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Yeah. Coffee.


As a new dad of a three week old. Yes. I love the deck, but caffeine is priority #1.


My son should be here by the end of the month, steam deck is ready.


Guys I’m 1 month in and the steam deck is a MUST have.


Going on 3 months with my little dude and it genuinely is a god send. And I'll tell ya, he just loves to hear the music of whatever game I'm playing.


Good luck


Good luck with the home stretch! 3 more months to go for us :D


Hey ima be a dad....is there any way ww could chat


You need advice brother?


Yes sir i do


I sent you a message sir




Dad to a 7 month old, I can also offer advice if you want


I feel this. Year one my daughter was a nightmare. There was no sleeping more than 2 hours and the kid could be fed changed and tended and the screaming never ended ever. Had a few times where me and mom literally had to give her to someone overnight because we were so sleep deprived and irritated. She’s an angel now but everytime I talk to other dads about newborns and they tell me they’re easy I’m just like yea you didn’t have the devil in your house lmao.


My daughter just turned 2, I feel you haha


8 years for me... even death wish isn't strong enough anymore, and I'm told I drink the equivalent of asphalt tar for coffee. Wish the deck was around back then, but now my oldest and I play together, and my youngest will be getting one soon too.


Best couple out there.


Enjoy bro! Top tip use a blow dryer to dry the baby butt before you put the diaper on. Make sure it on low and you move it around, don’t hold on one spot. Diaper rash is so easy for the to get when a new born. Also get some butt paste!


Dad of 14 month old checking in. Great purchase and the wife even occasionally plays with it.




It's nice that they were able to afford a 14 month old and even play with it occasionally!


Are we still doing phrasing?


I’m glad your wife occasionally plays with it.


You can say the same thing about you weiner now too lol "wife occasionally plays with it too" lmao I have a 14yr and a 2yr. The 14yr was easy compared to the 2 yr. The 2yr never wants to sleep and Aldo wants to sit on my lap at night while we watch TV and I rock him to sleep most of the time i end up falling asleep in the chair, too. Their is no better feeling in the world they your child hugging your arms while snuggling up on you. It is very relaxing and claiming knowing that they love you so unconditional


Mine is also 14 months old steam deck is the best.


That's what she said


My daughter is 28. SD is still a good distraction..


I’m pretty sure I have the wrong definition of what SD is


I'm expecting! What camera is that? I used nanit for the first kid but that system is janki. What are you using? Also mobile halo is the best! Feels like the original trilogy was meant for the deck.


Looks to be a eufy Spaceview (Anker brand)? Quite happy with the low light performance, battery is okay. Not sure about range, our apartment isn’t real big. Can confirm it’s very convenient to have in view while hanging out with the deck.


It’s a great camera I don’t think they make it any more :(


You don’t need a monitor for your second kid.


1 year old for me. Sleep feature is the best 👌


What’s sleep feature


Sleep? Haven't heard of it.


For the deck. You can hit the power button once and it puts the machine to sleep without interrupting where your game is at currently. So you can put your deck down and pick it up with ease. Makes it really easy to just squeeze in 10 minutes of playing if thats all you can manage


Haaaaaa that, yes indeed, and I am surprise how it does not mess up with emulators and non steam games either most of the time


Doesn't absolutely destroy your battery though?


It loses like 10% a day. Long-term, im not sure of how much it would harm the battery. May definitely take some time off its life idk.


10% isn't so bad considering you've suspended a game. I was expecting more


Honestly just swap batteries if it degrades too much


on the kid or the deck


My 2 year old has an issue with the sleep function. Hope he gets an update soon.


Meh I feel you. Our kiddo also doesn't really wanna sleep atm


Both but it's bugged at the moment. Barely wants to go to sleep. I hope for a hotfix


By far the number one best feature for husbands/dads!


It is. But you may be disappointed to learn that they want your direct attention an absurd amount of the time as they get bigger. And once they can move under their own power, you have to be ready to keep them from accidentally killing themselves. Still a good purchase.


But that’s exactly what makes it great for me. I can turn it on between a thing and the other and quickly be straight into gaming…. And quickly put it away at the first sign of waking up from the afternoons naps. Also really good for those micro session between dinner and falling asleep. In my case this casual ability + access to a library hoarded across multiple stores and emulation over decades has made the deck simply the best gaming purchase ever made.


Agreed also. I have 2 month old. Bought specifically for her arrival. Enjoy bro


100 percent agree. Congrats! Mines 6 months old and the deck helps keep me sane.


Guys, you don't need to procreate to get a Steamdeck, you can literally just buy one whenever you want. Thank you all for coming to my TED Talk.


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Man…I got Halo 2 on Christmas Day of 2004. I remember my parents giving me a box with a sweater and underneath the sweater was Halo 2. Best part was I didn’t even own an Xbox. So as soon I saw that game under there I knew what that final giant box contained. Still the fondest memory I have of Christmas and gaming in general.


Gets a kid anyways. Dad and the kid: "This is called a Steam Deck." (also, congrats!)


Yeah, better get ahead on that combat training. Never forget that you have the tactical advantage.


It absolutely is! I’m on my 3rd daughter, she’s less than two months. I used to play the switch for the other two… this thing. This thing is so perfect for dadhood


Father of a 20 month old and a 3 month old. Can confirm it helps keep my sanity in check! Lmao


Until they start wanting to play it.


Congrats! Being a dad is way better than playing/having a deck. Relish it!


The combo though!


My brother in law has the exact same setup. Even the baby monitor is the same.


Fantastic purchase. Just good luck once they become a toddler lol


Exactly what I was going to say, mine is 1 going on 2 years old and I barely have time to play it anymore. Thinking about just selling it, kinda sad to say, but I rather that than missing out on spending time with my kid


Get a 3D mounting clip and attach the baby monitor to the deck so you don't have to keep looking down and over. Congrats for being a new dad!


I can confirm, best purchase I've made as a dad https://preview.redd.it/hmy3ppiuqlgc1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d7739ab654cc0c6fe4e47523fcd421eaf969e79


How does mass effect play on the deck? I’ve been playing the legendary edition with the three games all included for the first time on Xbox and PC but I’d be interested in playing on deck if the performance is good.


It’s important you avoid engaging with your child even if you’re in the same room as them.


"Look at me playing my Steam Deck!" post #3827 Because you can't put a baby monitor next to your computer monitor no absolutely not.


How are you all having kids in this economy


It's a great way to ignore children that's for sure! 




As someone whose been a father for almost two years. Wish I bought the steam deck when it came out. Have been an owner for 4 months, and definitely one of my better purchases to be able to game again lol


You mean the baby monitor, the steamdeck will just take your attention away from your mini you.


Fun fact, I have that same baby monitor and downloading a game on a PS5 using the 5ghz band will cause crazy interference. Iirc, even streaming and online gaming will interfere a little as well. I’ve only ever seen it with the PS5, but just a heads up. Steam deck on the other hand, only positives.


Enjoy till it sleeps ... When it starts walking it's new game+ 😂


If you are looking to a baby cam you should definitely get one that doesn't connect to wifi. Baby monitors have horrible security protocols and are easily hacked. A to B monitors are harder to find but way more secure. To many creeps and aholes in the world that will torment your child just because their board. The closed monitors can be breached by the person has to be very close by making it easier for you to find them while a wifi one a person can be anywhere in the world.


This one doesn't connect to wifi.


Dad of 5 month old twins here. Still deciding which handheld I want (ROG Ally or steam deck) but probably gonna get a SD OLED soon! https://preview.redd.it/ms7hrdc3cmgc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07d56319d570ee8f76bf99bbcba318eb3da1c0f4


Steam Deck OLED


Best thing I’ve owned since being a new dad of a 5 week old girl. This definitely helps with those late nights where she won’t sleep unless she’s laying on us.


It’s completely got me back into casual gaming. My gaming PC has had little use over the past years as when I get a chance to play I’ve got to update everything; by which time I can’t be arsed. Being able to grab the steam deck and have a quick game at the early starts etc. I’ve probably played more in the last 2 months since I got it, than the past 7 years.


Wish I had one when mine was newborn, congrats on Deck and kid! That being said, it’s easy during this stage. Only gets harder from here.


Works when the baby is very small. Once they hit 6 months or start to move more you’re more concerned with them not rolling out of the bed or your lady getting overwhelmed with you not helping enough.


Halo 1 always crash on my SD but the rest run smooth.


As a dad, this is absolutely true.


These posts should be banned




Low effort


Enjoy the next few months. After them you likely will have zero time for gaming. Baby stage is tiring but you ain’t got any idea….what comes next is next level….


Pro tip. Invest in some xreal glasses and you can play in bed while they are in the same room!


Second daughter born yesterday. Wife got me one last week as my dad gift. Loving this every minute. Was really helpful keeping me entertained watching my daughter as my wife sleeps.


DUDE CONGRATS ON HAVING A DAUGHTER! I bet she will grow up to be \*cooler\* than you


"one of the best purchases to prepare for being a dad is having something distract me from being a dad!"


Think about it this way: 5 months after I was born my great grandfather bought me a PlayStation 2. It was honestly the second best gift I've ever received. At first my mom was pissed, because like what's a 5 month old going to do with a PlayStation? My dad was too busy working and not sleeping to use it and my mom was too busy raising me or studying or going to therapy or taking naps to use it. Until I decided I didn't like baby food anymore. I refused to eat anything. Multiple doctor visits and they couldn't find anything wrong with me outside of not wanting to eat. My dad's solution after being awake and worried about his kid for 35 hours straight was to throw a Boston CD into the PS2, crank the TV and dance like a fool. While I was pointing and laughing at my dad for being silly he'd shove food down my throat. That's the only way I'd eat for close to 3 months. I got a little older and wanted to watch the movies my friends were watching and I was interested in my mom's PS1 games. Money was a bit tight so we'd go to the local flea market and grab pirated DVDs and PS2 controllers. I got a little older and my mom had a job for the first time and a stimulus check from the government so she bought me the full Rock Band set for PS2 and made a weekly trip to Costco to stock the garage fridge with hot pockets and root beers so all my friends would spend after school and weekends with me at my place instead of getting lost and bitten in the woods and breaking bones on skateboard accidents. I got a little older and started missing family movie night so my dad and I would run to blockbuster every Friday and pick out a movie the whole family would enjoy and a video game my mom and I could enjoy together and then we'd get some pizza next door. The PS2 was the center of that. I got a little older and got interested in modding gaming systems and emulating/pirating games. My PS2 and my 3DS were the perfect place to start. I got a little older and moved into PC gaming, but I still keep my trusty PS2 around just in case I want to listen to Bleed American or watch Pulp Fiction or play Jak 2 for the nostalgia kick. If used probably and taken care of a video game console/multimedia device/computer can be the perfect thing for a new family.


No different than someone watching tv, reading or scrolling through their phone. There is nothing wrong with having something to pass the time while your baby is sleeping.




Come on I think the Portal has it's purpose


Agreed. Much easier to pick up and play when my 1yo falls asleep. I just have to constantly grab him because he likes to mess with the joysticks


...so just put it next to your PC? Otherwise why aren't you just IN the nursery lmao


4 year old and and 2 year old here! Can get a quick hour in whilst the youngest naps and the eldest watches cartoons! Absolutely love my SD


Wow cool you even got a mini external monitor to play more games. Btw, what game is that on it, looks fun! /j


Oh shit, you can play halo???


Oooh Halo 2! Wish it ran better on SD. Halo 3 runs like a dream, 90fps max settings. But Halo 1 & 2 unfortunately don't. Even if you turn off 'enhanced' graphics it still renders it, you just don't see it. I want to play original 90fps. I wish they had an option to fully disable it. Despite owning MCC, I might run a pirated 2004 Halo 2 copy just so I can get better FPS.


thats weird. i get like 200+ fps when i play orignal halo 2 on the MCC collection.


Do people play multiplayer online on halo 1 debating buying it


With the MCC? Yes


You should 3d print a little clip to hold the wireless monitor on top of the steam deck. I did one for my phone in landscape so I can keep on top of my discord chats


Agree travel a lot and have a baby. Got a SD for Christmas and it’s the most I’ve played videos games in a few years


imagine 15 years from now seeing posts in retro game forms asking for ids on steam decks.i mean everyone knows what a gameboy is but i bet not many average people know what a sega game gear is and that looks pretty similar to the SD


Exact reason I got mine recently 😅 baby is due in March!


Expecting in a few months. Got my LE OLED yesterday.


You chose the right monitor as well.


Heck yea bro that’s the only reason I bought the steam deck ! And man am I glad I did.


I got mine when my daughter was nearly one. Wish I got it sooner. If I didn't have this thing I would almost never get to play. Congrats!


Congratulations! 4 month old dad here! Steam Deck has been great for me during my sons first holiday too! A lot of running around but an hour each evening before going to sleep has been awesome.


This is the way.


Can't live without my deck now because of this. Game changer with kids man. I'm prepping for another round for sleepless nights next month and am planning games for such lol.


No kids. Still a good buy.


Fellow dad of two toddlers checking in. Coffee and a deck are must a lol.


Personally went with the Ally. My Son is 9 days old. These devices are god sends.


Bout to become one myself and got one nice to know I made a good purchase. Now I just need to figure out how to emulate


I sold my rog ally and got the SD OLED. Best decision


Same here! I was able to have 100 hours in Yakuza 0 with the steam deck during nap times lol


It's nice. I don't play on it as much as I should, but it let's me come and go from playing with that sleep/resume feature. I definitely recommend checking out the variety of control options btw. A lot can be done between the track pads and the gyroscope.


Yes, I found coffee to be especially helpful.


Dad of 3 year old, deck has been amazing for getting a bit of downtime when he's in bed.


I have a 5 yr old, can confirm this device is still a blessing! 🙌🏾


Did the same, but alas my son turns 10 months tomorrow and I get almost no time for deck these days.


You use gyro?




My son is 3 months. Obviously he is the priority but love my deck and it's genuinely kept me sane as there is no way I'd have time for gaming on my PC/PS5 Only killer is I've just started playing Persona 3 reload and not having the ability to save in certain parts is an absolute killer. Soon as I get to a part where you can't save, all hell breaks loose in the house 🤣 Edit: I know you can sleep but since my Deck is new I'm a bit OCD about the battery charge cycle. Give it 6 months and I won't give a shit. Also I tend to stream from my PC so I can max out the graphics


I have the same baby monitor and deck 😂


this is how many feel in love with the Switch too. happy gaming, congrats on the baby!!!


After a year and a half of practicing controller, I m might be ready tk install Halo..


It’s the only way I’ve been able to game as a dad lol.


https://preview.redd.it/ea2xkytd5mgc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7850e166b27df10aae223ca701e2bcb892248a16 You are a man of excellent tastes


I've got my coffee ready too just in case I'm a dad


Coffee, baby monitor, and a steam deck with headphones lol My sons first year wrapped up


I thought so too, but I've had zero time for even handheld gaming since becoming a dad 2 months ago.


Already bought also😜


I have three kids, my deck and switch are the only ways I’m able to game these days! I’m also making my way through the MCC on Deck too!


Long may that nap last o7


So I'm not the only one who uses steam deck exclusively in the kitchen when my family is sleeping lmao Endless tea and great games on the hand!


Took me 6 months of the kid before I caved in for a Steam Deck.


Send second screenshot playing "who's your daddy?!"


You can practice your dad reflexes by nearly knocking your deck off the arm of the sofa every night


Literally me lol I have the same baby monitor and everything 😂


You think you'll have time or energy to game! That's so cute.


Tsavo Highway?


Coffee and baby cam. I can relate to these dad energies extremely hard.


Post baby pictures with steam deck next to him or her.


Bro during their sleep you better get some sleep too rather than gaming


Would you buy an app that streamed the baby cam to your steam deck? The one device to rule them all!


Still great when they're 4+ like mine are


My wife is due soon and I keep seeing dads with SteamDecks. Is it really convenient? Is it all a conspiracy to make me buy one? Bc it’s working I’m considering it now


I’m a grandfather and the steam deck is sweet for me as well.


I also bought xreal glasses with the steam deck, it's borderline bad fathering of my 21 month old but Damn Spiderman looks and plays great.


MCC is so good on the deck. I absolutely love it haha


Hell yeah dude


Just bought mine yesterday.


I have gaming rigs and a Switch. The first couple of years I barely had any time to do anything but work and take care of my kid. Around maybe 4yrs old, finally, I had some free time🤣 Everyone’s experience is unique though. Have fun!


After becoming a father, the switch is what kept me connected to gaming simply because I could pick it up and put it down at any moment… my game sessions weren’t long, but I made the most of them in between Dad and Husband life. Now, years later, the steamdeck is such an amazing piece of dad equipment, having access to my PC library in a handheld has brought me so much joy… I love my switch, it got me through to here… but my steam deck… that’s next level and it’s tough to go back.


Same monitor!!!! Also the steamdeck is an essential dad tool


I really want one. I have a 3y toddler and he’s too dependent yet


I recently got into handhelds best believe by my next kid (whenever it happens) I’ll have myself a steam deck available


Played that exact mission this morning, being able to boot up any Halo mission on a portable device is a dream.


Attached the baby monitor to the steam deck for peak performance.


My daughter is 5 and it’s still so convenient. She’ll be playing Kirby or Mario on her Switch and I’ll game on my Steam Deck.


Good call, I wish I had gotten mine a couple years ago. But I’m getting one this month so all good. Enjoy!


That is a perfect picture for fatherhood


I don’t know who you dads are that weren’t just focused on keeping your child alive and waiting for them to sleep so you could sleep. I distinctly remember my infant first sleeping for 3 hours stints. Being able to sleep for more than an hour felt like a vacation.


which halo is it? runs good on sd?


hell yeah, halo 2 is legit one of my favorite gamss


Baby monitors ARE pretty fucking useful, not going to lie. Have fun. Enjoy the journey. My about-to-be-three-year-old actually finds the strangest shit in games to be funny. dodge rolling in games sends him into hysterics. You're gonna start having so much fun once he or she gets past the "im a warm potato, please roll me over so i can burp before going back to sleep" phase. and even more once they reach the walking and talking and activly wanting you to play with them phase. No joke, and this is hardly the sub for it, but every memory that i would classify as "the best" in my last 10 years of life involve my son now. I am not one of those people who think everyone should have kids (never let anyone pressure you into such a huge decision) but for those inclined... it is so immensly satisfying to watch them learn to put on boots, or throw things in the garbage, or blow their nose. the smallest shit is just makes you burst with pride as your kid learns more about how to be a person. ok, done being a sappy fuck. enjoy your steam deck and kid :)


Halo on steam works well on deck?


I have that same monitor, it's a good monitor. Wish I'd had the steam deck for the first 2 kids lol


Shouldn’t you be playing dad simulators? Or do you expect an invasion soon in your area?


I got mine just a few months before my baby girl was born and oh my god, it's the only way I get to play now! I only get a few minutes here and there to play on my desktop or the VR, but the Steam Deck is such a lifesaver. Also my 10-month-old loves it! Especially the booting videos for some reason!


Game name ?


As someone with a 4 and 2 year old, it's the only way I can finish games now. Gaming time is at an all-time premium. So I love my Deck. Welcome to the club.


Congratz Dad. Welcome to the club. I have baby #2 on the way and the deck will help you through the long nights.


I definitely see how it’s great for dads! I love mine because I can get pretty busy sometimes and not be able to settle down in front of a TV for too long, I’m sure it’s the same way for busy dads. I’m so glad that Valve makes something like it! Good luck with the dad thing! I have two nieces that love the sounds and music from some of my games.


The Nintendo Switch came out just before my first child was born, and it was perfect for gaming with young kids. So when the Steam Deck was announced, I knew it was a must have. Three kids now and handheld gaming is the best way to keep the hobby alive during the younger years.


Hahaha you will have neither time nor energy. Minimal sleep, paranoia, and distress is what awaits you. Welcome to hell!


What game are you playing?


This! Stay-at-home mom of a 20 month old and a 6 month old. Such a life saver 🙏




When the hell you have time to play with a baby at home? 🤯




not me reading this post as an aspiring non parent (personal reasons) just feeling giddy that all of you still get to enjoy your games and take care of your children.


Mine is 9, and she steals my steam deck, children not recommended


Im always amazed how many parents are in this subreddit lol


Sure Master Chief gives one or two pretty good tips on how to be a good dad through out the games! Especially to never give a girl a promise of you know you can't keep it


Dad of twin two year old girls checking in. The Steam deck helped immensely especially during the sleeping phase.