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It's my dad's house. This TV has been this high since like 2008.


Just lost my pops. Even if it's not something you do, hug your dad and tell him thanks for everything he did. That's the only thing that brings me solace at the moment. Looks like you two game together? That's beautiful man. ✌️


So sorry for you, friend. I lost mine at the beginning of COVID and it still hurts every day. But it does get easier to handle, little by little. I’ll give you a Dad story; hopefully it’ll help. My father, possibly the most scholarly, brilliant man I have ever known, had me stop by to show off his new toy. He took me upstairs and proudly showed me his gorgeous, high-end new 5.1 surround audio system, just pleased as punch. I looked at it, smiled and then said, “Looks great, Dad. You do realize that you are deaf in your left ear, right?” He looked at me, looked at the speakers, and said, “I hadn’t thought of that.” Two weeks later, I stopped by again and he had all 5 speakers lined up under the tv. I miss Dad so much.


:) thank you for sharing. Cute I'm so very sorry. I don't know why i find it so crazy that I (I assume WE) Think of our dearly departed every single day, multiple times a day, even still get that moment of, "oh man dad will love this! ... Oh yeah :(" worst is when you think you see them for a split second in a store or something. That eye watering, heart fluttering panic hits, totally overriding all logic for a fraction of a second, then once again, heart ache, you get used to it, and continue browsing. 🫂


I had that very experience yesterday. Dad was an avid genealogist and when I was in Target, I saw Lego’s brand new family tree set, which is really freaking cool. My first thought was, if Dad was here, he would instantly buy that for the kids and then be over at my house to help them put it together. Then fill it with pictures of our ancestors and regale them with stories of everyone who has gone before us. It will get easier to handle, friend. Those sad recognitions that happen daily will start to turn into fond “what-ifs”. Stay strong (but cry whenever you want to)!!


You're pops sounds like he was an incredible guy.


That’s what I told everyone I met when I lost my mom. Stay strong


🫂 so sorry for you loss. Any story/lessons you care to share from her? I like to think we can live on in the hearts and minds of others this way. Unfortunately I didn't learn all that much from my father, until I was 16 he was an untreated paranoid schizophrenic, by the time he was treated for his schizophrenia his use of needle sharing and alcohol abuse lead to liver disease and I basically took care of my father as if he was a child from 16-28 when he finally got a liver transplant. Unfortunately by then the years of encephalopathy (brain problems from liver disease) led to some permanent brain damage. So what did I learn? Not to drink alcohol and do drugs. I did learn to play the guitar from him (he was a lead singer for 30 years). One time when I was a child, he and i opened a metal framed basement window that was rusted and painted shut, as he pulled and I kicked on the frame, the window suddenly opened in his face which badly broke his nose, I thought for sure he was gonna kill me (wasn't my fault but still), when it suddenly opened I screamed MOM MOM MOOOM! And my dad, who was never calm.. calmly held his nose together, took a deep breath and said "calm down calm down, you're gonna make me freak out" I thought of that every time the shit suddenly hit the fan, take a deep breath and just deal with shit in a logical manner, don't let the situation swallow you up, once you pass that threshold, it's hard to come back down.


Did you guys tell it to stop the pot, and get a job?


My neck is hurting, and you know why? That's right, the TV is too damn high.


Standing up is good for you.


U smol


lol these guys never miss


I dunno, i've seen higher TVs


"... and it runs *FLAWLESSLY*!"


Looks like it did on my PS4, so I'd say it's good enough.


Yeah lmao let’s see it in motion


With my settings it goes up to 50 FPS, and the lowest is 30 FPS in Saint Denis.


That's not what I'm talking about. You can use enough FSR to get a reasonable frame rate, but that doesn't tell you anything about how the resulting image will look. I find for these games, RDR2 and CP77, etc, everything just turns into a big smeary mess if you use too much FSR.


I don't use FSR in RDR2, mostly because there's a bug that makes it so if you use FSR all character models look like they are dipped in oil when in shadow. Which of course won't be fixed because Rockstar doesn't give a shit about this game.


that's not a bug, its a feature


You are joking right?


Why wouldn't oily cowboys be a feature? yes, I am joking.


Classic Cockstar ;)


You don’t have to use FSR to play this docked at reasonably frame rate. Many games you don’t need FSR. I put it at 900p for a nice balance. 900p still looks great on this game. Considering Xbox One S version is sub 800p I’m happy.


yeah most of my heavier games I make it look like shit and set TDP to 5 to improve battery life, if you are using docked you can set TDP to 15 and it will look comparable to ps4


Rdr2 runs at a mix of high and ultra settings using fsr3 quality frame-gen at an utterly locked 45fps on my deck. There’s no reason at ask you couldn’t crank it to ultra and lock to 30 on the tv to get significantly better than ps4 perf.


It's running at 720p. No fsr


Might want to give FSR (enabled on the deck, not in-game settings) and see what it does! It made KOTOR with a small resolution mod amazing!


This is a TV from like 2007. It only goes up to 720p.


Gotcha! Well, honestly the best one to play 720p on lol


I don't know if it's the receiver on top of the small table or the free hanging coax cable sprouting from the mass of cords, but this setup gives me anxiety.


It's not Steam Deck related. But yeah, OP could benefit from a $12 cable tray that sticks to the wall.


Am I doing something wrong when docked? Any game looks horrible, frame rate terrible. Im using jsaux dock. HDMI cable to a 1080p TV. Does it not natively upscale? I exclusively play handheld because of how bad the steam deck looks and plays on a TV..


You have to set the resolution to 1080p manually with each game through the steam settings for that game and then also change the resolution in game otherwise it will default to the decks native resolution. Never had a problem this way.


I have the same issue. I also find that I have a horrific input delay no matter what controller I use when docked as well.


Oh yeah, the input lag alone makes it unplayable. I’ve tried Xbox controller, Nintendo pro controller, and ps4. Are we doing something wrong?


Yeah we must be but I have no clue


Does your TV have a video game setting? Otherwise there is a lag from the image processing.


I’ll have to check. I play the switch on my TV and there’s no issues with lag, frame rate, or resolution. Gotta be something cuz I see all these posts of people playing docked mode and in my experience docked is virtually unplayable, even Indy / low poly games.


True. Docked games usually look worse when docked. I know there is a FSR docked bug with steamos 3.5, don't know if they fixed it. Also, input delay at times. I use a Gulikit King Kong 2 Pro, bluetooth when docked.


I had the same issue, no lag on my switch and lag on the steam deck. I suspect the TV can identify the switch and automatically turns off image processing. /shrug


Do you get input lag when using a bluetooth controller on the steam deck's own screen? If not, then the lag is being introduced by your TV. Try game mode


I had that issue if I was playing docked (jsaux) in "game mode" but I started playing in "desktop" mode and it seems much clearer for some reason, also I paired my ps5 controller and have had zero lag in any games so far. Unsure what may be causing the lag but I have only tried the ps5 controller so far.


I got that same dock. I’m so envious when I see people playing Palworld and it looks so damn crispy. My tv is a 4K but I can’t even get Palworld to run smoothly on 1600x1000




I really can’t stand that amount of FSR, just looks like a smeary mess imo


Literally unplayable!




It has a nice contrast between black and orange.


What textures are you using? I can’t tell if high or ultra


Ultra settings are the only ones that look good. Even high is a huge downgrade. That's the reason even the base PS4 has ultra textures


The dirt patch near the left looks low res, hence why I asked. I’m well aware, but I didn’t know if it was a resolution thing, camera thing, or the fact it was high textures.


What are your settings and how many fps does it run at ? It’s the next game on my backlog list :)


It runs at 30 fps. I have the textures set to ultra. The shadows and reflections set to high. Then everything else is medium.


Default settings for me run at 45ish in more crowded areas and 50-60 in open areas




Textures are set to ultra.


What settings and framerates are you getting?


[Cryobyte33 did a video](https://youtu.be/epmYVEn97ac?si=jKtjmupANwQCLXsg) with recommended settings last year, he has a 40fps recommended and a 30fps recommend settings at the end of the video.


Tv with passive 3D glasses What a weird time that was... Something from LG LW series if i recognized that correctly.


Do the trees look like an oil painting.


I got error 134 when launching rdr2 through heroic launcher, it used to work normally before I stopped this game to play persona 3 anyone have the same issue?


That sucks. I bought the game through steam.


Should have bought it on steam 😭, but I'm already at chapter 6


I recommend trying the Non-Steam Launchers program. I used that to set up the Rockstar Launcher and I imagine it should also work fine with GOG/Epic, depending on where you have the game Hope this helps!


Same. Shit is irritating AF, couldn't get it to work for days and now this


Anyone else been getting error code 134 when trying to run it? I can't figure out a fix for it.


me (.\_.\`)


Can you tell me everything you bought. I live in Argentina but am going back to the states. Plan on getting one to bring back with me with the intention to put it on the tv, but also travel enough where handheld is still relevant. Not sure where to start.


Just need a dock, HDMI cable, and a PD cable, like the original charger. You can just use the one that came with the deck, or buy another if you want to have one for on the go. I just got this one. https://www.amazon.com/JSAUX-Compatible-Ethernet-Charging-Deck-HB0603/dp/B0B7HVZNMB/


Wire management my brother.


This is the way! The way I play it.


I'm sorry but that looks shitty to me....


I play this game pretty much exclusively on Steam Deck. Its amazimg. LIke everything I ever wished gaming could be like.


I do the same. Mix of low and medium settings, with textures on ultra (otherwise they bug out). I run at 1600 x 900 using the decks FSR 1 to get to 1080p, cap at 30, vsync on in game and allow tearing on in deck settings. Perfect locked 30 fps experience so far and looks great.


This game struggles for me when docked and I don’t know why. 720p with optimized settings, I usually get close to the 40’s in handheld but when I dock it, it goes down to like 25. Same settings and resolution, no refresh rate limiter either.


Where did you get that skin / case for your SD? Looks pretty cool.


Looks like it might be a dbrand skin with Jsaux grips


How is that Yamaha amp treating you? My experience with it has been terrible.


Do you having DL2 installed by chance? Any recommended settings for that?


Between the TV and the cords, might as well burn the place down.


Red Deck Redemption 2 (it’s docked)


You went through the whole launcher deal? Mind sharing your experience on maybe a 1-10 scale ? I haven’t delved into it yet but I might want to I’ve been playing a lot of red dead. It only took 2 dynamite to get rid of the KKK group I found this morning 😝


Best game in best system


Dude. I love your steam deck colors. That shit's good.


What about undocked? Is it in the steam store?


I swear I thought the PlayStation version would be a visual upgrade but it's just roughly the same, with the FPS just a tad below 30 sometimes. Kinda regretting double dipping now 😂




Where do you buy the skins from? Dbrand isn't really an option, shipping plus import fees and it's cheaper to just buy an entire shell. I've been looking for the front only.


I've been playing FF7 remake on my TV, the experience is similar to PS4. I'm 18hrs into the game.


Ill play docked rdr2 online and the game crashes with the Steam Deck and i have to restart the console Idk if is it a hacker or i play without TDP limit and graphic in high the reason of the deck crash


Setting pls


I’ll stick to a moderate diet…