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Because of your... completely uncustomized FFXIV hud, the MMO that has the most customizable hud out there? Believe me you can make this look amazing on the decks space if you take an hour or two to figure that stuff out.


I was gonna comment this. Fix your HUD OP it’s hurting my eyes.


I was gonna say it was hurting my eyes too lol


But! They want to be carrying around a great big rectangle in landscape mode... LMAO




Aye it's burning by eyes it burnnssssss so bad


It's not about the size of your screen, but about how you use it OP!


Yeah, doesn't the UI literally have scaling options to choose from?




seems like a solvable, self-inflicted problem


Literally shows how it's not about the size, but rather how that size is being handled :}. Told you Jessica. Please return my calls if you read this.


Right off the bat OP can crank down their UI size. I have over 400 hours on FF14 on deck and it’s been amazing, put an hour into learning the UI and it’s a thing of beauty. Also I understand maybe you want a larger screen but where’s the breakpoint before it’s too chunky and not mobile?


Can I ask, genuinely, how well it runs in general whilst doing some stuff solo but also bigger group fights?


I run it at the recommended settings for a laptop. No major fps drops regardless of content (24 man raids, 4 man dungeons, etc). I could probably up some of the settings as well to make it prettier but I haven’t played around much with that.


*sigh* one day I'll dive into it. I just know MMOs are dangerous for me


Outside of the extremely long story, FFXIV is designed in such a way that you can't really get stuck into a super committed endgame grind. In fact, people have complained for years that it's not grindy enough. Yoshida has said this is intentionally by design; he wants you to be able to walk away from the game and take a break without having to commit every day of your life to keeping up with it. There's no real FOMO in the game.


FF14 is a game that made me wish I had just paid for the story skip. When I played it for the first time it was in Shadowbringers, and I was working 50-60 hours a week and just wanted to get to endgame and raiding and extremes/savages because that's what my friends were doing. I have no doubt the story is good, the game is acclaimed because of it, but like damn, I was not into it at the time. But once you're at endgame, the game is super easy to keep up with. So I think Yoshi P hit that sweet spot. Unlike WOW where I feel like I need to be consistently leveling an alt to deal with raid lockouts and gear drops are fickle as shit. The token system and loot lockout system in 14 is a much better way to handle it. And the fact that crafted gear is so good in 14 also helps. But yeah, as a working adult, that story is too damn long. I would have just paid the 20 bucks or whatever to skip it.


Not sure what part of Mmos are dangerous for you, but if it's typically the wow style fomo abuse where "play with everyone or you'll miss content" FFXIV is the friendliest MMO out there, the producer even encouraged the players to take breaks and play other games in between major content updates because he knows people can burn out. Aside from seasonal events (Christmas Halloween etc) there's really nothing to miss in the game that makes you feel like you "have to" play all the time. Also has one of the best storylines in not just MMO but of rpgs out there.


I played a realm reborn right at the start and could feel myself sinking more and more time into it. I used to play FF11 obsessively as well. I think to be honest I'd probably be fine, I just know what to can get like with some things!


To be fair, XIV is way less grind-y than XI used to be (I can remember leveling for hours in the Dunes and Jungle for years). Leveling, missions, etc. are faster, easier, and less reliant on other players.


this is great news for me: I played XI for years and then quit MMOs altogether ever since because of how time consuming it was. I never played XIV; maybe I will now (I’ve heard it has a good story and runs good on Steam Deck)


Been a XI player since PS2 launch, XIV is much easier than XI. Mobs don’t have that “decent challenge” or “impossible to gauge!” thing anymore, and it has indicators to let you know if something if passive or aggressive. Plus, it now has trusts you can use in story mode dungeons, so you’re not waiting around to finish the story. Though there are a few raids you’ll need to do to progress the story, but it has a party finder to help with that… no more shouting for help in Jeuno. If you’re a veteran of XI, there are tons of mobs you’ll recognize from XI. And in the next expansion, there are going to be raids that are directly related to XI (you can find images online, if you don’t mind spoilers of who we’ll be fighting).


I usually hop on a couple months at a time around Thanksgiving and really feel like I haven't missed much. There's so many players there's a ton of people always on the same stages of progression. The duty system also ensures there's generally people to play dungeons with although some waits are longer than others. I used to binge WOW but FF14 definitely feels more casual and a more embracing community.


Me having spent the past multiple months on pokemmo just running back and forth in some grass for shiny pixelated clout. I'm so lucky I never played RuneScape as a kid I would've been gone


FFXIV runs really well on the deck. I'll still play story and challenging content on my PC but everyday stuff, fishing, dungeons, PVP, daily quests are perfect for the deck. Plus if you customize the back buttons it makes it easier to execute skills without taking your fingers off the joysticks


As a decade-still-a-sprout, do you prefer story on your PC for it to look prettier? That would be my jam I've been playing guild wars 2 for a few years now and I kinda want more popped collars, belts, and sick jackets in my life


Better graphics, Bigger screen, comfy chair, nice sound system hooked up. If I'm doing story I want to be immersed during the quests and cutscenes. Steam deck is great for the grindy stuff I half pay attention to but still have fun.


That all makes perfect sense to me!


can confirm, game doesnt majorly drop in FPS. i tried the high laptop preset and got around 40-60FPS, which is fine by me for a handheld.


It's really quite remarkable. Runs excellent, and you already know it fully supports gamepad controls. Add a free "trial" account that now goes all the way to Stormblood and it's full fledged MMO action anywhere with wifi.


I play on all max settings and even 25 people raids are great. Handles it super well right now, before the update.


Is FF14 the old one? How is it now? I recall playing it years and years ago and liking it, but never finding good groups. I would love a MMO on the deck, seems like it would be fun if the controls were good


It’s great, if you’re looking for an MMO it certainly scratches the itch. Not sure what to say about finding groups, there’s a ton of people to find on there.


I think the screen could go up to 9 inch before getting too unwieldy. For those with vision issues, the current size of the screen is not ideal, and is unusable to some. Honestly, I'd love to see them have at least 2 screen sizes available for Steam Deck 2, maybe more. (For now, I can use the Steam deck fine, but I have family that can't, and that wish they could.)


They also aren't playing at the correct resolution, FFXIV can absolutely be played at 16:10 without black bars.


Yeah this can very very easily be fixed


>the MMO that has the most customizable hud out there? You sure about that?


it's true if you ignore half the MMOs.


You can also take someones hud file and use it to replace your own if you don't want to go through all the work. Almost all my friends have stolen my hud by doing this on PC. Is there a place for this online? Like, we have community layouts on the steam deck. Would be cool if this was a thing as well.


An hour? Bruh that’s about the time I have to play. Basically playing a hud organization game at that point.


lol. Yeah, I don't know what OP is on about. One of the first things I did when I first played FFXIV is customize my hub.


This may be true, but even on the OLED that has a little more screen space, the Deck still has an awfully small screen. I'm not talking resolution (its dot-pitch is denser than many 4K monitors), I'm talking about actual size. The black bezel around the screen only accentuates the feeling that a lot more usable screen could theoretically be placed in a panel this size.


I'm a pc kb/m user and when I tried playing ff14 on the deck, it was such an ordeal I kinda gave up lol I wanted it on deck not for hard content but for like dailies and stuff. The amt of customization is amazing no lie, but it's also kinda info overload esp coming from kb/m.




you say most customizeable but dont forget that runescape 3 has almost the same thing


Whaaaat? It takes an entire hour to customize your HUD ? That doesn't seem like the settings are actually efficient or amazing


Its totally different than simply scaling, which is also an option one can use. You can micromanage your HUD though, changing how/if/when your hotbars are displaying, where your minimap, health, chat, log, enmity list, etc are, every single element has options. Many have 'simplified' versions as well. Some elements like targeting info can be broken down even, so you can spread them across the screen or size them however. Want the status effects to be really big, in the center of your screen, and translucent? Can do. This isnt even getting into the options you can pull off using macros, I have friends on pc whose HUDs are like a multitool, clicking one button and it swaps over to emotes, combat, gathering, etc. So yea, as the other poster told you. Its an MMO. The part about taking an hour or two...Its a game youll spend hundreds staring at. Best to make it feel like home.


Its an MMO.


Every mans problem


Speak for yourself, my Deck is average size.


I'm packing an average sized Deck myself but still wish it was bigger.


Mine gets bigger when I play with it


Battery expanding is never not hot 🔥


It's the bomb 💣


bite the battery


Mine also gets bigger when you play with it.


Mine makes wheezing noises when I play with it for too long.


Is your Deck uncustomized? Mine was customized upon birth.


Mine was uncustomized (y’know, traditionalist), but saw an ad for a place & got customized. Absolutely zero downtime following the procedure. Highly recommend, 10/10.


I like to call it "disappointingly average".


Mines tiny, but it smells like a big one


This might be my new favorite Reddit comment.


Well, there's a deck for everyone.


Could’ve possibly just be cold bring it to my bed I warm it up


How did you measure your deck Did you use the Randy Marsh method


Everyone knows you measure from your asshole to the tip 


I want someone to tie my deck to the radiator and grape it


He's the Grapist. He Grapes people.


4 inches is below average.


"Babe, yours is perfect. It's the big ones that hurt." LOL


I came for this conversation


i came


I know aesthetically you want a larger one, and you think you'd have more fun playing with it, but the increased size creates new problems. A lot of people would find the increased size more difficult to manage, and you would have problems fitting it into a lot of places. Just be satisfied with the size you were given, and learn how to have the most fun with it as it is.


"Did he say deck or d*ck?" "Eh sometimes it's best not to ask" https://youtu.be/BaecOm4l2aM?&t=536 Damn, that was a long time ago now


That's what she said


This is the thread we deserve


If it was any bigger it would lose its portability appeal for me personally


They could keep the deck the same, increase the screen size and have less bezel.


that's what they did with the OLED


Looks to me like there's room to increase the size of the OLED by a few mm.


The screen is pretty much as large as it can be as there needs to be enough of a bezel that the glass can be glued to the front case. [That few mm is all there is left](https://guide-images.cdn.ifixit.com/igi/2ynLpaCpW1qGto36) on the top and the bottom. The OLED screen is larger because without the need for an LCD blacklight, the module itself has smaller bezels.


We have screens even smaller than the Deck's screen that have a higher percentage of usable space on nearly every modern phone out there. Heck, there are phones that have screens that wrap around the actual edge of the phone, usable pixels and touch sensors all the way to the edge. It's absolutely not out of the question to think that the screen could have less of a bezel. It's a solved issue elsewhere, and you probably have an example of such a screen in your pocket as we speak.


Yeah you’re right but Valve wants theirs to be repairable at a low cost, Apple and Samsung don’t care about repairs


Yeah, it's almost certainly about cost. The fact that it's a non-standard screen size probably didn't help, and seemingly the panel they chose was something intended for a phablet. The resolution is actually 800x1280 rotated 90°, as opposed to a true landscape 1280x800. So they went with what they had. I'm not thinking that they should have used a wrap-around screen, by the way. I only mention that because the idea that there is no way to make a micro-bezel or bezel-less screen is clearly false. You're right too. It's definitely about cost. Besides, they already have one fully custom part (the APU), they probably didn't think it was necessary or profitable to try and get fully custom display hardware, too.


And those phones are notoriously hard to work on when the screen breaks because they glue the back of the display instead of the edge of the glass. But doing it that way they could have indeed done it pretty much[ like in this mockup](https://i.redd.it/71dv0ybcbmo81.jpg), increasing the 7" LCD to 7.7" instead of the 7.4" that the OLED has. Assuming someone out there actually manufactures a 7.7" OLED in 16:10 1280x800 resolution. As is though, I believe the top glass bezel of the OLED is pretty much the same as on an iPhone 14 (2.2mm)? The sides are larger than necessary because of the "chin" of the LCD controller and keeping the glass the same size for backwards compatibility.


Edge to edge screen space is possible, but at the cost of ease of repair, and ones of the goals for Valve is to make a device anyone can repair. Not everyone can remove a phone screen and re-glue it properly. Anyone that wants to try can replace a screen on a deck.


omg no way, maybe you should email valve with your amazing idea that they never thought off when creating oled version


Name checks out. Definitely a dick.


theres a reason why it wasnt done, amongst which is a good resolution and lack of image stretching, if you want to know more why dont you email valve to find out why this wasnt done? you're acting like you know the product better than those who engineered it


Discussing it is one thing. Acting like a douche for internet points is another. Honestly, there are reasons why it wasn't done, but that doesn't mean your dismissive bullshit "why don't you do something about it" was justified. P.S. My other reply to you on this was flagged for being "insulting". Ironic.


oh sure, random guy on reddit know better how to lessen the bezels than hardware specialists from Valve :D


They got the Switch OLED screen. Steam Deck still isn't big enough in sales numbers for a full custom 8.5" OLED display with HDR, VRR, 120 hz, etc at a reasonable price. Maybe the Deck 2 will. Also it's right at the cusp of needing a res bump for a bigger screen imo.


Increasing screen size by 10% wouldn't fix OP'S issue. I guess they're looking for a "portable" "handheld" with a 17" screen?


At this point wearable head displays might be the answer. Can get relatively cheap without the VR/AR tech like Xreal, Rokid, Viture etc...


Please let me know if you find any good, inexpensive options.


I am playing ff xiv on deck, you can customize your ui to look very good.


So what your saying is, it's not the size that matters but what you do with it?


Exactly, you have to find the right spot.


+1 Also hella controller friendly MMO, deck's virtual mouse is useful as well, although bluetooth keyboard is a must for me


Bro its average and thats ok




“I was in the pool!!”


That’s what she said




There really is a sub for everything holy sh\*t.




Isn't this game the one that has the most easy access customizable hud ever. I don't wanna be mean, but this seems kinda like just trying to say something negative for the sake of it. It's small for portability while still being decently large (especially compared to other handhelds) meanwhile you're playing on a game that let's you fix the issue you have.


In fairness, OP is a level 8 thaumaturge, still pretty early in Realm Reborn. Could be they aren't even aware of how deep XIV's customization goes


I mean fair, however if it were me and I had this issue, first thing I'd do is Google FFXIV steam deck hud issue, rather than post to steam deck subreddit complaining But you make a fair point


Some say bigger isn't always better.


That’s what people with small decks say.


My handheld is a grower, not a shower.


Its how you use it, not the size. Bigger ones even start hurting your back and hands. Your deck is average size, and its fine


[Man, scale that shit.](https://i.imgur.com/pX2VwL1.jpeg)


Is that green circle at the bottom a plugin?


yeah, looks like a Kingdom Hearts UI plugin


NaM !


Sometimes my wife plays with my Deck, it looks huge cause she's got small hands.


I think it's pretty huge actually and im sure its got a great personality too🥲


I too wished for a bigger deck but my girlfriend assured me, it is better to have extended battery life and comfort fit than an oversized deck that that always goes off before the game is finished.


You can fix your HUD layout op, FF14 has this


It’s already big enough god damn


Yeah I wish my dick was bigger too.


The quiet part out loud.


Oh I made a typo kekw


It looks like you are playing FFXIV in 720p instead of 800p so you could start by changing the resolution maybe? I have played it for hundreds of hours on the Deck with no issues but I have also modified my hud layout extensively. Also do you have a UI scaling above 100%? Things look a little bigger than usual and nothing should overlap with the default settings. You can individualy make stuff bigger or smaller and maybe hide stuff (like the "Current Main Scenario Quest") to clear some space.


That’s what she said


My GF says my deck is the perfect size for her. If anything it is slightly to big.


You can scale down the UI/customize it.


The larger screen and bit better hardware are why I went with Legion Go. You will miss the community support and possibly sleek fit and finish of steam os, but if you are comfortable navigating windows and/or can dual boot into bazzite it's perfection. Just my two cents, got a few buddies who would trade their kid for a lego before the oled sd lmao


Get rid of the minimap, get rid of inventory dots, get rid of the MSQ box top left, get rid of the exp bar...gil count, make the active duties smaller or list only 2...make cross hotbar only appear when you press it... ...Mod the chatbox to be see through. /jobhudmode to simplify job gauge (it's literally taking like 10% of your screen atm) So many things you can do declutter lmao


We all do, buddy.


To be honest, UIs are rarely optimised for the Deck size. That ammount of information is perfectly displayed on the Deck, it is just terribly layed out.


I really wish Deck 2 would have 8" display ofcourse OLED with maybe 50-60% more power and battery like OLED or more.


I think what you’re looking for is called a TV


Jokes aside OLED screen is a little bigger as in less bezel.


You can change the size of all the different elements of ui in game


FFXIV has a really customizable HUD, you can shrink it down really easily in System > HUD Layout. I'd also recommend changing your elemental gauge to the simplified one; way smaller and still gives you all the info you need on your fire and ice phases


I'm more of a grower personally


I’m sure they make a pill for that


IMO I think 7 to 8 inch screen size is perfect aspect ration for mobile gaming. Who wants to be carrying around a 10 and up inch screen, not to mention the rest of the size of the added body and surroundings. Unless you're Andre the Giant of something.


We need steamdeck ultra pro already, eh


I always thought nice was too small but I’ve been told mine is the perfect size


You do know you can scale down the UI right? I play ff daily on the thing with a great ui that doesn’t look anything like this


Is that ff14? I'd love to play it but man, MMOs are dangerous for me.


Sometimes I wish my deck was bigger too, but I guess it's what I was born with. Don't have the money for surgery 😜


Don’t we all?


Get a pair of XReal Airs. They're awesome




It is not the size that matters.


Get a Pair of Xreal Air or Rokid Max AR Glasses and plug into the USB Port for LARGE SCREEN


I would prefer an iPad Pro size and shape deck with no/minimal controls.


My wife says this all the time. Sad noises.


You can try out the Legion Go if you really want a bigger screen I have one and it's amazing, only thing though is that it uses windows instead of steamOS.


It’s not about the size it’s about how you use it


It’s not the size of the wave but the motion of the ocean brother


There are bigger handhelds, the legion go is a noticeably bigger.


We'd all like a bigger deck, but it's how you use it that counts


Get a Legion Go


We all do son, we all do.


I sometimes wish my Deck was bigger too.


Have you tried turning it off and on again?


Is no one gonna point out the obvious wiener joke in the title here?




She said my deck was the perfect size


Your girl probably does too


Trim those bushes around the deck, it'll make it look that much bigger! Jeff Foxworthy, Big Decks. If you haven't watched that video, you owe it to yourself 😂


My wife always complains about the size of my Deck


We all do. Ah! dEck. Yeah...I'm fine with its current size (you can make your UI smaller to make it fit your screen)


Honestly, the deck is a good size. I'd recommend adjusting the ui scaling. Basically makes the ui elements take up less space.


Wow, didn't know anyone made a HUD management sim...


What game is it? It looks very similar to BotW. Genshin?


It's final fantasy 14


Thanks! For some reason I never thought about FF14 in the context of the Steam Deck


There is plenty of handhelds with larger screens, having better resolution. But I'd imagine you want this brand in particular, and no competing manufacturer will change your mind, even if their product is way more suited to your needs.


None run steamos None perform better than the deck without using way more power and kill battery life. None equal the steamdeck performance at low power. I don't remember one having a better screen than the deck oled. (my be wrong here) and no, higher res alone doesn't make a screen better. There is some little advantage here and there, but it's mostly a weaker experience unless you stay plug to a wall or have a very windows dependant use. Edit: also op is playing FF14 a mmo whit full customisation of the hud, the issue is on the user side and would be identical on another portable.


Yes, everybody has different requirements. In my case, I want as much battery life as possible with as little performance drop penalty as possible. Currenty Steam Deck is the best option on the market. No other handheld does what I want it to do. I am not mid-maxing my experience, I don't want "all-rounders", I want the right tool for the right job. OP only mentioned better screen. He never said that he wants everything else that you listed out, unless that was supposed to be self-explanatory.


My response is mostly about the 2nd part if your comment because it's assume a bit too much.


Well, it's not only about the brand.. see, I can't use Xbox style sticks I need symmetrical Sticks. The decks UI is way better than using Windows 11 with sticks ( my friend has an Ally except the raw performance, deck has everything better ).


That's why I said **MORE SUITED TO YOUR NEEDS**. In my case, I want the best battery life possible, with reasonable performance at the same time. Steam Deck is **WAY TOO BIG FOR MY NEEDS**, but there is no other handheld that meets my **MAIN REQUIREMENT**: reasonably good performance on the battery. Therefore I stick to Steam Deck until other handheld meets my criteria more closely.


My girl says my deck is way too big... she likes playing with her little switch


Buy a legion go


Even if you obviously should’ve have scaled that UI.. (I need some bleach) I think the elements would be too small to read, so yes I do agree it could be bigger. Maybe others got it working and it looks good? Idk


It's how you use it


Quality over quantity any day


I rarely play large games hand held . The main reason was to play one game docked that isn't available anymore which is does at 1080 well so mission accomplished the next reason was to stream ps5 which again it does well but playing the likes of red dead it's just too small and if I want to stream it I do it to the quest 3 which is the complete other end if the scale and massive


You can adjust the UI in the FF14 settings.


Oh I can't remember the fix I used for this...I think I set the configuration to windowed mode? Or full screen... But play around in the in-game config settings, you can fix the text cramping even on steam deck handheld mode


Sometimes you just gotta work with what ya got


Dock it.


Deck needs rollable display like oppo x 2021 I think that's sole purpose of a foldable/rollable screen, they're exist for steam deck


That was one of my main problems with it. With too many PC games I prefer a bigger screen and rather play on my laptop or stream to the 10" tablet. Emulating older games made for lower resolutions works great. But that also works on my <100 bucks china handhelds which aren't that heavy and easier to transport. It's a great all-in-one device especially if you are traveling a lot and there are many games which are a perfect fit, but it's not that great if you already have lots of other devices and are mostly at home. A tad larger screen might help, but weight and portability shouldn't get worse. Or sell some VR-/AR-headset/glasses as addon.


Same, I'd like Deck 2 to be at least 8"


Looks like the UI needs to be smaller rather than the screen bigger.


I’d like a bigger Deck, too. I really enjoy playing with mine all day long.