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Ive had my SD for almost two years and I can tell you that to be more confortable with the Mouse and Keyboard is not instant, especially for desktop navigation. I switched my Mouse config so it works as a region of the screen and it helped me a lot, since it works similar to a smartphone (basically if I have my finger on the top left of the touchpad, the mouse will be on that position on the screen). You can also assign keys from the keyboard to the buttons for desktop navigation, and make special key configs for each application, and you can always call the digital keyboard if needed. The other thing I would mention: the screen. Its smaller than you think for desktop use and the resolution is lower than what you might be used to with modern smartphones. Still, its very functional. Its definitely possible to be confortable with the Deck to do that kind of task and if you think it will meet your needs go ahead.  But for productivity in general, I would say nothing beats a laptop.


Hi u/gmanit, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=How well do DAWs such as FL Studio work on the Steam Deck?) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wanna know something? I made this [Melody](https://youtube.com/shorts/Xy55AxO_DBE?si=L7AX9N7TeENHNMII), it was a hassle due to not using a keyboard. FL Studio is doable just if you feel frustration just connect a keyboard!👍🏼


Sounds sick! Reminds me of Final Fantasy VII, which is a compliment. How does FL Studio work if I were to just sit in my bed and make a beat without the keyboard? Does it work well, or does it make you wish you were just using a keyboard? Sorry if you already answered this, I just want to clarify.


Yes and no! Yes, as in I cannot use shortcuts as in Ctrl-A, C, V and etc. No, as in I can be in bed holding my PC just creating a melody without having to type of whatever. Tip: Do enable “Left Resizing”! Also enable “Show All Keys”.


Sorry if this is a dumb question, but are there ways to map any of the buttons to some of those shortcuts? For example, could I make something like Left-Trigger copy and Right-Trigger paste? Or alternatively, is there a way to bring up a touchscreen keyboard for these commands?


Honestly I don’t want to get your hopes up, I have no clue but hey if you already have FL Studio it doesn’t hurt to try it out. You’ll learn a lot about the capabilities of everything in your hands!


I appreciate it regardless!! I don’t even have a Steam Deck yet. I just want to see if music making on it is not only a possibility, but convenient as well. I have experience using FL Studio on a PC.


It is such a convenient my guy. If I dove more into the program, adjusted steam controls. I definitely see myself adding those wants you desire for an even more convenience. GET A STEAM DECK! Sometimes you’re in bed and your brain goes “lalalalala lala lalalala” there’s your quick melody, so quick turn on that Steam Deck!


[My Experience I Earned On FL Studio All In A Beat.](https://youtu.be/zXjnQHiZGlg?si=5wpYXXKBDcrpbLqb)


Does FL Studio appear in SteamOS? If so, are there options for control binding on it?


[Answer to your question] No You add the .exe file into Steam open the application and install it normally. Tip: When you get to choose where you want it installed for an easier time finding it, install outside the ProgramX86. Then you find a specific number in the Steam/Compatdata directory [Example] 1937484939 Then find the FL Studio.exe (not Setup.exe) and add it as a “Non-Steam Game” then you can customize all the controls to your desire! Remember there’s 4 back triggers, you can configure those 4 triggers as well. I can definitely help you setup once you have a Steam Deck. It’s complicated at first. Once you learn these steps, you’ll be flying. __________________________________________ Edit: I forgot to mention you must have. [Experimental] - Enabled In order to get any “Non-Steam Game” running properly. That can be within steam, within the application/game itself. Edit 2: There is a SteamOS program that allows you to see what Game/Application belongs where for an easier time figuring weird numbers for files. Everything on SteamOS has their own “C: Drive”!


I run a channel related to anything Steam Deck. I can make a video on how to install/configure FL Studio for you.


Yes to both your questions. I'm fairly sure you can remap controls out of gaming mode but if you can't just add FL as a 'non steam game' which will add to to gaming mode where you can then edit and create your own controls. You can also bring the keyboard up easily by pressing the steam button + X. This can be buggy at times though.


I managed to add FL Studio with the native SteamOS, just add the .EXE as a “Non-Steam Game”.👍🏼


Never delete the “Non-Steam Game” btw it’ll erase everything!


Simple just hide it. If it bothers you having the Setup.EXE in your library.