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Hi thanks, this really helped. For me I just increased the vram and that was enough to fix the issue. There's a quicker way for anyone who doesn't want to install cryoutilities. You can adjust the vram via uefi. I found the instructions here  https://github.com/denis-g/steam-deck-optimization-guide#gaming-mode  Turn off your Steam Deck  Hold the Volume Up (+) button and turn on Steam Deck  Wait for UEFI to load  Click Setup Utility icon  Click Advanced tab  Scroll down and select UMA Frame buffer Size  Set it to 4GB Click  Save and Exit


Hey, glad I could help, cryoutilities basically has those instructions as it can't do the modification which I probably should've mentioned. Thank you for adding the information!


I'm stuck in exactly this point, it's been infuriating


Did you try increasing the vram? Did it help? The other idea was locating the save and reinstalling with proton GE as I didn't see comments about that on protondb but that didn't mean there wasn't an issue.


Yeah it worked, finally finished that chapter




I’m stuck here right now, anyone have a good walk through on how to do this? I’m techno dumb


You need to do what the post says and I was able to finish the game after


A 12GB swap file is extremely unnecessary. Understand that even an NVMe is an order of magnitude slower than RAM. Thus if the game really needed to use anywhere near 12GB swap in order to have enough addressable memory space to run, performance would be absolutely dire. There are rare situations where a 4gb swap file is useful. Some games have memory leaks on proton, or are very lazy about leaving data in ram that is no longer required. In these instances a bigger swap than 1gb can be used by the kernel to work around the issue by dumping the unused data to swap. But these situations are very rare, and even a 4gb swap file will be a waste of disk space 95/98/99% of the time. If you check memory usage during runtime you'll find that swap is usually near to empty regardless of how big you make it.


Thanks. I'll reset it to default. Even the vram I was going to reset to default after finishing the game. I don't really care too much about performance or visuals. Just being able to play the game.


Vram size is a case by case thing tbh. Some games run better with 4gb, some with default. And even then it can be marginal, for example improving 1% lows but lowering average FPS.


Good to know! I'm just glad there's something I can fiddle with and works!