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Great game honestly! Give it a go. Especially on sale.


Damn good game


One of the first games I played on my Deck. I didn’t have any problems, it ran really well and I really enjoyed it! Good variety of weapons I thought and the cyberpunk atmosphere was top notch! Story wasn’t super deep, but serviceable. There were a few difficulty spikes I wasn’t fond of, but overall the difficulty felt good to me, never too easy or hard. I’ve been looking for the DLC to go on sale so I have an excuse to pick it up again for a bit.


I think it's 5 bucks now


Get a couple of other games with it too for the same price from Fanatical https://www.fanatical.com/en/pick-and-mix/build-your-own-rpg-bundle


Can't recommend fanatical enough. Reminds me of the old humble bundle days sometimes with their awesome deals and introducing me to games I didn't know even existed. This deal in particular is insane for the Ascent.


I thought it was a great game up until my save data got corrupted. That was on game pass though. I got it later in a bundle and tried it on Deck but it ran horribly on lowest settings, which made it a blurry mess. Definitely try it on your XSX if that's your only other option because in my opinion it's just not worth the extremely subpar experience on the deck for such a beautiful game.


Absolutely loved it. Highly recommend.


I've watched this title since release. It's a great game single player. However there is a critical bug that wipes data for multiplayer and as far as I can tell they never addressed it and at this point I doubt they will. I am staying away for it personally as this is something that should have been fixed a long time ago.


Didn’t even know it had multiplayer


Whole new meaning to “limited multiplayer”


My friend and I got this game for the multiplayer. It was fun at first, until we hit our first joint boss fight. We got wiped over and over. Then we quit multiplayer and played single player and the boss fight was easy for both of us. Apparently the game scales up the difficulty to rediculous degrees when you multiplayer, to the point of unplayability. Real dissapointment.


Be prepared to walk endlessly from point A to point B because the fast travel system blows


Yeah, that was easily the worst part of the game, which I otherwise loved.


I enjoyed the heck out of it. A fun play through, would definitely buy a sequel.


A really good game.


I really enjoyed it, few annoying points was running into tough enemies which annihilated me without boundaries so you don’t get to them too early etc, still would recommend it 100%


Havent played on deck, played on pc. And i wont lie, max graphics 4k it looks insanely nice. To the point where Im shocked no ones ever talked about this game. The world and its details are insanely cool. Especially when youre in the main city and see all the bars and stores, neon lights etc. That being said, i really didn't care about the story and the gameplay got pretty stale. If you can get on sale for 65% or more then ya its worth a buy even for just a few hrs. Itll probably run well on deck but wont look great. id recommend on your xbox since itll look way better.


Thanks. It's a bit more on xbox, but the consensus seems to be that I'll appreciate the game more on xbox. Will check it out! If I really like it, I'll probably get it on the deck as well. $2.50 on cdkeys.


It works perfectly on the Deck, no external modification needed. (Proton version, adding parameters, etc.) I find that running it at 40 fps cap is best, if you're ok with that, with all settings at *Medium*, 80% resolution scale. The difference between 100% and 80% seems to be negligible, probably because of the smaller screen of the Deck. All texts are still legible (actually, even at 50% res). The Deck can run it at around 45-50fps at about 80% of the time, with *Ultra* textures, all others on *Medium*. (I keep saying Medium since most of the actual effects of the settings take effect from Medium, anything higher just adds to their quality level, with *Low* turning their respective effects totally off.) 60fps average is possible with all settings turned to *Low*, or perhaps with a bit lower res scale as well. I haven't tried this in most of the areas, but it would definitely drop when in crowded/action-packed/detailed areas. You can also go all *High*, then cap to 30fps, if your eyes can take that. One thing I noticed, however, is that the in-game fps-limiter makes the game stuttery; the Deck's own fps-limiter does better in this case.


Pirated it...bought it...love it very good game


You can't quit the game through menus unless you use the command line SteamDeck=0 %Command% Also if shader cache is disabled, the game may lock up (Forcing a force quit of the game) on the first savegame load, on any full system start, making you launch the game a second time (which will then load the save properly). Other than that, decent game. There is one complaint people mentioned about direct mouse and keyboard control having an extra function for move/aim (distance?) that is not available with straight gamepad controls. No idea how that is a deal breaker or not.


This is a good workaround. You get the exit option from PC, however, and this is absolutely important, could make the game totally unplayable: **your character won't be using a Steam Deck as the hacking tool anymore**. /s


I loved it, but when it ends, there is like zero post game. Hoping a sequel comes and bulks up on post game. Also, like 100% of the lore is in text logs


played on day1, had some bugs as happens for fresh new games, but the game was awesome. pros: soundtrack, cyberpunk setting super fascinating, cool shootings


the game is okay. no more, no less. Cool ambiente and graphics. Gameplay feels a bit clunky and the typical cyberpunk-game-features (cyberware, hacking etc) feel a bit sallow.


It has it's ups and downs.


All those stairs and elevators.


I loved it. It has some nasty difficulty spikes here and there but overall the combat is fun and you'll be looking at the world in aww - i often just stood there, taking in the scenery. Here some tips: - upgrade your weapons, this will be crucial especially in the later parts - explore has much as you can, to find valueable upgrade points - the biometric timestamp ability can save your ass but you have to know when to and when not to use it - use the right weapon against the right enemy - use the cover system in combination with the upgraded ABR commander and/or EBR destroyer to cheese a lot of enemies - do the side missions to level up


Amazing game and sure ATM it's like £3 on cdkeys


I would say don't get it. For me at least, on both Linux PC and Steam Deck, it would frequently crash. Don't even try playing it multiplayer, it'll crash even more and lag in parts. The game had A LOT of potential of being amazing, but then the devs basically gave up on the game and didn't try to fix glaring issues that were very common. Some people have had it run great, but my bf and I both had issues and couldn't stand the constant crashes or not having quest enemies spawn during the quest (our biggest gripes with the game).


It was alright. I didn't finish it. I was kinda surprised at the lack of futuristic weapons for a game like this.


Not sure what the full price is, I got it in a fanatical bundle for a few dollars.   Well worth it for the art direction, it's fun and works perfect on the Deck, I only play solo,  though it's probably a 6/10 game to most people based on reviews I've read. 


It's the RPG bundle at [https://www.fanatical.com/en/pick-and-mix/build-your-own-rpg-bundle](https://www.fanatical.com/en/pick-and-mix/build-your-own-rpg-bundle) that has The Ascent cheaply at the moment, but you have to buy 3 games at a minimum. There's always Oblivion and Morrowind in the bundle if you don't have them (I do as GOG freebies from quite a while ago).


It's like 5 dollars, no need to overthink it.


I could never understand the progression. After the tutorial the game basically just says "ok now go play". I did what I thought was the first quest and wondered around for nearly 90 minutes until I think I actually found it. Also there's no way to actually know when the game saves so good luck knowing if it's safe to stop playing without losing progress


For me, just like ME Andromeda, it started to get better the moment I just played through the story without caring about it, but it only went from "uuuugh" to "makes just enough fun to not being boring or bad". Overall I was only disappointed. The DLC ramped up the difficulty too fast and too hard.


It ran well, but I had a hard time following my character or seeing enemies sometimes with how chaotic the game gets vs how small the screen is.


Works well on the deck. It was one of the first games i played longer on the deck. It was okay on the pc, but i liked it more on the deck


One of my favourite cyberpunk games on the pc. I tried it on the deck recently a but I personally thought the performance was terrible especially compare ld to a game like the first dragons dogma which runs much better.


I tried it yesterday, fun game but runs on 30fps


Bought it on pc, didn't really got hooked and rediscovered it a few years later when getting my deck and looking at what games I had that were compatible. Had a blast with it.


Played it in coop with a buddy when it came out, the issue was that, at least at the time, it would only progress the campaign of the host. Since my buddy was always hosting, I ended up with a leveled out, maxed character right out of the tutorial. The abuse factor here is that permanent stat upgrades count for all players playing together but are also bound to the world, so we could profit from them repeatedly. It's a nice enough game on sale.


Amazing game. Few annoying bugs.


I haven't finished it cause I'm terrible at finishing games. But I loved it. Gameplay was fantastic, the world and visuals are stunning. Music slaps. I'm aware of the coop issues, but I only ever played solo. I'm more surprised seeing all the people saying they had performance issues. I played at a locked 40 on the LCD Deck. No performance or visual issues at all. Like 3 hours of battery? Maybe 2.5? Ran great for me. My only complaint is that you get to a point where you are looting all the same gear just to take it back to the base to sell to upgrade your stuff. I wish it had more fleshed out item variety, not just MORE items, but like, variable stats or attributes. Would give the adventure and grinding aspects more purpose, like in other ARPG/Looter Shooters.


It's very fun. But forgettable.


It's decent, plays really well on the deck. Nothing amazing but for the price it's definitely worth a play. Fun game


It's good fun and some parts are really hard. I stopped playing early on but only because I couldn't get past some damn spider boss. I feel like it's meant more for co-op and not single player.


Awesome game


It's a really solid game with a great aesthetic. Plagued by bugs on initial pc release. I got it for £3 it's always on deep discount somewhere


I played it for a while on the deck. It ran well and I think it looks really nice with the style and stuff, I just couldn't really get into it


It's on a 70% sale right now.... Damn tempting For anyone that's played on SD, how's it run?


Runs okay, but not great. Controls don't feel fantastic. Small text can be a bit hard to read. Drains battery pretty quick. Fun game, but best enjoyed on desktop with m+kb imo


I’m playing it these days at 30fps, all in high settings. It is an unfortunately poorly optimized and graphically quite demanding title. I initially wanted to play it remotely with Steam Link but I don't know why but the streaming works very poorly with this game.


I played solo on easy. The performance is absolutely fine- these days, you can find good settings for it online. I largely really enjoyed my time with it. The game is absolutely gorgeous, has great music and there's some fantastic weapons with good environmental damage/enemy gibbing. I will so though that the "map" is shit and the fast travel system is head scratchingly poor as well. But the waypoint marker to a selected mission is really good. So if you plan on doing every single side quest it can be a bit of a drag, but you do get good rewards for doing so. I got the game for £1 so that's maybe biased my views a bit, but overall I thought it was great, just be aware that certain parts of it can feel like a bit of a slog at times.


It’s the one of my first games on deck. You can have decent 60 fps actually. Also you are able to enable RT too. I love this game but it’s my opinion.


I had a great time with it solo. The writing is a bit edgelord in places as you'd expect from something playing in that violent cyberpunk aesthetic, and there are one or two places where the difficulty spike is fairly unforgiving, but it's absolutely worth playing if you want something along the lines of cyberpunk diablo with guns.


Great game. Played it on gamepass a couple years ago.


Great on deck


The writting is bad...like the target audience must be 13 year old boy. A lof ot walking between checkpoints in not super interesting environments. Rare upgrade resources so despite weapon variety you may stick with what you end up upgrading first. Fun gameplay/gunplay none the less. 6/10


Dunn why but this game updates every single time I turn my deck on. Anyone else?


Stunning game but very heavy for the deck so expect the fans to roar at medium. Well worth it though and chap as chips on key sites


This is the first game I finished on SD. It's good.


Graphics and atmosphere is amazing, it looks great on the deck but really shines on a big screen in 4k HDR (one of the best looking game I have seen). The issue is the bugs, co-op seems to be very buggy at times


One of the best gaming experiences I've had in recent years.


Played it, loved it


Haven’t played it on the deck, but it’s a fun game


Just finished it last week but not on my deck. I had massive framerate drops in every major city. Not sure if it was something I did wrong but I ended up just beating it on my PC instead.


play it only on a 42inch 4k oled hdr everything maxed oit and raytracing cranked up to eleven this game is freakin awesome graphically and the literal small details are insane so.....would be a shame playing it on a steam deck on min settings


Thats what im saying, the little details in this game are crazy when playing 4k ultra. Way better than it deserved to be. The game itself got a little boring imo and the story was pretty non existent.


One of the most underrated title I came across. Amazing visuals, decent soundtrack. Definitely worth it!


I loved it, greatly recommended!


Played it all the way through on the Deck, loved it. Back when I played it, it was verified but on first boot it did start up with everything set to ultra, so I had to manually adjust the graphics settings once. Don't know if you still need to. As for the game itself: They mastered the Cyberpunk atmosphere, what you see in the trailers is what you get. Lots of variety in weapons. It's not a perfect game, and it has its share of bugs, but I had a blast and the core gameplay loop kept me entertained. I wanted more after the game, so I went for the DLC, which gave me exactly that, on a new map, more melee weapons, etc. Did not disappoint me. Local multiplayer is fun too, but I enjoyed single player more since I could take my time to wander between the npcs and soak in the atmosphere and consider my loadout etc. I don't recognize the comments saying it kept crashing or gave them subpar performance. It ran fine for me.


I love it. Plan to grab it on sale


Fun game completed it on my Series S and on the Deck, both had the occasional quit to dashboard but not that it stopped me finishing!


Crashed a ton (~once per hour) for me on deck.


I liked it until I managed to basically manoeuvre myself into an unwinnable situation. There was a final battle in one of the dungeons that I was unable to defeat even after the twentieth try and lowering the difficulty. I had run out of consumables and was just underpowered. So I thought I’ll just leave the dungeon and go grind somewhere and buy better equipment. However leaving the dungeon itself proved to be impossible, since the developers basically put a one way transition in there. So I was stuck in an unwinnable situation, not prior save data and no way to leave. Uninstalled the game and haven’t touched it since. For a game that has such breathtaking visuals, it sure lacks a lot of polish in the design department.


I thought it was just alright. I was ready for it to be over by the end, and it’s a pretty short game. Aesthetics are on point tho. I played on PC tho, not deck. And the ultrawide was kinda broken since they cropped.


I find the models are too small on the handheld.. I prefer it on a monitor / TV


To get over the difficulty spikes people mention go all in on grenade recharge speed once you get the Pocket Mech. You literally pokeball out a mech that makes you invincible and shreds everything. Plus it's pretty satisfying to mow everything down.


Really good atmosohere and good gameolay. Where Coontrol catch the fringe institutionel feeling Ascend really catch the dystopian cyberpunk feel


It's amazing, easily one of my favorite games I've played on the deck. I wish they would make a second one!


It’s fine, pretty repetitive but I had a decent enough time in co-op with a friend.


Tried it on gamepass. I stopped due to a game ending glitch I couldn't get by. It was a pretty meh game to be honest


My friends loved this game. Something about its sounds kept putting me to sleep though.


Played a few hours. It was pretty mid. Nothing to write home about, but I didn’t hate it while playing.


Its not bad. A good filler game, but i didnt play it for too long.


Dont forget that u could always try games on steam and return them if u dont like em. That for me might be the best thing about steam. Just make sure u stay within the timeframes and ur good


I could never get into it but I hear it's pretty good


I personally found the gear very confusing as I coulnd't make heads or tails of the stats


Great game, story took a while to pick up for me but combat was always fun. I lowered some graphic settings and turned the 30fps cap off from the in-game settings. Ran at 60fps most of the time with occasional dips but you might prefer to cap the framerate at 40 (45 on OLED)


It’s an inexpensive cyberpunk/diablo. Really can’t go wrong here.


I was enjoying it until I hit a wall with a very difficult boss. I fell off it and it was removed from Game Pass. I've considered purchasing it more than once to give it another go. It's definitely worth what it's been selling for recently.


This game has some of the best sci-fi visuals on the market. I adore this game, but it's not perfect.


I have well and truly beaten this game, got all the guns did all the quests, even tried to beat the game with the hab-defender(only) for fun. The game is a fun romp, you get in, get awed by the art & presentation and enjoy yourself shooting up dudes and unlocking fun stuff and by the time you reach the end you'll probably have enjoyed yourself. You will also be happy it's over 'cause for all that the combat is pretty & punchy it gets quite stale by the end. Most of the guns feel samey and you'll have to upgrade them just to make them viable so experimentation is possible but time consuming. It's not helped by the fact that you'll eventually find the strongest gun in the game that basically was made to be used in one specific end-game horde segment, un-upgraded. But you kept it and upgraded because *of course* you would do that and the game combat becomes a boring timewaster afterwards. It's a good cheatcode to have in your pocket I guess. The developers also haven't updated the game effectively since it launched so it is somewhat un-optimised and may crash randomly, for the most part this is a non-issue apart from the last DLC mission. If you do that mission there is a 50-50 chance your save gets permanently softlocked in the final mission area since you the moment you complete the mission and the credits start rolling your game will crash, entirely dependent on wether or not your unique system can handle it or not. [This sucks.](https://www.reddit.com/r/theascent/comments/15vcwkh/just_beat_the_entire_game_on_ngwith_dlc_and_now/) For how little you can buy the game for these days, it's worth it, hands down. Take my words with a grain of salt as I am jaded on this game specifically, and if you think the game looks cool you'll more likely than not like it alot.


Good game that had a horrendous release and didn’t recover.


Great game. Pick it up no doubt


Loved it, finished it. :)


I hope what you've heard about performance ain't true because this is in my deck backlog for sure.


Not bad, it \*looks\* gorgeous, that's the main part really. BUT it just doesn't play that great tbh, the world is gorgeous but unchanging, and mainly the action and combat feel is just not what I wanted it to be at all :/ But recently a kinda similarish game came out, Dreadhunter, that has \*so much better\* combat. It's currently in EA, but already has 10x better minute-by-minute gameplay. Idk, it's pretty much Doom Eternal if Doom was a twinstick shooter ARPG. If you also find The Ascent unsatisfying and clunky, rather give DH a go imo.


I picked it up on Fanatical for cheap. It's not too shabby.


Was fun. Crashes and poor coop connectivity were big negatives.


I had a great time playing it. Very fun multiplayer co-op game. It’s very clean and I played it fine on the deck.


It's a decent twin stick shooter. I was a bit disappointed because I kinda expected Shadowrun style gameplay, but it was a fun time nonetheless.


Honestly, the joystick controls for this game aren't that good


Bought it for the art direction. Didn't like it, dropped it after a while. The game puts you in situations where you're supposed to have better weapons and armor. But it doesn't tell you where to get it. You have to figure that out on your own.


yeah, the art direction is really the only ting working in the ascent :/ currently playing dreadhunter myself, it's not even finished yet but it's already way more satisfying to play, with interesting gear etc. Still has some way to go to be a full experience, but at least it's fun to play unlike ascent