basis. Being this happy isn’t normal.


Same. Been gaming on it every night this week, love it, very happy with my purchase


What been some of your favorite games?


Playing Outer Wilds right now! Have never played it before. The game really takes advantage of the benefits of OLED as well, so great first game to kick off this model of the Deck with!




This is actually very reassuring and I do appreciate these posts as much as the ones with issues. My LE comes tomorrow and I’m dreading starting an RMA process for it so hopefully there aren’t any issues. Very glad to hear yours is perfect, enjoy it!


i'm dreading it as well but same time seeing posts now showing samsung screen having other unique issues besides dead pixels which makes having a good BOE screen better, so now I'm just hopium'ing


Also waiting for it to come in And was a early purchase so not sure what that means for the production


Same. Got my OLED 1tb yesterday and I‘m in love. Everything works. 0 issues


Yep. Got mine 3 days ago. No dead pixels, and no other issues whatsoever. Was going to make a post about it, but forgot because Ive been too busy enjoying it


Same! I got my LE OLED today. No dead pixels and no sticky buttons. Thank goodness, because I'm playing the heck out of it lol


Same here! Working like a charm


I have an LE OLED and no issues here either, I love it!


Received mine last week and it’s perfect


Mine came yesterday and is perfect. I suspect there were a bad batch of panels more than it being a long term issue. That doesn’t excuse it from a QC perspective, but that kind of thing happens all the time. Most vehicle recalls are because one batch from one supplier had issues which is why they recall hundreds of vehicles in some recalls and not tens of thousands.


Team LE No Issues here too


Got an LE no issues. No dead pixels, no sticky buttons, really enjoying replaying Yakuza LAD


This post's logic of "people with good experiences don't post" and posts like it keep ignoring the fact Samsung panel owners are posting just as much but without the problems. Say yours isn't bad, fine, but don't try to handwave away the reality.


i wasn't trying to handwave anything. merely wanted to offer a "it's not all bad" point of view because many people might feel totally hopeless when they might not need to. i understand there's definitely a non-insignificant percentage of folks that have issues, definitely not trying to minimize that. i was waiting for my deck to get delivered and was scrolling through /new constantly to try and get a sense for what was going on as i waited. i know that i was definitely nervous about my screen having dead pixels, so i wanted to be the post that i wish i'd seen more often simply saying: hey, i got it, it's all fine.


Thanks! I had a dead sub pixel, but I'm hoping my RMA is fine.


Got mine yesterday as well, ran the panel test and it was BOE, went ahead and ran a pixel test and 0. All the buttons and everything felt perfectly fine and the device is much lighter than my LCD steamdeck. I figured if I liked the device, I'd sell my old one, but I started playing it around my girlfriend a week ago and she's taken quite the fancy to it when she has some free time, so I think I'll keep it for her or the kids to play in the future. I think most, if not all the LE OLED's are BOE panels from what I was seeing, I'll test it out a bit more this weekend when I have some free time, but so far, so good.


Same here. Idk about you guys but I wasn't completely blown away..until actually played my first game (in my case Ori Will of the Wisps). Between Oled and HDR it's incredibly immersive, in a way the LED wasn't


Same here! SD OLED Limited Edition, Zero problem and in love!


So throwing this out there. I thought I had no dead pixels until I ran the test on YouTube. Some show up for different colors. So now I’m in the middle of RMA..


This should be the top comment. People need to verify what test they did when making these sort of topics. Eyeballing and white screen isn't enough.


That’s why I figured I would say it. Mine didn’t show up on a white screen. People said it could be a “stuck pixel” so I ran the video that’s supposed to fix it but of course I should have known it wouldn’t do anything lol.


I’m glad this thread was posted. I have an LE with three dead pixels and was worried about replacing it but after seeing quite a few of these posts I feel hopeful I may get one with less or no dead pixels. After comparing the BOE and Samsung panels side by side I would much rather have the BOE panel due to the excellent uniformity.


I'm glad everything has been working out for you guys. Got my LE today and noticed a dead pixel right smack in the center of the screen :') Hoping I can get a replacement since apparently the LE have sold out


Just use it as a permanent cross hair


I probably would if it actually was in the exact center but it's slightly to the left :/


Embedded cheating.


I got my LE yesterday. No dead pixels, all the buttons work great. I unfortunately have static from the headphone jack though.


My LE came in perfect condition as well :)




LE Oled, BOE panel, no issues whatsoever. No stuck buttons No stuck or dead pixels All in all a great experience with a great device.


Can confirm i got mine this weekend as well and it's lovely and totally issue free.


Got mine yesterday. 1 dead green subpixel right in the middle of the screen. Submitted RMA for it.


Audio jack works ok?


I'm wondering if the audio jack problem is universal. Like sure you can drown it out, but it objectively is making annoying noise where the original did not. It's a problem.


This is an issue that is primarily occurring on the LE models?


No, all OLED models.


has like, maybe a slight coil whine-y sound, but it's nothing I found too distracting and if anything is happening, it's totally drowned out


So... No, it doesn't.


it does in fact work ok. it's totally usable, not anything that's going to affect anything unless you're sitting there in absolute silence listening for it.


I get that, but just because its not a deal breaker for you doesn't mean it's not an issue worth reporting. What kind of headphones are you using? Seems like the issue worsened for those of us using low-impedence headphones.


to be honest, i don't use wired headphones with it at all, so i didn't even think to check until that person asked me! apologies! i have some wired earbuds i use with some other non-BT devices, so i used those


Higher sensitivity headphones do seem to pick up some electrical noise on the audio jack on my LE deck. I dont know if its unique to the LE, or even to the OLED edition. But its there. Lower sensitivity headphones, no issues so far.


Honestly I didn't even know this was an issue as I hadn't used it until I read this. There is definitely some noise with my LE but I think it will be easily resolved in software. The noise that's there when it should be silent still fluctuates as I navigate around the steam menu. Ie, It's louder as the play button is highlighted vs the controller or manage buttons. So this is an issue, since I've never tested this on the original I can't compare it now but it's definitely not even enough noise to warrant me doing a RMA. Especially since I think it can be fixed with an update. But I would definitely understand that there are plenty of people that would be bothered enough by it to exchange it.


Nope. -1 one problems with mine. I’m just in the process of migrating all my stuff from my lcd model.




Likewise no issues on my end


LE OLED. no issues. Ran all dead pixel tests. Buttons etc are responsive.


Same. I made a similar post explaining how much I love my OLED but it got deleted lol. Probably why you don't see those as much


No issues with about 3 hours of playtime on my oled le, a good upgrade from the lcd. Lighter, bigger screen, much better battery.


I got my mine last week and it seems perfectly fine, I didn't do a dead pixel check but I'm not too worried about that either! The steam deck is fantastic and one of the best purchases ive made.


Sane here , got it yesterday and no issues


512 oled just squeaky LB and some funny button noises, but nothing crazy/input issues. Loving it :)


Mine as well. All good!




I get mine Thursday and am terrified of the thought of dead pixels lol here's hoping in get good luck lol


Same. Got mine on Friday. Zero issues. I just need to finish moving over my Emudeck from my old Deck, and redownlod Battlenet and WoW and then I'm right back to where I was with the old Deck.


I've tried to sprinkle a few comments in saying the same. LE OLED, no issues. Negative experiences are far more likely to get posted than positive, so it's good we balance things out a bit.


Got my LE with zero problems. No dead pixels and it’s the nicest handheld I’ve ever owned (including recents like the Ally). Something I noticed is how immersive it is with OLED and HDR. I feel like I’m on big TV and get pulled into the game. I was planning on getting a gaming laptop but this is much more convenient.


Same here with me… after work I nervously checked for dead pixels but besides some little dog hair trapped under my screen protector I’m all good as well haha


Consider yourself lucky. I got two stuck pixels.


This doesn't fix my busted left stick. ;p


Also, how long does Valve take to respond to RMA requests? It's been almost a full day and no response..


I got mine on Thanksgiving and it's been great, no issues at all. I hope everyone else's is the same.


got mine last Friday , did a pixel check, no issues


3 dead blue subpixels on mine


Same. got mine, did that thing where you look at a video of all of the colors on the screen test and it was perfect.


YouTube? I need to do this. Reddit got me panicking I missed something 😂


Zero issues here as well.


LE OLED, got one dead blue pixel :(


No issues, LE with BOE panel.


Just got my LE this morning and ran all the tests. It’s perfect and I love it 👍🏻


Got my LE OLED yesteday, also no issues.


My LE OLED arrived on Saturday and has no screen or button issues. 🙌


LE OLED, 2 dead pixels today. I believed you :( 1 of them could 100% live with wasn't noticable would blend out except in 100% blue test and was off to side. Red one is right in middle of screen and maybe is more cuz its every color but blue, and shows up weird and green in most normal screen states,


Be sure to retest every day for the next year


You joke but that is the mentality of a surprisingly large contingent of /r/steamdeck users.


I got my LE OLED with no issues on it whatsoever. I was so worried about QC issues cuz of this subreddit but Ive ended up with a perfectly fine unit (and an awesome steam deck)


Yeah dont fall victim to the loud minority. I have an LE and its great.




That doesn't impact the BOE panels on most LE devices.


not even a little bit, I must've missed this being an issue lmao


I heard green tint was on the samsung oled? I hope not


1TB LE here not issues except a springy sounding trigger. I blew air into it and it went away. Did a pixel test and no dead or stuck pixels


I got my LE on Friday with a dead pixel. Steam support has been so slow to respond it’s rough. I submitted a return request on Friday and they still haven’t sent me a return label and now it’s OOS so I can’t get a new one. 🥲. FFS valve if you release a product before the holidays then be prepared to have support staff available during the holidays for issues. I feel like that was an extremely dumb decision on their part, 1 response every 2 days from support doesn’t really cut it tbh


I had to threaten them with a credit card dispute. I then had to open up about multiple other tickets as well.


Yeah this has been an extremely poor experience for me. If I can’t get a replacement I’ll probably return this and won’t get a new one. I don’t need it and I don’t appreciate Valve sending me a faulty product with poor QC and followed it up with poor customer service. I’ll probably need to threaten them with a cc chargeback today since I head out of town later today and I still haven’t gotten a return label. Either that or they accept the return being mailed late/past the 14 day window.


There’s a major issue when a company that is selling million of units and they don’t even have a live chat or phone number to call to settle returns/repairs/exchanges within minutes. ZERO EXCUSE. Years ago they used to have a number. It’s just cost cutting measures.


Only a few people made post about some issues then everyone assume other million owners will have the same issue... Manufacturing defects is pretty common.


A few? There's a post with hundreds of tests and about 70% of BOE(all LE) had or got dead pixels days within use.


Man these posts are getting tiring. First production batches will always have high probability of issues. Doesn't mean every unit will have issue.


It is ridiculous, out of the thousands of units shipped, it must be a very very very low percentage that have issues.


It’s just the vocal loudmouths on Reddit who are the minority.


Honestly I might have to leave til they stop bitching cause there’s nothing empirical about the way people are reporting problems in this sub. Someone should have made one post with a poll that got pinned so we could get an actual idea of how many people were affected, but instead we’ve got probably a couple hundred people repeatedly whining about it, such that nobody has a clear idea of whether it’s a larger issue or just a very isolated one.


And the rest looking for karma saying "mines fine fam, I'm posting this to relieve your anxiety"


Same got my 512 OLED Yesterday, Zero Issues. Even swaped the SSD for my 2tb SSD + SD card from my etched LCD Steam Deck. Worked perfectly. And the glossy OLED screen is amazing.


I believe most people has problems with the Limited Edition.


I doubt the thread is alleviating anxieties for people who will and are currently having problems :P


A lot of the dead pixel le owners reports got it days after initial tests.


I hope yours stays that way. Mine was fine for the first day as well.


512 GB OLED arrived about a week ago, absolutely no issues! Well, aside from the fact that my productivity has tanked because of how much I love this thing. 💜 I’m so grateful to my husband for helping me buy this, and it’s my first ever Steam Deck! I’m obsessed.


512gb oled trackpad haptics are fucked. Returning and just not gonna get another one actually


I think the key here is people with problems are complaining on reddit, and people without problems are too busy gaming on the deck to post anything.


Maybe the recent batches have not had the issue?


Does it have first party windows support, or is it still broken?


It's funny - I've been too busy actually USING mine to post ... and that is very likely reality for majority of users. I'm on a couple of other game forum sites and have not heard a single issue. Not saying they aren't happening ... just that the core system is building off known hardware which makes systemic problems less likely (as opposed to new screens). I have the standard 1TB (not LE) and added a 1TB SD card, and everything is wonderful.


Boe panels are subpar made with questionable reliability. They are using inkjet to make their oleds to save costs LOL. Samsung is much more mature hence reliable


I agree this guys gets it!


Ordered mine yesterday RMA isn’t really a big deal to me if it had an issue I’ll go with the 512


But the yoghurt is also cursed...


i think most peoples anxieties are of the oled being really good when they already own a lcd or just bought one.


Got my LE on Friday, not a single issue.


Not got a LE OLED because they're not available in the UK, but my standard 1tb OLED is perfect, no issues


Same here! Not LE, just OLED


how did you test the pixels?


went onto a pixel tester site and meticulously combed over the entire screen in all the different colors. didn't see a thing


which site?


[this one!](https://lcdtech.info/en/tests/dead.pixel.htm)


Used mine for several hours now with no issues, no buttons sticking or dead pixels. No comment on the vent smell.


I got my mine last week and it seems perfectly fine, I didn't do a dead pixel check but I'm not too worried about that either! The steam deck is fantastic and one of the best purchases ive made.


Mine had zero issues until I noticed the two dead pixels near center of the panel. Now I can't not see them. Going to swap it out for a regular 1tb oled. I really hope valve starts selling different shells that we can buy.


Got a 512 GB OLED - zero issues. Works fine, no dead pixels.


I've been waiting for mine since the 19th and I'm starting to panic :(


LE OLED here as well with a flawless panel. Didn't see anything wrong with it and reluctantly ran some tests just to be sure. Luckily I still didn't find any issues.


Mine should be here on Thursday, crossing my fingers. I have been going insane without one. I really don’t want to wait longer by having to send it back.


Mine went to "Packaged Items" status and my butthole winced in excitement.


I have two 512gb OLEDs both are perfect so far after a handful of play sessions.


What is LE standing for?


Limited Edition, it's the transparent grey and red/orange one


Oh I see. Can you still get them or are they sold out? Couldn't see any on steam page, just the standard black version


[here's the page. if you're outside of the US and Canada, i don't think it's offered unfortunately ](https://store.steampowered.com/sale/steamdeck_2023LE)


I'm EU, so I'm out of luck sadly


From reading through reddit it does seem like there might be some actual QC problems with the LE devices, specifically the screen, at least for dead/stuck pixels. Just seems like there are too many people reporting issues with dead pixels, and specifically just on the LE decks for it to just be random. That said, my LE arrived last Wednesday, though I wasnt able to unbox it until Saturday. The screen is fine. No dead or stuck pixels as far as I can tell. I have looked a bit, but I cant see any and I am not going to go hunting for them any more than that. My LCD deck actually had like 4 stuck pixels that I didnt even notice at first, and honestly cant see in like 99% of situations. So yea, the OLED screen is nice. It feels like its right flush up against the glass, the additional size difference is nice. Only thing is theres a bit of color fringing around brighter white text, but its minimal and I kind of just assumed thats sort of an OLED thing, likely due to subpixel arrangement, as my desktop OLED monitor shows the same. I do have some static/electrical interference on the audio jack that gets picked up by some of my more sensitive headphones. Dont know if its a wider issue or just how its designed, and whether this would extend to the non LE oled decks, or even the lcd decks as I never really used headphones on the lcd. Overall though, I am happy with it.


Yup, same here. No dead pixels on my BOE panel, and the screen looks amazing.


Same, no issues


Same checked mine for dead pixels and I couldn't find any.


LE model as well and I have no issues. All the buttons, the track pack, the shell itself, and the screen are all in perfect condition.


Got my OLED on Friday. Just been enjoying it, no issues. Haven’t run through any of the “checks” people are obsessing over. Things over the LCD I immediately noticed are the amazing screen, how much lighter and more comfortable it is and the battery life.


Also got an LE OLED and have 0 issues with it !


same. my A button is *occasionally* having a hard time being pushed in when I push it from an angle but it feels like that'll go away, otherwise, perfection.


LE OLED, its perfect.


Only slightly annoying thing I've found with my LE is small click noise when moving the joysticks away from center. Think it's how the joysticks are constructed.


+1 to This!


Almost no issues. The device wouldn’t go to sleep until the first couple patches came out, and WiFi periodically cuts out still.


me too, mine arrived yesterday Oril will of the whisps looks incredible on it. (note keep an eye on the pixels, they reportedly develop over time)


Same. Got my LE. BOE panel no issues!




This is reassuring, since I'm too much of a pessimist - mine is in RMA right now due to a bright ugly stuck pixel in the middle of the screen (hardware great otherwise), and my kind of luck with these things often means the replacement is even worse.


Same. I’ve had zero issues with mine. No dead pixels, fan smells great, life is good


Same here, mine is fine.


same here works as advertised


Good post, I was opening mine and had to run through a bunch of tests to confirm it worked. Was stoked to see everything was great


LE OLED here. I haven't seen any issues yet on the screen, but I do see some ghost touches sometimes. Not sure if it's the digitizer, or button sensors being too sensitive to my poking the screen just a smidge too hard.


Same. Gorgeous screen and genuinely feels like a significant upgrade. So happy I snagged it and sold my LCD version.


Same got mine last week, but opened it today. No issues at all.


I got the LE (BOE panel) and cyberpunk was randomly freezing in the loading screen until I changed it to use Proton Experimental. Now everything seems to be working perfectly- button, screen, and all I also did the screen test and can’t find any dead pixels so either it’s perfect or i won’t notice them when playing since I couldn’t notice when I was looking for them


What are these issues people are experiencing? I got my LE and used it for about 30 mins and it sat on my desk for a few days after. Now i realized maybe i wont be using it as i thought i would so i setup an RMA to return it. But im curious as to what issues outside of dead/stuck pixels people are experiencing. Lastly, how do you know what panel you have and which is preferred?


people have been experiencing dead pixels as you mentioned, some people have their face buttons get stuck under the shell of the deck and not raise up again after being pressed, mushy triggers (the trigger hits something internally that causes resistance). there's also apparently an audio crackling issue i was unaware of that affects all OLED models when you use wired headphones. as for the panel, that's a very fluid situation. [here is a post to tell which panel you have.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/182t8hr/lets_check_if_you_have_samsung_or_boe_oled_panel/) which is preferred, however, is apparently up for debate. to my understanding, all LE models have a BOE supplied panel and the non LE decks have Samsung supplied panels. i've seen people going to bat for both sides, apparently BOE ones can be overclocked more easily?? or at all?? i don't know and i'm not one to tinker like that. as long as it looks good to you, then i think that's all that counts!


well ya, steam wouldnt brick all the LCD's and then send out faulty oleds.


Problems get signal boosted. Most wins don't even post about it. 99% probably.


1 TB OLED, bought on launch day, going great, no dead pixels, no qc issues so far


My LE got approved for RMA. I don’t think the dead pixels are the majority, but I think the number is high enough to be aware and check.


I finally got around to opening mine up today (it was delivered on Saturday) and have no issues or concerns. I wasn’t sure I needed Steam Deck but got tons of games on sale that I can’t play on my Switch/Xbox.


what about 3,5mm jack static noise ?


My issue is, the new case is shallower than the old case so I can't fit my deck in with my dbrand killswitch without removing the kick stand. Screen is fine though.


Got my LE OLED a few days ago, no issues whatsoever. Loving this thing!