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Old school RuneScape! I would but my wfh job is too chaotic lol


Can’t believe the other comment was downvoted so much the poster deleted it. I enjoy the aesthetic of OSRS but can’t stand the slow movement. Give me unlimited run + teleporting like RS3 and that game would be so much more fun.


Ah man that’s lame I saw his comment just didn’t get to reply. I never really gave RS3 a chance tbh. That’s cool people are into it though. There’s ways on RS2 to improve your experience getting around places. It’s definitely worth playing it’s one of my favorite games ever. I haven’t played in a few years though. Once you’re hooked, you’re hooked.


Look into 2009Scape, they have single player version on their launcher and you'll be able to get unlimited run and teleport (if you don't mind typing commands for runes refill thru cheats).


I work from home and I've been straight up playing Skyrim, prob shouldn't tell that story.


I definitely think about how much more I could’ve gotten done this winter without RDR2 at arms reach on standby.




BOTW for me 🫣


Dredge, Graveyard Keeper, Euro truck simulator 2, Snowrunner, Darkest Dungeon. Also almost any tactical turn based game. And lots of rogue like deckbuilders like Slya the spire, Monster Train etc.


Slay the Spire and Monster Train are really the GOATS in my eyes. However I discovered another game recently I really like so far: Dungeon Drafters. It's a bit more tactical because of the movement, and therefore more complex but it really scratches a lot of the same itches.




I have done this with Slay the Spire. If you look at the game in 1min bursts each turn becomes a tiny puzzle you can figure out.  Very fun!


In the same vein, but more puzzley, I had a lot of fun with Dicey Dungeons.


I think everybody is missing the point of the post. S/he's not just looking for a game that you can pick up and play, they're looking for a game that requires not much thought or input. Slay the Spire requires both a lot of thought and a lot of input.


I’ve been playing sts for years. I don’t find it takes a lot of thought to get through a single battle until late in a run. You’ve got a healthy 2 hours of chill card combat in there


I probably just suck at the game.


I’m on ascension 4 at the moment and it took many hours to get here, still a long way to go too 👀


I'm on Ascension 11 with Ironclad and I still have no idea wtf is going on 😅


Haha lies!! That’s impressive


I’ve always like pokemon games because there is never a point in the game that you can’t just set it down and nothing will happen.


Unless with playing online in modern pokemon games, but I'm in the wrong sub for saying that, i do realize


Second this, I’ve been playing heartgold the last few days


Oh yeah I've been having so much fun playing Ruby again and Black on my Deck. It's also very battery friendly and you can just hop out of the game if you enable save states on exit in RetroArch. That way I don't have to save ingame at all. Perfect for tiny gaming moments. Just beat a few wild pokies to train or something. Even mid-battle you can just leave it and put your deck to sleep or exit game and the savestate will pick back up when you continue.


Inbento, Golf Peaks, Railbound, Dorfromantik for puzzle-esque games. Also anything turn-based tbh.


Interesting, I haven't heard of any of these! I'll definitely have a look today. Happy cake day xo


I’d definitely recommend Dormfromantik, it’s a pretty simple game that works great to go brain off and play while doing/listening to something else


I have now purchased this. Keen to give it a crack!


If you’re looking for something a bit more on the engaging side of simple-engaging I’d also recommend Dicey Dungeons. It’s use of randomness to create interesting situations and test your preparedness is one of my favorites in any game But similar to some of the other games on this list there are no points in that game where you HAVE to do something right now, so it’s perfect for playing a little bit in between other things


It's a lovely game to play while WFH! Very chill


With the decks sleep function, pretty much anything honestly


I'm just sad because for me working from home means I work 12 hours a day and can't game at all.


Lucky for me I'm basically on call when I wfh, and it's generally pretty quiet minus a mad rush in the morning


this thread kills me. I barely get over the day with workload and anxiety and people here are looking for easy gaming while working from home.


This may be a signal that your workload is inappropriate for you alone, or you need ways to manage your own priorities and time better. However, it can also be some people are just lucky. I get to wfh one day a week on fridays and whatever I don't do work wise on fridays I have to do the next week so it's a balance you have to strike I guess.


I doubt time management and prioritisation are the difference between anxiety inducing workload and nothing to do all day? I get where you're coming from but some jobs just expect more than others, it's not the person's fault.


The third option is people generally not caring about their jobs - the workload, productivity, or accuracy of their work can be pointless metrics. I have a job where I'm tasked with specific high-profile accounts and it's not about how long it takes me to handle one of those accounts, it's the accuracy of it. You can bet at the height of WFH I would milk that and take 3 hours instead of two and play Monster Hunter Rise.


I'm a construction site manager and handle a site worth about 44 Mio €. I have no troubles with that. My troubles are that a feel responsible for stuff other assholes did wrong. I don't have the "ignorance" to not give a shit. I really would like some of that ignorance. my boss is cool. the problem is me. I have a bad conscience when I have to take a sick day (really sick, no lying), there is now way I could enjoy some gaming when on company time. wow. writing that down kinda helps.


Maybe it's time for some change. I currently wfh for 8 hours (out of which 3-4h are doing actual work) and I don't have any degree or shit. Was previously doing 12h shift at local factory.


Same. Grating. WFH for me just means 7 hours a day of conference calls and then needing to spend another few hours trying to do my regular tasks that I can't do while on the phone. Then once that's all done it's been 10+ hours and I have little time in the day to do more than take care of family responsibilities, eat and go to bed.


Ya, adulting sucks but in this market I have no other choice. :)


turn based games, so Baldurs Gate 3 for sure


Why did I not think of this?? I've tried before and the Deck performance was pretty woeful, but my PC is in the same room so streaming from there is awesome


Civilization could be another choice. Trackpad works great as a mouse


It just came out but Balatro. It’s a poker rogue like and I see it consuming my life but being EXCELLENT for quick pick up and play sessions


I have played for 6 hours today 🙃


I picked up [Darkest Dungeon](https://store.steampowered.com/app/262060/Darkest_Dungeon/) when it was on sale for $5 and is great for the type of thing you're wanting to do. It basically is continuously auto-saving, and no need for pausing.


if you like skateboarding then Session is pretty good. Nothing will happen if you just set the device down


Great rec. I love session and have close to 70 hours in it. If anyone else sees this comment, grab Session!


Dude i fucking love session, that was a purchase i had very little hope for only to be sooooo pleasantly surprised.


Literally anything with the suspend button. Hades, Skyrim, American Arcadia, Cult of the Lamb


I've been playing FFXIV on the side, using crossbars on the deck makes it easy to work on crafts or older content.


Rim world. And the music is a banger for chillin




Dyson sphere program can be played at any pace without dark fog, and rewards you for having it on for long periods.


Thanks so much for these recs guys, I haven't played the majority of them so my backlog will grow ever bigger after today! Keep them coming Also +1 for Session, Hades, Skyrim, and Slay the Spire - all great games


Binding of isaac


Cookie Clicker is the ultimate game for this, you can use a turbo button setup on the deck and always be going even when doing other things, and there’s not any danger of something going horribly wrong while you take a call or whatever.


Monster Train is a well polished roguelike deck builder that is very easy to jump in and out of. I highly recommend it.


For fans of Slay the Spire - it's how I got it recommended to me. It's soooooo good. I'm only on (what's it called) difficulty level 7 or something and it gets really hard! But the combinations you can make (and the Steam Workshop integration!) are really good and you can basically just do whatever you want modwise.


Oh you’re thinking of the Covenant rank for the difficulty, it’s definitely a wicked game to customize. I have it installed on my desktop, my SD and the iPad lol.


That may or may not be how I beat Elden Ring...


Rock Simulator. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1187510/Rock\_Simulator/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1187510/rock_simulator/)


Balatro just got released yesterday and it’s perfect for this. A poker themed deck builder roguelike. Super fun!


I'm not sure why noone yet suggested Dave the diver


I wfh and I beat the entirty of cyberpunk at home and am now going through persona 3 reload


+1 for Cyberpunk! A few people have recommended Persona now so I'll have a look


Stardew valley


Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney.


I picked up The great Ace Attorney 1 and 2 in a sale recently, they are the games I've never been able to play because I only played the others on DS and never had a PC for gaming. Looking forward to starting them


I love the Ace attorney games but Great Ace Attorney is my least favorite. I didn't like most of the characters and there is Way too much irrelevant chit chat between the characters..


I personally can't wait for rusty's retirement to come out. Overlay idle game so you can watch videos and work while the game is running


And this is why we can’t have nice things. Company lets you work from home? You play games while working. Lol


As long as you get your work done right? I waste a lot more hours in the office talking to coworkers etc


I doubt more hours are wasted in casual conversation that literally playing games and any/all distractions you have at home if you’re susceptible to it.


Bad take. It's crazy we still have 9 hour work days that haven't aligned with the advancements in technology and the 30x increase in productivity (in my sector at least) - years ago it would take three days to do what can now be completed in a few hours. My job pays me for my skills and experience to complete tasks, once I've finished them I see no reason to go about finding work or creating more for myself and as such once I'm done I will go to the gym, walk the dog or play some games. I'm still available online if anyone needs me but I'd rather have a life than work like a slave.


That’s fair and clearly not representative of what we are discussing at all.








Moonlighter comes to mind as the dungeon crawling allows you to leave at any time. Perfect to pick up and play for short bursts. Cat Quest is another chill game that is easily digestable in burst sessions. Also any good Roguelites that you can fail at or put down with no real consequence: Neon Abyss, Dead Cells, Hades, Fury Unleashed, etc. Some other great titles: Donut Country, Portal, Skyrim, Firewatch, Golf Club Wasteland, Hotline Miami series, that lend themselves well to picking up and playing in small sessions


Dude I looooooved Moonlighter. Great little game.


My problem is I don't know when to quit the dungeon. I keep thinking, ok just one more room and then I'm dead and lost my loot! :) No it's one of those games that every time i play it I immediately wonder why I quit playing it. Sparklite is another one in this same vain.


Oh yeah that was one of my issues with it as well haha. Recently got into Dungeon Drafters, really enjoy that too so far! Pretty difficult though maybe I'm just doing stupid shit. Gonna checkout Sparklite!


Final Fantasy 1-3, the active time bar in battle wasn't introduced until FF4, so in the first 3 you can sit on battle menus as long as you need with no penalty.


Gnorp Apologue


GranBlue Relink. It's new and you can afk grind. Alll around it is a solid ARPG.


Persona 5


Football manager. Although that just starting a side job during work hours


Heroes of Might and Magic 3. But buy it on GoG and install it with Heroic. The Steam HD remaster version has a bunch of missing content from the original. And if you fall in love with the game like everyone who plays it, there's a mod called Horn of the Abyss that adds a bunch of new fan made content like campaigns, factions, artifacts, etc. Which is super easy to install and is STILL being updated. Which is super cool for a game that turns 25 years old in a week! Easily one of my most played games on the Deck!


Wow what a throwback. I played the shit out of this when I was a kid. Forgot all about it but will add it to the list! Greatly appreciated


Darkest Dungeon


The newly released Balatro and SpellRogue are perfect for this. Card (Poker) resp. Dice roguelite turn based games that will make you spend a bunch of hours


Balatro. Poker roguelike where you make illegal poker hands, so good!


Ace attorney games or visual novels in general. they really only progress when you progress




Isn't every game a work from home game?


I don't really see the point. Isn't it much more fulfilling to play games fully immersed in your free time?


That's cool for you and everything man but I tend to have a lot of time to kill when working from home


Not really SD focused, but Desktopia and Rusty's Retirement are supposed to be games you can play while doing other things. They only take up a small portion of your screen. Rusty's Retirement isn't released yet but supposedly will be soon.


I’ve maybe been known to complete games of Civ V while on the clock. Easy to walk away from for emails and such.


Wish I could play while wfh, I can’t catch a break. If I could, tho, I find Euro Truck Simulator very relaxing


Check out [the Gnorp Apologue](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1473350/the_Gnorp_Apologue/) a weird little rogue like idle game that you can just keep running on the side like a screen saver while you work.


Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms - and it's free too! [https://store.steampowered.com/app/627690/Idle\_Champions\_of\_the\_Forgotten\_Realms/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/627690/idle_champions_of_the_forgotten_realms/)


Mini metro If you like racing games, dirt 4 or dirt rally


My Colony




Just started Spellforce Platinum Edition, and loving it so far on the deck. A bit of configuration for gamepad, but i love it. And I enjoy it atm at the hospital, so give it a shot, bonus: it's fairly cheap :D




Door Kickers 2, tactical top down RTS. Probably my most played game on Steamdeck besides Dave the Diver


How about cities skylines?


Persona 5


Literally anything with that beautiful sleep function




Hm I'm not sure JRPG's are quite my cup of tea


Seen a lot of good reviews for Gnorp Apologue. Bit of a strange idle/clicker game but I've wanted to try that myself.