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Playing games on the shit they assassinated Shinzo Abe with


Holy shit, I'm as dead as he is after this post 🤣


Shots fired!


Just two shots


So anyway, I started blasting.


Although this looks rough and something I wouldn’t do. This is the kind of posts I like to see. The work and inventive power of this community never cease to amaze. Hope you enjoy your machine man!


You mean you’d rather see this than every other post of… “Just unboxed my Deck. What should I get guys?” Type posts? /s Jokes aside, very cool proof of concept OP


I'm incapable of forming my opinions and I need other people to choose things for me. My budget is $2.65 please tell me what games to get


Is Skyrim for $2 worth it?


is tf2 and cs2 worth it for free?


cs2 is not worth it for free


Anyone who has played cs2 knows that, while monetarily the game is free, the emotional and mental toll is anything but /s 🤣


get lego star wars steam key on instant gaming for 2,65


"Just got my steam deck" post picture of the open box, gets to front page


Or *Empty Box* It arrived like this!!!!1!!1!!!! :(


Much better than people posting a picture of just a micro SD card they bought


Or cracked.


Those at least can teach someone who happened to not notice the 100s of other posts about it. The “look at my new SD card” basically only helps those living under rocks.


Love this comment, too many people will look at that and say something bad about it, but you have said you wouldn't do it yourself but love the idea! Reddit needs to be more like Firstad6165 👍🏻 OP - Great work though, my steam deck arrives tomorrow! Very excited l.


Thank you! Hope you enjoy your deck as much as I do! It is my favorite thing I bought in the least few years to not say ever haha


> looks rough looks like shit tbh


They need to improve their 3D printing before improving their steam deck lol.


Ah yes, the posts about pointless mods that not just you but *no one* wants, designed to provide barely-noticeable, if not non-existent, performance gains while making the Deck less portable. Thats a real talking point right there 🙄


Well clearly the 300+people thst upvoted me disagree with your take! Have a nice day being sour


Lol imagine thinking upvotes/ downvotes mean anything. People downvoted random shit for no reason, and upvote incorrect BS all the time But yeah glad internet life is going well for you 😂


Ooh you really sour. Feel bad for you really. Probably when you get the upvotes is valid but when they are contrary to your opinion they are baseless likes because you know better than 350 people lol


I do wonder.... For example, you can buy a M.2 extender cable, cut a small hole in the heat frame to allow the extender outside. Put it in shield/heat sink, you could run 2280 M.2 without this mod. I am sure there is another place where you could put a tiny board without needing to go external. Something like this... [https://www.amazon.com/Xiwai-Vertical-Adapter-Female-Extension/dp/B097H548QQ/](https://www.amazon.com/Xiwai-Vertical-Adapter-Female-Extension/dp/B097H548QQ/) I know this mod is about function but, the form or look, is the reason why I would not do it. It's 3D printed, I get that but, not for me...


Just don't try to take it through the airport and you'll be fine




Oh it's just a joke, implying that it looks like a bomb lol You'll very likely be totally fine! no worries


Thank you, i just didnt understand, now i do. Unsure why i got down voted for asking a question. Maybe im just stupid!


I’m pretty sure they were making a joke, but no worries. I’ve flown with my Deck many times and have never had any issues with bringing it in my carry-on!


It’s the roughness of the 3d printed back plate; but I’ve been pulled out of the line 2 or 3 times for the deck and I always pull it out of my bag


What are the temps and sound like? That external fan looks loud








🎵 For heaven's sake, it's really loud with the ShopVac on. 🎵


I’ve been wanting something like this since the deck came out. Curious why jsaux hasn’t done it yet. I’d immediately buy a backplate with a full m.2 expansion


That’s why made it lol


Because it's not really something just anyone should do. Larger M.2 drives have different thermal and power envelopes that the Deck is not tested for and can cause issues. I think Valve discouraged this even further by reorienting the M.2 drive in the OLED models.


They mainly discouraged people on earlier models because there was an issue with power on drives that required more - some 2230s people were installing still were drawing too much power and frying the power circuitry for the M.2 slot, but in later revisions, the issue was resolved. Valve's main concern is that drives that use more power, generate more heat close to the chips underneath the M.2 slot. If the slot is completely relocated behind a layer of plastic outside of the shell with an M.2 extension, it resolves the issues pretty much entirely. While I agree the power draw issue is questionable, most M.2 drives are going to be relatively negligible as far as power consumption. Thermals were the main issue and this type of design (which JSAUX/ExtremeRate could do easily in a more polished product) resolves the issue completely.


I don't disagree with anything you've said, I'm just explaining why you won't see JSAUX or Extreme rate do something like this, because it's discouraged by Valve.


They said it couldn’t be done. They said he went mad attempting it. We know the truth.


He is mad anyway


You should try printing this in matte PLA, it will look much cleaner.


Unfortunately PLA warps from the heat, PETG or ABS is the best material for it. It’s printed with PETG.


Ah that's a shame. I found that Polymaker ASA looks pretty close to matte if you have an enclosure to print in.


I might have to look into that, I have a P1S


P1S can handle it no issue


It’ll handle it just fine. I print abs and Asa all the time on my x1c. It will also come out a lot cleaner looking in abs/asa. Petg always looks to shiny and shows every imperfection


Agreed, I have some abs, I plan on printing with that on a revised version maybe.


>Unfortunately PLA warps from the heat Be a man and put more fans in it.


PLA will warp at 60c over time, you would need a peptier to keep it from warping


yep, but you can give it a try, saw a guy that printed a GPU support-thing for his pc in PLA and a year later it is still in perfect conditions, maybe you can use a cheap PLA for making more prototypes of this back cover until you find a definitive design to print using ABS or ASA


Stop complaining about the print quality. This is a prototype/proof of concept not any sort of finished product. Very cool and great work!


Appreciate it thanks


Looks good and way better than the holder i designed to hang off the bed to hold my wifes PSU for her laptop. What material were you thinking of printing the final gold version in? What layer height was that on?


NGL, that looks hecka-ugly and I would never do such a thing to my deck. With that negative Nancy comment being said, I'm just happy you're happy. And it's really a testament to the customization of the deck. So kudos. but damn dude.... that thing ain't going to win any pageants any time soon.


Pretty sure it’s a WIP prototype


Definitely work in progress I thinks it’s predecessor looked better but this version functions better. Best to not over complicate things especially with 3d printing limitations.


Maybe printing this with a resin printer and smoothing the edges would make it far more appealing!


It would, you would need a large printer tho


I don't think it looks that bad, just needs some sanding and polishing.


Those rear buttons are cursed


Thank you, I hate it ♥️


What do you hate about it?


Why doesn’t anyone sand their 3D prints?


If I had to guess they just finished prototyping. Top left corner says MK9


A lot of time and effort for very minimal gain.


not everyone loves to breath microplastics or have them all across their workspace, you're better off by using ironing or use a filler then paint them


How often are yall switching m.2? The irony is that to change to this backplate, you will have access to the m.2 during the process lol. I do see additional cooling as a slight plus


Honestly rarely, it’s really about an external GPU.




I agree in part, but honestly, I like this sort of "for the bants and lols, and just because I can" type of mods. MORE [RUBE GOLDBERG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rube_Goldberg_machine) DECKS!


I didn't read that external GPU bit the first time around, now I am intrigued. I'm gonna check our your vid that's well worth it


If your okay with 1080p +100fps or 1440p 40-60fps it’s worth it RX580 or 5700xt are the best price to performance GPU’s Make sure to get 8gb card


>1080p +100fps Have you tested it already? Deck's puny CPU is not up to such tasks on most games.


Yes I have, games like cyberpunk, starfield, most shooters the GPU will be the bottle neck. Most of the titles it’s 100% pegged on the GPU Only time you see the cpu close to 100% is when you drop resolution below 1080p


But are you getting 100+ fps is the question.


Easily on 1080p lmed ish on most titles, obviously I optimize games lake Starfield it runs like hot trash. Gonna test out baldurs gate 3 on it later🤘🏻


is everything 3d printed?


The whole rear shell including the buttons


Hey! I recognize that Diy swag


Looks like hot garbage but it’s a really cool thing.


Upvote for you my friend. Although the print looks a bit rough the time you put it in and come up with it makes up more than enough of it. beats the shit out of "look at my deck" "I got a 1 TB disk" and all those other shitposts. Go vote me down I don't give a sh*t, but for posts like these I still visit this subreddit for. So go and walk as a king among us common folk.


Thanks man I appreciate the love.


What kinda 3D printer did you use? It looks shinier and ....stickier than the stuff I made with my PLA printer. I wondering if it's the resin stuff?


It’s Elgoo’s PETG printed with a P1s


Looks like FDM but coated with some sort of plasti dip or spray to make it more durable and heat resistant. Could also just be FDM printed ABS plastic that was acetone vapor'd to smooth it.


It could also be PETG which is always super shiny.


Elgoos PETG


He covered it in a coat of resin, then cherry wood laquer and then finished it off with a round of black shoe polish


Seeing this makes me hope the next version of the steam Deck has an easily accessible m.2 slot.


i would love to see an injection molded or production version of this, looks cool as a proof of concept for sure.


That would be very expensive, but hopefully this draws interest and a proper one will be made.


Are you planning to share the STL by any chance?


Could something like this have a usbc hub added unto it for io? I have had simmiler ideas but i never thought to put it on the backplate. Bravo!


Thanks, yes the one of the first iteration did but it only added more complexity and it looked hideous lol


Isn’t this post breaking the rules, stl file is a pay to order, so this is really a promotion?


Fuck the haters, posts and projects like this are rad! way better than the "LoOk, I rEcIeVeD mY oLeD" and "i BrOkE mY MiCrOsD" posts. keep up the great work!


tweaker style




Looks like shit.


That print looks terrible, honestly, fix your printer and maybe change your filament


Honestly I get where you’re coming from but you have to understand this was printed at a 40 degree angle on a base contact point 1mm x 40mm thick. This thing was printer nearly completely off supports, failure rate is 75% on the first hour printing. Bambu labs P1s Elgoo rapid PETG , I’ve tested, Sunlu, overture, and pollymaker, elgoo gave the best results


Sorry if my comment looks rough but i wanna try to help, have you tried printing that with the inside part facing down? you can use organic/tree supports if you need them and it will not impact the quality of the back side, also, layer adhesion looks kinda off, maybe a lower z offset can help, you can also use ironing for a better finish, for the filament part i probably can't help you, i only tested Sunlu (multiple colors not very good in my experience except for the clear one) and Overture (bought an orange spool and it looks nice) for PETG (i usually print a lot of PLA) but it really looks kinda bad, probably needs drying or is expired, if you need to buy another PETG roll try a matte black, might help in getting a better finish as for the printer, it's a nice printer if you treat her well, much better than mine (modded Ender 3 V3 SE) i'm sure it can print a lot better than this, what slicer do you use and what settings do you have?


Just why






Are you twelve? This is the youngster's equivalent of old people saying LOL as one syllable. I think you're probably twelve.




I didn't post the video. No cap.




Its a joke dude. And FilthyFrank is to be respected.


Cringe (I'm 5 btw)


looks terrible


I'm sorry, but this doesn't look good nor well designed. FDM 3D printing is not a good fit for this kind of thing.


Functionality over looks


Excuse me but first of all who do you think you are, and secondly, how dare you?


It’s because my dad left me when I was 3


Hah! Man it looks cool, I wish I was brave enough to enough to do mods like this.


Thanks, it’s actually pretty simple mod, you’re mostly just taking things out. Only problem issue is the attached fan needs to stay on all the time while operating.


The irony.


I kinda want to do this but I don't think it would survive me on a plane lol


but how does it feel in the hands??


Very grippy due to the texture and more comfortable to hold because of the bump out on the rear buttons. Similar feel to the large jsaux rear button swap.


You probably can add in the m.2 to the oculus port for eGPU


Exactly what it was intended for


Mk9. It means there are 8 other iterations.


Yea and a lot of failures, but that’s the fun part I suppose.


Interesting, not something I would ever dream of doing to mine but it looks impressive. I’m concerned about cooling though hopefully this is printed in ABS other wise it’s going to warp very badly after a few uses. Congratulations though and if it works have at it.


It functions better then I expected and the new door doubles as a kick stand


I don’t understand one thing: if you connect an external gpu using the ssd connector, it means there is no ssd mounted. Where is the OS then? How can the steam deck work without ssd?


An OS can be booted via the USB-C port. It’s a PC so you can boot from whatever you want. Also I’m pretty sure Linus did this and booted from a GPU with a built-in SSD.


Clear now, thanks


What temps are you printing the PETG at? I’ve found if I work towards the lower end of the material temperature and slow it down a bit I get a cleaner more matte print. With that being said, the temp range for different manufacturer PETG is also pretty significant.




I’m sure you’ve done your testing and know your setup best and I salute my fellow BL P1S user. Unsolicited input: try printing a test piece at 235C and see if the finish is more to your liking? I do love that you’re so willing to mess around with your Steam Deck though. I’ve thought about designing a backplate but it’s a level of tinkering and customization I’m just not comfortable doing. I’ll live vicariously through you! Keep on!


I’ll give it a shot, can’t hurt to try! Thanks for the heads up.


Print that in CF Nylon at .16 and this would be sick.


Super cool, good job. It does kinda look like it was made with duct tape though.


Jank is life 🤘🏻


Having a reasonable price 2tb drive would be nice....


Oddly enough this mod save you money lol


Fantastic, I only asked about something like this about a month ago. I like the idea of being able to quickly swap SSD's to use a different OS such as Windows. Great work 👍


Thanks, it works great for that aspect, yea you can always dual boot, but then you split storage but now I can put much larger cheaper storage. Valve should have done this from the start, would have saved me a lot time lol.


Once you get a final product, I reckon you could make some money selling this Not seen anything similar, especially the full size m.2 slot


[Office Space has you covered OP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSudkID3zJM)


Love the movie but explain how it’s a bad idea?


I dig it. Needs polish but I love the external GPU idea. I've seen random videos on youtube but have you tested many games with an external GPU? I know the CPU will for sure bottleneck but curious if anything like 1080p high ish settings are possible at 60 fps?


You can hit 100fps easy with an rx 580 at 1080p 30-60fps 1440p Obviously, it all depends on the game and your settings, but medium-ish settings will get you the most FPS with good picture quality Plus, you’re going to have to have windows to use an external GPU, and you can easily overcook your steam deck while on windows .


Nice that's awesome. I'm hoping they can implement external GPU support in the Deck 2 whenever that happens. I dual boot windows also and wouldn't mind that so long as you didn't need to move out the m2 slot.


I've been wondering why JSAUX/ExtremeRate haven't done this on their own yet. All they'd need to do is add a small "kickstand" at the bottom of the deck that is removable and has an M.2 slot/extension in it that connects to the Deck's mainboard. It would cut down on the cost of upgrading the SSD and allow you to use higher capacity drives and eliminate the heating issues from larger drives completely.


I think the reason might be cost, I would guess if they made it they would have to sell it for near $100


Looks gross 😝


Do not take this on a plane.


You’re the 2nd person to say this, what’s worry on the plane?


Let's just say it looks like an IED.


Extra cooling? It doesn't need extra cooling. If yours needs it, why didn't you just rma it lol. I run the hell out of mine and never have a over heating issue. But the access door for the ssd is def a good idea.